Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Obession ❯ Chase ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except this story.
Thanks for the review guys, I appreciate it…really I do. Sorry it took forever to get the last chapter up, but I was busy with finals.
This chapter might get confusing because some of these events are taking place before Gohan gets captured, but I will try to make that as clear as possible
Enjoy this Chapter
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A minute before Gohan was captured.
`Well this is interesting' Melzda thought sarcastically as she watched the entire fight from a far. She took a sip of her wine
“I love this stuff” said Melzda.
She saw everything. She watched countless amounts of soldiers get killed or injured, the fight between the rebels and Broly, she even watched the girl take the priceless artifact without being stopped
`Boy is Broly going to be mad' thought Melzda
And right now she was watching the rebels carry their injured away while Broly was fighting the young man.
It was obviously a distraction, and it was working
`Maybe I should warn Broly of there treachery?' Melzda thought for a second `nah, let him figure it out for himself'
Finally Broly subdued the young man, thus marking the end of the rebellion
The battle was long and hard and Melzda had nothing to do with. She basically just watched. Melzda usually avoided confrontation because she never really liked to hurt people she never met before, she always tried to handle every situation diplomatically before resorting to violence, it was just her nature. The only time she would break that principal is when she was told to, and since she's been working for King Broly it happened to be a lot now in days, but when she wasn't given an order she would take that time to do whatever she felt like, and right now she felt like drinking wine and doing nothing.
As she watched Broly walk towards her, she realized that she'd be forced to do something she didn't like.
Hopefully it was nothing too important
A few minutes before Gohan was captured
Right hook, left kick, block here, shoot there were the only thoughts that were going through 17's head as he made his way towards Uub.
There were guards everywhere, or so it seemed, but they seemed to be coming from every direction. The only bright side of this worst case scenario was that they were weaklings compared to him.
Finally he reached Uub.
“Uub are you okay?” 17 shouted
“I think my leg is broken?” answered Uub
“Which one?” 17 asked
“Probably both, my left leg feels like it's broken while I can't feel my right leg” replied Uub
“Stay with me man! I'm going to get you out of here” said 17 as he went to pick up Uub
“But what about the others?” Uub asked
“They'll be fine, they can take care of themselves” replied 17
“What's going on? Are we winning?” Uub asked
“My sister 18 did a lot of damage to the Security system, it'll take weeks for them to get back up for weeks maybe a month to reinstall it, and we took out almost all of the soldiers stationed here, but I'm afraid that we can't defeat Broly, and I'm almost certain that if they called in more soldiers we wouldn't last much longer” replied 17
“So what do we do now?” asked Uub
“We can't do much without an order from Gohan, until then we have to keep fighting” answered 17
As soon as 17 said that Goten flew in front of them
“We have to get out of here, now!” said Goten
“But how?” asked 17
“While Gohan is distracting Broly, we get out of here. Contact everyone and tell them we're retreating and to round everyone up that's injured” answered Goten
“But what about Gohan?” Uub asked
“We have to leave him behind” replied Goten
“But we just can't leave him here” Uub said with conviction
“Listen Gohan told me we have no other choice. Besides he's the only one that could stall Broly long enough for us to get away” Goten replied with just as much conviction.
“I know this sucks but we have no other choice, we have to leave Gohan behind for now” Said Goten “But right now we have to get everyone out of here”
Understanding the situation 17 grabs his scouter communicator and starts contacting everyone.
“All résistance fighters' retreat, I repeat all résistance fighters retreat” shouted 17 into his scouter communicator.
“All résistance fighters' retreat, I repeat all résistance fighters retreat”
`That's my cue' thought 18. Her work there was done
She got up from her seat and made a mad dash for the door, but stopped at the edge of the door and threw a small detonator bomb into the security then continued to run as fast as she could away from the security room.
While she was running the bomb detonator was counting down
And as if on cue it blew up the entire security room
`Let's see them recover from that fiasco' thought 18 as she ran towards the others in a mad dash
`God that felt great' thought Broly.
