Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend ❯ Parents ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Vegeta…*sighs*

AN: You guys are the absolute best! I have told you that right? Anyway I have been battling writer's block over the last few days but now that I have beat it (hopefully) I'll be back to my regular updating self ^_^. So now enjoy this update.

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"Kenny I said stop it!"

ChiChi ran the brush over the silky raven strands one last time then pulled the top half of the hair into a ponytail while she left the bottom half down.

Apparently, Kenny had chosen to ignore her because he continued to run around the living and dining rooms shooting off his toy gun yelling `Bang! Bang!'.

Finally done with Kimmy's hair, she stopped the excited little boy just as he was about to run pass her. Gripping his shoulders tightly she bent slightly so she could look the six-year-old directly in the eyes.

"Kenny I want you to listen to me very closely," she growled through her teeth.

The little boy look at her with wide eyes as if she was about to relate the secrets of life to him.

"If you do not sit down and shut up right now I will kill you," she said very slowly so that he could comprehend. "Am I understand?"

Kenny nodded his head eagerly.

"Good," ChiChi said as she let him go. Once freed, Kenny immediately began shooting the villains that only he could see again. Sigh in aggravation, ChiChi turned to Kimmy, who was checking hers and her brother's backpacks, making sure their homework was there. "Kimmy sweetheart will you do me a favor?"

The six-year-old smiled up at her. "Sure, Sissy."

"When you finish what you're doing will you go watch out the window and tell me when Goku gets here?"

"Okay Sissy," she said obediently. She then stopped her brother as he ran pass her and handed him his backpack. "Here Kenny put this on," she said helping him.

ChiChi sighed in relief. Her siblings were the products of her father's second marriage to flight attendant, Julia Binandre. Whenever Julia was out town the twins became ChiChi's responsibility. Kenny, the younger of the set, was cute as a button and he drove ChiChi nuts. It wasn't that he was really bad or anything he was just too hyper for his own good and trouble seemed to follow him wherever he went. Kimmy, on the other hand, was a blessing. Though she was only six she seemed to since the pressure her big sister (or `Sissy' as they affectionately called her) was under and did whatever she could to help. Being more mature, obedient, and studious than her younger sibling, ChiChi would have to say that if she ever had children, she would prefer them be more like Kimmy than Kenny.

Seeing that Kimmy seemed to be getting her twin under control, ChiChi moved to the kitchen. After making their lunches, she washed up their breakfast dishes. She glanced briefly at the leftover eggs and felt nauseous. That's how she had been feeling lately every time she even looked at food. Deep down she knew she should start eating something but she kept telling herself just a few more pounds then she would come off the diet. She had already lost twelve pounds but every time she looked into the mirror she just couldn't see it. Sighing she scrapped the remainder of the food into the trash.

With the kitchen cleaned she grabbed her bag, which she had sat on the kitchen counter that morning and began looking for her lipgloss. She was always the last thing she got ready in the morning.

"Damn it where is?" she growled just as her fingers graced a small tube. "Ah ha! There you are," she said as she pulled it out. Instead of the little pink tube, however, this one was gold. "What the-" she muttered in confusion then her memory returned. It had been two days since Cassandra had giving her the container and she had completely forgotten about it. She bit her lip as she looked at it now.

`I use them whenever I feel like I'm dragging.'

ChiChi pulled a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water. She then took one of the pills and followed it with the water.


ChiChi nearly dropped the glass as Kimmy rounded the corner.

"Yes Kimmy?" she asked wiping her mouth.

"Goku's here," the little girl said.

"Okay. Take Kenny and tell Goku I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay," Kimmy said. Before she left, she grabbed their lunches off the counter.

Goku was another blessing for her. Her Dad's car had broken down again and ChiChi had let him use hers since he had to be at school early for his morning tutoring sessions. Goku had gladly offered to come and get her and drop her siblings off at their school on their way. She honestly didn't know what she'd do without him. Lipgloss forgotten, ChiChi began searching for her house keys.

Outside, Goku leaned patiently against his car as he waited for his passengers. Kimmy was the first to emerge. Dressed in a pink summer dress, she walked up to the car.

"Hi Goku," she said as she reached him.

"Well if it isn't the little princess," he smiled. With gallant fanfare he opened the door to the back seat for her and did a little bow. "Here little me help you," he said extending his hand to help her up into the Jeep. Kimmy giggled and accepted his hand. Goku turned just as Kenny came running up to him. The boy stopped directly in front of him and raised his pistol at him.

"Bang! Gotcha'!" he cried as he pulled the trigger.

Goku grabbed his chest as if he had been mortally wounded. "Ah! I'm dead again! What's that the second, third time I've been killed?"

