Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Obession ❯ Attack ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own dbz, just this story
Thanks for the reviews dudes (and dudets) it gives me the strength to go on
Chapter 5- Attack
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Last time:
“I have a special assignment for you Zokkic” Mel whispered in his ear
“I want you to do a search on Female Sayians with blue eyes” replied Mel
Having no choice Zo typed in the keyword “Female Sayians with blue eyes” on the computer and after five minutes of loading the results. With dread Zo read the matches
There was only one.
“There has been rumors of a sector in the Eastern Quadrant has been untouched and is not even on the map,” said another Politician
“I think it's called Zel Nar. It's rumored as a safe Haven for refugees when their homes are destroyed” said the Politician
“Your highness why don't you get ready for your presentation” said Paragus
“I will make a speech, we could use funding for research on that Zel Nar Haven” said Broly
From the other line “I just found Uub and 17 and there in position”
“Good, now all we got to do is wait for the Bastard to give a speech,” said Gohan
`Okay this is it' thought Gohan `lets get this over with' He just wanted to kill him and go home, but what if he failed? The tension was killing him.
`It's quite amazing sometimes that Broly's predictions are usually correct' thought Melzda
And left the security room to report her findings to Broly
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`HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO FUNKING PRINT!!' thought Melzda waiting for the information to be printed so she could brief King Broly of the situation. As soon as she left the security room she went directly to the printing room, to get a copy of the report.
`I thought this was the most technology advanced equipment in the universe. Why won't you speed up? PEOPLE'S LIVES IS ON THE LINE!! DAMN YOU!' thought Melzda clearly agitated.
Finally with a beep the report was printed.
“Great, now all I have to do is give this to His Majesty and I'm off the hook” Melzda said to herself and then disappeared into the shadows.
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Bura was getting anxious it was almost 9:30
`I hope Zo was able to shut down the system' thought Bura as she tapped her finger on the table repeatedly in frustration and anxiousness.
Looking around Bura said to herself “Maybe I should contact Lela to see how far Zo progressed” but then quickly dismissed the thought after spotting several guards around the area
`No they might intercept communication with Lela' although the communicators were only two way, there was a possible chance that their frequency might be intercepted.
`There's no point in endangering Lela's safety'
“Okay…just breathe Bura. You can do this!” Bura whispered to herself
`I think?'
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`Where is that blasted wench' thought Broly `times almost up'
It was almost 9:30 and he had to make a speech, well he didn't have to he just wanted to. Asking for funding for research would be beneficial to the ever-rising economy. If there was indeed a place called Zel Nar and it was found, he would be able to conquer it and add it to his collection and then his dominance would be absolute.
As for the mysterious woman, well he had a few good ideas on what to do with her. Who know it might be entertaining to get information out of her.
“Your Grace” whispered Melzda from behind
“About damn time!” said Broly “Well…what do you have to report? And better be useful!”
“Your Highness, Crystal Metha doesn't exist” said Melzda
“WHAT!” shouted Broly
“The woman doesn't exist, at least the one we wanted. We came to the conclusion that she was in disguise and that was her alias name.”
Clearly not impressed with the results “So you found nothing on this Crystal Metha!”
“No, your Majesty, at least not what we wanted” replied Melzda indifferently
“How could you not find anything on this girl!” shouted Broly getting irritated
“You only gave me 30 minutes to do research on her. When I said it would take an hour I meant it would take an hour to do thorough research. We were just skimming through because of the little time we were given,” explained Melzda
“So Nothing!” said Broly
Melzda whispered “I didn't say nothing about…” but Paragus interrupted her
“Your Highness, it's about time you made your speech,” said Paragus
Lifting himself from his chair Broly castes an aggravated glare in Melzda's direction
“I'll deal with you later” whispered Broly with deathly intent
`Great' Melzda thought sarcastically.
Gohan was watching Broly approach the stage with baited breath
This is it! No turning back now
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`Oh My god this is it' thought Bura `this my chance, lets hope nothing screws it up'
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Some people are born with charisma; Broly was not one of those people. When Broly first came into power he wasn't very charismatic in fact he was down right crude. He couldn't move a crowd to tears with words, so he had to move the crowd by force. But he learned quickly that some people couldn't be moved by sheer force, as time went on Broly learned the tricks of the trade such as, blackmail, negotiating, and trade. After years of experience he learned how to be charming, calm and charismatic
Broly wasn't born with charisma, but with years of practice he learned how to woo a crowd.
