Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Claimed Heart ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

GOMEN!!!!! I didn't intend not to leave my stories like this. Honest. :(( It won't happen again. Okay folks. Chapter 2. Vegeta's got Goku in a vice grip, Trunks is being 'bitchy', and Picilo knows something we don't. Lets find out!! Here. Enjoy.



"What Kakkarot? Want to tell me you were drunk? Tell me that you didn't mean to fuck me without consent and leave? Want to say your sorry for taking my life away?!You third class piece of shit!!"

Goku growled. He was thinking about risking injury and punching the cocky prince in the mouth. ' Vegeta I did not rape you. Bulma injected you with some serim and it altered your rut cycle. You told me..you told me you wouldn't hate me. That there was no you without me..."

Vegeta's eyes widdended, then more anger flowed through him. "There isn't Kakkarot, you baka! We are the last of our kind. Well, we were. Were until that bitch decided to make me her lab rat again!! I'll kill her!!" He moved off the younger saiyan and yelled in anger, blasting a hole in the wall.

'What do you me we were?' Goku spluttered telepathecly, eyes blinking in confusion.

A blush rose across the Saiyan no Ouji's face."I am with child Kakkarot. Your child. A another prince shall be born."

Goku turned and sat up, in complete shock. "Wawwhat!!! You mean.. how is that possible?!!!"

The prince snorted. " What do you mean how? Damn it Kakkarot, you fucked me and now I'm pregnant. Males of our species can reproduce. . "

"So..so you mean, were going to have a baby togeather?" Goku stammered, pointing to Vegeta's abdomen.

"Hai baka. You will have another son." the frowning prince said, crossing his arms across his chest. The third class warrior jumped up and embrassed him, a tear sliding down his face, smiling. "Oh, Geta' thats great!" Vegeta pushed him away.

"Hn. For you maybe. Your lucky. I was going to kill you and end it all with my self, but I felt a little ki inside growing. And also its disgracful to kill your mate.."

"I'm your what?" said the oldest son, scratching his head.

With a groan Vegeta pulled his shirt down to reveal the large bite mark on his neck. "My mate. You claimed me Kakkarot. By biting me you marked me as yours.."

"Oh.. so its like were married?" the dumb warrior asked, fingers tracing the mark. A violent shudder came from the prince."Yes, but much more than that. Since I am it seems destined to be stuck with you, let me ask something.."

Goku looked into ebony orbs, serious expression plaguing his face. " Ask me anything."

Vegeta took a deep breath, tail stroking his stomach. " You have feelings for me Kakkarot. I can feel them through this one sided bond. Don't let them interfer with your judgment. I will not see another child die..."

The tall saiyan frowned. He wanted to say,he could help him, but he couldn't promise that. Choosing between his love and his child. Thats something he couldn't do. He lied, nodding. "Hai."

The prince could tell he was lying. Goku always had a problem with obeying his orders. Never liked the fact that he was his prince, but that was the card the all merciful kami gave him those are the ones he must play. Just like the ones he would be playing. Mother....


Trunks, sat on the edge of the bed, shaking. Because he was there. Inside. Tugging at his soul. Behind him, ghosting air over his back. Touching him, making his skin hot all over. Goten. Goten his inexpierinced boyfriend. The one that blushed when he kissed him. Lavendar strainds of hair fell uncerimomiusly in his face, covering his eyes.

"Trunks lets talk!! Open the door!!"

"No!! You raped me Goten!! I thought..I thought you loved me.."

"I do!! Im sorry koi, thats why I didn't want to have sex with you all those other times!! I was having a hard time trying to control myself..I never meant to hurt you..."

All he wanted to do was fly away, away from it all. Away from those soul searing kisses, away from that body. Because it was making him feel things. Like a heat rising from his spine out to his entire body. A lusting feeling. That desire to do something..but that something hurt. And that he wasn't prepared for. He was saiyan. He was used to pain. But this new transaction of pain to pleasure...so far that he couldn't even remember the difference between the two..thats what was scarring him. Making him shake like a girl..what made him think of rape the moment things became too intense for him. That second when Goten had complete control of him. Too much control..