Ah …Nothing like an epic battle to get the blood pumping. It was just the thing that he needed after years of melodramatic politics and barely entertaining galaxy wars. Fighting to a Sayian was like three day orgasm, and right now Broly was feeling high and mighty of himself.
But alas after a great such a great battle; only one thing for sure follows… casualties.
It wasn't like he gave a damn about his soldiers; it was just a hassle to hire new ones. He had to have his people send letters home to there family, and then he had have huge funeral that honored the fallen soldiers. It wasn't like he was insensitive to his peoples needs; it's just that it's hard to connect personally with over a hundred soldiers, it was better for him to be emotionally detached so he get could get on with his life. It was insensitive but that's how a monarchy stayed strong, you didn't have friends you had allies that feared and respected you. It was a lonely life but that was the price of power.
But he didn't like to hear about casualties
“Melzda! What's the situation?” Broly shouted
“Okay…everyone that's on floor is either dead or are about to be” Melzda replied sarcastically as she took sip from her wine
“I'm serious. As much as I enjoy all out epic battles I hate the aftermath of it all even more. I just need to know what the situation is so I can deal with it properly” said Broly
“I'll have someone assets the damage properly as soon as possible” said Melzda as she pulled out her scouter communicator and turned it on.
This scouter was new model then ones that Frezia used back in the day; these were designed by the former Queen herself. It was much sleeker and smaller design then the original. It didn't cover the entire ear instead there was a hook that kept the scouter in place. And instead of a miniature glass screen it was a holographic screen so it wouldn't scratch your eye out if it broke. It also had special features like it's ability to search and find information from all over the universe (sort of like Google), it's also a GPA system so you knew exactly where you were at all times and how to get to your destinations. And the good thing was that it wasn't connected to the universal security systems it was connected too a series of satellite stations that was connected to a communication facility located on one of Vegeta-sei moons the only thing is that only a few people in the entire universe knew which moon the communication facility was located on.
“Anything else I should know”” asked Broly
“Yes a few things actually” replied Melzda
“Well what is it?” he asked
“It's actually two things sir. First we were unable to capture any other of the resistance besides the one you captured, so we have to rule out leverage as a tool for torture so the chances of him telling us anything are greatly decreased” Melzda answered
“We'll find a way to get him to talk. What else?” asked Broly
“The amulet was stolen” replied Melzda
“What!” Broly shouted clearly pissed off that his source for public support and financial gain was stolen “did you see who took it?”
“It was that girl that you wanted me to do research on” said Melzda
“Are you serious? You saw the entire scene and you let her get away?” Shouted Broly
“You didn't order me to do so your highness” was Melzda's only reply
“Unbelievable! You let the girl get away with the amulet even though that she was a part of the resistance” a clearly frustrated Broly sighed
“I don't think she was apart of the resistance your majesty. I think she was merely just a thief who happened to be at the scene at the same time” Melzda thought out loud
“Shut Up! As we sit here contemplating if she's part of the resistance or not. She is probably half way out of the castle. Go and retrieve her since you have nothing better to do. As soon you catch her bring her to the prison chambers and tie her up. After that you can assess the damage and repair it all by yourself and I want it all done by the end of the week! Or you're going to have to deal with me. Are we clear?” Broly shouted in a clearly aggravated voice
“Why must I do everything myself? Don't you have any other competent people besides me to do these things?”
“I SAID NOW!” Screamed Broly (his voice was so loud that a few glass windows broke)
Without another word Melzda got up and ran as fast as she can. As soon as she was out the door Broly took her seat. He was exhausted and need something to calm his nerves. When he spotted a bottle of wine he grabbed it, and took a swig at it. The beverage swiftly glided down as the wine slightly burned his throat, soothing away his troubles for the moment.
After drinking the entire bottle Broly caught sight of files that he had Melzda researched. So with nothing else to do for awhile he decided to take a look at the files.
`Bura Briefs?' he read to himself. `What a peculiar and yet familiar name'
Upon further inspection he read the origins of her up bringing he was shocked to discover who her parents were.
`NOWAY! It could be a mistake in identity' he thought
Then after seeing the picture of a nine year old Bura, he started to assume that this was in fact merely a conscience
But then he remembered seeing a flash of blue.
