Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Obession ❯ Countdown ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I don’t own dbz, just this story

Notice: I’m going to try something that I have never done or never seen done. I am going to write this entire chapter like I’m writing an episode for the show 24 (I don’t watch the show but I’ve seen one or two episodes)

Chapter 4- Countdown
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Last time:
You have about 35 minutes to crack the system. ." said Bura

"I want you to find out Who she is, Where's she from, What's her background, Who's her family, and how does she know Zokkic. And then I want you to do a background check on her and see if her story checks out, then report back to me." Said Broly
"The best Security can do is 30 minutes and this is the best Security Intelligence in the entire Universe" said Mel trying to keep clam and collected posture but finding it hard to do so with a angry king leaving no room for compromise.


" I never said I had a boyfriend" came Bura's sly reply

"Well can I be your boyfriend?" asked Goten

"If we see each other again someday, sure, why not?" replied Bura


"You ready?" asked Gohan

"I've been waiting for years to have this opportunity, I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"Good, cause this will be the last day of Broly's reign!"
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The following events took place during the times 8:58 PM and 9:22PM

8:58: 03...04...05...06

The two brothers kept whispering to each other, so they could keep their personal agenda to themselves.

“Is everyone ready?” Asked Goten

“Almost” replied Gohan

“Who’s not ready?” Asked Goten

“Uub and 17 aren’t in position yet” Answered Gohan

“Where are they?” Goten asked

“I don’t know! Where could they be?” asked Gohan

“I’ll look for them” said Goten

“Well hurry up! We only have one chance to do this” Said Gohan

“You don’t have to tell me twice” replied Goten defensively. As soon as he said that he went in search of his comrades

‘Sometimes I wonder if Goten can go through with this. He’s been through a lot’ thought Gohan. 15 years ago their father was murdered by Broly and his soldiers, it was said that Goku (or Kakarott as Sayians called him) was leading a resistance against Broly and was murdered for treason . He wasn’t there to witness his father’s death, but Goten was. He remembered every single detail of his father’s gruesome murder by Broly’s hand. To this day Goten would wake up screaming from the nightmares.

Gohan never asked Goten about their father’s death because he didn’t want to picture his father being savagely beaten and then killed. Rumor has it that the killing was so gruesome that witnesses that witnessed the killing soon after killed themselves for the vividly grotesque images that were forever drilled into their minds.

But it didn’t matter how his father died, what mattered was the message that he gave to the people.


“Life’s not worth living if you live in constant fear, if you can believe in a better future isn’t that worth fighting for?!” shouted Goku to the crowd

People were cheering and applauding his speech, giving them hope for the first time in a year. In the crowd Gohan was watching in awe as his father continued to give his speech of hope, next to him was Goten who was still a little young to understand what’s going on, but still watched in awe as his father gave the speech.

End Flashback

Gohan lived by his father’s words, it gave him hope for a better future, it took him years to get to this point, first he had to sever all connections with his friends and family (besides Goten, 17, and Uub), change his entire identity, form a resistance, and gain the enemies trust. If everything went right then a new and better future would be a possible reality. It’s not like anyone wants to take over Broly’s position…right?


8:59: 58...59...9:00:00...01...02

Zo was making his way the security room. Before he entered the room he turned on his communicator.

“Lela, It’s me Zo I’m almost at the target” said Zo

“Great, just tell me when you get there” replied Lela

“How? I can’t talk to you! People will think I’m weird!” Zo whispered loudly

“Your such an idiot Zo! Just knock when your in position, you got that?” asked Lela

“Yes” answered Zo

As soon as Zo answered he entered the room, and shut the door. The sound of the door closing momentarily caused the guards to look in his direction.

