Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend ❯ Saturday ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

AN: Okay please don't yell at me! I know I just updated this fic but I'm struggling with the others. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Some fics are closer to being updated than others so if you have a particular fic that you like and you want to know what it's update status is just e-mail me at: Jadedbest@cs.com and I'd be happy to let you know where your fic stands.

* * *

The ringing inside her head just wouldn't stop. She tried to bury her head deeper into her pillow but it continued. Finally, Bulma cracked one eye open as she pulled the pillow off her head and tried to identify the ringing. It was her telephone.

Growling deep in her throat, she glanced at her clock. 10:03.

"Who in the high hell would be calling me this early on a Saturday morning?" she murmured through clenched teeth as the phone continued to ring. Sighing, she rolled over and snatched the receiver off its cradle.

"Hello," she grumbled.

"Well hello sweetheart. Guess I caught you still in bed."

"Oh hi daddy," she said as she sat up. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. I was calling to ask you if you wanted to have dinner with me this evening," he inquired.

Bulma smiled. Her father had left on Wednesday and though he had called her everyday, she hadn't seen him since that morning when she had left for school. "Sure Dad, I'd love to. Just tell me what time and where and I'll be there."

"How about Joseph's on Mingo at about 7:00?" he suggested.

"Okay see you then," Bulma said.

"Goodbye dearest."

"Bye Daddy."

Bulma gently replaced the receiver then pulled her knees to her chest as a smile played on her lips. It would be good to see her father. She had really missed him the last couple of days. It would be nice to just sit and share dinner together again.

And yet she was also kind of nervous. She didn't know what they were supposed to talk about. Capsule Corp.? Things at home? Things at his apartment across town? She wished she could talk to someone about this but her options were pretty limited. She had chosen not to tell anyone about what had happened. She just couldn't talk about it yet. That left her two options, her mother or Vegeta.

Her mother was most definitely out. They had avoided each other Thursday morning and then that evening neither had spoken of the incident the night before. They had chosen to tiptoe around the issue rather than deal with it, so for the last two days they had treated each other with almost strained consideration and politeness. It was the most awful thing Bulma had ever experienced in her short life.

Vegeta wasn't a much better choice. Though she knew he was busy with practice and everything, she got the strangest feeling that he was also avoiding her. Nothing dramatic that she could really put a finger on but she just got this feeling. Yesterday she had even asked him what was up with him and he had replied simply `Nothing'. That's how she knew there was most definitely something wrong because he only used single word answers with her when something was up.

She sighed as she climbed out of bed and walked into her bathroom. Anyway, even if he weren't being all weird lately she still wouldn't be able to talk to him since today was the first tournament of the season so he'd be tied up all day. It looked like she would have to go this one alone.

She pulled out her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth. After mentally running through her wardrobe she decided she'd have to buy a new dress for tonight. Maybe she could talk ChiChi into going to the mall with her this after-

She spit out the toothpaste and wiped her mouth with a face towel before hurrying back to her room. She had completely forgotten about their movie date that evening. She really hated to cancel on her since she knew that ChiChi would then probably waste the evening studying if she did. Deciding to rectify the situation, she picked up her telephone.

* * *

"All right Henry!" Krillin cheered. He followed his spirited cry with a high pitched whistle causing Goku to covering his ears.

"Hey come on! Cut that out man," Goku complained.

"Sorry man but you know how I get at sporting events," Krillin apologized.

"Well do you have to be so loud about it?" Juu asked as she tipped her head up at him. She was sitting one sit down from them and was leaning back between his parted legs.

Krillin shrugged.

"Look man I don't have any problem with you cheering, just keep the whistling to a minimum," Goku said.

It was 9:50 and the first rounds of the tournament were already in swing. Vegeta hadn't been up yet so they had been cheering on their other classmates.

Goku glanced at his three companions and mentally sighed. He really wished more people would come to Vegeta's matches. The guy had a real talent for the sport but little to no support. No matter how many times he asked he couldn't get Bulma or ChiChi to grace the tournaments. Normally Radditz would have showed up, seeing as he was the one who had gotten Vegeta into the sport in first place, but his own season started today. He had tried calling Yamucha and asking him to join them today, since no one had really seen much of the guy lately, but he had declined saying that he had to take his grandmother to the doctor.

