Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Obession ❯ Meetings ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own DBZ, I just own this story

Notice: This is an AU and it has many original characters. Don’t worry there will be characters from DBZ and GT popping up so don’t get discouraged

My Blue Obsession

Broly POV

Tonight’s the Gala where I’m suppose to make an appearance and present the infamous Vegeta-sei amulate, which I have no desire to do. To me, it’s just a regular necklace. The only reason were having this ridiculous party is because the necklace was just recently found. For 16 years it’s been lost, and it was found just recently in old run down house. To the people it was a symbol of a new beginning. You see this necklace was only to be worn to the rightful Queen. It was said that fate would bring the chosen Queen to the necklace when the time was right.

It once belonged to an Earthling named Bulma. She was married to King Vegeta II, and it was said that necklace chose her to be Queen and lead the Sayian people to wealth and prosperity. Despite what self-righteous advisors said against her (including my father), she lead the people well. She was the Zel (yin) to Vegeta’s Mel (yang), they truly complemented each other.

I envied Vegeta, he found something precious to protect and cherish in his miserable life, while I suffered the terrible loneliness, I was different, I was something to be feared and despised and I enjoyed that feeling , the feeling of being acknowledged, but I wanted something more, something that was my very own, so I turned to the Queen.

At first I just found her amusing. It was believed that she had some divine power over men, that she had the power to give a person the feeling of purpose. So I watched her interact with the people around her, a simple smile could make a servants day brighter, a praise from her would inspire soldiers to do battle for her, her need to better the world she would be praised by the people. My interest turned into infatuation. Despite all her good qualities she was just as flawed.
She had a very short temper, so short that many people would stand clear of her when she was angry. She would constantly bicker with her husband over the smallest things (which i found to be very amusing), to them, it was there way of communication, and despite her obvious inner strength she was so fragile, that she needed constant protection from her enemies.

My infatuation soon turned into obsession, I’d constantly kept watch of her from the shadows always just out of her sight and the king for that matter, when in her presents I would breathe in her scent until I was intoxicated by it. When I looked into her eyes It had finally gotten to the point when I would start fantasizing about her, under me, screaming in pleasure under me, saying she would be devoted only to me, it was my greatest desire to have something to cherish and in return be, dare I say it...loved. Yes it was my one wish and greatest desire have to be loved.

When the opportunity presented itself to make my deepest desires a reality, I took it, I killed Vegeta and his son. I took his thrown, his kingdom, and everything that went with it including his mate. But when I came to claim my prize she fled from me taking with her, her newborn cub. At first I thought she went to her home planet and so I searched for her there, only to come up empty handed. I searched the entire universe for years, hoping to find some clue, anything that would lead me to her, but nothing.

After 10 years of searching and I was still no closer to finding her , but I refused to give up my search. During all this my father suggested that I take a Queen and produce an heir, just incase that Vegeta's spawn comes back to claim the thrown. Her name was Espara and she was chosen by the Concil of the Super Elites to be Vegeta's mate when she was younger. Her whole purpose of living was to please and satisfy her future mate, ever since she's been chosen she has been perpaired for the next King, her life was set except for one minor detail, her betrothed had aready mated with another, and for years she was set aside by the King, and was turned into a concunbine, but the King never came to her bed. So she was the top canidate to be my mate.

My first impression of her was that she was like another slave ready to take my orders no matter how deranged my commands, as time went on things seemed to remain the same, until one day she asked me why must she be slave? Why can't she follow her own path? And why couldn't express herself? she had told me that she hated herself for witing for her betrothed to come and give her the life she was promised, only find that she wasn't good enough for him. And when I came along she thought her prayers were answered, only to find that she was merely a vessel for my heir and she hated me for that.

When she told me everything my first reaction was one of anger. I berated her for even talking to me without my permission, that she only had one purpose and that was producing my heir! She was given a destiny and that she should... no will accept it! And then I told her to leave my sight and she did so without any complaints. When she left I went to the training grounds to blow some steam off, for hours I beat myself up. I did not know why her confession angered my so much, why? She was living breathing individual. I contemplated my anger until I fell from exhustion. Tired, fustrated, and confused I still had no anwser, as I was about to head to my chamber when all of a sudden it hit me.