“My bad” apologized Zo

After showing his card to his Boss, Zo went to his position. His stand had a computer that was designed to watch everything, like surveillance. The Camera consisted heat vision, night vision, and X-ray. If one wanted to identify someone all you had to was lock on the target, and then the computer would identify that person by looking into the DATA base and find whatever there was on the person, like photograph, DNA info, Social Security, Birth Certificate, anything that would match the target. It didn’t take much to identify a stranger with this security system.

To shut down the security would be nearly impossible . Equipped with a 10,000 coded password which needed identification that required security’s own password and fingerprint scan to access it. Then when you get passed that you had to do retina scan to start shutting down the system which can be pretty difficult, but then there was several backup systems that required a 1000 worded password to activate the manual back up shut down system. To say it was difficult to brake into security would be a dramatic understatement.

As Zo readied himself for the difficult task ahead he made a silent prayer ’Dear Kami, please watch after me and my comrades…mostly me, and please, please let everything go smoothly’ thought Zo. With that Zo knocked

“you ready?” asked Lela

Knock, knock (yes)

“ Ok it going to be impossible to brake the entire system in an half an hour, so we’re going to perform a manual shortcut shutdown that my father created in this system just incase of emergency. You ready?”

Knock, Knock (yes)

“Okay here we go” said Lela

9:02:37...38...3 9…40

‘That’s the girl’ thought Mel.

She was just sitting at an empty table eating massive portions of food like it would just disappear any second if she didn’t eat it quickly.

‘Well she has an appetite of a Sayian’ thought Mel

Knowing that a life was on the line Mel went to the table to get the information that was needed to identify the suspect.

“Mind if I join you?” asked Mel

The girl turned towards Mel and was momentarily shocked to see the mysterious figure appear out of nowhere.

“Sure” said Bura

Accepting her offer Mel took seat beside her, took out a cigarette and lit it.

“I hear Smokings bad for the lungs” said Bura trying to make conversation

“It is” replied Mel

“Well, why don’t you quit?” asked Bura

“an addiction is hard to break, sometimes impossible” replied Mel

“What kind of addiction are impossible to break?” asked Bura

“Lots of things, like love for one” was Mel’s answer

“Love?” asked Bura

“You sound shocked” said Mel

“I never thought of love as an addiction” said Bura

“Many people don’t. An addiction can be considered as a dependency, an obsession. You’d do anything to obtain to it, in hopes of sustaining your sanity, while the world around you crumbles, and many people could define that as Love” said Mel

“O…kay?” answered Bura

“Well what’s your name?” asked Mel changing the subject

“Crystal” answered Bura

“Crystal what?” asked Mel

“Crystal Metha” replied Bura

“Melzda Narashu. Interesting name, were your family drug lords?” asked Mel

“No, I don’t think so. They died when I was very young, so I don‘t know what they did.” said Bura

“How tragic” Said Mel trying sincerely to sound sincere but ended up sounding more indifferent then anything else “where do you live?”

“Nowhere really, I’ve moved from orphanage, orphanage. I’ve never really had a home” said Bura

Mel didn’t sense any false information coming from the mysterious girl but she was definitely hiding something, so Mel continued to probe.

“What planet are you from?” asked Mel

“I was born here, but I don’t know where my parents were from.” replied Bura

‘Dammit! All of her answers seem to lead to a dead end’ thought Mel and just nodded in understanding.

“A Girl with no real past, must be tragic, I can sympathize though, I know what that feeling is like, but fate works in mysterious ways, that’s what got me here today. But how could you get invited to this party when you don’t any connections with anyone whatsoever” asked Mel

“Well I met Zo at some underground club and we kind of hit it off. We saw each other on several occasions parties, clubs, lounges, and just hung out and enjoyed each other’s company. Then Out of the blue he asked me if I could be a escort for the Gala and I agreed.” answered Bura

“But he’s at security, why did he invite you if he volunteered to do security?” asked Mel

Bura seemed to hesitate for seconded or two trying to come up with an excuse for Zo.

“Well… I really don’t know. I guess he just wanted someone to stand by him and look pretty and maybe make his friends jealous, but I could be wrong.” replied Bura

“Hm” was Mel’s only response.

