Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My heart you hold ❯ Everything taken from Bulma ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bulma woke up in the middle of he night by the cold breeze of the night air coming through her bedroom window. She sat up and rubbed her shoulders getting up to shut the window. `I never opened the window… how did the window get open? I always lock my window… oh well… maybe I just forgot' She yawned as she approached the window; she leaned over and grabbed the window doors, when a large gust of wind hit her.

Suddenly in a flash a dark figure jumped down from off the roof hiding above her window, grabbing her and throwing her into her room. "AGHHH-" Bulma tried to scream when the figure put a hand over her mouth to silence her.

He reached into his pocket to pull out a small object that looked as to be a needle. Bulma's eyes widened in fear as he shoved the needle into her arm, injecting her with the greenish liquid. Bulma's eyes started to flutter, and her arms dropped down to her side, and she entered the world of unconsciousness.

        " Sir…" The figured bowed down in respect to the man who had his back to him with his arms crossed over his chest hiding in the dark, with his dark black hair shooting in different angles.

        "What have u brought me Kuji? Hopefully you did not fail me. If the Saiyan no Ouji were to find out that we had failed then I will personally see you die. I left this mission in your hands, now tell me you brought me something useful…" The man said turning around slightly to face the Dark green haired tanned man kneeling in front of him. (Thought it was Vegeta up there huh? Huh?! HUH!! Oo; got ya XD.)

        "Sir, We have just captured one of the smartest scientists in the world, she is only about 20 or so, her name is Bulma Briefs, daughter of Mr. Briefs, president of Capsule Corporation. We have also taken a couple females, models as they call them on this planet as concubines, we have one woman, who entered one of the worlds strongest championships and one the woman's competition and came in 3rd for the overall competition competing against the males, we can have her as a concubine, or we can have her teach some of the woman a bit of self defense on the way back to Vegeta-sei, though it would be useless. We have also brought back some strong weapons and we can have that Briefs girl build us more advanced weapons. Also money, these devices called capsules made by the Briefs Company, that can hold many large things such as ships and it would be carried in an object that can fit in your pocket."

        "Great, u have done well Kuji. Put this Briefs woman and that martial artist woman in a special room, set the concubines in the chambers. Pack everything on board and then set the coordinates back to planet Vegeta, mean while I will be in my room going over a few things, I hope you can keep the ship under control" The man said as he left to his room.

        "Yes, sir Kakkorot." With the last thing said he got up and went to tell his shipmates that they were to pack everything.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

5 hours later in space

        Kakkorot walked down the corridor to the rooms where he had sent the Briefs girl and female martial artist. He stopped in front of the door and punched in the password to unlock the door. The door unlocked and the door started to slide open, he stepped into the room only to be greeted by two beautiful women.


        Bulma had awoken to someone shaking her pretty hard. She groaned and rubbed the side of her where she had been injected. "Ow… not so hard…" She bolted upright remembering what had happened in her room. "What happened!!?? Where am I?!?!"

        "I- I don't really know I just woke up here a little while ago. We are on a ship, all I know is that much, except when I was being taken away they said I was going to be going to a planet called Vegeta-sei. I don't know what they want with us… Aren't you that Bulma Briefs girl?!"

        "Yeah̷ 0;" - all of a sudden footsteps could be heard at the door and the door was sliding open after a few buttons could be heard pressed. Then the door opened and a tall man with weird hair stepped threw.

        "So, I see that your finally awake." He said to them as he took a couple steps closer to them.

        "Who are you!? What do you want with us!?" Bulma stood up and glared at the tall burly man.

        "My name is Kakkarot, and you will be going to Vegeta-sei to work for us. Which one of you is Bulma Briefs? You will be working as a scientist and building more advanced weapons for our planet. And the martial artist will probably end up being a concubine," Kakkarot smirked at the two woman. " Or be MY bed mate."

        Chichi blushed, and then turned angry. " I will do nothing of the kind!" She yelled at him.

        "So I take it you are the martial artist? What is your name." He walked over to her and kneeled in front of her grabbing her hand and kissing the top of it. " Such a beautiful woman must have a beautiful name." He stared up at her. He was attracted to this female.

        Chichi blushed again, now he was acting like a gentleman. He was strange; his mood could change in just seconds. Weird… "It's Chichi."

        "Chichi&# 8230;" He kissed her hand again and stood up. " Lovely… Please ladies. Excuse me for my…rudeness.-

       &nbs p;"What are you planning!? You are up to something! I can tell!" Bulma glared at him.