Goku had always felt bad for Vegeta, though he would never say it out loud. Aside from Bulma, he was the only person privied to some of Vegeta's more private confidences. He had long known of the horrors that went on at the Sei household because he and Vegeta's family had known each other long before either boy was even born. The time that Vegeta had lived with them was when things had been the worst. Why his mother had drug the boy back into the middle of the situation was something that Goku would never understand.

There was a brief break as they prepared for the next weight class and Jay let his eyes wonder around the gym. There were some pretty good looking girls in the room, some he knew, some he intended to get to know. As he watched the people coming and going through the double doors, his eyes fell on a small dark hared woman with a lost looking scowl on her face.

His eyes widened and he nudged Krillin. "Hey isn't that Vegeta's mom?"

Krillin, Juu, and Goku all looked at him in shock then turned to the door.

"Hey it is!" Krillin said obviously stunned.

Goku smiled and stood. "Hey Mrs. Sei! Over here!" he called as he waved.

Her dark eyes locked on him and a small relieved smile spread across her face as she made her way towards them.

"Hello everyone. I thought I was in the wrong place for a moment," she said in her normal polite tone.

"Nope, you're in the right place all right," Goku said.

She glanced at the mat then looked back at Goku. "I didn't miss him, did I?"

"No, actually you're just in time. Vegeta's weight class is up next."

"Oh, well good," she said as she started to step up into the bleachers. Goku quickly extended his hand to help and she smiled. "Thank you, Kakarot."

"No problem," he said, choosing to ignore the nearly healed cut above her eye.

Once she had settled into her seat, the four teens kept throwing her side-glances. They were more than surprised to see her here since she hardly left her house let alone came to her son's sporting events. Goku decided to take this as a good sign.

Finally the PA system flickered on and announcer proclaimed the next match between new coming sophomore, Pete Puckerson and three time national champion, Vegeta Sei.

"Three time champion?" Argana murmured in awe.

"Yeah, your son's the best around Mrs. Sei," Krillin said.

Argana nodded mutely as the two competitors made their way out to the mat.

"All right let's go, Vegeta!" Goku yelled.

The sound of his friend voice carried over the cheers of the rest of the crowd and Vegeta glanced up where the sound was coming from. His brow raised slightly as Kakarot and Krillin continue to cheer him then frowned as he recognized his mother sitting with them. She smiled when he made eye contact and gave him a little wave. Vegeta broke the visual link and put on his headgear as he made his way to the center of the mat.

Vegeta blocked out the referee as he did his normal spill about the rules and regulations and took this moment to check out his opponent. Though boy was slightly larger than he was, he looked down at him with pure unadulterated fear. It was obvious that his reputation proceeded him. An evil smirk graced his face. There was nothing like watching his next victim sweat before his demise.

They were instructed to shake hands and then they were told to begin. Not in the mood to play around, Vegeta dropped before the kid even had a chance to get into a stance. Wrapping his arms around the boy's waist he easily lifted him and just as quickly slammed him back down to the ground. After a quick three count the referee declared a pin and Vegeta the winner.

Vegeta snatched off his headgear and headed back towards the locker room. To the crowd that was cheering, the match had been poetry in motion. To Vegeta, the victory had been sloppy and pathetic. It just meant he'd be spending a lot more time in the wrestling room.

Argana blinked, completely stunned. "He's quite good at this."

"Yeah, you should come see him more often."

Argana looked at the boy next to her expecting to see disapproval there. But when her eyes meant Kakarot's, all she found there was friendly encouragement.

"Maybe, I will," she muttered.

"What about next weekend?" Goku suggested.

Argana bit her lip. "No, I don't think I'll be able to come next week, but you'll be here right?"

Goku frowned in disappointment. "No. Both basketball teams are going to be gone to a tournament out of town Thursday, Friday, and most of Saturday so Krillin, Juu, and I will be gone. And there's a baseball clinic so Jay won't be able to make it either."