Bura’s POV

Why does he have to be here, him of all people. I know who he is. He’s Broly’s right hand man, just always out of everyone’s sight, hiding behind the shadows, only to do Broly’s bidding, when called upon.

Why is he talking to me? There’s nothing suspicious about me except for the fact that I’m attempting to steal the necklace, but that not the point (It’s not like I’m completely keeping my eyes focused on the necklace). There’s no way that Mel figured out that I was a thief, I basically don’t exist (man that’s depressing), I have no family, no identification, no home, Nothing! But what if he’s suspicious?

What if he’s just here to arrest me? Take me away quietly to the torture chambers, to get information or worse! just for fun! Calm down girl, there’s no need to panic I need to focus on the mission. Maybe I could flirt with him and drive his away attention with my charms.

Come to think of it, he quite Handsome. Long angular jaw line, high cheek bones, large brown eyes with finely shaped eyebrows, and his brown hair was short and spiked. Everything about his face was lien, angular and somewhat feminine. I couldn’t tell what his body looked like, because it was completely covered in a black cloak but I bet it‘s like the rest of him. If I was completely honest with myself, I’d say he was cuter then Goten.

I’m sure he’s like any other man, dedicated to their principal, until there attention is steered away by the call of a siren (me being the siren), a man would do anything for a pretty face, or so I’ve heard . Alright just start a conversation and flirt with him, and everything will be fine

Unless he’s gay, then I’m screwed


“Um, what about you?” asked Bura

“What about me!” Mel replied defensively

‘Whoa! Talk about defensive.’ thought Bura

“What are you doing here?” asked Bura trying to start a conversation again

“I was invited” replied Mel curtly

“What do you do for a living?” asked Bura

“Work for the King” answered Mel

“Do you like your job?” asked Bura

“sure” was Mel’s only reply

“It must be interesting to work for the king” said Bura

“Hn” was the only sound that was heard

“Do you have a date?” asked Bura giving Mel a seductive look

Mel replied “no”

Smiling flirtatiously Bura asked “ would you like some company tonight, I’d be happy to volunteer”.

Obviously not impressed and Having the Information that was needed Mel stood up and began to leave. “Sorry, not interested.”

“Oh come on, I’ll make it worth while” said Bura

“I’m just not interested. I’m not really into women. Sorry to disappoint ” replied Mel walking away

‘Crap! Well at least he’s leaving. Don’t say anything stupid to make him stay.’ thought Bura “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were gay” said Bura ’Dammit’

Mel stopped at Bura’s comment and replied. “I’m a Woman!” and continued to walk away.

Bura to say the least was shocked and very embarrassed.


From the across the table Broly watched as Melzda left the table where the mysterious woman was sitting. He was extremely bored. While pretending to listen to his associates he would turn his head in the woman’s direction every now and then.
9:07:11. ..12...13...14...15

Zo was still typing in the encrypted code that Lela gave to him

Okay, once the code is encrypted, you will have complete access to the Main computer” said Lela

Although Zo was unable to reply verbally Zo Knocked twice to say that he understood

“If you do Everything right and there’s no interruptions we will be able to get everything shut down in under a half an hour” Said Lela

‘good the sooner the better’ thought Zo

Unfortunately luck was not on there side today.

Out of the shadows appeared Melzda.

‘Shit’ thought Zo every time she appeared it meant trouble.’ what is she doing here?’

“Men, Your King requests your Help.” shouted Mel

The security was confused. There didn’t seem to be any disturbances on there surveillance cameras. Why would there king need them?

“There’s a woman that his Majesty wishes for us to identify. Her name is Crystal Metha. I want birth certificates, Social Security, ID’s, Licenses, records, anything that we can get on this woman” shouted Mel

With that security started to do there search

‘Oh no Bura’ thought Zo. ’ Could it be that we’ve been discovered. If that’s the case then I better high tail it out of here. But if I leave, people might get suspicious. AGH! What am I gonna do?’ Remaining calm, the first thing he did was abort the encryptions, second he disconnected his communication with Lela.

