Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Obession ❯ Plan ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything but this story.

Notice: Many Original Characters. This is NO MARY SUE!!! this an AU

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Bura POV
As I get dressed for tonight I can’t help feel nervous. I never done something this big what if I get caught? What will they do to me? Will they send me to the torture cambers? Or will they just kill me?
Well there’s no going back now. My crew keeps telling me that I’m trying to achieve the impossible, that we could walk out of it and go for something easier. But I tell them that there’s nothing to live for if we don’t do this, if we were to walk out o this right now we would have to keep scrounging around to make ends meat and it was it’s a matter of time that we’ll get caught.
Although we are very skillful in the art of theft, our equipment is low budget, so we are only able to steal things that aren’t very valuable to the public, like drugs and weapons (swords, gun, etc).We’ve been saving money for years now so we could buy new equipment, in the hopes of attempting to pull off more challenging heists. When the opportunity presented itself, I went for it and my crew can do nothing but follow.
I hope everything goes well…

Two people were sitting on an old beaten down sofa waiting for there team mate to come out. The room was run down, the walls were just plain eggshell white and it had several cracks on every side of the wall. the apartment was old and run down, infested with rats, spiders, and cocarouches. the only good things about the apartment was that it was cheap and you didn't need a credit ring to rent it (the credit ring is like a credit card). the two people wait quietly until one of them got fustrated and asks
“Is she ready yet?” said a young woman with messy blonde hair.
“Well what does it look like Lela?” responded the man with a pony tail
“your such an ass Zo!” screamed Lela.
“Well, you asked!” screamed Zo
Lela is a 17 year old woman with dirty blonde hair tied in a messy bun. She wore think glasses covering her stunning green eyes. She wore very baggy clothing covering her entire body. She was in charge of communication and navigation. She acquired her skills from her father who used to work for the Sayian Army specializing in Intercepting communications, but was murdered for treason and obtained his fortune almost two years ago. Normally she was a quiet and timid person but when she was around Zo she would do an 180 turn into a loud and aggressive person. Lela is a Koresian which was a race that was technologically advanced in the Western Quadrant, but her family immigrated to Vegeta-sei because of a war on there home planet that threatened to destroy the entire planet.
Zo is a 21 year old with a long black pony tail that reached all the way to his back. He had nice long oval shaped face with dark brown eyes had spikes that covered his lift eye. His body was lean and muscular and he wore an Sayian security outfit. His job was infiltration, going behind enemy lines and blending in to his surroundings. He was a rebel and had a passion for danger which was his main reason for joining. He came from rich sayian family who were supporters of King Broly, being bored with life he would always go to clubs, go on expeditions, and race in illegal space racing tournaments, anything to escape from the easy and sophisticated life.
“Well, forget it!” Lela sighed frustrated. Taking a breath to calm herself she asked “do you think she’s having second thoughts about this? I Mean she was crazy for even thinking of doing this.”
“Nah, that girl has a one track mind, I bet she’s coming up with a back up plan.” replied Zo 'but if she backed out of this now I wouldn't blame her, this is even too dangerous for me'
A soft clicking noise got there attention and they turned to behold there friend's attire. Instead of black jump suite equiped with high tech equipment like a regular thief, she wore a simple strapless black gown that clung to her curves like a second skin with one cut at the bottom of the dress that went all the way up to her mid right thigh. she wore several diamond braclets on both her wrists a diamond necklace that dipped low to her cleavege and golden ear rings that was actually a communicator. Instead of letting her blue hair out she wore a black wig that reached to her shoulders. she the wore wig because she knows that she'd be a suspect as the blue haired bandit, a few years back she when she was still a little sloppy and by accident she left a strand of her hair at the scene of the crime and she been known as the Blue Hair Bandit ever since.
"So how do I look?" asked Bura
"Fuckable!" replied Zo
"Zo!!" Screamed Bura and Lela (Bura screamed because she was more embarsed than mad)
" I'm serious, and it's not like I'm drunk enough to fuck you, it's more like I want to ravish you until I know every inch of you body and probly do it again in the morning" said Zo
"For rich sophisticated stud like youself that was probably the crudeist comment that I have ever heard" said Bura
"Well you asked" replied Zo
"I just hope that you don't talk like that with your peers" said Bura
"You want to know secret" asked Zo" no matter how crude the comment is, guys of my stature would say the same thing but replace fuckable with ravishing"
" Couldn't you of said ravishing instead?" asked Lela
" I could of, but I might not be able to say it ever again and get beaten"said Zo
and Bura repiled "I'll beat you later, now does everyone remember the plan and there assignment?"
"Yeah, but Lela might not remember" said Zo
"Oh you go to hell!" shouted Lela
Being fustrated with there constant bickering Bura intervined "Alright I'll go over it again, the mission is simple, it's a run and grab opperation, the only difference is were doing it with a hundred of witnesess present if we mess up. Lela you are in charge of keeping in contact with me and Zo with our two way communicators incase we get lost and need a quick escape route if were being chased. Zo your Job is to get me into the Ballroom and then play securityguard in the obversation deck, there Lela will give you the instructions that are needed to shut down the security system and lights for a few seconds and then just stay put and destroy your communicator so no one suspects you. My job is notify everyone when the target is out in the open and then when I give the signal the lights are to go out. I grab the necklace and exit to the nearest escape route that Lela will give me. Now does everyone understand there mission?"
"Yes" repiled Lela and Zo simaltaniously
"Good, now everyone remember that the necklace will be out in the open at 9:30 tonight and then be lost to us at 9:40 so we only have 10 minutes to break into a nearly impossible security system with several backup systems and steal it without getting caught, which shouldn't be a problem since Lela can break any code" explained Bura
"But why doesn't Lela break the security code instead of me?" asked Zo
with a sigh Bura replied "Because they might be able trace a signal back to Lela and she'll be in immediate danger, so you go in her stead because everyone knows that your family are firm followers of the king and they would never suspect your involment in the theft."
"Then why not you? you know how to crack the security codes just as well as Lela." said Zo
"Because they might suspect me and I'm much better when it comes to doing the foot work" answered Bura
Zo finally being convinced nodded and started to put on his gloves and communictor
"Alright this might be the last time I see you guys, so I just wanted to say that I enjoyed working side by side with you guys, I couldn't of pulled off any of the hiest without you, and I wish you all the best for the future." said Bura.
With that being said Bura hooked her arm around Zo and walked out the door ready to face her destiny no matter the consquences.