"Nothing my dear Bulma. Are you ladies hungry or anything-" Before Kakkarot could finish his sentence a loud explosion could be heard and the ship began to shake violently. His scouter detected life force approaching the ship. His tail twitched in frustration. Chichi and Bulma almost fell over, but before they could Kakkarot grabbed them and swung them over his shoulder and ran out of the room, down the hall. "Hold on!"

Bulma and Chichi were screaming as sparks started firing everywhere and men came rushing out of their rooms and went the same way as Kakkarot. "What's going on!" Chichi and Bulma cried.

Kakkarot ignored them and yelled at his men. " Someone alert the warriors in the area where the ship had been attacked, tell them to fight them off and then retreat to the space pods! If they over power us then we need to be ready to get off the ship. " Kakkarot stopped and threw Bulma and Chichi to two of his people. "Take them and wait for me to return, do not let anyone but Saiyans in, if anyone else should come kill them"

"Sir, what about the other humans in the dungeon? Do you wish to send someone back for them?" One of the dark skinned Saiyans asked as he carried Bulma over his shoulder.

"No, leave them, we don't need them." Kakkarot ran off to the battle on the other side of the ship.

The man carrying Bulma started to run towards his destination.

"This is no way to carry a lady!! I am not some stupid sack! You stupid monkey!" Bulma screamed at him.

"Shut it woman, ill leave you to die if you do not shut that damn mouth of yours." He growled warningly to her. Chichi was being handled the same way as Bulma.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br>
Kakkarot rushed into the room with the battle going on, he fired at one of the small blue creatures that were about to slash one of his crewmembers with a sharp thick object that looked like an icicle. The creature disintegrated, and Kakkarot started barking out orders and fighting off the blue creatures at the same time. More and more came in they were out numbered by a great deal. Some of his members were wounded and trying to fight them off with little power they had left.

        Kakkarot picked up one of the wounded men. " Grab the wounded then retreat back to where I ordered earlier." He didn't want to give his location in case they would go around the ship and attack them there as they were fleeing off the ship. He was gonna blow them all up after he had everyone off of the ship with the small device he had on his special space pod.

        Kakkarot and the men fired all their ki blasts together and then ran for it.

        "Why are we running!? Saiyans do not run from a battle!" One of the men growled at his commander.

        "We are not running, think of it as plan B. We get on our pods, and then, kill them by self- detonating the ship. So, we win." He grinned at the smaller warrior next to him.

        They finally made it to the pods with the other Saiyans there, there weren't many, considering he only brought a few men, he had about 30 men. " Everyone in a space pod, set your coordinates to Vegeta-sei. Kuji, you will take Briefs girl and I will take the other woman. Now, go!" Everyone did as they were told. Kakkarot and Chichi were the last to depart from the ship, when they were setting off; the creatures busted threw the door and starting firing at them. Kakkarot punched in the numbers on his pod, they were moving farther away, when a sudden explosion broke through the air, the ship that they were on had exploded and the creatures were most likely dead now along with the earthlings.

        Kakkar ot grabbed the gas mask and placed it on Chichi's face, she sat in his lap. " Breathe," He instructed her, and she complied. She started to drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Mean while with Bulma and Kuji.~~~~~~~

        "Damn it! Women stop your damn moving! Just sit back and put on the damn mask!" Kuji yelled at Bulma who was sitting in between his legs.

        "Shut the hell up! I will not put the damn mask on! It could be drugged for all I know! I don't trust you stupid Saiyans!" She yelled back squirming trying to give herself a little more room, by spreading his legs out more for room for herself.

        "Stop it woman! Its not like I have any room either!"

        "Spread your damn legs some more!" Bulma screamed.

        "Oh, so you want me to spread my legs" He grinned. "Why didn't you just say so." He trusted up into her a bit.

        Bulma blushed furiously and then punched his leg. " You ass! I didn't mean that!"

        "Oh, I think you did." He grabbed the top of her shirt and threw it off. He swiftly grabbed her chest and started to squeeze them through her bra. He rubbed himself up against Bulma's back.

        Bulma screamed and started to try and elbow him. " Stop it!! Let go of me! You stupid Fucking-

        "Oh, Fucking, yes, that's what ill be doing to you." He chuckled and licked her neck.

        "GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF OF ME!" she grabbed his hands that were on her breast and started to pinch him with all her strength. She was getting really scared.