Kenny nodded his head then reached into his pocket. "It's okay though. I've got something to fix you up," he said as he pulled three colorful jellybeans out of his pocket and offered them to Goku, who took one.

"What are these?" Goku asked.

"They're my special beans. They can heal you if you get hurt. I call them S beans!" Kenny said.

Goku popped the bean into his mouth. "You're right! I'm all better," he played along.

"Told ya," Kenny said as he climbed into the vehicle to sit next to his sister.

Goku chuckled at the kid and closed the door behind him. He returned his attention to the house as ChiChi came rushing out. She hurriedly locked the door then practically ran across the lawn to him.

"I'm so sorry Goku. I'm running late this morning," she said in a huff.

"It's okay Chi. Really," Goku said smiling down at her.

"Shit!" she said suddenly. "I forgot their lunches."

"I got them Sissy," Kimmy called from the back seat.

"Oh, Sissy said a bad worddd!" Kenny exclaimed.

"Don't worry about what I said. You just better not eat that lunch before lunch time today," ChiChi said moving towards the passenger door when Goku grabbed her arm and pulled her to him.

"Goku what are you doing?"

"You need to slow down Chi," he said.

"I don't have time to slow down," she said looking at him from under lowered lashes.

"Well do you have time for this?" he asked as he lowered his lips to hers.

When they parted ChiChi smiled. "I think I can work some time in."

Chuckling softly, Goku opened the door for her then ran around to the driver's side.

* * *

Bulma bit off the last piece of bacon and then swallowed the last of her OJ. She smiled across the table at her mother then stood.

"Gotta go mom. I don't want to be late," she said as she walked around the table and kissed her mother's cheek.

"Will you be home early?" her mother asked.

"No, actually, I'll be a little late. Vegeta and I are going to the library to work on our English papers after he gets out of practice, so don't wait up," she said as she left the kitchen. She stopped by the stairs and picked up her backpack where she'd left it that morning and headed for the door. Just as she reached for the knob the door swung open.

"Hey Dad! You're finally back!" she said bending over to kiss her father.

"Hello sweetheart. Off to school?"

"Yep. But I'll see you tonight and you can tell me about the convention."

"All right dear."

With one last smile, Bulma hurried out the house.

Dr. Briefs sat his capsulated luggage on the entryway table and proceeded to the kitchen, intended to get a little snack. As he entered he was greeted with the sight of his wife clearing the breakfast dishes from the table. When she looked up at him her expression was anything but amiable.

"You finally made it back," she said snapped as she carried the breakfast dishes to the sink.

Dr. Briefs walked over to the fruit basket and grabbed an apple. "Couldn't you wait until I'm home more than ten minutes before you start nagging me?"

"Maybe if you'd stop doing things to make me nag you then I'd stop nagging you!" she said turning angrily to face him.

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now, Emily," he said on a sigh.

"Well pardon me! I don't mean to put you out with my meaningless chatter since nothing I say seems to concern you anyway!"

"I don't have time for this sh-"

"You're right you don't," she said in a menacing tone.

Dr. Briefs narrowed his eyes at her. "What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that I think we need to try something else," she sighed. She walked over to the table sat down. "I really don't like you lately, John, and I think we need to take a break."

"What the hell do you mean a break?! Are you asking me for a divorce?"

"No! At least…not yet," she said putting her head down.

John stared at her back a moment. He couldn't believe she was serious. His wife wanted out of their marriage.

Unable to find words for the situation, Dr. Briefs turned to leave.

"Tell me something, John," her soft voice stopped him. Hand on the door, he hung his head signaling that he was listening. "Did you get your product before Aramore Electronics?"

"Yes," he answered slightly confused not looking up.

"Then maybe it was worth it," she said sadly looking over her shoulder.

He turned and their eyes locked for a moment before she turned her head. Sighing, he stormed out of the room then out the house, picking up his luggage capsules as he went. Emily buried her face in her hands and for not the first time, wept for her broken marriage.

* * *

The school day passed like any other and as basketball practice ended that day, Juu found herself unlacing her practice shoes as Coach went over some plays with her. They were the only ones left in the gym and Juu, who had never been a shy person, was taking the opportunity to change.

"So I think I'll put you in the middle and Marla on the wing for next weeks game," Coach Beach said.

"Whatever you say, Coach," Juu said as she pulled her sweat soaked T-shirt over her head and began searching in her bag for another.

Coach Beach smiled at the team captain. That's what she liked about the girl. Juu was not only the most natural female athlete she knew but she was also the most coachable.

"What am I going to do without you next year?" she asked smiling down at the girl.

