Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Claimed Heart ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Story Title: My Claimed Heart
Rating: NC-17
Sequel to Our Secret Passions. Vegeta deals with being claimed by Goku; Trunks and Goten try to have a relationship after their rutting M/M. Mpreg
Disclaimers: I don’t own anything. I don’t even own a car.

The door opened slowly and Goten walked in only to have it slammed. Bulma frowned, locking the door. " If you want to get out you’ll have to make up. There’s enough going on without you two acting like spoiled children. And if you escape out the window I will have Vegeta find you, and use the energy he wants to use to kick my ass out on both of you." she said sharply, and walked off. Goten stood infront of the door, tears straying down his pale cheeks. This is why... but he wasn’t listened to.. and something inside of him..enjoyed it.. took pleasure in his best friends pain and anguish, in his screams. Trunks sat at the top of the bed, long purple hair covering his lowered eyes, hands around his knees. "I don’t want to talk to you Goten... it hurts too much.. "Those words stabbed through the chest of the youngest son. It hurts too much.. "What does...you arnt hurt anymore koi..."The blue eyed teen turned to him, eyes brimming with tears, his speech broken from emotion. He placed a hand on his chest, eyes narrowing in a pained expression. "My heart chibi...you have hurt my heart..."Goten slumped to the floor, shirt stained with his tears. This wasn’t fun anymore.. it hurt. It felt like death. Air blew from the window and blew tears, rustled hair and swayed clothing. They stayed there in that state of pain and persecution for days, neither moving from that spot. There was fear and betrayal in that air, in the scent that flowed into his nostrils.. there was pain in his eyes, in the gaze that met them, in the tears that they viewed. He knew they had to get over this. Knew that no tears would change anything, knew that love would silence his emotional pain. And that’s why on the 4 day he spoke, his voice low. "Goten...I know you didn’t mean to....I am just scared.."Goten stared up at him from his seat on the floor. " Scared of what...""Its not that Goten.. when we were... making love... you had complete control... I have never lost control....I wasn’t a hold of my emotions..or my body...and that’s why...I..""I understand...Ill teach you..not to be afraid..." the younger teen said, an proceeded to get up and walk over to his lover, placing his hands on his cheeks. He never saw his self as in control. Always saw Trunks pushing him over and taking charge. This time he was needed. Trunks needed his shred of dominance.. this time he would be the one to share. "Ill teach you how to love it.."The purple haired prince stared up at him, not really sure if this was what he wanted and at the same time knew it was. He stood up infront of him, pulling off his shirt and pants, standing before him in a silent acceptance to whatever would go on. "Okay chibi... show me.." Goten nodded, relieving his self of his own clothing barrier and sat in the center of the bed, pulling his bestfriend down to sit as well, the black sheets contrasting with their skin. He knew he had to be ruff. That is how he would want it. Trunks wasn’t his self and he was really breaking down, this submissive side of him coming from the last of the serums effects. Blue eyes roamed over his shaft, staring at the darkish color and silk like liquid that dripped from it. Like he was frightened. The youngest Son spread his legs out. "Suck me off Trunks..like you used to.." Trunks closed his eyes and breathed out, his mind reverting back to then. He leaned down a placed his mouth around the throbbing head of his lovers manhood, tongue flicking over the drops of seed. It was salty and sweet, inticing to his senses even though he told himself he didn’t like it. Goten pushed his head down forcefully, sheathing his manhood into the warmness of his mates mouth. He had to be ruff. Had to be forceful. His instinct said he would like it. His instinct told him this would be how he could help Trunks get better. By shoving his cock down his throat.The pale prince gagged against the hot sex down his throat, nails digging into the thighs of its owner. He felt the smoothness of the boys hardon, felt the pulsating throbs against his tongue, and tasted the sickening sweet taste of cum in his mouth. The large tip of the weeping erection pulled away and back again, Gotens hand forcing him down over his growing sex. "That’s it..."Truthfully he did like it. He always liked his shaft in his mouth. It wasn’t that he didn’t want the carbon copy of Goku, it was that he was hurt because he didn’t expect their first time to be so ruff..so violent...and as he took in the silken rod in his mouth, he knew it was something he would have to get used to. They were in essence beasts, and that was how beasts made love. He just prayed they could overcome their beasts and carnal needs to have a passionate relationship..he only prayed..***** 3months later..“Kakkarrot you son of a bitch!! I’m going to fucking kill you!!” Vegeta screamed in between his morning sickness, vowing he would beat the hell out of the woman when he got a chance. His head was swimming and his stomach churned. He didn’t ask for this. Didn’t ask to be impregnated. Only joy he got out of this situation is the second life force beating inside of him. He wiped his mouth of the rancid taste and washed his face, nearly falling as a sad looking Goku walked through the door, looking actually scared. “ You called me Geta-koi?” The prince blushed, pulling the black tank he wore over his rounding stomach. He growled as it rolled back up to his chest. “ God damnit Kakkarrot!! What did I ever do to you?!! Why would you do this to me?!” he groaned out, kneeling on the floor cramping. The earth raised saiyan frowned, handing him a towel. He refused to entertain the question, helping the ill -tempered man up. Vegeta snatched the towel and pushed him away, walking along the walls for support. “ You have done enough baka.”Why was it so hard to be in love?