Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Obession ❯ interrogation ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Notice: I don't own Dbz I just made up a story that happened to have there names…and powers…and looks, so any resemblance of characteristics and personality is completely coincidental. So don't sue I'm broke
Thanks for the reviews loyal fans. Keep um comin. This chapter may contain scenes that are not permitted in fanfiction.net so some scenes might be cloudy and vague. So to see the uncensored and detailed version of MBO go to http://mediaminer.org/user_info.php/154721
Enjoy ;)
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`This girl is light' thought Melzda `it's amazing that she could run so fast for so long'
Now that the girl was captured she would be able to do everything else without Broly breathing down her back
`Like he isn't already doing that'
Theoretically if she were to capture the girl later it would complicate things. Say if she did everything first then went looking for Bura she would be long gone and it would take weeks to find her. And since the girl would have the necklace in her possession there would be no political and financial support for finding the unknown quadrant and bring the universe together, and she would be killed by his majesty if things didn't go his way. Yes it was a good thing that she caught the girl first.
First she had to find temporary security system that would safe guard the planet until a new one was installed, upgraded and spread throughout the universe. Then she had hire scientists that were capable of reinstalling the security system under extreme pressure from the government. Next she had set a date for a grand funeral that had to be held to honor the fallen and then she had to find out the names and address of the fallen soldiers and send letters of the date and reparations to there family. And finally hire a contractor and constructors to rebuild the ruined Ballroom.
And lets not forget that she had to do all it in a week
But first things first, she had to get the girl to the chambers before she awakened from her deep slumber.
`Onward!' Melzda thought sarcastically as she took Bura to the chambers
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It was cold damp room. It was entirely made of a very dense and practically indestructible metal. There were no windows or air ventilation so there was no chance of escaping, the only way to get was through the door.
In the middle of the room Gohan sat in an electric chair unconscious and breathing steadily.
Finally Gohan awoke from his deep slumber, his vision was blurry and his mouth dry, all he could hear was dripping echoing off the walls. He didn't know where he was
`Where am I?' he thought nervously `calm down just breathe, there's nothing to fear'
Then out of nowhere he heard an agonizing scream making Gohan jump (well as far as he could since he was tied up)
Shaking nervously Gohan tried to get a grip and assess the situation
`Okay let's see what I'm dealing with?' he tried to move his arms, but to no avail `can't move my arms' he then tried to move his legs the were tied as well `can't move my legs' he then tried powering up but as soon as he tried that he instantly felt drained of all his strength. `Shit! I can't even power up'
`Okay I can't move my arms and legs and I can't power up, what am I goanna do? Think Gohan! I have to do something. If I don't think of something soon, who knows what they'll do to me.' Gohan thought franticly
Suddenly he heard footsteps coming his way.
The footsteps became louder and louder as they drew closer, it seem like forever that they were walking closer and closer, the suspense was killing Gohan. Finally the footsteps stopped. Instead there came a loud creak as the door opened eerily.
As the door opened the bright light overwhelmed Gohan's senses, but then a large luminous shadow blocked out the light.