Broly approached the stage with an air of arrogance (which could be mistaken for an air of confidence). The room went silent.
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Zukina's POV
Ever since I could remember I adored my king. When he first took the thrown from king Vegeta, I was just a 10-year-old girl. When I first saw him I couldn't look away, I was drawn to him. I've never seen a man more handsome; he was like one the Sayian Gods that I've read about in Boarding school.
Despite the major age gap between us I knew that there would be no other man that could ever compare to him. He was my God, my everything, and I would do anything to be by his side.
I had to be the best and I knew I could do it, I've always been told that I was beautiful, by everyone and that my beauty would continue to grow with time; I practiced how to be a proper lady learning how to eat, write and socialize, and became the best; and secretly I learned how to pleasure a man physically. I learned everything I could so I could be by Broly's side.
When I turned 20 I was devastated to learn that he was to be married. Her name was Espara…Uugh! I know a terrible name. She was old, 37 or something. She wasn't ugly per say, in fact she was quite attractive for her old age, I just didn't think that she and Broly made a good match. I was further devastated when she when she became impregnated by him, it nearly crushed my soul, I should have been the one to carry his child. But I didn't give up hope, I prayed everyday that some how we would be together, and my prayers have been answered. She died giving birth to a son that Broly doesn't even acknowledge. I never knew why he ignored his son, maybe because the child didn't possess the power that his father was born with. What was his name? Mer…lin? Mar…cil? Mardock? Yes! Mardock was his name, no clue why they named him that, but who cares.
Three years after Espara's death his Majesty came back from an intense battle that lasted without pause for three days. The planet was called Zendel and it was the last enemy strong hold in the entire universe that was able to rival Broly's power. As expected from my lord, he was victorious, and there was a big celebration in his honor. Normally my Broly would never partake in alcohol, but the final battle was indeed intense, I've never seen so many scratches on him, many close to his vital areas. And just by looking at him he was exhausted. With the alcohol ingested in his system he was very sociable that night. So with courage and a little alcohol ingested inside, I approached the usually untouchable king.
When he gazed upon me he didn't look away. I myself was unable to take my eyes off of him. He smiled at me and I smiled backed, and took a seat next to him. Within minutes we were touching each other and within the hour we were in his chambers. Our sexual encounter lasted the entire night.
The sex was rough, very rough. There was, biting and bruises all over. His colossal hands were everywhere (mostly my breasts), as was his mouth. For hours he pounded into me, and even when he released he continued to pound into me without rest. By morning I was unable to move my body, I was so exhausted and bruised. It was the best sex I ever had.
Broly on the other hand was just breathing heavily for a few minutes. He then lifted himself out of bed and got dressed for the day. He didn't say a word to me until he was entirely dressed, then looked in my direction and said
“I expect to see you in my chambers tonight”
Despite my bruised body I quickly got dressed and bowed my head as I turned leave. When I left his cambers I squealed with delight. And like any girl I told my friends of my encounter with Broly, and I told them what an amazing lover he his. They hung on my every word, but then again who wouldn't.
Our affair continued on. It was all about sex. I'm no fool; Broly had no interest in mating with me of that I was sure. Although I seemed happy and sexually fulfilled, inside I was crying. I wanted him to love me like I loved him. I kept asking myself why I stayed with him if he was breaking my heart everyday with his ignorance and indifference of my affection towards him
And never once did he kiss me.
Then recently the amulet was found and I thought it was a sign. He had just named me his mistress months ago; it was too much of coincidence to have no significance. My immediate conclusion was that Broly was going to propose to me, I never pressured him to settle down, but I couldn't just keep quiet anymore so I just came out with it and asked him. He gave no reply. I kept asking him if we were ever going to be something more on a daily bases until he just asked me to the Gala ball.