Lela heard a click that caught her attention. “Zo! Can you hear me?”

There was no response.

‘That’s odd, everything was going just fine, then I heard a voice giving out a command, and then everything went quiet’

Getting worried after a few seconds Lela went to check if everything was working.

“everything seems to be working. Then why is that Zo is no responding?”

It only took her a couple of seconds to figure out that Zo disconnected his communicator.

‘There must be trouble, if that’s the case then I better contact Bura’

“But what if Bura’s already in danger? I would just put myself in danger. The wisest thing to do is wait for Bura to contact me, If she doesn’t contact me, the mission is to be aborted.
(Back to Zo)

As soon as Zo Disconnected Mel appeared behind him

“I have a special assignment for you Zokkic” Mel whispered in his ear

“Yes mam, what is it?” asked Zo

“I want you to do a search on Female Sayians with blue eyes” replied Mel

Having no choice Zo typed in the keyword “Female Sayians with blue eyes” on the computer and after five minutes of loading the results. With dread Zo read the matches

There was only one.
9:1 2: 21...22...23...24...25
Broly’s POV

From just looking at her I could tell that she was still a child, barely a woman, still developing in many areas, but once fully developed she‘d be a very desirable woman. She was pretty thin, not bony thin but still thin for her age, probably do to malnourishment, but she was very well toned almost like a dancer, which gave her the curves needed to be noticed in that dress.

Why was I so captivated? I had an entire harem full of the most desirable women in the universe. Although the mysterious woman was indeed beautiful, she fell in comparison to most of the women in My harem. Maybe it was because her beauty was different from other women, it was unique, not three boobs unique, but different. Everything about her seemed soft and delicate, Her skin reminded him of peaches and cream, and the curves of her body drew attention of men far and wide.

What caught my attention the most though were her eyes, a beautiful bright blue that changed different shades of and sparkled every time she displayed an emotion, like joy, embarrassment, or fear. It reminded me of the ocean. There were many women with blue eyes some reminded me of sapphires, others ice, some even reminded me of the ocean, but for some reason those eyes captivated me like no other.

I’ve met only a few women that drew my attention, and only one woman that made me obsessed with her with just a glance, was dead. Could it be that this mysterious woman is…


“There’s no place in the Galaxy that His Majesty’s influence hasn’t reached” said The Admiral confidently interrupting Broly’s thoughts.

“How could you be so sure? It’s a big Universe for all we know there’s whole quadrant that hasn’t been discovered yet.” replied a skeptic Politician

“There are only four quadrants. North, South, East and West, with an estimate of a 100 sectors per Quadrant with Military, Merchandising and Trading bases surrounding every Quadrant and sector, our military strength is growing by the day and we have the most powerful technology, and it has yet to discover this “unknown” Quadrant.” the Admiral answered Smugly

‘If only the admiral wasn’t so useful in the Northern Quadrant I’d enjoy killing him ’ thought Broly

“There has been rumors of a sector in the Eastern Quadrant has been untouched and is not even on the map” said another Politician

That Caught Broly’s attention “what’s this sector called?” he asked

“I think it’s called Zel Nar. It’s rumored as a safe Haven for refugees when there homes are destroyed” said the Politician

“That is pure crap, made up by peasants ” said the Admiral

“How could you be so sure? You don’t work in the Eastern Quadrant. You know nothing of that Quadrant.” said a General from the eastern Quadrant.