I wasn't angry at her hatred for her life of servitude, I was angry of my life of servitude. Ever sicne I was a child I was a slave. I was slave to my father, a slave to my rage, and a slave to my own powers. I had the power to due what I wanted all my life and I ultimatly chose be slave and did nothing change that fact for a majority of my life until I stopped listening to what others wanted and did what I wanted. I realised that Espara and I shared a connection that made me realize that I was not alone in this world, and that there was always something that connected us to someone...somehow.

The next day we started anew, we pretended that arguement never happened, but we discussed what we wanted to do with our lives. We went our sperate ways for 3 months to discover ourselfs, and the results were very rewarding. Espara discovered her love for architecture and designed and redeigned parts of the palace including the Grand ballroom. As for me I discovered my love for music. It's true what they said...music sooths the savage beast. I tried to learn to play an insturment like the Cello but found that I didn't have the patience for it, but I found myself more interested listening to the music then actually playing it, so I would hire different orchestras from all over the Galaxy to play in the Grand ballroom ocasionally. If anything we became good friends, but it never ammounted to anything more.

One day the concil got fustrated with us and demanded that we sire an hire as soon as possible or a civil war would be iminate. I for one didn't really care, but Espara did, despite all the things she was taught to do or say or think, Espara still made her own consicence decision that she loved the sayian people and she would do whatever it takes to protect them even if it was to produce an heir. So we did it and avoided a civil war. For the 9 months we went our seperate ways again only to ocasionaly to check on eachother and catch up on things. When the Espara went into labor, I paiciently waited for her to deliver the brat. when cub was born Espara died and I felt a part me went with her.

I don't know why it affected me so much, but basicly my life from then on was a complete blur, maybe her death affected me so much was because I lost a genuine friend , forced to go through life alone. I'm don't remember what I did for those 6 years but I'm sure I did some damage I could only remember a few things, what I do remember for sure was my son trying to gain my attention no matter how destructive his actions may be, but I ignored him, too busy trying to fill the void that was my life. But a couple of weeks ago the necklace was found. At first I wasn't interested thinking it served no purpuse, but then my father explained to me that the necklace belonged to Queen, all of the memories of the last 16 years suddenly returned to me with avengence.

I remembered everything. the planets I conqured, the rebels I forced into submission, the mass genocide I committed, everything. I even remembered the personal details of the last six years, like gaining a trustworthy comrade and servant after a very intense battle that lasted 3 days but in the end I won and forced that entire rebel force to join me. I also remember that I'm having sexual encounters with a very attractive woman, I think her name is Zucina or something, her family was apart of my advisory, she is a very responsve bedmate, but thats all she's good for, her constant need for attention and her nagging was annoying, I wanted to kill her but then I might lose her family's loyalty (no matter how annoying the entire family is they are one of the leading benifactors to my empire) so to shut her up I said I would escort to the Ball tonight.

But what I remembered the most was Bulma. Everything that I kept locked inside me suddenly came forth. My obession for her reawakened with an intensity that I thought dead within me and I remember that she had another child, the second I thought of that brat I grew angry. So I started to plan I had to retrieve her and her cub. My first step was to find out where the necklace was found, that seemed simple enough.

The necklace was found outside of the city in a run down home, to think that the former Queen would live in such a dump was unthinkable.When I entered the house there, it was just a dusty old abandoned house, it seemed like it was abandoned for years. On closer inspection I found picture of her and her family, dressed in casual clothing. Her husband to right of her and her son in front of her, but what caught my interest was the infant in her arms, it turns out that she had daughter. What I discovered next was the smell, it smelled of death, Bulma died? ...No it couldn't be, my search couldn't be over, I was suppose to find her and mate with her and have cubs with her, it wasn't fair! I spent 16 years searching for her, I searched the Galaxy only to find out that she was all this time living right under my nose, just out of reach.

I wanted to deny it but a Sayian's sense of smell never lies, in the end I accepted it. I wanted to Bury her but there was no body but I made her tombstone anyway to honer her despite pain she caused me. In a way it became my sanctuary if I ever had a problem I would come here to clear my mind. As I stare at her tombstone I can't help but wonder what happened to her daughter. My first thought was that she was dead but I quickly dimissed the thought. She was the daughter of Vegeta and she would be too stubborn to just role over and die, she's too strong for that, she out there somewhere that's for sure.