`Could it be that this is Bulma's second child? Could it be that after more then 16 years of searching for her and her child with no luck what's so ever only to have her daughter just walk into my life and then leave?'
There was a brief pause contemplating other scenarios, and after a few seconds of coming up with other possible explanations… he finally came to one conclusion
There were no other possible alternatives. There was no girl named Crystal Method, there was no other Sayians with blue eyes, and more importantly there was only one other person who possessed such captivating blue eyes and she was dead.
When he came to that conclusion he could only think of one thing to do…Laugh
Yes laugh. Not an evil laugh, or drunken laugh, but a genuine good hearted laugh. Laugh full of mirth and humor. But he wasn't laughing at a joke, he was laughing at the irony of the entire situation. He searched for Bulma and her child for 16 years without so much as a single clue, and then he finds the amulets which belonged to the former Queen and then literally have her daughter comes walking in and takes it back. Oh the sweet irony. It seemed like destiny was working in his favor.
Now only one question remained…what to do with her?
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`The girl is probably more then half way out of the palace' Melzda thought as she ran as fast as she could through the corridors.
`At this rate she'll be outside the castle before I'm even half way through'
There was only one way she could catch her…use the shadows
Melzda had interesting talent that only a few people on her planet were able to do. She was able to use the shadows. She could disappear into the shadows, morph into the shadows, move inside the shadows and make shadows into weapons. She couldn't make big weapons (that required an overabundance of life energy), but that wasn't what she specialized in. her specialties lied in stealth and precision. She always hits her mark; she usually gets her man (or woman), with her skills as an ex bounty hunter and general she's able to complete almost any task.
So without wasting anymore time thinking, Melzda dived head first into the shadows and glided down the halls almost faster then the speed of sound
She was gone like the wind…or shadow…or whatever
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Zo has been wandering aimlessly through the place since he was sent to fight, but instead of fighting he ran. What was point in there to fight when he was already considered a suspect even before this whole ordeal? If he would have stayed and fight they would have eventually called him into interrogation to get answers and those guys could crack anybody
If only he hadn't destroyed the communicator he would have contacted Lela and had her guide him through the palace no problem. But to protect her from getting intercepted by the enemy he had no choice but to destroy the communicator and now he had no idea where he was going
`You'd think I would know my way out of the palace' thought Zo but the truth of the matter was that he didn't know much about the palace hallways. Every time he visited the palace he would have a bunch of servant's guide him through, with this luxury Zo never took the time remember the surroundings of the palace. Stupid move on his part
“Where the hell am I?” Zo said to himself as he continued running through the corridors
Seriously if he didn't get out of here soon someone would be sure to find him
`Kami? God? Whoever's supposed to be up there PLEASE send help!'
And as if some one was listening to his prayer something heavy fell on top of him crushing him to the ground.
`Ow!” Zo thought to himself
“Oh Zo, I'm so happy to see you! I'd thought I'd never see again!” Bura shouted with relief and joy
“That's great Bura…now get off me!” Zo shouted
“Oh sorry!” said Bura being a little embarrassed
She got off him as quickly as possible then gave her hand to Zo so he could get up faster; being grateful Zo took her hand and got up with little trouble.
“What were you doing on ceiling?” asked Zo curiously
“I was hiding in the air vents” came Bura's reply
“But why?” he asked
“Maybe we should talk about this while we're running” Bura stated
“Yeah good idea” whispered Zo
So they started to run as quickly as possible
“So why were you up in the air vents?” asked Zo
“I hid in the vents so no one would see me” replied Bura
“Oh” came Zo's only reply
For a few minutes they ran in complete silence until Zo got couldn't stand the silence and asked
“Did you get the necklace?”