"Trunks please!! Don't do this to me!! Forgive me...I love you.." the dark haired teen slumped to the floor infront of the door and sobbed.

Bulma, who had just recently come home with a drunk Yamcha, came up the steps to see the youngest son on the floor. Her heart broke. Right then. She walked over to the teen, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Goten..whats going on?"

A tear streaked face turned to her. " Trunks...he won't talk to me...he keeps saying I raped him..."

Bulma frowned. She knocked hard on the door. " Trunks, Vegeta, Briefs!! Get your ass out here now!!!"


When Gohan awoke he was laying on the couch at his home. Too many things were going on for him. And Picilo just took it up a notch. He sense the namek somewhere in the room. "Sempai?" he said, sitting up abit. The namek appeared out of the kitchen, producing a wet cloth. "Here, you've have knocked a big bump on your head.." he passed it to him and sat in a nearby chair, looking at him amused. The saiyan blushed alittle, dabing the cloth over his forehead. "Um..Pic-kun...how long has this been going on?...since I was little?"

"Yes. The very first time he met him.."

"So you mean Dads been inlove with Vegeta this whole time?!! All theses years?!!"

"That is correct. I sensed the change for along time..and just a couple of month ago, your father started having these 'problems' everytime he seen Vegeta. It was amusing..."

What do you mean problems?"

"Everytime he'd see Vegeta, he would get instantly aroused. Bulma had been trying to cure him for months, but none of here concotions worked. So she thought if she change Vegeta alltogeater, that, that might cure him. Thats how all this started."

Goten blushed deeper, still in shock. " How can a strenght serim change him?"

"That so called 'strenght serim' was designed to change his hormone balance so Goku's body wouldn't react to him."


"Your father likes men. We have been trying to help him for years, but it never changes. Just like his stomach, his cock has a mind of its own." Picilo laughed at that, holding back from falling over dying in his pupils face.


Back at the son residence, all hell was breaking about to break loose. Vegeta frowned in his usual manner, Goku looking at him with pleading eyes. "Please Geta'? Just a little one..I won't tell anyone..its just its been 4 days..I missed you.." he pouted like the prince was holding his food and refused to give it to him.

"No Kakkarot!! All this shit was that bitches fault!! I never asked for you to claim me, never asked to be fucked and never asked to be a walking stroller for another one of your offspring. And I will not kiss you!!" Vegeta crossed his arms and snorted, giving him his, Im gold and your shit look. The dumb saiyan frowned grabing the prince and pressing his lips against his, forcing a kiss.

No sooner than the intimate momment started, a happy Chichi came in the door, rubbing her stomach. "Goku!!! Goku guess what?!! We-" She screamed loudly at the sight of her husband kissing the saiyan no ouji, tears immediately falling down her face. The two men groaned at the noise turning to look at her. Goku looked at her evily. "What Chichi?" he said to her darkly, a arm wrapping around the princes waist. Normally, Vegeta would have pulled away from the third class warrior, but making this hellcat jealous was definetly enjoyable. He placed a arm around Goku's neck, drawing him closer. "Yes, what do you want woman? Can't you see your interupting?" Goku blushed.

The mother of 2 balled her fist, and punched her husband in the face. "How..how could you?!! Don't you love me?!! I came her to apologise to you, and here you are in this assholes arms!! For crying out loud Goku, we have 3 children!!" she cried slumping to the floor.

The earth raised saiyan gave her a your a crazy bitch look. " Chichi we only have 2 kids. I only touched you 2 times. And those were because I couldn't controll my self. You knew I didn't like women when you married me."

She bit her lip letting new tears fall. "Im pregnant Goku..you leave me for that" she points at a wide eyed Vegeta, "and Im having your child!!"

The protector of earth looked at her, then looked at the prince then back at her. Then fainted quickly, falling to the floor.