It was King Broly
But he was in different attire, instead of his usual attire of white pants and red tunic with golden boots and other accessories, he wore a black silk sweatpants and burgundy robe that went to his knees, but left it open to reveal his bare chest. It looked like he was ready for bed
“I see you're in your jammy jams your highness” Gohan quipped sarcastically
“This thing? Well yeah. After such an intense battle I just wanted to go right to bed and get some well deserved sleep but here's the problem. You're still alive and haven't even endured an ounce of misery. And I thought to myself I can't get any satisfaction sleeping knowing that my enemy isn't in agonizing pain so here I am to remedy the problem” Broly replied with a fake smile
Gohan was nervous at that response but kept a strong front and kept silent
“Refusing to speak to your superiors I see well we can't have that an we? I need you to answer some simple questions for me” Broly said as he moved toward Gohan
“I'm not telling you anything! I'd rather die then tell you anything” Gohan shouted with conviction
“I admire your conviction, but it will only cause you more pain in the end” Broly responded
When he was finally in front of Gohan he reached his arm behind Gohan causing Gohan to inwardly cringe and pulled out an engine battery
“What are you doing?” Gohan asked with a tinge of fear in his voice
“Have you ever heard the torture techniques that the Quatinions used? They use a battery like this and connect it to a needle and then inject it into there victims. Now hypothetically when the battery is turned on, instead of burning your skin of like regular electric torture methods do this method goes right to the nerves painfully paralyzing the victim until they decide to stop. You want to know what's so unique about this method. Although the pain is excruciating it will never be permanently damage your body, and the best part is your body will never get use to it” the King explained as he started to attach the wires to the needle
“So you're just going to torture me until the day I die?” asked Gohan
“As I said before I came to get some answers” came Broly's reply
“Well you're not getting anything out of me! You can't make me!” Gohan shouted with conviction
“Yes I can. You see you either tell me what I want to hear and I'll just let you rot here for the rest of your life, or I could feed you 10 million volts everyday along with other interesting torture methods for the rest of your life it's your choice, either way you suffer.” Said Broly as he smiled cruelly
“My answer is still the same” Gohan whispered as he looked at Broly directly in the eye. His face was set in a determined scowl
“Maybe a demonstration is in order” came Broly's reply, clearly amused at the Boy's determination to keep silent
Without a moment of hesitation Broly jammed a needle into Gohan's neck and turned on the battery to maximum capacity
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” shouted Gohan as Blistering pain shot through Gohan's entire body with in seconds. Every muscle was spasming; it felt like he was burning from the inside out, oh how wished the pain would stop
Suddenly Broly turned off the machine and Gohan was relieved
“Now that you know what this machine is capable of, let's try some simple questions…like what's your name?” Broly asked
“Go...Go... Gohan” Gohan whispered painfully
“Do you have any family Gohan?” Broly asked. His tone sounded like a father consoling a child
“Not anymore” came Gohan's reply which was barely above a whisper
“How so?”
“You killed my father when I was younger after that it seemed everyone I got close to disappeared” replied Gohan. A tear rolled down Gohan's cheek
“See Gohan that wasn't so hard now was it?” said Broly “But I can care less about your family. Let's get serious. Where did you plan your little sting operation?”
“What does it matter? For all you know I can have over a hundred bases placed all over the universe” shout Gohan as his spirit started to return to him
With a calm air about him Broly replied “That's highly unlikely, my friend”
“How so?” Gohan shouted
“Because Gohan, I own the universe, I have surveillance on every corner of the galaxy, not even a simple robbery will go unseen by me” Broly's voice becoming more sinister “so what makes you think I wouldn't see your little rebellion form in such proportions? You obviously must have done it somewhere where my influence doesn't reach”
“But how can that be? You just said that you have the entire universe under your thumb, the only explanation would be was that you just missed us” Replied Gohan with sarcasm as he started to get a little more confident
“I think there's another place that's been hidden from me.” Broly whispered
For a second it looked like Gohan was is shocked that his secret has been revealed, but as soon as fast as the shock appeared it disappeared just as fast and was replaced by a look of determination. Luckily Broly missed the look
“How can planet be hidden from you? I thought all you maps were up to date” Gohan asked
With a smirk Broly replied “I don't know maybe I'll ask one of your friends”
`What? No! That can't be! I made sure that everyone had got away safely. He's bluffing!” thought Gohan
“You're lying!” Gohan accused
“Am I?” quipped Broly raising an eyebrow in amusement
“Yes I'm certain! I made sure that everyone got away safely” Gohan shouted
“Are you sure that everyone got away safely?” Broly asked a cruel smile adoring his face “I ordered Mel to capture one of them in order to gain your cooperation. She could be here any second to confirm that she captured one”
“I highly doubt that” sneered Gohan “even if you did send Mel to capture one of them there's no way she could go up against my entire team”
As if to prove him wrong Mel entered quietly from behind and came up to Broly to whisper something in his ear, with each passing second Broly smirk seemed to grow wider.
“It seems that Mel has proved you wrong” Broly said with a condescending tone
At this Gohan was shocked “Who?”