Juu found her brush in her bag and pulled her hair out of it's ponytail. "Lose," she said simply as she began brushing through the golden strands.

Coach Beach laughed and picked up her own bag. "Probably so. See you tomorrow, kid," she said leaving out the east gym doors.

Juu finally found her T-shirt and pulled it over her head. She then reached into her bag and pulled out a pair of black thong sandals.

"Somebody's pretty cocky."

Juu smiled not needing to look up to know who had been eavesdropping on her conversation with Coach. "It's not being cocky if it's true."

Krillin chuckled as he strolled in through the west gym doors, his practice bag hanging from his shoulder. When he reached the bench she was sitting on, she looked up just as he leaned over and kissed her. "Good point," he murmured against her lips.

Juu smiled and began putting her practice stuff in her bag. "I guess it's safe to assume your practice is over?"

"Yep. Coach let us out early. You ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said slipping into her sandals and stood. He motioned for her to proceed him out the door.

They walked down the hall in silence for a moment before Krillin spoke.

"I sent in my application today."

"To Arkansas?" Juu questioned.

Krillin nodded. Though he was an awesome basketball player, Krillin's first love was track. Arkansas University by far had the best track and field team in the states, so was naturally his first choice.

"You don't sound to happy about it," Juu pointed out.

"I am! It's just that…well…what if I don't get accepted?"

"Krillin, you currently hold the high school world record in the 100 meter dash. I strongly doubt they'll turn you down," Juu said logically.

"I guess you're right," he said. After a moment he glanced up at her. "What about you?"

"I'm sending mine in tomorrow. I have to get my transcript from Mrs. Peters in the morning."

They had reached the doors that lead to the student parking lot and Krillin stopped to hold the door open for her.

"Are you still sure you want to go there?" Krillin asked as they made their way to his car.

Juu sighed. Why this conversation kept coming up she didn't know. Basketball was truly her first love but she also had a soft spot for track and field, especially the field part. Holding her own record in the pole volt, Arkansas would be crazy to reject her, yet somehow Krillin had gotten the idea that she was over looking the fact that their girls' basketball team was currently in a slump to make him happy by choosing the school he wanted. He kept saying that if she wanted to pursue basketball then they could chose another school and she kept saying that she'd rather start in an undeveloped program and help build it. The idea of going to different schools had never come up as an option.

Reaching his car, Krillin pulled out his keys and unlocked his door. "Don't get all huffy. I just don't want you to be unhappy. This is the rest of our lives, you know," he said hitting the power lock.

Juu opened the back door and tossed her bag inside then shut the door. "I'm quite aware, thank you. Do I look like the type to follow her boyfriend across the globe like some love-sick puppy?" she asked as she reached for the passenger side door handle.

"Well with a boyfriend like me there's no telling what a girl in love will do," Krillin said nonchalantly as he slipped into the driver's seat.

Juu rolled her eyes and slipped into passenger seat. "Whatever," she said as she slipped into her seat belt then rested her feet on the dashboard. "I'm hungry. Feed me," she said changing the subject.

"Can I get a please?" Krillin asked as he slipped the key into the ignition.

"Please," Juu said flatly.

Krillin chuckled and pulled out of the parking lot heading for the nearest Burger King.

* * *

Argana couldn't remember the last time she had so few dishes to wash. Vegeta hadn't come home for dinner and she could only assume he was with one of his friend, most likely Kakarot or Bulma. Though she had missed his silent companionship at dinner, she was always glad to see him get out and have a little fun. It lessened some of the guilt. But not much.

The absence of her husband however was not uncommon. He would often leave first thing in the morning only to return late the same night reeking to high heaven. In the beginning she had pitied him for she too had needed comfort but now she only felt anger when she thought of the man he had let himself become.

A pair of strong arms wrapping around her was what shook her from her thoughts. When he buried his face in the side of her neck she shuddered in revulsion and turned to face him trying to push him away. He overpowered her, however, and crushed his mouth down to hers. As the putrid taste of alcohol assaulted her senses, Argana fought against him. She eventually got in a surprisingly hard hit causing him to lift his head and frown down at her.

"I want you to stop," she said simply.

"I don't have time for your games tonight, woman," he said as he slowly lowered his head to her again.

Argana placed both her hands on his chest and with a small grunt of effort, pushed him away. When he stumbled back she stepped around him and stormed angrily out of the kitchen. She didn't get too far into the living room before he grabbed her wrist and turned her forcefully to look at him.

"Where do you think you're going?!"

"I'm going to Bardock's and Lyneaxa's for the night. I refuse to stay here with you like this!"

