Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend ❯ Kakarot or Goku? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Who me?

AN: (AN from original posting) I guess you guys like this fic. Thanks to Louie, Veggies_grl, Kandy, Susan, Erie Dragon (thank you! That's so sweet of you to say), Phoenix Feather, Moonkitty liafle, not sure yet, Matchmaker 88, moonsaiyanprincess, hippiechick (I promise to check out your fic as soon as I update the one of Vegeta's great adventures), IneiTenshi, serendipity, and NeoQbirdie for the reviews. As you see they inspired me to write more. Enoy.

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“Shit,” Goku muttered as he dropped the pattern. “I'm never going to figure out this sewing thing.”

Vegeta glanced up from the magazine he was flipping through.

“Vegeta, how did you do it?” Goku asked his friend.

“I didn't,” Vegeta answered, returning to his magazine.

Goku rolled his eyes. He didn't know how he did it but somehow Vegeta had wormed his way into being every teacher's favorite student. It was so weird since Vegeta almost never spoke to any of them and on the rare occasion that he did, he was usually extremely short with them. Mrs. Heartens, the Home Ec teacher, was particularly in love with him. It made absolutely no sense to Goku.

“What are you going to do next week when Mrs. Heartens checks our pillows?” Goku asked.

“Don't worry. I'll have mine.”


“The girl's making it.”

“What girl?”

Vegeta nodded his head towards a table on the other side of the room. Goku arched a brow at the group of girls that were staring all dreamy eyed at their table. Goku recognized one of the girls as Mandy Peterson. She had been asking both him and Vegeta out for the last month and a half. He hadn't even known she was in this class. If he had paid more attention, he could have definitely gotten her to do this project for him.

At Vegeta's knowing chuckle, Goku turned on his friend.

“Damn it, Vegeta! Why didn't you tell me Mandy was in this class?”

“Because you should be more observant Kakarot,” Vegeta stated simply.

Goku rolled his eyes. Since ninth grade, Goku had stopped using his legal first name and instead now went by his middle name. It had taken a few weeks but eventually his friends had gotten use to his name change. Vegeta, however, refused to comply.

“Could you just once use my name?” Goku sighed.

“I did,” Vegeta frowned.

“You know I don't like that name. It's too…weird.”

“And Goku isn't,” Vegeta arch a brow.

“Look, if you call me by my first name then I'll call you by your real first name, Vegetable.”

Vegeta narrowed his eyes. “You better be glad nobody heard that.”

Goku chuckled slightly and then raised his hand. “Mrs. Hearten?”

“Yes Kakarot?” the teacher replied looking up from her grade book.

“I need your help.”

“All right,” the slim, blond teacher stood from her desk and walked over to their table. After about five minute she explained his mistake to him and showed him how to fix it. She then looked at Vegeta.

“Vegeta, where is your pillow?”

“It's done,” he said never looking up from his magazine.

“Oh,” was all she got out before the bell rang. The class quickly hurried out the room.

After stopping momentarily at Goku's locker to drop off their books, the boys proceeded to the cafeteria for lunch. After buying four lunches a piece, they moved to their table.

“-you will not believe it! I tried on my tennis uniform yesterday and my hips could barely fit in the skirt. That's why I'm going on a diet this instant.”

Juuhachigou just nodded as she watched ChiChi steal fries off her plate as she spoke.

Goku slipped into the seat next to her and sat his plates on the table. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against his chest.

“You can't go on a diet, Chi,” he murmured against her neck.

“Oh yeah? Why not?” ChiChi said a small smile playing on her lips.

“Because then I won't have anything to hold on to,” he said, nipping at her neck.

Juuhachigou smiled at the two. Obviously, things were better since this morning.

“Actually Kakarot, I think the woman's right. She is getting a little rotund around the edges,” Vegeta commented from his seat across the table between Krillin and Yamcha.

“Oh, fuck you, Vegeta,” ChiChi said.

“Been there, done that,” Vegeta stated, popping a chicken nugget in his mouth and receiving a chuckle from Juu, Krillin, and Yamcha. ChiChi narrowed her eyes and tossed a French fry at him, which he easily dodged.

Yamcha looked towards the door then looked around his table. “Hey, has anyone seen Bulma?”

“The woman was late to second hour Advanced Chem. this morning,” Vegeta said, giving Yamcha a knowing look. When Yamcha reddened slightly, knowing it had been his fault, Vegeta continued. “Old man Davis told her she had to make up the lab during lunch as punishment.”

“That sucks, because we were supposed to hand out flyers to her party Friday during lunch,” ChiChi said, looking at the stack of fliers on the table in front of her.

“It shouldn't take her all lunch. It only took me ten minutes to finish,” Vegeta said nonchalantly.

As if she had heard them talking about her, Bulma entered the room at that moment. She walked quickly over to the table and seeing that there were no available chairs, she slipped into Yamcha's lap. Quickly surveying the array of goodies on the table, she snatched a delicious looking green apple off one of Vegeta's plates, receiving a scowl from him. He would never admit it but Bulma knew that Vegeta didn't eat apples. He had gotten it for her because he knew she wouldn't have time to get anything else. As she took a bite out off the apple, she winked her thanks at him. Vegeta rolled his eyes and returned his attention to his plate.

Bulma looked around the table. “What did I miss?”

“We were just talking about your birthday party on Friday,” Juu filled her in.

“Really! That's great! This party is going to be the best! My mom has already hired the band and the caterer,” she said excitedly.

“Well, then I say we start handing out fliers,” Krillin said.

“Yeah, I want everyone there. Juu, will you give some to your brother? I know he knows a lot of people from other schools. And Goku, you can give some to Radditz to had out on the college campus.”

“Sure, I'll give them to him after lunch,” Juu said offhandedly.

“And I'll take them over to his dorm after basketball practice today,” Goku added.

“Speaking of basketball, you guys are all coming to the games tonight, right?” Krillin asked. He, Goku and Juu were all of the teams and tonight was the first game of the season.

“Yeah of course, we are,” Bulma exclaimed.

“Why would we when we already know the outcome?” Vegeta asked with a frown.

“Because you want to root your friends on,” ChiChi said.

“Oh, don't pay any mind to Vegeta. He'll be there,” Bulma said as she stood. She picked up the fliers off the table and leaned over to kiss Yamcha's cheek. “Come on ladies. We have fliers to hand out!”

After kissing their boyfriends, the other two ladies stood and followed Bulma.

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What did you think of chapter two? Thanks for reading.