“Yes Melzda, who indeed” Broly asked with amusement
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Melzda's POV
Just by looking at his Highness I knew he wanted me to play his little game
I just came to tell him that I caught the girl and locked her up in dungeon and that I was going to get a start on those other things, but upon seeing the King “busy” with someone, I whispered it and then he did something threw me off balance
He said I caught another rebel so the other rebel would revile all.
At first I was confused I thought I already established to him that the girl was not apart of the resistance, but merely a thief
But then I looked into his eyes and realized that he wanted me to play along
It seems my lack of participation in the battle paid off for Broly, instead of fighting for my life I merely observed, taking in every detail, every feature, and every broken bone
And at that second I knew who Broly wanted me to describe
And said the only thing I could
“It was the other Super Sayian” was Melzda's answer
“Goten” Gohan whispered softly. So softly that it was almost impossible to hear but Broly did
“Goten? That sounds eerily familiar to Gohan, might there be some relations between you two?” asked Broly with a catlike smile
`Like you don't already know that' Melzda thought sarcastically
“No” Gohan replied with a firm voice
“Really?” Broly asked
“Yes” was all that Gohan said
“I see” came Broly's only reply as he walks away
“Where are you going?” Gohan screamed
“I'm going to see if this Goten knows anything since you are of no use to me” replied Broly as he continued to walk away
“He's not going to talk” declared Gohan
“So if I walk in on him right now and say to him if you don't cooperate I will personally make sure that your leader suffers a slow a horrific death. Will he say something along the lines as what have you done to my brother, will he?” asked Broly
Trying to convince himself Gohan said “He still won't say anything”
“Are you still trying to convince me that you he won't talk because it's getting old?” asked Broly
“He won't you know. He won't crack, he stronger then you think” declared Gohan
“Well that just mean I could have fun with him until he breaks, and since you said he won't I get to mess with him for as long as I want. I wonder what color his organs will be. Red, Or white? ” Broly asked himself
Gohan instantly felt a chill run up his spine when Broly emphases the word fun. Knowing the king he knew that Broly's idea of fun was reaching for the small intestines and pulling out from a still living body
It's true that Gohan had practiced handling this situations, he went over several simulations should he be captured. He taught himself that when physical and mental torture fails, the only way for the enemy to get information was to have leverage over you in some way shape or form, especially when you failed to cooperate with the enemy and the only way for them to get there victim was too use something or someone against them.
Now there was one in three scenarios that Gohan can use. One he can deny that Goten will say anything and convince Broly to get information out of him. Two he could convince Broly that Goten was of no importance to him.
But there were major flaws in those two scenarios. Even if he can convince Broly that Goten wouldn't talk Broly still would just go and have fun with torturing Goten. The second scenario wouldn't help either since Broly already got a reaction from him. That one left him with one scenario that would insure Goten's safety.
“What do you want to know?”
That would certainly spark Broly's interest
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“LELA!” Zo shouted as he came running through the door
“What is it Zo?” asked picking up the erratic vibe coming from Zo
Catching his breathe Zo answered “Bura got it!”
Needing no more explanation Lela asked “Are you serious?”
“I'm serious, I saw it with my own eyes” he Answered
“I never thought she'd be able to pull it off” whispered Lela
“Well ya better start believing” replied Zo
“Well where is she?” Lela asked
“I…don't know?” came Zo's reply
“What do you mean you don't know?” she asked
“Well…we kind of got separated” he said
“What do you mean kind of got separated?” she continued probing
“Well…you see…Melzda started chasing us…so we had to spilt up” Zo answered truthfully
“What! And you just left her there!?” Lela shouted in rage “what kind of friend are you Zo?”