“There’s never been a report on such a place” said the Admiral

“but there has been a reporting on missing survivors” said the EQ (Eastern Quadrant) General

“Missing Survivors?” asked Broly

“Yes, Once. When a Planet was secluded for purging I was specifically told to leave one third of the population alive. The planet was purged of course but when the slave ships came. they reported that half surviving population was missing” replied the EQ General

“They must of killed each other” said the Admiral still not convinced

“I thought so too, but then a few months later I heard in several reports of black holes appearing out of nowhere and then disappearing like it never existed”. said E General

“What does that have to do with the disappearances?” shouted the Admiral

“They always appeared near the planets that were purged!” the EQ general retorted

Some of the Politicians and Generals gasped in astonishment while the rest was just dumbfounded

“If this sector really does exist, why doesn’t appear on any map that we have!” Shouted the Admiral

“I don’t know? But you have to admit that the black holes and the disappearances are quite suspicious don’t you agree your highness?” asked the EQ General

“If it does exist then It gives me something do. I’ve been cooped up on this planet for too long. First thing in the morning we will research on this Zel Nar, find out as much as we can, then find a lead and take it. If it leads to a dead end someone will have to pay for wasting my time.” Broly said Threatened

“Might I suggest the Eastern Quadrant General, he was the one who brought up the subject” whispered the Admiral to Broly

Clearly agitated of the Admiral’s attempt to act all chummy towards him. Broly replied “Or I could just kill you now! Your trying my patience, with your arrogance”

Clearly frightened at the suggestion the Admiral Begged “I beg of your forgiveness your majesty. I was only trying to land on your good graces, please forgive me.”

‘pathetic’ thought Broly

“why don’t we change the subject” Broly’s father interjected without caution

‘When did the old man get here’ thought Broly

Broly relationship with his father was to say the least rocky. For most of Broly’s life Paragus controlled everything Broly did, from killing innocents to getting revenge. But 16 years ago Broly learned to control his own power so his father’s influence was no longer as powerful as it once was. With this new found change in the power struggle Broly often contemplated killing his own father, when they passed each other, their was always tension between them. Paragus knew he was no longer in control of his son and that he would have to face his son’s wrath sooner or later. When the day came, instead of a slow and gruesome death as he expected, he was given a proposition to help his son take over Vegeta-sei.


He knew this day was coming. His son had every right to be furious at him. All his life he controlled his son against his will, his every move, every thought, and every temper tantrum Broly had. Then one day out of the blue Broly just told him to fuck off and punched him in the gut which sent him flying to the wall. The force of Broly’s punch broke Paragus’ back and most of his ribs.

When he woke up he found himself in the regent tank in the medical wing. The doctors said that he was lucky to be alive. He didn’t think so. The doctors told him that his back was still recovering from the impact so Paragus was completely paralyzed and wouldn’t be able to move for several months.

There was several nurses that tended to his every need, they changed him, bathed him, clothed, and fed him. He was in constant pain but couldn’t voice it because he was using an oxygen tube to help him to breathe but it was not enough to help him talk.

Never once did his son come visit him to see his recovery.

After almost a year of painful recovery and solitude Paragus recovered fully. But the fear his son installed him stayed with him.

Every time his son would walk towards him Paragus would turn the other way and avoid him. For weeks Paragus would avoid Broly like he was a plague, and never once did Broly pursue him.

One day that all changed. when Paragus walked away from Broly instead of walking on he pursued him. At first Paragus just walked away calmly just trying to avoid his son, but this time Broly didn’t seem to get the picture and sped up to his father. Paragus was getting nervous there was guards everywhere but none of them suspected that Broly intended to kill his father. They thought just a spat between the father and son, the fools if only they knew. Paragus then broke into run when he turned a corner, unfortunately Broly did the same.

Paragus was getting frantic and picked up the speed, when he turned to see if he lost his son he was surprised when he did. Sighing in relief Paragus slowed his pace to a jog. Paragus seemed to be out of the woods, but then he turned his head and his son waiting for him at the end of the hallway.

Unable to stop Paragus ran into his son only to be pushed into a open door. Paragus stumbled in to the room and fell to the ground, then Broly entered the room and locked the door behind him, preventing any attempts at escape.

