Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend ❯ Vegeta's Problem ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I wish I did but since my wishes rarely come true, I don't.

AN: Hey FF.net is back up! Now I can update this and Willpower again. Hooray! Sorry I'm a little hyper. I hope that doesn't taint this chapter.

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Bulma entered her locker combination after second hour Wednesday morning, her mind not really on the books she was placing inside. It was on Vegeta. She didn't know what was up with him. She had tried calling him Sunday but he hadn't answered his home or cell phone. Then on both Monday and Tuesday he had held the minimum amount of conversation with her and only having to do with school matters.

Goku had told her that his mom had shown up at his match and that she had stayed throughout the whole tournament. She thought that maybe that was what was wrong but that wouldn't explain his behavior on Thursday and Friday. Today in chemistry was the worst. He would barely even look her in the eye. She had to find out what was going on.

As she placed her chemistry book in her locker a pink sheet of paper was shoved into her face. Releasing the book, she took the paper and raised a brow at the deliverer.

"What's this?" she asked.

"It's your pass out of third hour," ChiChi said. "I completely forgot that Juu goes out of town with the team tomorrow. So I'm calling an emergency student government meeting to make up for the one you missed last week. We're going to talk about prom, so be ready. I have like ten more passes to hand out so I'll see you in the meeting room." She then turned and hurried away.

Bulma frowned at the pass then turned to ask ChiChi if she wanted help. The words caught on her lips as her eyes fell on Yamucha and Juuanagou coming down the hall. Jay was obviously caught up in whatever anecdote he was recounting and didn't notice that Yamucha's attention was elsewhere. He held her gaze for a moment before he blinked then averted his eyes as he continued to listen to his teammate while they walked.

Bulma swallowed against the tears welling in her eyes as she leaned her forehead against the cool metal of her locker. It looked like Vegeta wasn't her only problem.

"I need to talk to you."

Bulma lifted her head and looked into the pair of frowning blue eyes.

"Something wrong Juu?" she asked.

The blond glanced around the crowded hall then grabbed Bulma's hand. "Come with me," she said as she led her down the hall.

They entered the meeting room that would soon be full of the members of the student government. Juu closed the door behind them and then turned to her, crossing her arms over her chest.

"So what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Bulma frowned.

"Well last night I just happened to be watching Lifestyles and they mentioned that a certain Capsule Corp. president had moved out his house and was rumored to be getting a divorced from his wife of twenty-two years," Juu said watching Bulma's reaction closely.

Bulma couldn't help the small gasp that escaped from her. "It was on TV," she murmured as she slowly sat down in one of the chairs.

"So it's true, then," Juu said.

Bulma nodded slightly.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Juu asked after a moment, unable to hide the hurt in her voice.

Bulma stood up and moved pass her. Juu turned to be faced with her back.

"I don't know," Bulma murmured crossing her arms. "I just didn't know what to say. I mean how do you talk about something like this?" She paused and let out a ragged breath that told Juu she was fighting tears.

Crossing her arms, the blond slowly approached her friend. "You don't have to go through this alone. That's what friends are for you know?"

Bulma turned. "I know. I just don't know what to do. My mom and I aren't speaking right now and my Dad refuses to discuss it. I just feel so helpless, because I don't know how to fix this," she finished lowering her head and wrapping her arms more tightly around herself.

Juu frowned as she placed her hand beneath Bulma's chin and lifted it. "Hey, this isn't for you to fix. This is between your parents and it's up to them to work it out. Nobody else can."

Bulma looked into the warmth of Juu's icy blue gaze and for the first time she truly believed that. A watery smile spread across her face and she extended her arms. Juu smiled and stepped into the hug.

"Thank you," Bulma said as she squeezed her tight.

Juu's smile widened as she pulled back. "No problem. Just try to clue in some of the people that care about you next time you have a life changing crisis, okay?"

Bulma chuckled softly as she nodded. "Okay, but only if you'll do me a favor."

Juu raised one fine brow.

"Will you tell Chi and them? I mean I don't want them to find out through random gossip but I can't talk about it yet either."

Juu's frown returned. She personally thought that Bulma should tell them herself when she was ready.

"Are we still meeting?"

Juu turned to the door as Bulma turned away to hide her face. "Yeah. Just take a seat and we'll get started in a few minutes," Juu told the blond sophomore class representative. She then turned back to the pleading look in her friend's eyes. "All right," she conceded after a moment.

"Thank you," Bulma said again, still battling her tears.

Juu gave her a small smile then joined the young girl at the table to give Bulma time to recover herself. It wasn't long before the room began filling with more of the government member and Bulma finally took her seat when ChiChi entered the room. The president took her place at the head of the table and quickly scanned the faces before her to make sure no one was missing before starting. Seeing that all was right she took her seat.

"I'm sorry to have to pull you ladies out of class but we have a lot to discuss. First thing being Orange Star Week. Chairman report," she said jumping right to business.

Launch smiled excitedly. "Everything's coming along great! We've collected all the ballots from the students and we have their choices for days. They've picked Disney Day, Twinkie Day, Superhero Day, Celebrity Day, and, of course, as tradition holds the final day is Superlative Day. The principal has approved all our chosen activities for each day. All that is left really is getting some one from the tech department to help set up the slide show," she finished proudly.

