Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Claimed Heart ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Claimed Heart

Disclaimer- I dont own anything except my tail, and it belongs to the prince, so there.

Both pregnant people of Son Goku looked each other in the eye. If there was anything Chichi hated in this world, it was Vegeta. The arrogant, loud mouth, pushy prince of a dead planet, with no one to rule. No one except her husband. And that she hated most of all. And now he had manage to steal him away from her. In a fit of utter rage, Chichi lunged from her siting position to punch the saiyan no ouji in the gut. Goku screamed. "Vegeta!!!" The prince groaned slightly clutching his stomach. Before she could attack again, Goku grabbed her by the am and slung her to the bed on her rear. "Chichi don't hit him again!! Its not his fault its my fault!! And he is pregnant!! You might have injured our son!!" he yelled harshly at her, placing a hand over Vegeta's abdomen.

The dark haired womans eyes widdened. " Goku...you have lost your mind..." then she stared at his hand on the princes stomach. Vegeta steamed, a large, stress vein poping on his temple. " You bitch!! I know that you hate me, but you would try to kill my offspring!! You heartless witch!!" He gathered a large amount of energy and focused it, blasting the mass directly toward her, Goku rushed infront of her, ki hitting him. The earth raised alien staggered alittle. The little house wife cried more. "Goku you do still love me!!"

"Chichi...I love you...but isn't the love your looking for..."

"So your going to leave me for Vegeta?!! Is that it?!! I give you 2 sons and Im carring another and you leave me? Try to make it better saying that ass is pregnant when you know men don't have children?!! How could you..."

Vegeta cursed. " Woman, its not like he tried to!! His saiyan instincts told him to mate with me.. and I am carring his child, whether you want to believe it or not!!"

Just then, there was a loud growl from behind Gokus' head, and then he black out into the sad darkness.......

When Goku awoke, he groaned. His head throbbed from the blow he recieved from his wife, causing a headache to form. He blinked abit and forced his eyes to focus, looking around. He had noticed that he wasn't at home anymore, and that he had somehow been tranported to CC and layed on Bulma's couch. A perky sound rang in his ears and he wince, looking for the cause for the noise. Saw Goten walking in the room, smiling at him.

"Dad you okay?..."

The protector of the universe smiled sadly at his son. "Yeah Im fine Goten."

Darkk eyes looked back into the same ones smile diming a bit. Goten walked over to his father siting on the couch next to him. " So..uh dad is it true...you know..about mom being pregnant...."

Goku nodded. "Yes..."

Goten smiled alittle, then patted his back. "Um...is it true about Vegeta..I mean I know its a stupid question, but being saiyan is diffrent from being human so..."

Dark eyes turned to him in a sad kind of apologetic way. "Yes..I..Im sorry Ive hurt you guys..Im sorry I hurt your mother..."

The demi saiyan just shook his head and patted his fathers back. "Dont be. I want you to be happy dad. I see that being with Vegeta makes you happy. Im happy that Ill be having two more brothers or sisters."

At that, the third class warrior smiled. He hugged the teen tighty. " Thank you son."

Goten laughed, and began to choke abit. "Dad, your crushing me!!"

Goku released him and looked sheepishly at his clone, scratching the back of his head. "hehee. Sorry Goten"

"Its okay dad. "

The pure saiyan smiled at him. " No its not..but it will be. I promise" They quickly forgot theyre sadness as the smelled something wonderful coming from the kitchen. "PIZZA!!" Goten said, with too much enthusiasum, stomach growling.

Goten dashed for the kitchen, leaving his father on the couch of the living room with his smoke. Goku laughed. If there was something in this world he was proud of doing, was helping create his two wonderful children. And now he had two more on the way. Two more saiyan children. He smiled at that. He Son Goku was father of 4 and he was determined to fix his family. He stood up and made his way to the lab, where he sensed his two pregnant mates at. Once there, he creeped in, looking at the prince on a table, being examined. He walked over slowly, eyes adverting to the short saiyans stomach, not wanting to look at Bulma, who was staring at him, still checking the prince.

Vegeta stared at him, arching his brow. " I see your awake Kakkarot...." The prince frowned in disgust at the other, crossing his arms.

Goku just sighed. Why was it so hard... so hard to have love...

With a look of sadness, he stared over at his wife. Here pale face was wet with fresh tears even in here sleep. This is was the price of his love. Pain. Extreme heartache. Things he had felt, but supressed and forgotten over time. With a loud growl he was brought of his thought. Bulma took blood samples from the Saiyan prince, hands trembling. She prayed to dende that she wouldnt break the needle off inside the princes arm since he was also figeting, growling at her, too drugged to strangle her to death as such he planned in his head. In a curse he passed out. Goku looked at her as she finally finished, withdrawing the needle and taking her sample. "Is he going to be okay...has the serim worn completely off..."

The blue haired genius smiled alittle, nodding. " Yes. Im just taking a blood sample to determine the path of his pregnancy. And Chichi's fine too. She was just so shaken up by the whole thing she passed out. I ran some test and checked on her pregnancy as well."

"Bulma I....Im sorry...."

She smiled at him. " It is okay....there was no sense trying to keep him..we were never really inlove...and I realized that nothing can keep you from true love. Not even science."

He smiled at her. " I dont think he feels the same way about me, but that doesnt matter now. My feelings were the cause of all this. I let my emotions influence my actions. But now Im thinking of my children. I just hope I can handle this."

"You can. Your the only one that will be able to. You remember how Chichi was while she was pregnant with Gohan? She was very crazy. Caring saiyan children isnt a easy job. And Vegeta wont be agreeable either."

A frown formed on his face at that. She was right. The two would drive everyone insane. Then something came to him. There was a way. The only way.