"You don't honestly believe I will just let you run out of here whenever you want do you? If I have to exist in this Hellhole, so shall you. Tonight you will perform your duties as a wife should," he said with surprising clarity despite his obvious drunken state.

Argana tried to pull her already throbbing arm from his grip, but he held her firm. "I will not sleep with you, Vegeta. You are not the man I use to know and I refuse to lay with a stranger any longer."

Her husband's eyes sparked with fury that was only matched by the flames in her own. In their anger neither noticed as their son entered the house. Vegeta frowned at the obviously intense scene before him.

"Why you insolent woman," his father growled as he raised his hand to teach her a lesson.

Vegeta didn't even have to think about it as he quickly moved into the house and positioned himself between his parents. Pushing his mother behind him, he glared up at his father.

The father returned the look. "Get out of my way boy."


Vegeta growled deep in his throat. "All I get from you two is disrespect! Well I guess I'll have to teach you some discipline," he said as he balled up his already raised hand.

"No!" Argana screamed moving around her son to face her husband. She just couldn't watch it. Not again. She put a pausing hand on her husband chest, which he brushed away, then turned to her son. Placing a gentle hand on his cheek, she spoke firmly to him. "Vegeta this does not concern you. I want you to go to your room." He looked as if he was going to refuse when she placed a silencing hand on his mouth. "Go," she said.

Vegeta looked at her in utter disbelief that she was doing this. Again. His eyes flashed angrily then he brushed away her hand and moved towards the door. "Fine," he said in his anger. "If you want to continue to be his punching bag, that's your concern but don't think for a minute that I'm going to sit around and watch!"

Then he was gone.

* * *

Bulma entered her house and tossed her keys on the entryway table. Things had gone well at the library. They were both almost done with their senior papers. One more trip to the library should take care of any little research they were missing. Surprisingly, she wasn't tired at all. Vegeta had seemed to be in good spirits that night and had kept her laughing all night, much to the librarian's chagrin. Now was the perfect time for her and her father to talk about his trip.

She stopped first in the lab and was surprised to see he wasn't there. She decided to try his study and was also disappointed there. She was heading for her parents' room when she passed the kitchen door and heard what sounded strangely like crying. Curious, she pushed through the door and observed the sight of her mother softly crying at the table.

"Mom, are you okay?" she asked moving into the room.

A disoriented Mrs. Briefs looked up at her daughter. She couldn't possibly have been there all day, could she?

"Oh hello dear," she said wiping at her eyes. "What are you doing home so early?"

Bulma frowned. "It's almost 10:30, Mom."

"Oh," her mother said as she stood. "Well if you're hungry I'll fix you something." As she spoke she moved to the stove.

Bulma followed her and watched as she busied herself with pulling out pots and pans. "What's wrong Mom?"

"Nothing. I'm just fine," Mrs. Briefs said unable to look at Bulma.

Bulma knew she was lying but what could she do? "Where's Dad?" she asked after a moment.

Her mother stopped what she was doing and hung her head. "He's gone," she said quietly.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Bulma asked in confusion.

"We decided that it would best if he didn't stay here for a while," Mrs. Briefs said not knowing what else to tell her but the truth.

"Not stay here? You mean like a divorce?" Bulma asked quickly becoming upset.

Mrs. Briefs shook her head. She didn't know why everyone kept using that word. It was not something she could deal with right now.

"Mother answer me! Did you ask Daddy to leave!?" Bulma demanded.

"Yes!" Emily cried pushing pass her daughter.

"I can't believe you! How could you kick him out of his own house over some stupid convention?!"

Mrs. Briefs turned and looked at her daughter in total shock at the anger in her voice. "You don't know what you're talking about Bulma. I think you should go to your room."

"The hell I will! I don't understand how you can kick Daddy out when all he did was his job!"

"You had better watch your language, young lady! I don't care how angry you are, I am your mother and you will show me some respect."

"Why should I when you fault Daddy for making a living to support you but you never seem to have a problem with it when you're out spending his damn money-"

Bulma's statement was cut off as her mother's hand flew across her face. Bulma was too stunted to move for a moment for neither of her parents had ever struck her.

"You selfish, insensitive, little brat! I have put up with a lot from you but I will not put up with such disrespect. I have done nothing to you to deserve such treatment," her mother said through clutched teeth.

Bulma finally opened her eyes against the pain in her cheek. Her eyes full of both betrayal and tears, Bulma glared at her mother before she pushed pass her and left the kitchen. Tears running down her cheeks, Bulma snatched her keys off the table and left the house.

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Finally I have beaten the monster know as writer's block! Now on to Willpower! You + Review = Update. Thanks for reading.