The room they were in was one of the many training faculties located in the palace, if Broly was to kill him, the guards would think that they were only sparring and wouldn’t suspect a thing until it was too late. Paragus knew that he was caught there was no where to go. He watched his son approach him with a condescending gaze directed at him. He never knew his son could hate him so much. Maybe he could talk his son out of killing. But before he could say a word Broly interrupted.

“ I have a proposition for you old man”

“Wa…What?” asked a very confused Paragus

“I wish to take over” said Broly

“you do?” asked Paragus ‘that’s odd my son never had an interest in ruling’ he thought “Why the sudden interest?”

“I get all the benefit’s a ruler has. A ruler is powerful, and has everything that one would desire. I’m already powerful but I desire more out of life” said Broly

“then why do you need me?” asked Paragus

“Your smart, you figure it out. I have no desire to deal with something as tedious as Politics and paper work. I just wish to reap the benefits of the title.” said Broly staring into space.

“So you wish to be a mere figure head?” asked Paragus still not able to believe what he was hearing

“No… I wish to be a God!” stated Broly

“A God?” whispered Paragus

With an almost demented look replied “Yes! A God! A God is worshipped, respected and feared. People will go to war for a god at mere utterance. I can cause a mass genocide or an apocalypse if I so desired. No one would dare ever question my power”

“Broly” whispered Paragus. All his life he tried to convince his son that he was meant for greatness that he was all powerful, he never thought his son ever actually listened to him, just followed. Now that Broly thought for himself the thought of Broly actually ruling frighten him. Because deep down he knew his son could, and would accomplish his ambitions if he so desired. Back in the day he had To keep the urge of madness away from his son, he had to control him. At first it was for his son’s protection, then as time passed, Paragus started to enjoy controlling such power. It made him feel invincible. Power was indeed addicting and corrupted absolutely, he just prayed that in Broly’s Quest for absolute power that he wouldn’t get caught in the fire of his son’s madness.

“What do you wish me to do my son?” asked Paragus

“I’ll call upon you when you are needed” said Broly as he started to walk away

Bowing down on his knees Paragus said “Thank you for sparing my life, I will follow you to the ends of Galaxy, my son!”

At that Broly stopped in his tracks and replied in a condescending tone “Never call me your son! You are too pathetic to be called my father. From now on our relationship is strictly business. And stating now You will refer to me as master, is that clear Old Man! .”

“Yes Master” was Paragus’ only replied

End of Flashback

And indeed did there relationship remained strictly business. Anything of their Relationship as father and son died a long time ago. All that remained was the master and servant.

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“Your highness why don’t you get ready for your presentation” said Paragus

“Presentation?” inquired Broly

“Yes, my lord. The people are expecting a speech.” said Paragus

“What for?” asked Broly

“The necklace” answered Paragus

“Why do people care about the necklace?” asked Broly

“It’s not the necklace itself, but what it represents” replied Paragus

“and what does it represent exactly?” inquired Broly

“It symbolizes A new era, and beginning. It means that you and the chosen are rightfully fit to rule this entire Empire” replied Paragus

“And Why does this concern me?” asked Broly still uninterested

“Because of your engagement” answered Paragus

Slapping his hand down in rage Broly shouted “WHAT!!”

“Your engagement to Zucina” Answered Paragus shaking with fear

“Why would you ever assume I would engage myself to that, that whore?!” asked a severely pissed off Broly

“Well I’ve noticed how You and Zucina are always around each other, and the necklace appeared out of the blue around the same time you named her your mistress and the necklace is meant for the rightful Queen . So I assumed that it was fate that you two were to be married”

In a threatening tone Broly whispered “Never assume something as ridiculous as that ever again. Do I Make Myself Clear Old Man!”