I couldn't believe that he was going to propose to me. There wasn't a doubt in my mind until my brother's date came along. Although the interaction between Broly and the girl only lasted for less than a few minutes it seemed like an eternity where I didn't exist, and then he kissed her hand. How could he display such an affectionate gesture to a complete stranger when he wouldn't even touch me outside the bedroom. After there short interaction I thought that my king would have second thoughts about our engagement, but hid my fears and insecurities and tried to enjoy myself.
I kept telling myself that everything would go accordingly he was just having cold feet. And now that he's walking up to the stage I find my fears irrational.
I hope.
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9:30 PM
` Deep breathes' Broly thought calmly
“Ladies and gentlemen. I like to thank you all for coming on such a special occasion. Tonight I am to present to you the Vegeta-sei amulet. Many of you know what it symbolizes and for those who don't… too bad”
(Crowd laughs a little)
“I'm kidding… that was my attempt at humor”
(Crowd laughs a little harder)
“For those of you who don't know what the amulet symbolizes, allow me to explain… the amulet symbolizes a new beginning and era. It symbolizes change. I for one am a firm believer of its teachings. To me its symbol means a change”
(Generic random questioning)
“A new beginning. We have been separated for too long, it is time we bring the entire Universe together.”
“For too long have we been at war with each other. Each planet battling for supremacy and it's only been until recently that I've been able to bring them together.
(More applause) his voice rising
“I fought blood, sweat and tears to achieve that goal, fighting continuously, with only one thought in mind. (~His voice softens~) All for the sake of Universal peace”
“I have almost achieved the impossible, but now I am in need of your help.”
(The audience is confused but continued listening)
“There is one sector that refuses to submit. Because of them Universal peace cannot be obtained.”
(Audience boos)
“We cannot negotiate with them, so we have no choice but to go to war with them”
“But here in lies the problem, they are no charted maps of there whereabouts “
(The audience is confused but continued listening)
“We have no idea where this place is. It would be a waste to search the entire Galaxy”
(Audience agrees)
“So I humbly ask you all that contributions be made to fund our research on finding this place, with your help we could bring about universal peace”
(Loud applause)
“And as for the other meaning for the amulet… well I ….”
Then suddenly the room goes dark.
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`Yes! Zo you're a genius' thought Bura
Now all she had to was sneak past Broly and the Guards and the prize would be hers
`What the hell is going on?' thought Zo
The entire security system was down, but he had nothing do with the phenomena. There is no way that this could have been an accident. Someone must of shutdown the system but whom?
It didn't matter he needed to get out of there, he was a prime suspect and if he got caught, who knew what they'll do to him. Damn Bura and her orders, his very life was on the line, if he stayed.
He just needed an opportunity to get out…
Just as he was thinking that the commander came..
“Men were under attack, let's move!” said the commander
`Oh thank you Kami!' thought Zo and headed for the doorway with his comrades.
Although Zo was out of the woods, he couldn't help but wonder how the entire security shut down. Who was capable of such a feet besides Lela?
………………………&# 8230;……
Behind Zo there was a woman with short blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Dressed in a Sayian guard's outfit although she was no Sayian. She remained seated since she was merely an observer in security programming, but she was so much more.
When everyone left the room she turned on her communicator and whispered, “Mission accomplished.”
There was a burning sensation in his right shoulder.
`That's odd' thought Broly.
Not only was his right shoulder burning but also he was flying through the air and through the wall.
The second that everything shut down there was Ki blasts and pandemonium came from
Everywhere. Guests were screaming, silverware was breaking, guards were getting slaughtered with no clue who the enemy was, and the power that was emitting from the enemy or enemies was phenomenal. It happened so fast and without warning that the enemy was able to do a considerable amount of damage before Broly and his men could retaliate. Even so the damage had been done, several of the guards were either injured or dead and his best men were fighting the unknown enemy.
It seemed like it was going to be an epic battle, one that might last the entire night, civilians might get caught in the crossfire, and there will probably be a lot of blood shed.
Goten was firing Ki blasts everywhere, left and right, up and down, and finally forward and backwards. It seemed like these soldiers were like cockroaches, if you killed one there would be a hundred more.
`This was getting annoying' thought Goten
He wanted a shot at Broly, but he was stuck with fighting the soldiers, while his brother and Uub were fighting Broly. It seemed like the fight was evenly matched.