“Goku!!! Where’s my juice!!” The poor warrior sighed, running to the kitchen and running into the room where is angry wife laid in bed, looking like the personification of death. She wore a dark slip and her hair was all over, puffy bags around her eyes. He gave her the juice, cautious of her evil stare. “Here Chichi..”When did he come up with this idea? Was it worth it? The three stayed in a capsule home a short distance from CC, Goku knowing no one could put up with the two but him and survive. Everyone visited but never stayed too long, Chichi and Vegetas behavior too much for anyone. The two where actually getting along for the most part, ganging up on the poor third class warrior, screaming and yelling at him till no end. Vegeta had still refused to return his affections, and Chichi said the fact that he slept with the shorter man made her so sick she didn’t want to sleep in the same bed with him, so he was stuck on the couch, his perment bed for the next 8 months. She spat at him, stretching as she got up and drank the juice, waving him off. Another long sigh escaped him as he walked out into the kitchen to eat. He pulled out a box of cereal and ate right out the box, a momentary set of happiness sweeping over him. “Kakkarrot I know…that your not…eating my cereal…I know you couldn’t be that fucking stupid…” For a moment the taller man flipped, throwing the cereal in his evil lovers face. “ Here!! Take it!! Just shut the hell up!!!” he screamed, and walked off to his ‘bed’ infront of the TV. Vegeta growled. “Kakkarrot are you angry? I only wanted you to stop eating my god damn cereal. I mean your eating out of your own brats mouth.” “ Nevermind Vegeta.. Just eat Ill clean it up..” He wasn’t happy. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. When he heard the news about Vegeta having his child he was so happy.. he didn’t expect all of this. He had lied to him. Told him he would remember and everything would be okay. He had wished and stayed in that pipe dream. Was floating on it. But his bubble was popped. And now he wanted to do something about it. Just didn’t know what…Vegeta sat at the table, glaring with dark eyes at his rival, pouring cookie crisps into a large bowl filled with milk. Why was he dealt these bullshit cards? since he left Vegetasei all he had been given was bullshit cards. Finds out that he has to live with Freezia, finds out Freeza killed his people and took him from his father, finds out he isn’t the strongest thing out there, and now finds out Kakkarrot, a third class idiot got him pregnant and claimed him as his mate in a sappy love spawned tumble he was not metally stable for. It was down right shameful. Degrading. He ate some cereal and continued to watch the man on the couch, looking at his wide eyes and happy expression as he watched cartoons, then looked down at his uncovered stomach and thought he could cry. 'Merciful Begita...don’t make this child like him..' he prayed inwardly to the Saiyian god, groaning at the laughing coming from the living room. Pure idiocy. And what he hated more, the mark on his neck. The one that made him want a piece of the slow earth raised saiyian. He refused to mark him as well. He knew he was weakening because of it, but didn’t give a flying fuck. Marking him would be excepting being claimed, and he would never except that...Chichi walked out of her room and into the kitchen, almost walking into a wall from fatigue. Carrying saiyian children was ruff. Especially on her small human frame, even though she had done it twice before. Everything hurts in your first weeks she thought. Everything ached and everything made you nauseous. The only thing that wasn’t supposed to hurt was your heart. We cant have everything can we? She cooked her own breakfast, not daring to look over at her competition or his rounded stomach. At first she didn’t believe, but as she started to see the short mans stomach grow round to accommodate the child within him, she found she had to. She did not hate that child. On the contrary, she loved that child, for it was part of something she loved dearly. That made that child special to her. It wasn’t the baby she was angry with. It was its mother. Its loud mouth, bossy, homewrecking mother. Loathed it so badly.. it was too much for her sometimes.. she shook in anger with it while she was alone. All the ox princess wanted was her husband back…but she was too proud to beg him. That is what he liked. Dominance. Something she and Vegeta possessed. A controlling will and need. She just had to prove that she was better. Make HIM beg for forgiveness. In her brooding and thinking, she didn’t notice she was burning her eggs rather badly, yolks black and hard in the skillet. “ Woman can you try not to burn the house down? We do have to live here..” Vegeta said rudely, crinkling his nose at the burning smell. She growled, wanting to hit him over the head with it, but not wanting to hurt Gogeta. Goku looked and saw something about to start so he walked in between them, smiling with his goofy charm. “ Did I say how beautiful you two look this morning?” he blushed and laughed abit, scratching the back of his head. Chichi blushed, rubbing over her hair in attempts to straighten up, while the prince spit his milk onto the table. He knew just how to get to them both. They were blushing and looking away, the smell of success and smoke in the air. Gohan flew down to the little capsule house, his sensitive saiyian nose smelling smoke in the air. He quickly touched ground and walked in, the unwanted threesome in the kitchen blushing. “Um.. hi mom, dad, Vegeta…” "Oh hi Gohan!" his father said over excitedly, rushing to the door and leaving very quickly. "Me and Gohan are going um..to spends some quality time together. Hehe. Be back later you guys!" he chirped and pushed his oldest son out the door and took him by the hand which he hadnt did since he was 5 and flew off into the thickets of the woods

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