“Yes, forgive me” whispered Paragus “But people are still expecting a speech, do you want me to tell them that you don’t intend to make a speech”

“No” said Broly “I will make a speech, we could use funding for research on that Zel Nar Haven”

“Why do you need funding your Majesty?” asked the Admiral “you Have more then enough money to fund it yourself.”

“Are you Questioning my Judgment Admiral?” asked a slightly offended Broly

“No! I would never Question you my lord. Forgive me.” said the Admiral

Although he didn’t have a solid plan for asking the people for funding at that moment Broly had general idea on how to accomplish it. And the necklace would play a vital role.

‘Where the hell are they?’ thought Goten

It’s been 20 minutes that Goten has been searching for 17 and Uub and still no luck.

‘It’s almost time to strike, why aren’t in position’

Finally after another minute of searching Goten found 17 and Uub by buffet table. Uub was currently stuffing himself, and 17 was flirting with noble woman.

“Guys what are you doing? We have to get is position!” Goten whispered

“Sorry Goten, I’m just eating what could be my last meal” replied Uub with a stuffed mouth

“Goten, Chill! We can attack them any time we want. Why do you have to be so worried?” asked 17
“Because were attacking Broly when he presents the necklace, and that’s why you need to get in position” answered Goten

Understand there were more important things to worry about 17 shooed away the noble woman. Feeling insulted the noble woman hmped and left. “Way to ruin my fun Goten” said 17

“Alright gentlemen get in position” whispered Goten

“You don’t have to tell me twice” said 17 then disappeared

“Right” said Uub as he disappeared

“Alright” said Goten “I got to tell Gohan” turning on his communicator “Gohan? Can you read me?”


Gohan just got Goten’s message “Yeah read you loud and clear”

From the other line “I just found Uub and 17 and there in position”

“Good, now all we got to do is wait for the Bastard to give a speech” said Gohan

“Are you sure he’s going to give a speech?” asked Goten

“Of course, I been listening in on his conversations” replied Gohan

“What’d he say?” asked Goten

“I’ll tell you later Goten right now we have a mission to focus on” answered Gohan

“Right, Goten over and out” with that Goten shut off his communicators.

‘Okay this is it’ thought Gohan ‘lets get this over with’ He just wanted to kill him and go home, but what if he failed the tension was killing him.

< br> 9:21:30...31...32...33...34

‘It’s quite amazing sometimes that Broly’s predictions are usually correct’ thought Melzda

As suspected the girl‘s background didn’t check out. After searching for the name Crystal Metha data base came up with at least 20,000,000 matches, but none of them matched her physical appearance, or her background. As suspected from Melzda this girl was under a alias name and every lead led to a dead end.

Then she remembered what Broly instructed her to do, she told security to search for Female Sayians with blue eyes, and there was only one match. And the results were indeed shocking

The woman that was identified was Bura Briefs, the second child of Bulma Briefs and King Vegeta II. She had a brother who was deceased along with her parents. She was obviously a half Sayian because there had never been a full blooded Sayian with blue eyes ever recorded. She went from orphanage to orphanage for a year when she was nine, and then just disappeared and hasn’t been seen since.

Her appearance was interesting. Although it was a picture of a nine year old the resemblance between the two women were uncanny, The eyes were definitely a dead give away that they were one in the same. The only difference was the hair color. She was probably wearing a wig, hair die was prohibited on this planet mainly due environmental hazards it caused in the atmosphere and also due to the hot weather which could cause a Sayian’s hair to get all sticky and grimy beyond repair.

Yep Broly will definitely be pleased that his predictions were right. But what he’s going to do to the girl, ‘I pray that she will be dealt with as mercifully as possible’ For Broly did have a twisted mind he could be very creative, it all just depended on his mood.

‘Hopefully he’s in a good mood’ thought Melzda

With that thought Melzda left the security room to report her findings to Broly

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It took forever to write this chapter. I don’t know when I’ll have the next chapter up, hopefully soon

Thanks for the reviews
Just please continue to review.