Argana couldn't help the wave of guilt that hit her. "Do you believe he will win the championship again?" she changed the subject after a moment.

"Yeah, I mean nobody can beat him," Krillin said.

"I don't know guys. They say that new transfer over West Capital Prep looks good. I think his name is Zarbon or something like that. Maybe Vegeta will actually get some comp for once," Jay spoke up.

Krillin seriously doubted that but before he could voice his opinion his ringer went off. Digging into his pocket, Krillin pulled out the phone and answered with a cheery,

"Hello! Oh hey Bulma. Yeah he's right here. Hold on." He pulled the phone from his ear and extended it to Goku. "Imagine my phone rings and it's for you."

Goku took the phone somewhat curious. "Hello?"

"Now tell me what's the point of having a phone if you never turn it on?" she asked on a sigh.

Frowning Goku pulled out his own phone to see that it was indeed off and he had four missed calls. "Oh sorry Bulma. I always forget to turn it on. What's up?"

"Well, I know this is going to put you out but will you do me the gigantic favor of taking ChiChi to the movies tonight, my treat," Bulma said sarcastically.

Goku smiled. "Well, if I must." After receiving the expected chuckle, he asked, "I thought you guys were going together, what happened?"

There was a pause at Bulma's end before she answered, "I have a date."

"A date?!" Goku said in surprise causing his four spectators to give him questioning looks. It had only been a week since she and Yamucha broke up. There was no way that she could possibly be ready jump back in the saddle already.

"Not a `date' date," Bulma quickly amended. "Just a little dinner with a friend. Anyway what time do you want me to tell ChiChi you'll pick her up at?"

"Well the bracket is pretty short so I figure that things will be done here around four or four-thirty."

"Okay I'll tell her to be ready at six-thirty. That will give you time to go home and change or eat or whatever it is you do," Bulma said.

Goku looked down at himself. Why he would need to change was beyond him but grabbing a bite to eat was always a good idea. "All right."

"Okay, bye."


Goku handed the phone back to Krillin and smiled. It looked like his day was getting better and better.

* * *

ChiChi focused on the pre-Cal book in front of her as her siblings finished up a late breakfast. They had just finished cleaning their plates when the front door opened.

"I'm home!"

Both twins shrieked excitedly and jumped out of their seats as ChiChi looked up and smiled. They rushed the pretty redhead who entered full force, nearly knocking her over.

"Mommy!" they cried as they clung to her legs.

"Hello you two little rascals," Julia Mau said as she squatted to gather the two into a hug.

ChiChi stood and began gathering dishes as she watched the loving display. Julia had only been home an hour Thursday night when her supervisor had called and said another flight attendant had gotten sick and they needed a replacement for a trip to Dallas, Texas. ChiChi knew that the woman was looking forward to some time with the twins.

Julia looked up then and smiled brightly. "Hello Chi."

"Hi Julia. How was your trip?" ChiChi smiled back.

"Oh fine, just fine." She then turned back to the two kids in her arms. "So were you two nice to Sissy while Mommy was away?"

"I was but Kenny wasn't," Kimmy accused.

"I was too!"

"Were not!"

"I was too!" To emphasize his point he stuck his tongue at his twin causing spit to fly on her. He then turned and ran upstairs.

"Why you little-" Kimmy cried as she chased him up the stairs.

"Be careful you two!" Their mother called as she stood. Laying her jacket over the back of the sofa, she rolled up her sleeves as she entered the kitchen.

"Do you want me to finish that up?" she offered.

ChiChi had already cleared the table and was washing up the few dishes. "Oh no it's not much. Just the twins' plates."

"Your father didn't eat?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, earlier. He's been up in his study grading papers since then," ChiChi said offhandedly.

Julia nodded her head. She gave the girl a quick appraisal and frowned. The last time she had seen her in that outfit it had fit her to a tee but now it was practically hanging from her thin form. "And you?" she inquired.

ChiChi shrugged as she placed another dish in the drainer. "I wasn't hungry."