I don't know if I'll ever find her but if I do I will do to her what I've always wish to do to her mother. Bulma may be dead but she passed the flame on to her daughter, I know it!... I can feel it!

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The scene was an unusal one, a definite head turner. A druken middle aged woman dragging two young adults kicking,and screaming desperatly trying to escape her seemingly harmless grasp. Bura and Zo were being dragged to meet the king against there will. they were so close to losing there chance to steal the necklace. The Key to the entire stradegy was timing, if they're off one minute there would be dire concequences, in other words they would be in deep SHIT If they mess up. As they were being dragged Bura attempted to make an excuse.

"You know what, I'm terribly hungry. I'll introduce myself to king later. Besides Zokkic has to get to work anyway"

But Zo's mother replied "You're soooo cute, don't be shy. It'll only take minute, and besides I might forget to drag you to meet him later"

'That's the point!' thought Zo

What seemed like forever they finally reached there destination angainst there will, they faced the king. Bura's worst fear has come to pass but she hid it and scooled her features to look calm and collected.

" Your majasty! what a supprise! and you're hear with my daughter, how sweet" Said the mother

Broly's only reply was a nod of acknowledgement.

"Zukina! look at you! your gorgeous! That dress makes you look less provocative" the mother continued babbling

Zukina was wearing a very short and cocktail dress that was navy blue and showed her curves in all the right places. Her black hair was styled in a elegant manner. Half her hair was up in a braided bun, and the other half went straight down to her lower back, and in the front there were a few curls. Her oval face was painted with make-up, a mix between light and dark blue eyeshadow above her cat shaped eyes, a little blush on her high cheekbones, and ruby red lipstick. For jewelery she only wore a choke holder incased with diamonds. Finally for footwear she wore open toed high heels with thin laces that laced up to her knees. In short, she was hot.

" Mother your embrassing her" Zo whispered to his mother, upon seeing his sister blush

"Nonsense!...Why was I here? I know it just wasn't to talk to my daughter. It has to do with something." while his mother was contemplating why she was there Zo And Bura started to sneek away until a deep voice stopped them.

"Zokkic who's this Beautiful woman your escorting tonight ?"

Being shocked Zo momentarily forgot that Bura was under cover 'he never spoke to me before. Why is he starting now?'

"This is ...Uh"

Bura sensing that Zo's forgotten her fake identity intervined "Crystal! My name is Crystal. It's a plesaure to meet you your Highness" and gave small bow.

"The pleasure is mine" said Broly as he grabbed Bura's hand and kissed it while keeping his eyes locked on hers and casting her a charming smile. To say the least Bura was shocked and flattered, no man has ever kissed on the hand.

Bura wasn't the only one suprised Zukina and Zo were as well, especially Zukina 'He never kissed my hand before or kissed me at all for that matter' she thought as she watched the king flirt with the younger woman.

"Your too kind your majesty, but I must depart I have work to do" said Zo trying to break the tension "I'll just escort Crystal to her table and be on my way"

"That's inconsiderate leaving the poor dear alone, I mean any man can just walk up and take her from you if your not careful. Why don't you let the King escort her" The druken mother unwittingly replied

"Mam your too kind, but I am famished and do not want to be a burden to anyone, so I'll just excuse myself from the conversation. Zo you have important business to attend to so just escort me to the buffet and carry on about your business." said Bura

"Yes you do that, I wouldn't want my brother to get fired because he was escorting you while he should be up at the security post" Zukina hinted to her brother. What she really wanted to say was 'get that whore away from here, before I claw her eyes out.' but in high society all the dirty fighting had to be sneaky.

"Um...Yes that would be best" said Zo as he took Bura's arm and escorted her to the buffet table.

"What a nice couple don't you think Zukina" Asked her mother

"I don't know mother, she seems nice, but I don't think they share any chemistry, and then again my brother never had good taste in women" Said Zucina hiding her contempt for the other woman. Then grabbing Broly's arm dragged him to there table, usually Broly wouldn't allow people to touch him, unless he chosse to, but his mind was else where, as he let Zucina drag him he cast a glance at woman he just met, and couldn't help but find something familar about her.

'I feel as if I know her, but from where?'

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As Bura and Zo made it to the buffet table they gave a sigh in relief.