        "But you wanted this Bulma" He purred. He started kissing her down her neck and sucking. He rubbed him self harder on to her. Making her yelp. He groaned at the feeling. " it feels so good." He stuck his hands under her bra and started to pinch her nipples. And rub them. The pinching didn't bother him considering how much stronger he was to her.

        "Stop!" Bulma cried out. One of his hands started to travel down to her pants, and he slipped his hand under her waistband of her pants and panty's. He stuck his finger inside of her and started to rub her. "That feel good?" he purred, nipping onto her ear. He grinded his hardness into her back once again. When all of a sudden a picture of Kakkarot popped up. Kuji stared at the screen with a grin. "Hi Kakkarot. Want to sit back and watch?" He rubbed her harder; Bulma closed her eyes tightly trying to think of something else.

        "Stop Kuji, do not force her, she doesn't seem to like you" He smirked at Kuji. Kuji grunted. "Like I care. She seems to be enjoying it somewhat." He pushed his finger harder. Bulma slightly groaned. "I can feel it" He chuckled; she was starting to become wet. "N-NO! Stop! Agh… STOP!" She turned as far as she could and slashed him on the face with her nails.

        "AGH! You damn bitch!" he had a small cut on the side of his cheek. He smirked. " That the best you have? You barely marked me. Now, Bulma, Dear. You have two choices. 1. I exhaust you out by what we are doing, and that's how you will sleep or 2. You put on the mask. You pick. I think choice number one is the best. What do you say Bulma." He nipped at her neck and continued to stroke her.

        She arched her back. "I'd say she wants choice number one, wouldn't you say Kakkarot?" He grinned and stroked her womanhood. He pinched her slightly hard nipples.

        "By the look on her face, I'd say so." Kakkarot laughed with Kuji. Bulma couldn't find herself to say anything, the feeling was unbelievable. Kuji flipped Bulma over so they sat face to face, he kissed her deeply and she was a bit surprised. She had never had sex before. While he was kissing her he had her pants off and was inserting his finger into her opening. Moving it in and out, Bulma groaned out. Kakkarot was starting to get hard by watching the scene before him, his eyes scanning over Bulma she had a beautiful body. Kuji lowered his pants and slowly inserted his long length into Bulma. Bulma winced at the pain and tears started to streak down her face, she didn't want this. She wished this was all just a nightmare. "S-Stop! Please…" Bulma cried.

        "Looks like we have a virgin here Kakkarot! This should be fun! Don't worry, I'll be… gently, ill make you feel good." He smirked at Bulma as he began to nibble on one of her breast. He began pumping in and out of her; it began to get pleasurable to Bulma. She began to moan and grabbed onto his shoulders.

        Kakkaro t slid his hand between him and Chichi and began to pump his own hard length. He began to moan like Bulma and Kuji. Bulma was the first to climax and she screamed out, followed by Kuji who climaxed right after her when her walls closed in on his length sending him over the edge. After a few more strokes, Kakkarot followed them in their climaxes.

        Bulma began to drift off to sleep. When Kuji grabbed the mask and placed It over Bulma's face. " She was a good fuck. Have fun Kakkarot?" He grinned at Kakkarot he leaned his head back. Kuji pulled his and Bulma's clothes back on. "Wish it were u and that bitch instead of us two?"

        "Hell yeah. I think I will make this one" he gestured to Chichi. " My mate." He grinned.

        "I'd make this one my mate, but I have one back on Vegeta-sei. Plus, the prince might find her, attractive, and might take her as a bedmate. How long till Vegeta-sei?"

        "Oh. Lets see, less than a month just about. Set the sleeping gas for the both of you for a half of a month. I'm out." And with that his screen blanked out. Kuji did as he was told and fell asleep.

End of Chapter one. ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_&lt; My first, lemon I believe oo; weirdishness…..

So next chapter will be when Vegeta and Bulma meet. -grins- I am contemplating If I should make this a long fic, or kind of a short one, I might make a sequel, but ill hafta see how it comes along. o.o' I dun really like the Chichi and Goku fics, so I probably wont have them in here as much. ^-^'

O.o if u don't, ill follow u around and eat your shoes, o.o then you but first I will steal your wallet and take all your money MWHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! >AHEM&lt; ;.; just say something I like to read what ppl say. ;.; nothing better to do anyways x.x! >_&lt;!!!!! =D >=) gimme some ideas? O.O