Julia's green eyes frowned at the answer but she decided to let it slide. "So do you have big plans for tonight?"

"Well I was going to the movies with Bulma but she hasn't called yet so that probably means she forgot. I'll just stay home and spend some much needed quality time with my history book," ChiChi said nonchalantly.

Julia shook her head. "Oh, no Chi. You can't stay home study on a Saturday night! You should get out and have some fun."

"No it's okay, really. I have to get my test scores up in that class, anyway."

Julia's frown deepened. She always thought ChiChi put way too much pressure of herself and she knew that much of that pressure came from her husband. Whenever she had tried to comment on it, he would get angry and tell her he would raise his daughter as he saw fit. It was the only thing they ever fought about. The statement always hurt her because she loved ChiChi like daughter as much as she did Kimmy but she could also have sympathy for his point of view.

In his youth, George Mau had been a talented marital artist known as `The Ox-King' because of his immense size. He had met Li Chan on the tournament circuit and they had quickly married. Li had been dedicated to her trade and had taken only the minimum required off time when she had become pregnant. By then George had grown tired of the sport and wanted to settle down with his wife and daughter. They argued over it constantly and in the end had compromised. Li would participate in one last tournament then give it up.

It had truly been her last.

In the championship bout things had gotten way out of hand and Li had been killed. Shortly after the funeral, George had taken his infant daughter and started a more `civilized' life as a teacher. When ChiChi was about ten, around the time when he and Julia had married, she had started showing an interest in the marital arts. George had practically exploded on the child and refused to let her join a self-defense class she had been looking into. ChiChi had never asked about it again.

Julia knew that George pressured ChiChi for fear that she would follow the road her mother had. She just hoped that he didn't guide her down a more dangerous path.

She was about to insist that the girl go out when the phone rang.


"Hi Mrs. Mau!"

"Well hello Bulma. How are you?"

"I'm just fine and you?"

"Well I'll be great if you're calling to save ChiChi from another night with her textbook."

"You're in luck because that's just what I'm doing."

Julia chuckled. "All right here she is then," she said before hand the phone to ChiChi who had been drying her hands during the exchange.

"Hello," ChiChi answered.

"You thought I forgot didn't you?"

"You probably did. So what time are we going?"

"We're not. Goku's going to pick you up at 6:30."

"Oh, what happened to us?" ChiChi inquired not really upset with the sudden switch in her dates for the evening.

"Well I have this dinner with a friend that I can't get out of. You know how it is," Bulma said a little quickly.

"Yeah I guess, well I'll see ya later then," ChiChi said.

"Okay bye."

"Bye." ChiChi hung up the phone and smiled at her stepmother. "Well looks like I have plans after all. Goku's taking me to the movies."

"Good!" Julia said. "Well I guess I should go up and say hello to your father." She gave ChiChi a quick peck on the cheek and headed for the stairs. Remembering she had forgotten her jacket, she turned around to retrieve it and frowned to see that ChiChi had resumed her seat at the table in front of her book. Sighing deeply, she picked up the jacket and went upstairs.

* * *

Lyneaxa transferred the last of the patties over to another serving dish as a pair of brawny arms circled her from behind. She smiled as light biting kisses where placed along her neck.

"If you don't stop that I'll never get dinner on the table," she reprimanded playfully.

She dropped both the pan and the spatula back on the stove as she was spun to face her smirking husband.

"I think I need a little appetizer," Bardock said as he lowered his mouth to hers.

Sighing she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Bardock moaned and held her tighter. It felt like ages since he had kissed his beautiful wife, though it had only been about thirty minutes.

Radditz entered the kitchen and shook his head at the common sight of his parent. "Can't you two get a room? There are children around here you know."

The pair broke their kiss though remained in each other's arms as they looked at their son. "Don't you have a dorm to go to, boy," his father asked, irritated at being interrupted.

"Yeah, but the food's not as good there," Radditz smiled. He let a small yelp then grabbed his arm as his grandfather pushed past him into the room. "What did you hit me for?" he whined, looking at the old man's cane accusingly.

"You're being rude," was the only reply as Gohan took his seat at the table.