“Of course…why do you think I'm running for my life?” asked Bura “Make right we're almost outside”
“Well…can I see it?” asked Zo
“Now!?” she asked
“Yes!” he answered
“Fine! But only for a second” said Bura
Looking behind her to see if anyone was behind them and finding no one, she then pulled the necklace out of the top part of her dress and held it arms length so Zo can see it
“Wow, it's beautiful” said Zo
“I know” replied Bura
“Can I hold it?” asked Zo
“No!” shouted Bura
“No! Besides it could get taken from us if were not careful” answered Bura
Zo being the stubborn rich kid that he is tried to grab the necklace from Bura, but before he could even touch it he sensed something coming there way fast and moved his hand away from the necklace in the nick of time to see three black surgical needles zoom past them almost at the speed of light and hit the wall. Then miraculously they saw the needles disappear into the shadows.
Shocked Bura and Zo while still running turned around and saw Melzda running after them and was gaining on them fast
“Shit it's the Bitch!” shouted Zo
“Crap” Bura said to herself
“What do we do?” asked Zo
Trying to think quickly Bura looked up and saw the air vent coming there way and got an idea
“See that air vent? I'm going to jump up and crawl inside. While she follows me you go on straight ahead, at the end of the hallway make a left and then run past 50 doors and then open the 51st door to your left, there you will find the entrance doorway room and your out. When your out keep running until you reach the apartment, don't fly!” Bura explained quietly
“But what about you and the necklace?” asked Zo
“I'll hide it and escape without it, and come back for it another time. And don't worry about me, I'll be fine” answered Bura
“Okay” replied Zo
As they were drawing closer toward the air vent shaft Bura pulled out and small anchor tied to a long rope from under her dress.
She whirled it around until the last second and threw it toward the shaft, but before she could hit her target several black needles intercepted the anchor's target
“Oh crud” whispered Bura
“What happened?” asked Zo
“The anchor got intercepted and I can't go back to do it again” came Bura's reply
“So what now?” Zo asked
“You keep going the same way I told you to go and there is another path that I take that's straight ahead of us. But I need a distraction so she won't follow me” Bura whispered to Zo
“Leave that to me” said Zo as he formed an energy ball and threw it at Melzda, which she predictably dodged
By the time she regained her balance Bura was gone and so was Zo
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`Damn they split up' Melzda thought to herself.
Well she was going to have to go after Bura since it was a direct order from King Broly himself
But since they split up she was now forced to do double the work which would take twice the time to complete
But first things first…she needed to get the girl
So with new found determination she jumped into the shadows
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When Zo shot a ki blast at Melzda Bura made right turn and kept running, and after a few seconds she came to a portrait of the past ruler and stopped, but that wasn't what interested her it was what behind the painting that stopped her.
There was a secret passage way behind the painting. Looking to see if Melzda followed her and seeing no one took the passageway.
It was so dark that Bura got out a small flashlight and turned it on.
The secret passageway was a narrow spiraling staircase. Instead of the Gothic and Baroque like architecture design that Bura was used to seeing of the palace, the passageway was made entirely out of steel.
As Bura was walking down the stairs she wondered about the entire design of the palace in a metaphoric sense. While palace was beautiful and at the same time indestructible, deep down there was a many dark secrets that was hidden from the rest of the world and if ever discovered by there enemies would be destroyed.
But Bura wasn't an enemy, she was merely a thief
Well not just merely a thief anymore…if she managed to escape with the necklace, she would go down as the most famous thief that ever lived
But first she had to escape
When Bura finally reached the bottom of the stairs the passageway got wider, but it was still dark
`Okay now I got to find the middle door and I'm out of here' Bura thought to herself as she kept walking forward.
After a few minutes of walking she finally came to the end of the hallway, and at the end there were three doors.
`Gee, I wonder which door I should take' Bura thought sarcastically
But before she could even touch the door she felt a light breeze and then felt something scratch her shoulder.
“Ow!” she shouted
“So you thought you could get away from me little girl?” came a familiar feminine voice
“You!” Bura shouted condescendingly
“We shared a few pleasantries, you know my name is Melzda” she said sarcastically
Trying to locate her opponent Bura flashed her flashlight wildly until she found Melzda a few feet in front of her shocking her
“Just give up now, I'm in my element. I could use the darkness to my advantage. You can't win” explained Melzda
“But I can certainly try” Bura shouted and charged at Melzda
Before she could even hit her Melzda disappeared
“Dammit!” Bura whispered to herself
Bura violently made a 360 degree turn to find Melzda, but came up empty handed
“Above you” Melzda advised
Looking up with her flashlight she spotted Melzda floating in the air
“Are you going to give up?” asked Melzda
“NO!” shouted Bura with determination
“Very well” came Melzda's only reply
She formed several throwing needles and threw them at Bura
Sensing them coming her way Bura moved out of the way
Melzda kept throwing them towards Bura in hopes of catching her off balance.