"That was close!" said Zo breathing heavily

"Too close!" replied Bura " I wasn't expecting him to start a conversation like that out of nowhere".

"It must of been your dress that caught his attention. It's too reviling". Said Zo

"Did you not see what your sister was wearing!? Was she wearing a dress or undergramates?" Bura whispered loudly

"I was too busy pissing myself to notice".

"Well it's almost 9, you should get going. You have about 35 miutes to crack the system. Remember don't speak to Lela, to communicate just tap once if you don't understand, Twice if you do, and three taps when your in." said Bura

"Are you sure your going to be okay?" asked Zo

"No, I'm not, but it doesn't matter. I'll just keep a low profile and hope for the best" answered Bura

"Well... brake a leg. just not yours" said Zo as he turned to leave to go do what needs to be done.

"Thanks" said Bura as she watched Zo leave. She then got a plate and started to fill it up with food.

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------

" I think that He'll present the necklace to the aduience and then the band would start playing and then he would announce to the audience that he chose me to his Queen." Said Zukina who was gossiping about herself to group of women of high stature, who did nothing but laugh and agree.

Upon hearing her inane balbbering Broly couldn't help but roll his eyes in annoyance. Why couldn't she just for one second shut up! It's not like he's ever going to purpose to her, why does she insist gossiping about it? She's just his mistress, it's not like he has any emotional feelings for her. The realationship was just phyisical. She knew that, she even enjoyed that kind of relationship. It was only a week ago when she heard about the necklace that she even contemplated engagment, then she started spreading rumors that he was going to propose to her, so he just ignored it, but today he couldn't take it! 'I have half a mind to go over there and kill her with my bare hands' thought Brolt, but he refrained from it. she might be of use to him one day........besides sex.

But that wasn't important. That young woman he met earlier reminded him of someone, but who? He never met a person named Crystal. It was strange He has tons of connections from all over the universe and he never once heard of a Crystal. Where did Zokkic find her? she couldn't be a slave, but she couldn't be a noble woman either. It's possible that she could be a new mistress for Zokkic, but he never comes to the slave market, from what my father tells me. None of it adds up. but What really got me was her Eyes, they were so familar, eyes that I haven't seen in a long time. People don't just don't pop out of nowhere especially in high class society. He was going to get to the bottom of this, anything to occupy his mind.

"Mel!" shouted Broly

And out from the shadows appeared a shadowy figure "Yes?" was it's only reply

"Have you ever heard of Crystal?" asked Broly

"Everyone's heard of Crystal Method your Majasty" repiled Mel

"I meant a person named Crystal!"Broly said clearly agitated " I'm not in the mood for your humor today, so answer wisely"

"It's a common name your majasty, why do you ask?"asked Mel

" I just met a charming young lady by the name of Crystal, and I have never heard of her name in this class"

"She could be an escort paid by someone to accompany them"

"But she came with Zokkic" said Broly

"Zokkic? I thought he would try to avoid coming to this gala altogether?" Asked Mel

"I believed so to, but get this, he volenteered to be security." said Broly

"So you think he's up to something? and the girl has something to do with this ?" asked Mel

"I wouldn't put it passed him" replied Broly

"Do you want me to arrest him sire?"Asked Mel

"No, as much of a trouble maker that he is, he really couldn't do much damage in security. No I want you to interagate the girl." said Broly

"The girl? Why?" asked Mel

"Just a gut feeling." Replied Broly "I want you to find out Who she is, Where's she from, What's her background, Who's her family, and how does she know Zokkic.And then I want you to do a background check on her and see if her story checks out, then report back to me."

"To do all that, would take about an hour, your highness" said Mel

"I want it done in 20 minutes" Came Broly's Reply in a firm uncompramizing tone

"The best Security can do is 30 minutes and this is the best Security Intelligence in the entire Universe" said Mel trying to keep clam and collected posture but finding it hard to do so with a angry king leaving no room for compramize.

"Fine! but not a minute more! or face the conciequences" Said Broly

"Yes your Highness, I'll get on it right away" replied Mel, starting to disappear into the shadows, but before Mel could disappear, Broly's voice stopped the figure.