"Tech? Well that should be no problem. Bulma?" ChiChi questioned glancing at the girl next to her.

Bulma shrugged. "Sure. I'd be happy to help."

"Well since that seems to be coming along nicely, the next thing on the agenda is…" she stopped as her next words escaped her. As she tried to recall them, a gentle throbbing began in her head again and she touched her fingers to her temple.


ChiChi looked up at the soft voice and was met with Bulma's concerned blue gaze. She then glanced down the table to see everyone giving her quizzical looks. She shook her head gently as if trying to gather her thoughts and cleared her throat.

"Sorry I lost my train of thought," she mumbled as an excuse. "Um, the next thing on the agenda is prom. Chairman?"

Bulma was still frowning in concern but then set it aside as the brunette gave her an impatient look. "Well, we've found a place. It's a lodge in discreet area of the forest. It has a lovely deck area that looks over a beautiful lake. It's quaint, intimate, and elegant. Plus the owner is giving us a discount because it's for such a special occasion."

"Is it difficult to find?" Cassandra asked.

"Surprisingly, no. But if people do have some problems, we could always make up a map and give out copies the day before."

"Are we having a theme?" Mandy Peterson wanted to know.

"Only for the decorations. We haven't decided on that yet. We're going to put it to the class for a vote," Bulma answered.

"Do you have a DJ?" Juu asked.

"Not yet. Even though we got a good deal on the place it still took a large bite out of the budget and we still have to pay for a photographer and the parting gifts. So we're still shopping around."

"Well, everyone you've heard what we need, a cheap DJ and photographer. So keep your ears open and let Bulma or any of the prom committee know if you come across anything. Is there anything else on the table that we need to discuss?" The girls glanced at one other and shook their heads. "Good. Meeting adjured. Use your same passes to get back into class."

* * *

Bulma turned the page of the romance novel she was reading. She normally didn't bother with such books but she was in the mood for a little smut. She slumped further into her car seat. Determined to find out his problem, Bulma had been waiting in her car for Vegeta since four forty and now it was almost six.

School had let out at three thirty and Bulma had first gone to the Latin room. She'd been having trouble concentrating lately and had completely bombed her last exam. Fortunately, Mrs. Vernon had taking a liking to the blue hared genius and had let her retake it. She'd finished by four fifteen and had hurried down to the field house, hoping to catch Vegeta coming out of practice.

Much to her surprise, she'd looked in the door to find that he was still in the mist of his workout. Even though most of the team had been leaving as she looked on, he didn't appear to be leaving anytime soon. She hadn't let this deter her however. Staking out in her car, she was determined to wait him out. She even had an iron clad excuse ready. Funny how she had never had to make up an excuse to see Vegeta before.

She looked up from her book as something through the windshield caught her attention and smiled.

"Finally," she murmured as she put her book in her bag and pulled her keys out of the ignition.

Vegeta slipped on a pair of shades as he stepped out into the bright sun. Scowl in place, he readjusted the strap on his bag as he started towards his car. Halfway to his destination, he reached into the side of his bag to retrieve his keys. He had only one goal in mind: bed. Exhaustion had been dogging him heavily lately. Between school and practice his sleep had been cut in half. And even when he was finally able to hit the pillows, sleep alluded him for the woman's weeping would haunt him. It seemed no matter what room she was in he could always hear her as though she was lying in the bed with him.

And that was just the beginning of his problems.

He had spent the last hour alone in practice trying to get his mind off a discussion he'd had with Kakarot in the locker room just before sixth hour athletics had begun. As he stuck his key in the door he let the conversation come back to him for the hundredth time in the last three hours.

"So what's up with you and Bulma?"

Vegeta pulled the blue tank top over his head as he avoided the other boy's eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Goku pulled his practice jersey out of his locker and sighed. "It obvious that one of you it's speaking to the other and if I had to take my pick which is which I'd say you weren't speaking to her. So what's up?"

"You're imagining things," Vegeta said simply as he shut his locker and bent over to tie his shoe.

Goku crossed his arms and watched him. "All I know is that I haven't seen you speak directly to her in like a week. Am I imagining that too?"


Goku was about to say something else when…

"Hey Goku! Coach said if you don't get your ass in here right now, you'll be riding the bench tomorrow," Krillin said sticking his head in the door.

"All right here I come." Goku frowned at Vegeta's back for a moment before sighing. "I hope you get over whatever you're mad about pretty soon," he said before he left the locker room.

Vegeta's scowl deepened as he opened his car door. Kakarot was wrong about one thing, he wasn't mad at her. To be honest he didn't know what his problem was. Originally, he had told himself that he was just busy and that was why they hadn't spoken much lately but by now even he knew he was full of shit. Something strange had passed between them that night he had stayed at her place and it had a big X telling him to back off. He didn't know what it was and frankly he didn't care to find out.


"Shit," he muttered as he tossed his bag in the back seat at the unwelcome voice. Taking a calming breath he turned just as she stopped in front of him.