“It's not like there was any thing I could do against Melzda, and Bura told me that she would meet up us with later, maybe she's just hiding” Zo said getting defensive
“Well we have to go back make sure she's Okay” Lela said trying to make sense out of the situation
“Are you crazy? That would be suicide! What makes you think they would allow us to go through security, especially with what happened tonight? Besides I'm probably wanted now for treason” Zo shout trying to get Lela to listen to reason
“What happened?” asked Lela
“There was attack by some résistance group, it was pandemonium everywhere you looked. They did some major damage” Zo answered
“What kind?” Lela asked
“They basically destroyed the entire security system” he replied
“Are you serious? You mean to tell me that the entire universe is no longer under surveillance” Lela asked still not quite convinced
“That's right. Isn't it great? We can go to Zel Nar without looking behind our backs incase were being followed” Zo said
“But what about Bura? We have to go back for her” Lela asked
“I just said that it's suicide what part of that are you not getting?” shouted Zo
“She would do the same if we were in such a situation; she saved your ass a million times. Why can't we do the same?” Lela argued
“But she never went against someone like King Broly. If we went back there we'd all face the same horrible fate that Bura might. It's either one us that dies or all of us” Zo Logically pointed out
“I would die for true a friend and she'd do the same” Lela vowed with conviction.
“This isn't a question of loyalty and friendship; it's a question of survival, Bura would do anything to help for a friend especially you, but she could only go so far. Bura is a kind person but she's also smart. She knows her limitations, if she ever does something she evaluates every pro and con of the situation, and once she made her decision she will follow through without fail, but in the she would save her own skin first even at the cost of a friend's life.” Zo tried to explain
“I can't just leave Bura to suffer the unknown by herself” Lela declared
“Well you have to. Look this is what we will do, we will wait for a day or two, then if the opportunity presents itself we'll try to save Bura, but if we can't save her within a week we have to leave for Zel Nar right away, we can't wait any longer” Zo explained
“I guess we have no choice do we?” she asked
“No we don't” Zo answered truthfully
“So what do we do till then?” Lela asked
“We pack up everything up and find another place, just incase they come searching for us” Zo replied
“I guess that would be the wisest decision” replied Lela
Without anymore talking the two started packing all there stuff. The silence was unnerving but neither one uttered a word for fear of bring up an unsettling conversation. They packed everything clothes, computers, nifty gadgets, and whatever they needed.
Then all of a sudden they heard an explosion
“What was that?” Lela asked completely frightened
“I don't know” came Zo's reply that was just a frightened
“Well go see!” Lela scolded
“Fine” complied Zo
He went to the window to see what all the fuss was about. Outside was chaos, there were people running everywhere. Some were burning stuff others looting stuff like furniture and big screen TV's.
Interested Zo opened the window and stuck his head outside and got the attention of some random stranger
“Hey! What's going on?” Zo shouted to the Stranger
“Didn't you here? The palace was attacked leaving the kings best soldiers killed. We are free tonight! The streets are ours! No more Fear! The night is ours!” the Stranger shouted with delight and continued on
“Zo what's going on?” asked Lela
“Liberation” was Zo's only reply
“What do you mean?” she asked
“For so long people lived in fear of the higher authorities who abused there powers of authority, often raping girls, beating salesmen, and other unspeakable crimes, and then blame it on someone else who gets tried and executed. Now that there dead and won't be replaced for awhile the people are celebrating that freedom” Zo explained
“But there committing crimes. In a few days there are going to be newly hired guards and then they will arrest these people for actually committing those crimes. And you know what happens when your found guilty” Lela asked
“Termination” Zo replied
“Exactly” said Lela
“Well what can I say, people are stupid” he replied and turned back to the suitcase that he was previously packing “Well continue packing, we have to get out of here as soon as possible”
“Yeah” came Lela's only reply as she to moved towards the her suit case
`Bura I hope you were okay where ever you are' Lela thought to herself as she continued to pack
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Bura woke up to the sound of someone screaming a gut wrenching scream
What she awoke to was unsettling. The room was dark and cold, her arms and legs were bound, and a rat just scurried by. (Eww)
The sound of echoing footsteps sent a chill up her spine. Trying to keep herself warm she wrapped her arms around herself to keep the cold at bay
It wasn't doing much
The footsteps got louder and Bura came with the realization that they were heading towards her