Bura kept dodging them even though she couldn't see them all, that and the fact that she couldn't fly made the task more difficult. She dodged some with ease, and some just barely missed, and at times she'd lose her balance but she just kept dodging
Then out of nowhere a couple of needles punctured her right leg causing her to lose balance and fall to the ground.
Her right leg was paralyzed so she couldn't get up, so she had to crawl
Seeing Bura's predicament Melzda aimed her needles at Bura's certain pressure points to knock her and bring her to the dungeons without any trouble.
Hearing the needles coming her way Bura flashed her flashlight towards the needles.
They were coming fast
`This is it' thought Bura
When she expected the needles to pierce through her skin she was surprised to find out that the needles had disappeared
`What's going on?' thought Bura
She then realized something, her flashlight was still pointing towards the direction the needles were coming from. She then came to a startling conclusion
Melzda's attacks were useless against bright light
With this new information Bura can come up with a new strategy.
Keep the flashlight toward the needles and slowly move towards the door slowly and exit it before Melzda hit her with her needles of doom
It wasn't a solid plan but it was the best she could do in her predicament
So with her left leg she lifted herself up. Since her right leg was still paralyzed she had to hop backwards towards the door while she kept the flashlight in Melzda direction.
Melzda kept throwing her shadow needles at Bura but they kept disappearing whenever they got too close to the flashlight.
`How annoying, she discovered my weakness' thought Melzda `If don't do something soon she'll get away…I'll to uses hand to hand combat since my needles are useless'
Melzda disappeared into the shadows causing Bura to be on guard. She tried using her flashlight to locate Melzda but too no avail. Just as she was about let her guard down a fist came flying towards her making her drop her flashlight.
Bura blocked it with her left arm and tried punching with her right but to no avail. Fighting in the complete dark against an enemy that used the darkness against there opponent was not easy task; she might as try locating a needle in a haystack.
Bura knew she was done for but she would not go gently into that goodnight, she had her pride.
With the flashlight out of the way Melzda was free to use her needles, she jumped back a good distance and threw her needles once again at Bura this time they hit there mark.
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Bura's POV
There was no pain just darkness. But somehow I felt as if I left my body. Am I dead? I can't move my body, my heart has stopped! But I can't be dead…
I just can't!
But why can't I Breathe?
I feel as if my soul was incased inside my unmoving body and I couldn't get free
No I'm not dead…it's merely a simulation
`Well that's that' thought Melzda
She intentionally hit certain pressure points that caused an opponent into suspended animation
They couldn't breathe, move, or anything for that matter, but they weren't dead, just comatose
She would wake up in a couple of hours as if nothing had happened
Melzda usually used this method for bringing an opponent down…less hassle.
They didn't struggle and you didn't have to communicate with them.
She once made the mistake of just knocking out the opponent
One time she just knocked out an opponent with a powerful punch to the gut, and while going back to collect the reward the prisoner tried to escape on several occasions which irritated her to no end. And so in anger she shot needles at him and paralyzed him.
While he couldn't move he was able to talk. He told her his entire life story and why he did the things he did, overcome with great pity and what she thought to believe was understanding Melzda freed him, only to have come back to bite her in the ass.
The bastard killed an innocent person and robbed a bank, and while he got a huge pay day she flat out broke
So because of that incident she no longer cared if her catch was innocent or not, what mattered was the job at hand no matter how cruel it seemed.
With a sigh Melzda picked up Bura and swung the girl over her shoulder and started to walk toward the dungeons
`well… I just took care of one problem…a million more to go'
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That's chapter 7. So what do you think of it? Good? Bad? So-so? I need to know
Please review thank in advance