Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Obession ❯ Running ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: don't own anything, except this story. So there's no point in suing
Thanks for the reviews guys from the members of fanfiction.net I was expecting more but I'm a new writer so it's totally understandable if you're skeptical about reading a complete newbie's story. As for the readers and authors of mediaminer.org thanks for reading, I hope to get a review from someone on that site soon.
Enjoy ;)
Chapter 6: Running
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She threw a plate at Broly. Was she crazy! Did she actually think that she can hurt him with plates! The man just went through several walls, got suckered punched, and burned with ki blasts; and still he's the last one standing.
It didn't hurt him but it certainly got his attention. The second he turned around all she wanted to do was hide behind the table again. Those white fathomless eyes caught her in a spell. It was frightening yet mesmerizing at the same time. She couldn't look away from them.
When he took a step towards her, the spell was broken. She was now in an irrational state of panic. In hopes of slowing him down she threw as many plates as she can at him, but the effort was futile. The plates didn't faze him at all, most them got burned by his power before they could even reached him. It seemed that no matter what she threw at him he kept coming.
Realizing that throwing plates was useless, Bura decided to move onto knifes. She picked up several knifes, and then threw them at him as fast as she could, but the second they reached Broly he fazed out.
`Shit! Shit! Shit!' thought Bura. She was starting to get very nervous.
`Where could he be?' thought Bura looking in every direction to find him, although the effort seemed futile.
Suddenly Bura felt a large hand grab her wig and pull her head back. Bura was too scared to look at her assailant who captured her Bura closed her eyes, but she had a good idea who it was.
Finally having the courage she opened one of her eyes, Bura looked at her capturer. Her suspensions were correct …. It was King Broly
And she did only logical thing she could think of at the time… she screamed
Broly's POV
That little bitch! Who did she think she is? I should have known that she was part of the resistance. Apparently her job was distracting me from seeing that the resistance was secretly shutting down the security system. But how did they know I would draw my attention toward the girl? Did they know my inner most thoughts? Did they figure that I would somehow be drawn to the girl because she reminds me of someone I once desired?
God that smell! It was coming from the girl. It's so intoxicating. How I missed that scent. How long has it been since I smelled such a sweet scent? Year's maybe. I have this incredible urge to draw blood from the girl and lick it clean to see if she tastes as sweet as she smells, but that's what the rebels want! They want me to be distracted so they could bring me down. I can't succumb to the temptation just yet, not until the entire opposition is dealt with. But right now I will deal with the girl as quickly as possible.
Broly was pulling tightly to Bura's wig, so hard that the pins that were holding it were starting to pull out. Bura couldn't move her head his hold was like a vice grip.
`Oh god I'm going to die' thought Bura `what was I thinking? Why am I so stupid sometimes?'
Why did she save a complete stranger? It's not like she was in love with the guy. But still she couldn't watch him get killed. She could stand to see anyone get killed, in cold blood.
“Did you think you can get away with this?” asked Broly
Bura replied in a little voice “Maybe if I hadn't thrown…”
“IT WAS RHETORICAL QUESTION!” shouted Broly, the sheer volume of his voice made Bura quake with fear.
“LOOK WHAT YOU DID!” forcing Bura to look at the damage that the resistance caused “Do you know what I do to my enemies?” he whispered
Bura just shook her head slowly.
“Terrible things” whispered Broly
Bura was quaking so much with fear that she almost forgot that the wig was about come off. So gathering enough courage Bura removed the rest of the pins from her wig and made a mad dash away from Broly as fast as she could.
It all happened so fast
One minute he was in total control of everything and the next minute he's flying through the wall…again!
`What just happened?' thought Broly
A minute ago he had the girl in his unbreakable grip, she couldn't move. But then it felt like the girl's entire body just disappeared. When he looked toward his hand all he found was the girl's hair.
`No it could be her actual hair” thought Broly he had no intension of ripping the hair off of her, he wasn't pulling that hard. Right?
Upon further inspection Broly's found it merely to be a wig.
`If this is a wig…where is the girl?'
As He turns to his left he finds something moving in the distance, but before he could get a perfect visual of the object something hit his jaw…hard
As he was flying through the air he was trying to register what he saw before he was kicked in the jaw, but unfortunately the only thing he remembered was seeing was a flash of blue.
Goten's POV
What luck! I thought for sure that I was going to die! One minute Broly has me up against the wall ready to deliver the final blow, and then somehow he gets distracted by the girl.
Crystal, she saved me, but why? We hardly knew each other, why would she put herself in danger, for me?
It didn't matter why she did it, what mattered was that she was going to get killed if I didn't do something. I couldn't just let her die, not after she saved my life, and it was only fair that I return the favor.
It may have been stupid of her to save my life especially if she just prolonged my inevitable death for just a few more minutes, but no kind deed should ever be ignored.
At least that's what my father once told me.
`Goten was one lucky son of a bitch' thought Gohan. He got in a lucky shot and it seemed to have an effect on Broly. Of course it'll probably be the last lucky shot they get in on Broly.
`Well I better go help him before he gets himself killed'
And Gohan jumped in a gave Broly a right hook
What do you know it wasn't the last lucky shot
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With the king and two rebel fighters fighting it was the perfect chance for Bura to get that necklace
`Okay slowly' thought Bura there was no need to be quiet with all the drama going on.