Who was coming towards her? She thought. She tried to think of a way to escape but there were no vents or windows to escape and the only means of escape was the Metal door and she didn't have the key
Finally the door opened, slowly. Shit she thought to herself. Who could that be? The door continued to open slowly
She couldn't take it, the suspense was killing her. She was so frightened that she started to quake with fear. She moves her back to the wall and tried push back farther but the effort was futile, it was as if she was trying to disappear into the wall
The door finally swung open and all Bura saw was a tall silhouette
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Minutes before
“So you're saying that there is a place called Zel Nar but it's in the northern quadrant?” Broly interrogated
“I think so…the truth is that when I immigrated there I was too young to remember. All I remember is being sucked into a black hole when we got into space and that was in the north quadrant” answered Gohan
“I see” was Broly only reply as he got up and walked away “thank you for giving me the information I desired, as your reward your comrade will not suffer as you will, instead he will merely rot for the rest of his days”
“Where are you going?” Gohan asked who was a little unsettled with Broly's calm demeanor
Broly turned around and replied “I'm going to tell your comrade the good news, as for you I leave you to Dr Octets he has a thing with drills…enjoy” and exited the room
In his stead a decrepit old man entered the room carrying a battery charged drill and walked all the way to Gohan
“Let's see how loud you can scream” the demented Doctor said
As he said that he drove the drill right through Gohan's right thigh
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Present time
Broly's POV
Poor little thing, she's shivering with fright. Like a frightened animal backed into a corner by a predator, but that's exactly what she is. She is my prey and I am the predator who has cornered her.
She knows that she faces punishment and she's dreading every moment of. It must be killing her, to know that she cannot escape her fate
I always the loved the look of fear on my victims faces and she is no exception, and she wears it well. Her eyes wide with fear and her lips trembling
And seeing her lips tremble I get the sudden urge to kiss those lips until they bruised
But I refrain from it.
Now I have to come up with a suitable punishment for her
I smile to myself.
Oh how much fun will that be?
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Bura couldn't stop shaking she was paralyzed with fear. King Broly was at the door
`Why is he here?' Bura thought `there's no reason for him to be here. What is he going to do?'
“What are you going to do to me?” she asked timidly
He didn't answer her; instead he walked towards her slowly.
Upon his approach Bura curled herself into ball and tensed up to the point that she was straining her muscles
Finally Broly reached Bura, towering over her.
At first He made no immediate move to grab her, instead he just stared at her, taking in her appearance
Broly always pictured Bulma's daughter to be as perfect as her mother, from the soft and smooth hair to the perfectly shaped curves of her body
But instead this child's hair was messy and grimy, and she was thin.
No this child was nothing like her mother, the only thing that they had in common was her face and hair color
But despite all the differences between the two women this child was still beautiful
Her skin looked soft to the touch regardless of the dirt on her skin in fact it made her eyes all the more captivating, despite the fact that her body was in a ball Broly could remember the curves of her body. No one knew this but Broly preferred a woman with a curved spine and slender curved neck compared to big Breasts
Don't get wrong idea Broly loved breasts just like any other full blooded male, but when he saw a woman lean there head to the side to expose there neck his blood would just start to boil. Maybe it was the fact that you can hold ones life in that area
And god that smell it was driving him wild
Bura refused to look him in the eyes so instead she kept her head down. She knew he was staring at her, she could feel his eyes on her. It was unnerving
Why was he just staring? What's he going to do?
Then in the blink of an eye Broly was sitting in front of her never taking his eyes off her
Then out of the blue Broly brought his nose towards Bura's neck and as if under a spell Bura moved her head to the side to give him better access
He took a big whiff of her and said “You have an overabundant count of pheromones”
“What?” she asked
“Pheromones” Broly repeated “A scent that is designed to attract a male. You have a large count of them; you're able to a lot attract males.”
“Oh” was all Bura said
“Plus it's smells sweeter then the average woman”
This time Bura just remained silent and kept her head turned away from him
But in an instant Broly grabbed her chin and forced her too look at him
“Don't look away from me when I talk to you” command Broly
With all her might Bura tried to turn her head away from Broly's grasp but the effort was futile, he was too strong… (What else is new?)