"If you can't find anything on the girl, tell Security to search for a Sayain with blue eyes"

"Are you sure she's a Sayian?" asked Mel

"No, but do it anyway" Came his only reply

With that Mel disappeared into the shadows

---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

Bura was in heaven. she never been able to eat so much. When your an orphan, you didn't get much of food, or much of anything for that matter. Thinking that the food would disappear Bura started to filled up her plate, when she filled it up she went to a table and placed the food on the table, then returned to the buffet . She filled up on several plates thinking she might never get chance like this ever again. As she got in line for her 8th plate a voice stopped her.

"Wow, what an appeite"

With her back turned she responed "Is that a problem?"

"No, it's just that you and my niece has the same appeite" said the cheerful voice

"You don't say" said Bura finally turning to the man who's talking to her "I thought that all Sayian women ate as much as me"

"No they're on something...I think it's called a diet. I'm Goten by the way"

"Crystal" said Bura as she took a good look at Goten.

Goten was wearing a traditional bus boy uniform that required for servants to wear. He wore a red suit jacket with a white dress shirt underneath. He had on black pants with red lines that went up the sides of his pants. His face was angular but with some childlike features, maybe it was a way that he smiled that made him seem childish. She can tell right off the back that he was a Sayian but in no way was his presence intimindating, in fact it was more welcoming. It was actually a nice change to be in the same presense with a Sayian without being intimidated. Bura couldn't help but blush, 'What can say I was always a sucker for the sweet guys".

"What's a pretty lady like yourself doing here by yourself?" asked Goten

"Getting something to eat" came Bura's reply

At that Goten started to laugh softly. His laugh seemed to ease the tension from Bura.

"It wasn't that funny" Said Bura trying to sound annoyed but failing miserably.

"It's just that it was unexpected, I thought you were going reply snobbishly that your boyfriend was on the other side of the room, and that you'd sick him on me" replied Goten as he scratched the back of his head and smiled " usually girls would sick there boyfriends on me"

"Then why do you keep talking to girls in my class" asked Bura

" It's worth it to see a smile on a pretty face, especially a gal like you" replied Goten

At that Bura blushed "I'm flattered, well I should be going, I have business to attend to, and I'm guessing you do to"

"Yeah I do. So, your not going to rat me out to your boyfriend?" asked Goten

" I never said I had a boyfriend" came Bura's sly reply

"Well can I be your boyfriend?" asked Goten

Bura was pretty sure that she would never see him again, but somewhere in the deepest recesses of her heart she wished that she could have a boyfriend, especially a sweet guy like Goten. She was pretty sure that this would be the last day of her life but fate works in mysterious ways, who know's she might see one him one day before her world crumbles down. So she replied "If we see each other again someday, sure, why not?"

At that Goten's smile widen "Really? are you serious? if so you just made me the happiest man in the world!"

"It was a pleasure meeting you Goten" with that Bura returned to her Table. It was amazing, two men found her to be beautiful, and if she lived to see another day she might get a Boyfriend, It's strange how Life is.

Far away from her table the King bared wittness to her interaction with the male.Being angered by it, Broly broke the whine glass that he was holding, and growled angerly to himself.
-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

He couldn't believe it. He got himself a girlfriend! Well if he saw her again, but thats not the point.His life seemed to be looking up.Despite all the angst and horrors in his life, he found a little piece of heaven that he could keep with him in his memories for the rest of his life. Someone gave him hope for a better future, something to strive for, a reason to fight. He was always hopful for a better future but in the deepest recesses of his mind, ther was doubt, but now even with doubt his felt his reslove strenghten. Like his Father once said if your fight for something worth protecting with all your might, than your cause will never be in vain He would be on top of the world if he.....

"GOTEN!" a male's voice intrupted

"Yeah Bro?"

"You ready?" asked Gohan

"I've been waiting for years to have this opportunity, I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"Good, cause this will be the last day of Broly's reign!"

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What's this, a new plot? What will Happen? I don't know! tune in next time

I want to give thanks for the reviews, It means a lot to me.

To clear things up Zo and Zokkic are one in the same. Zokkic is the name people use to identify him, and Zo is his nickname that very few people use to identify him.

I'm probably asking for too much from the readers, but I would appreciate it if I can at least get 10 reviews (or more) by chapter 5 . I can't gone on with out your reviews! I respond to critizism good or bad. So please give me the encourgement to go on.

P.S If there's any suggestions you readers want to make this story better, please feel free to do so