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The Ballroom Gala was for invite only unless you RSVPd for an uninvited guest to come to the party. That was the first step. Zo's family was invited to the party so it was no problem for getting in all Zo had to do was RSVP for Bura telling his parents that he was bringing her as a friend, and they agreed no questions asked. Zo's parents weren't exactly the narturing kind of parents that most parents were, even for Sayian standards they hardly acknowledged him. They were to busy living there own lives while sucking up to king Broly to keep enjoying there stressed free lifestyle. His sister Zukina was 5 years older than him and was Broly's current lead mistress, and was aiming to be his next wife (his first one died giving birth to his son who just turned 5). Zukina was to be escorted by King Broly himself tonight for some reason, rumor had it that Broly was going to propose to her tonight and wanted everyone to know so threw a party just for her.
As Bura and Zo walked to the enterance, Bura clung closer to Zo, she was about to follow through with her plan and she was getting nervous.
' What if something happens that would ruin the entire plan? What if something goes wrong?' Zo presented his invitation to the security and entered the building 'Well there's no going back now' thought Bura as she watched her only chance of walking out was over.
The ballroom was huge! I mean football stadium huge. The room was either gold, bronze, or limestone. the design of the entire room was between Gothic and Late Renniance. The ceiling held a gaint portrait that depicted the battle between the Sayains and the Tuffles, that looked entirely realistic. The carpet was blood red, with a wooden dance floor in the middle. There was band and a huge buffet table that could feed an entire planet. Bura held on to Zo as she looked around the Ballroom, she was amazed at it's beauty of architecture and design, she has never been around fancy buildings or hotels or had anything of value for that matter, so to say that she was in awe would be an understatement.
"Bura? Are you still with us?"asked Zo quietly
"Huh? oh yeah, I just never seen something so beautiful" replied Bura
"Well I'm going to get into position, so I'm going to leave you by yourself are you sure your going to be Okay?" asked Zo
"Yeah I'll be fine as long as I don't run into the King or his laki..." Bura was interrupted by a loud screeching voice calling "Zokkic! Zokkic!"
"Oh no!" repiled Zo in despair
"Your girlfriend?" asked Bura
"No. Worse. My Mother." whispered Zo
" I thought your mother hardly acknowledged you" said Bura
"Only when she's sober" said Zo with his hand over his head.
" Zokkic there you are, I was looking all over for you" his mother replied drunkingly
"That's nice mom but I got to get to work" said Zo as he was about leave, when his mother grabbed his arm
"Not before you go say hi to your sister, she's over there with Broly, if you get in good graces with him who knows? Maybe he'll ask her to marry him, there been rumors saying that this entire party was to celebrate the announcement of their engagement." his mother squeeled with glee
"They were probably rumors that she started herself" said Zo.
His sister would always start rumors to get attention for herself. She was always the favorite child and loved being adored, she was considered the most beautful woman in the galaxy ever since she became the mistress to the king and no one was going to despute against the king. But in truth Zo always thought that his sister was ugly, not physicly but deep down under that body of big boobs, small waist, and firm backside beat the heart of succubus. In his eye shes was vain, self-centered, and tempermental; if she didn't get her way she would throw a tantrum until she got her way, or she done something about. She didn't care who's life she ruined as long as she got her way she was a happy camper. Yep his sister can burn in Hell for all he cared.
"And who is this young lady?" asked his mother
"This is uh..." Zo unable to remember Bura's incognito name studdered until Bura intervined "It's Crystal, and it's a pleasure to meet you mam"
"Zokkic, she soo polite and beautiful, not as beautiful as your sister but pretty close, now come on and say hi to your sister" said his mother
"Thanks mom, but have to escourt miss Crystal to her table then get to work, my boss will get angry if I don't show up soon" said Zo trying to keep his nervousess in check.
"Nonsense, I'm sure your boss won't mind. Besides your meeting a higher athuority figure anyway. And why don't you bring over your little friend with you so you don't make an ass of yourself" Grabing on to her son's and his friends arms.
"Mom I really got to get going it's almost 9:00 o'clock"
"No more excuse! you and your girlfriend are coming with me and thats final!" shouted Zo's mother
As Bura and Zo are being dragged to meet the king only one thing comes to there minds
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I am so tired I going to bed hopefully I'll have another chapter done by next week or something
please review