“Normally you would be taken to a prison facility where you would be tried and if proven guilty be executed, but I bared witness to your crimes, so there's no need for a trial” he explained “All that remains is what your punishment will be”
“Can't I at least tell you my side of the story?” Bura asked quietly
“Why should I do such a thing?” Broly asked “You attempted to steal a priceless artifact from Vegeta-sei that in itself is punishable by death, plus you were apart of that rebellion that almost succeeded in defeating me. As far as I'm concerned you don't deserve such privilege”
“If that is my punishment so be it! But least grant me a dying wish and let me speak so I may rid myself of a guilty conscience before I die”
Broly wasn't exactly thrilled with the whole I'm ready to die speech that Bura just gave. He really had no intention of killing her…at least not today
With as sigh Broly replied “Very well little one. You might as well amuse me; in fact I might come up with a suitable punishment by the time your done”
“You mean it?” asked a surprised Bura
“Yes…proceed” Broly replied
“Where should I begin?” Bura whispered to herself
“The beginning would be nice” he answered
“Right…the beginning. I came from a broken home” Bura supplied
“Continue” was all Broly said
“My mother was very ill and couldn't work a lot do to heart failure, but somehow she was able to take care of me” said Bura trying to keep her voice firm
“But as I got older my mother got sicker. Soon she was unable to get out of bed and I tried to take care of her as long as I could, but…” Bura tried to continue but was on the verge of tears
“But?” Broly supplied
“It didn't matter in the end because she died anyway, and I couldn't do anything to save her. She left me” was all Bura could say before she bursted into tears
She knew that she was crying in front of a heartless man but when ever she looked back into the past she could help but cry her eyes out. And damn whoever watched
Then something happened that shocked Bura beyond belief
Broly brought a thumb to wipe away her tears and instead of laughing at her sob story, he looked at her with pity and concern, then like a father consoling a child Broly brought Bura onto his lap and started to rub her back in a soothing motion
Through all this Bura continued to cry softly to herself
“It must be sad to lose someone you loved. Especially one you believed to be so strong. You always thought that they were invincible and nothing could ever touch them, but one day your idol is de-idolized by the weight of reality. I've seen it happen so many times” Broly quietly explained as he continued to rub her back
Out of curiosity Bura looked up to see Broly's face
Still rubbing her back Broly asked “are you ready to continue?”
“Why do you care?” Bura asked
“I don't need to explain myself to you. Now continue” shouted Broly wanting Bura to get on with her story. He was interested to find out the circumstances that lead to Bura's fate
Frightened by volume of his voice Bura continued “Even after her death I didn't leave her side for hours, refusing to believe that my mother was dead. Finally I accepted the fact that she was gone and went outside on my own. I wanted to give her a proper burial but I didn't know who to go to for help so I started asking random strangers for help. Most of then turned away thinking I was crazy, and then finally someone stopped to listen. It was a kindly old lady that stopped, and when I was going to ask her where do I go to give a proper burial but before I could she asked me where my parents were and I told her that they were dead, and then she took me to an orphanage”
“An orphanage?” asked Broly
“Yes an orphanage” replied Bura “it was an all girls orphanage. There I met the headmistress Dona, she seemed nice enough. It was then the kindly old lady said that I no longer had to worry about living in the streets, and then she walked away and I never saw her again. And what she said seemed true; the orphanage seemed like a wonderful place. You were clothed, fed and groomed, and everyone was so nice, everything that I was deprived of. For a month I enjoyed such happiness. Then one day I found out the truth why we girls were so well pampered”
“And why was that?” asked Broly although he had a good idea why
“I found out by accident really. One day was walking down the hallway minding my own business, there I saw headmistress Dona receiving a payment from some old man and next to him was a girl I knew who was about 16 years old. She was dressed in indecent clothing and her face was covered with make-up, she looked petrified. And then the old man and her went into an empty room and locked the door. I hid behind another door so I wouldn't be seen. Finally Dona walked away, unconcerned that she was leaving her ward to a complete stranger. I didn't see what happened but I will never forget the terrible scream that I heard from the girl” whispered Bura with a haunted look on her face