Radditz continued to rub his arm as he made his way to the table. Bardock reluctantly let go of his wife and, with a discreet little pat on her butt, took his seat at the table as well. It was six o'clock and they had all just returned home from Radditz's tournament, which he had won easily. Lyneaxa began transferring the platters from the stove to the table.

"Are you staying here tonight, Radditz?" his mother asked on her last trip.

"Yeah, apparently the ballet practice room or whatever it is, is under construction and Ginyu has been holding all his practices in our room. I swear I need to get a new roommate," Radditz explained as he reached for a roll. He immediately retracted it when his mother popped his hand. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"You eat when everyone else does," she said as she sat a stack of plates on the table.

"I think I'm going to call the child abuse hot line," Radditz complained nursing his injured hand.

"I believe you have to be a child to use their services. Then again, from your actions at times they probably wouldn't know the difference," his father said calmly as he began piling food onto one of the empty plates.

Goku entered the room at that moment, letting his nose be his guide. "Hey I thought I smelled food!" he said as he entered the room. Turning his chair backwards, he straddled it and grabbed a roll, stuffing the whole thing in his mouth.

"Hey why didn't he get popped?!" Radditz complained.

"Because I'm special brother," Goku joked as he grabbed another roll.

"Kakarot, turn your chair around and use a plate," his mother instructed as she took a seat next to her husband.

Goku stopped shoveling food into his mouth long enough to stand, while shaking his head.

"Worry y whan't-" he started, mouth still full.

"Swallow, boy," Bardock said not bothering to look up from his plate.

Goku did as told then grabbed another roll for the road. "Sorry I can't. I'm taking ChiChi to the movies and I'm already late."

"Kakarot, where's the family loyalty? First you skip my match to go to Veggie-head's and now you abandon us for the chick. What gives?" Radditz complained good-naturedly.

"Maybe I like Veggie-head and the chick better than you," Goku joked as he moved around the table to kiss his mother's cheek.

Radditz clutched his chest as if he had been mortally wounded. "That hurt bro. That really hurt."

Goku chuckled as he left the room. "See ya guys," he called over his shoulder.

* * *

"Well it's good to know things are going good with the company," Bulma smiled across the table.

Her father nodded and took another bite of his salad. They ate in quiet for a moment, listening to the soft classical music of the live orchestra. Dr. Briefs cleared his throat.

"So…um…how are things at home?" he asked.

Bulma lowered her fork and smiled. "Mom's fine, Dad."

Dr. Briefs frowned then nodded his head curtly and continued to eat.

Bulma bit on her lip. "Daddy why don't you come home? You don't even have to stay with Mom. There's plenty of space-"

"Bulma," her father said softly, stopping her spill. Bulma closed her mouth and looked at her father. He simply shook his head from side to side, causing her to lower her eyes. He cleared his voice again before venturing another topic.

"So how are your friends and your boyfriend- what was his name- Derrick, Michael-"

Bulma almost smiled as she picked at her salad. "You mean Yamucha, Daddy?"

"Yeah that's the one! How is he?"

"Well I really wouldn't know. Yamucha and I aren't seeing each other anymore."

"Oh," Dr. Briefs muttered, wondering why he hadn't known that before. "Well what about the tall one with the hair. He's a nice boy. You could go out with him."

Bulma did smile at that. "Goku? No he's just a friend Daddy. Plus his dating ChiChi remember?"

"ChiChi? ChiChi? Oh yes! The little brunette. Are they still together?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact they're going to Oklahoma University together."

"Well that's nice. And what about the short one and the pretty blond? How are they?"

"They're good. They're going to Arkansas University," Bulma said as she picked up her glass.

"And what about you my dear?" Dr. Briefs asked.

"I've applied to several schools but I'm still not sure."

"Isn't it getting kind of late for you to not know," Dr. Briefs asked somewhat concerned.

"Not really. I mean Vegeta hasn't decided where he's going either," Bulma said nonchalantly.

"Vegeta? Oh is that the dark one? The one that's always frowning?"

"The one in the same. He's not sure what he wants to do either."