"Hey," she said for lack of a better phrase.

"You wanted something?" he asked not bothering to hide his irritation.

Bulma's smile fell slightly. She wished he would take off his shades. They were blocking her only means of knowing what he was thinking. When he continued to frown at her, she subconsciously tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Never before had she been so nervous around him. Now she knew why so many of their peers were intimidated by him.

Raising her chin almost definitely she said simply, "We need to finish working on our senior paper and I think tonight is a good night to go to the library."

"Well you thought wrong. I'm going home and I suggest you do the same."

Bulma glared at him for a moment then turned and walked around the front of the car to the passenger side. "I wasn't asking," she said before she slipped into the car.

Vegeta couldn't help the growl that escaped him as he slipped into the car and slammed the door close. Too tired to fight her, it looked like his plans for the evening had just changed.

* * *

ChiChi sat, legs crossed, on her bed as she read through the passage again.


ChiChi looked up at her door as Kimmy bounded happily into the room and flounced down on the bed.

"Hey Kiddo. How was your day?"

"Great! Momma took us to the zoo after school and look what I got!" she said holding out the stuffed gorilla for her sister's inspection.

ChiChi took the toy and looked over it slowly shaking her head as she did. "I don't know, Kimmy. These things have been know to turn on their owner," she said, a playfully smile haunting her lips.

Kimmy chuckled. "You're silly Sissy! It's just a toy."

"Oh yeah?"


The little girl never had a chance to escape as ChiChi's arm shot out and pulled her into her lap. She then let the gorilla `attack' her sister's stomach causing torturous giggles to burst from the child's throat.

"I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen," ChiChi reprimanded the child as she continued to let the animal tickle the shrieking girl.

Kimmy began to wiggle in her grasp and finally broke free, taking off down the hall.

"Oh, I'm not finished with you yet," ChiChi called as she scrambled off the bed and hurried after her.

Kimmy's laughter carried through the house as she ran down the stairs. ChiChi followed soon after and entered the living room to complete silence. She stopped and quickly scanned the room easily spotting the small foot sticking out from behind the sofa. Smiling she walked further into the room calling, "Come out, come out wherever you are."

The dizziness that hit her this time was much more powerful than any of the times before and ChiChi had to grasp the sofa for support. Finding it hard to catch her breath, she leaned against the sofa fully.

Kimmy had heard her sharp gasp and stood to see what was happening. She frowned at what she saw and walked over.

When the spell finally passed, ChiChi was confronted with a young pair of concerned green eyes so much like all the others she'd been looking into lately.

"Are you okay, Sissy?"

ChiChi offered a weak smile and reached out to stroke the girl's hair reassuringly. "I'm fine, sweetheart. Just a little dizzy, that's all."

ChiChi knew her excuse must have sounded lame from the unconvinced look in the child's eyes.

"Will you do Sissy a favor and get me a glass of water?"

"Okay," Kimmy murmured still regarding her with worry.

As the little girl hurried away to do her bidding, ChiChi sat down on the sofa and placed her still throbbing head in her hands. `What is happening to me?' she wondered.

* * *

"It's a really pretty place. It'll be just perfect," Bulma said.

Vegeta only grunted as he jotted down another quote from his research into his notebook.

Bulma sighed in frustration. She had been trying to make conversation for the last hour and had finally resorted to discussing today's government meeting. Yet he still ignored her.

"You know I was just thinking that with everything that's happened between Yamucha and me, I'm currently out of a prom date."

"I thought we were suppose to be researching," Vegeta said as he skimmed through one of his sources.

Bulma frowned. "I know you don't care which one of your little harlots you take to prom but I happen to think it's very important. Knowing my luck I'll probably end up having to go with you," she finished in disgust.

"Well if I must take a harlot I might as well have the best," he spit out as he flipped to another page.

Bulma's frown turned to a full out glare. He never said such things to her, at least not in such a serious manner. "What the hell is your problem?" she hissed in a low voice as not to draw attention from a librarian.

"Nothing," he said keeping his focus on the book in front of him.

"Don't give me that bullshit! You've been a complete pain in the ass for the last week and I want to know why," she demanded.

He did look at her then and what she saw in his obsidian gaze made her catch her breath. She didn't know how to describe the emotion that flickered in his eyes but she knew it was unlike anything that she had ever seen there before. It startled her to say the least.

He held her gaze for only a moment before uttering, "I said nothing."

Bulma could only nod.

He broke eye contact and returned to his books not really seeing the words in front of him.

Bulma tried to sallow around the lump in her throat before she gave up and began gathering her things.

"I think we have enough research," she said shakily.

He didn't utter a word as he slammed the book close and grabbed his keys off the table. He walked out of the door without a backward glance and Bulma had no choice but to follow. Neither spoke during the ride back to school. When he let her out at her car in the parking lot, she barely got out a soft "bye" before he pulled away.

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Okay this story has a long way to go but I want to get it out within a month for reasons that will explain themselves later so I'm going to start trying to update it bi-weekly, which means even slower updates for the other fics. Sorry guys but it really is necessary and it'll be worth it in the end. I promise ^_^. Well, You + Review = Update and thanks for reading.