It was time that Goten tipped the odds in their favor, so he powered up to Super Sayian and charged Broly
`Man, these bastards just won't quit' thought Broly The two people that were fighting were indeed powerful. If it had been a one on one match with anyone of them, Broly would have had the upper hand.
`They obviously knew that! That's why they've teamed up!'
There were Ki blasts here, there, and everywhere. When Broly would fire a powerful energy blast the two warriors would do the same and counter his attack.
One fighter was a brown guy with a Mohawk, and the other was a Sayian, not just a Sayian but a Super Sayian, and they were both wearing servant attire
`That explains how they got in without being noticed' Man, security sucks! No…wait, he always hired barley competent guards so he could goad on rebel forces into attacking him, it was sort of an unofficial challenge.
Looking around Broly found that several guards and soldiers were either dead or out of commission. It was time to end this battle.
But before he could power up someone knocked him in the back of his head
`What the hell' thought Broly.
Before Broly could retaliate Goten threw a series of kicks and punches to Broly's chest.
As soon as Goten was done with his assault Uub and Gohan threw a series of Ki blasts at Broly, followed by a Kamahamaha by Goten and Gohan.
Taking the full brunt of the force Broly was sent back through several walls and then finally created a crater of gargantuan proportion by the sheer force of the Kamahamaha wave.
It seemed the battle was over, that with the combined powers of Goten, Gohan, and Uub; they were able bring down the most powerful being in the Universe and restore peace to the Universe.
But that would mean the end of the story.
What seemed like a well-deserved victory for the good guys turned into a gruesome nightmare.
Out from the crater came Broly in his legendary super Sayian form, mad as hell.
`Alright there's going to be hell to pay' thought Broly as he attacked
Bura couldn't be luckier; she was getting closer to the amulet and no one was paying attention.
`I am probably the luckiest person right now' thought Bura as debris fell from the ceiling
`Just a few more feet and that necklace will be mine'
Who would of thought that a rebel force would decide to attack the King the same day she was going to steal the amulet. What an amazingly unexpected coincidence.
As Bura got closer something went flying past her at incredible speed.
`What the?' thought Bura turning her head to see what passed her. It was Goten! Sprawled out on the floor!
“Goten is a rebel!” whispered Bura to herself. She couldn't believe it. He looked positively beaten up. `Poor Goten, who could of done this to him?'
As if the Gods told her, she turned around and what she saw scared her. She saw a giant! A super powerful giant! A Monster! Walking towards Goten. It was King Broly and not at the same time wasn't. The King Broly she knew was a cold and calculating gentleman but being she saw was a merciless insane being.
What scared her the most was his face. It was twisted into a fearsome smirk, and his eyes completely white but it felt like he was looking right at you. It was so intense she couldn't move from his stare she was too scared.
`Move, Do Something Damn you!' thought Bura.
And so she did the most logical thing she could think of at the time, she hid behind a table.
Anything to get away from those eyes.
`I think I'm dieing' thought Goten. It certainly felt like it.
As soon as Broly powered up to his ultimate form the tables turned drastically. He was creaming them. He kept coming, no matter what they through at him nothing affected him.
Goten was the first to suffer at Broly's hands. A punch here a ki blast there. He was getting thrown around like a rag doll and Broly was enjoying every second of it.
Broly was a little disappointed. He thought the Sayian would at least put up a bigger fight.
`I guess he can't take a punch' thought Broly
As he approached the young man he contemplated how he should end the boys life. Should he just kill him now or torture him slowly until he begged for death. Well Broly wasn't exactly in a good mood. After the stunt the kid pulled off he might as well have fun with the boy before he killed him. One way or another the Boy was going to die.
Completely unaware of his surroundings something hit and broke at the back of Broly's head. It wasn't the force that stopped him but the shock of it. It momentarily brought him back from his insanity.
As Broly turned his head around to see who disturbed him, he was surprised to see the mysterious woman standing there, holding a plate as if she's going to throw it at him.
Finally1 I kept telling myself everyday finish this chapter! But been so busy with school (and I've been lazy okay! I'm sorry but I have a life outside the computer believe it or not) sorry it took forever. Please review I appreciate it! thanks in advance