"Well I'm sure you'll both figure it out," Dr. Briefs smiled as he pushed his plate away and looked at his watch. "Well my dear, I think it's time we head home. I have to get up early in the morning."

Bulma frowned. "On a Sunday?"

"The work doesn't stop coming in because it's the weekend, dear," he said as he walked around the table to pull out her chair. "But you'll learn that soon enough when Capsule Corp. is yours to run."

Sighing, Bulma stood. "I guess you're right, Daddy."

After paying the check, he led her out of the restaurant and to her car. Before putting the key in the door, Bulma placed affectionate kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you for dinner," she said before she slipped into the car.

"Bulma," he said stopping her before she closed the door. When she looked at him expectantly he started, "Would you tell…"

"Tell what Daddy?" Bulma prompted when his voice trailed off.

Dr. Briefs cleared his throat and shook his head. "Never mind, just don't be a stranger around the office, okay?"

"Okay. Love you," Bulma smiled.

"Love you, too, sweetheart." He then closed the door for her and with a little wave sent her off on her way.

As Bulma pulled out of the parking lot she glanced in the rearview mirror to see her father still standing in the same spot, watching her pull away.

* * *

"I liked it."

Goku shrugged his shoulders as they stepped out into the night air. The moon was full and the stars were shining bright. It was a beautiful night.

"I guess it was okay," he commented. It hadn't had enough action for his taste but ChiChi had cuddled close to him during some of the more romantic scenes so he figured it wasn't all that bad.

They walked through the theater parking lot, arms around each other's waist. Their walk was a long one due to fact that a new action movie had just opened and when they'd gotten there parking lot had been full. Now it was practically deserted.

"It's so pretty out here," ChiChi murmured wistfully looking to the sky, as they strolled along leisurely, neither in a hurry to get to the car.

"It's okay."

ChiChi stopped and looked up at him. "Just okay?"

Goku smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I've seen prettier."

ChiChi blushed at his words and tilted her head back slightly to accept his lips as he lowered his head to hers. The kiss was sweet and simple. Much like their love.

When their lips parted, ChiChi rested her head on his chest and sighed. "I guess you should take me home now."

"Do you want to go home now?"

ChiChi looked up and smiled at his hopeful look. Contrary to popular belief, the more physical aspect of their relationship was still new to them. Though she felt herself already warming at the thought of spending the night with him, she sadly shook her head.

"Not really but I have to get home and hit the books. I've been having a tough time with history lately."

"Oh," he said. "Well all right. I understand."

They continued walking when ChiChi remembered something. "Speaking of grades, why didn't you tell me that you had the highest grade in Daddy's class?"

Goku shrugged. "It never came up."

ChiChi rolled her eyes. "Do you know how many people would-"

Her statement was cut off as a wave dizziness hit her and knees went out on her. Luckily, Goku still had his arm around her and held her up. Putting a hand to her head to stop the sudden throbbing headache that hit her, ChiChi used her free hand to hold on to his arm to steady herself. When the moment finally passed she looked up to see his wide concerned eyes staring down at her.

"Must have been an aftershock from that kiss," she said as a lame attempt at humor.

"ChiChi," he said his concern not wavered by her weak distraction.

"It's okay. I think I just tripped or something," she said as she pulled away from him and tried move to the car but he grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"That's not true ChiChi. What just happened?" he demanded.

"I told you. Nothing," she said stubbornly.

He looked hurt for a moment before he frowned, his face bordering on serious anger. "Why don't you trust me enough to tell me?"

ChiChi lowered her eyes and then took a deep breath before saying, "I do trust you Goku. There's nothing to tell. I got a little dizzy, that's all. I'm just tired. Nothing more."

His face softened but his frown remained. "Are you sure?"

ChiChi nodded and added a little smile for effect.

Sighing he wrapped an arm around her waist and started towards the car. "Come on. Let's get you home."

* * *

Man that was a long chapter! For me at least anyway. Well I know what you're thinking; "HEY! There was no V/B in this chapter!" Well, be patient and I promise to give you all the V/B you want in good time. You + Review = Update. Thanks for reading.