Broly began to pet her head gently as if she was a docile animal
“Do you know why she was screaming?” he asked
“At first I had no idea why she screamed like that. When I asked her about what happened to her she didn't say anything, if fact she didn't do much at all after that, she just stared into space constantly rubbing her skin as if she was trying to wash something disgusting off herself. Finally one day she told me what happened. At first I had no idea why, but then she explained that she need a shoulder to lean on and I was the only one she could trust” Bura explained
“What did she say?” Broly asked as he continued to stroke Bura's hair
“She said she was violated. The man she was with touched places where he shouldn't have touched, and he raped her for his own satisfaction. It was then I realized that this all girl orphanage was also a whore house in disguise. This whore house was what paid for everything. I never felt so dirty; I enjoyed the luxuries that the orphanage offered at the expense of someone's virtue. I knew that one day that I would be one of those girls that had to sacrifice herself for the sake of others. I didn't want to be those girls, so I ran”
“You ran away while other girls took your place?” asked Broly raising an eyebrow
“I know it was shameful but I didn't ever want to be like that girl, I would rather die then spend the rest of my life on my back!” Bura declared
“I see” was all Broly said
“After that I went from orphanage to orphanage trying to find a home. But I soon I realized that I would never find a home in an orphanage and so I moved to the streets, and it's been crime ever since” Bura finished
“And what of the resistance?” asked Broly
“I didn't even know there was a resistance” Bura answered truthfully
“Then how do you know that boy?” asked Broly
“What Boy?” Bura asked
“The boy that you were talking with” replied Broly
“I don't even remember his name” answered Bura
Still stroking her hair Broly contemplated all the information that Bura just gave him. He looked down at her she looked do innocent and scared; despite the tragedy she called her life. What would be a good punishment? Death was too merciful she even said so herself? And then it all clicked the perfect punishment
“So you say that you would rather be a dead then a whore?” Broly said more to himself then Bura
“Yes!” was Bura's only reply
“Yes death would be too merciful a punishment for you, and I'm not the merciful kind of ruler, am I?” Broly asked
Bura said nothing but shook her head and started to cry, through all this Broly cupped her skull forcing her to look at him
Broly smirked an evil smirk and gave his decree and all Bura can do was look on in fear
“Your punishment will be to live out the rest of your life as what you hate most”
“NO!” she shouted shaking her head in fear and denial
“Yes! You will be my little concubine for the rest of your days, you will give me the pleasure that I desire.” Broly said as he began to pull down the dress that Bura was wearing “You will fulfill all my fantasies, wither you like it or not, and you will warm my bed every night as you lay on your back.”
Bura tried to push Broly away but the effort proved futile as Broly started to lick away the tears off her face
“I can hardly wait” Broly groaned into Bura's ear
As to prove his desire his arousal started to rub against Bura's inner thigh. Continuing his onslaught Broly moved his large hand and cupped Bura's still developing breast squeezing it roughly earning him a groan of surprise from her. He then moved his lips towards Bura's neck and started sucking and biting. All the while Bura tried to brake away from him
All Bura wanted was for him to stop his onslaught, she couldn't take it anymore, and as if reading her mind Broly stopped and said
“But I must” he groaned “I don't want to fuck my little whore when she's all dirty and grimy, we must clean you up first little one”
“I am not your whore, you bastard!” Bura declared her eyes full of defiance
Broly chuckled
“You're right, at least not yet” he replied as he brought his hand to her cheek and started to rub her cheek
Then swiftly he moved his other hand to the juncture between her neck and collarbone and then pinched a certain spot causing Bura to lose conscience and collapse onto his chest
Looking down at his precious cargo he couldn't help but smile a genuine smile. He had finally captured Bulma's daughter, and now that he had her he would never let her go
`All mine' Broly thought
`She is finally all mine'
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Woo! I am finally finished with this chapter. Sorry for the long wait fans but never give up hope I tend to finish this story no matter how long it takes
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