Closer and closer…closer
`They don't know when to quit' thought Broly
It was getting annoying batting them away only to have the buggers come back with vengeance
“They're like Paddle balls” Broly whispered to himself
As the two rebel fighters charged Broly powered up and attacked with full force
“Got it!” Bura said to herself
After all that planning she finally obtained the legendary Vegeta-sei Amulet. Granted the plan that she and her team concocted was a total bust, it was a complete coincident that the resistance decided to attack the same day she was planning to steal the amulet.
`Someone up there must like me' thought Bura
As she thought that Bura looked down to see the condition she was in. her dress was slightly torn up and her shoes were pretty dirty but other than that she was in one piece.
With the necklace in hand Bura headed towards the nearest exit.
Gohan and Goten were basically having there asses handed to them by Broly. It seems every time they got right back up they just got knocked down again
Gohan was getting worried. He didn't expect Broly to be this strong. He truly believed that with the combined forces of Uub, Goten and himself they should have been able to take him down but that obviously wasn't the case.
“This makes no sense! Broly shouldn't be this powerful!” declared Goten
“Who said so?” asked Gohan
“What? No one. We just assumed by watching all his battles” answered Goten
“And that was our mistake!” shouted Gohan
`Damn it! I knew I should have assumed that he was more powerful then I thought and now were all going to die!” thought Gohan while clenching his Jaw in frustration.
Seeing them down Broly started to from a massive energy ball.
Upon seeing the massive ki ball Gohan decided that there was only one thing he and his friends can do…escape.
But unfortunately the way to escape was to sacrifice himself to get his friends out alive.
`I wish there was another way' thought Gohan `but I have no other choice, I have to save my friends'
With his resolved strengthened Gohan straightened himself up and helped his brother up
“We're getting our asses kick! I don't think I can I can go on” cried Goten
“I know neither can I” said Gohan
“I don't know how much longer I can hold on.” Goten continued to ramble
“Listen Goten I have an idea. I'm going to charge Broly head on and distract him as long as I can, while you tell everyone to round up everyone that's injured get the hell out here” explained Gohan
“But Gohan! What about you? How are you going to escape?” asked Goten. As the two were conversing Broly was still powering up his energy ball to that was gaining momentum fast
“I don't intend on escaping” said Gohan
“But Gohan! There has to be another way” Shouted Goten
“Listen Goten, this is yours and everyone else's only chance at escape without sacrificing anybodies life” said Gohan
“Just go!” shouted Gohan
As Goten was about to reluctantly retreat and went to get the others, Gohan stopped him and said
“I love you little brother”
As if time stopped and there was no threat on there lives Goten smiled and said
“I love you too big brother”
And with that Goten retreated.
As for Gohan, he charged Broly as he was about to throw the massive energy ball and shouted
“Solar Flare”
And everything went white
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As soon as bright light faded Broly felt a fist jam into his face. It wasn't enough to break his jaw but it would defiantly leave a bruise later on.
The force of was strong enough for Broly to release his hold of the energy ball. As soon as he lost of his hold on the ball, it deteriorated into nothing.
Before Broly could react Gohan threw another right hook at Broly's jaw. Then Gohan threw a left round house kick which this time Broly caught it his left arm, then with his right hand grabbed Gohan's leg and used him as a wrecking ball. Firsts he knocked him into a table, then he knocked him threw a glass window, and then he repeatedly knocked Gohan on to the floor.
Finally after a minute of using Gohan as a wrecking ball Broly threw Gohan towards the stage.
It seemed Gohan was at the end of his rope.
`I can't go on like this' Gohan thought to himself as he watched Broly walk towards him
As Broly still drew closer Gohan tried to get up, but soon realized that he couldn't move his body. His left leg was broken as was several of his ribs, he had bruises all over his body so it was very difficult to move, and his life force was practically drained and nonexistent. To put it simply …he was doomed
Finally Broly reached Gohan and placed his right foot on Gohan's chest and started to add pressure to it. Due to the other injuries from before the pressure on Gohan's chest was inscrutably painful. But although Broly was putting a lot of pressure was Gohan's chest it wasn't enough to crush Gohan's chest cavity.
Gohan was confused at Broly's hesitant `why isn't he killing me?'
Upon Gohan's shock he verbalized his confusion
“Why don't you finish it?”
“Finish What?” Asked Broly with a smirk upon his face
“My life! I thought you didn't tolerate insubordination? Why am I still alive!?” shouted Gohan
“There are fates worse then death Boy, and I intend to bestow upon to you the cruelest of all fates” Answered Broly
“Why don't you just kill me now?” Asked Gohan
“There's no fun in killing a mortal enemy. I find it more entertaining to torture my enemy until he begs for a quick death and even then I might not grant it and just keep him barely alive until his time comes” Broly said with a sadistic smirk
“You bastard” Gohan said as he gritted his teeth
“Like I never heard that insult” Broly said sarcastically. He then shouted “Guard!”
A bruised soldier came up to Broly with caution “Yes my lord”
“Take this boy to prison chambers and restrain him! He might cause trouble. If so beat him until he looses consciousness” Broly ordered the guard
“Yes, you majesty” replied the soldier and went to pick up Gohan.
As the soldier took Gohan away, Gohan looked at Broly and said
“This isn't over”
“You're right! We've barely begun” Broly quipped “Get him out of my sight”
For indeed it was merely the beginning.
Sorry it took forever. So many finals…final tests, final homework, final test oh the list goes on. Anyway I'm stating the seventh chapter and hopefully I will be done by the year or next year which is in a couple of days.
Please review, I really would appreciate it. Thanks in advance for those that review