Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Tomboy ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I just stand and stare at him, he is in the water with a bunch of his friends
surfing, and from the look of it, and he was fantastic. In fact, I get so into
the watching this mysterious man, that the next thing I know is I is calling for

"Help.” I call as I go under the water again. "Help.” I say again as my head
goes back under the water, the next thing I know I am under the water and cannot
come up. Everything seemed to go black, there is no hope, I am gone. I am
getting overdramatic here, but put you in my position, I am here drowning, and
not one soul is here to help me.

I then open my eyes and realize I am on a surfboard, with the mystery hunk
behind me. I looked back and smiled then breathed a sigh of relief. He laughs a
bit and says. "Hold you're grip tight, we're about to shoot the curl.” He then
stands up, and I feel this rush of adrenaline shoot through my body. I was
something else.

"Look what the cat drug in, what is it Apollo?” (Note: Trunks’ nickname in the
story is Apollo; he got it from an old girlfriend, because she thought he looked
like a Greek God.) His friend asked.

“Just some Dame.”

“A dame? Oh, I’m no Dame.”

The friend looked me over. “She has all the features of a dame.”

“Honest, guys I’m no dame, I’m just as tough as any boy.” I tell them.

“I see, yes of course I mean the way you handled those waves out there, you’d be
a natural.” The friend said sarcastically, although I did not catch on.

“Oh, that?” I say as if I done it before, “Can we do it again.” The thought of
going back out there and getting on a surfboard was sure thrilling.

The guy who rescued me, Apollo said.” I think you had enough for the day, why
don’t you run home and play with your dolls, we don’t need to be babysitting.”

“Babysitting? Dolls?” I’m no child, I can tell you that.” I tell him, I am
fuming mad. I walk away from him, I will show him, I will show him who is
better. I then see a stand, a stand that is selling surfboards. I go up to the

“Excuse me?” I ask.

The boy looks at me, “Can I help you?”

“I want to buy a surfboard.”

He looked at me, and started laughing. “You want to buy a surf board?”

“Yes, what’s so funny about that?”

He looked at me and laughed again, “You couldn’t even lift one.”

That made me mad, I go over to one leaning against a table, and lift it over my

“Alright, alright.” He said panicked, “So you can lift one, but they do cost a
small mint?”

I get worried, “What exactly is a small mint?”

“75 clams (Note: This takes place in the 1950’s) even a good used one is 25

I bite my lip, ‘Geez, I only have four dollars and fifty cents left from my

“No cash, no board.”

Authors POV

“A man hunt? A man Hunt.” Pan’s father was fuming, and upset at the thought of
his daughter, his sixteen-year-old daughter was on a manhunt.

“Calm down, Gohan, she’s a young girl, she’s going to have interested in the
opposite sex.” Vidal told him. She tried to calm her husband down.

“I know, but why does it have to happen while I’m still around.”

Videl laughed. “Gohan, she’s growing up, you can’t shelter her forever.”

“I know, it’s just I feel like I’m losing my little girl, I mean she had me
wrapped around her finger, I’d do anything for Pan, except let her grow up.”

“You’re going to have to let her go sometimes; we all have to leave the nest.”

Just then, Pan walked in. “Hey Mom, hey Pops, I’m home.”

Back to Pan’s POV>

I start walking upstairs. However I was called back down by my father. “Pan
Marie get down here, I have some questions to ask you.”

Oh, great, I’m in trouble, my parents barely use my middle name, only when I’m
in trouble.

I turn around, “Daddy...I tried to explain.

“What’s this I hear about a man hunt?”

“Oh, that? Uh, that was just something the others thought would be fun, I
however didn’t, I spent my time, discovering something new.”

“And just what is that?”


Both Mother and father fell over. “Surfing? No daughter of mine is going to be

“But daddy, I really enjoy it and it gives me something to do over the summer.”

“I won’t allow it.”

Father and I got into a huge argument, that’s when mother decided to, butt in.”

“Gohan, this is Pan, the one person you’d do anything for.”

“Yeah, I know it’s just that...” he was about to finish his sentenced when I
interrupted him.

“And daddy, I need another favor.”

“What kind of favor.”

”I need an advance on my allowance”

“How much of an Advance?

“Uhm, it’s not a whole lot.”

“How much, Pan.”

”Twenty one fifty.”

“Twenty one dollars and fifty cents? Pan you do realize I’m not made of money.”

“Oh come on Gohan, this is Pan we are talking about, the girl you’d do anything

“What exactly do you need the money for?”

I bit my lip. “Well, it’s uh... for a surfboard."

“A what, a surf board? “He turned to my mother. “Videl, would you talk some
sense into your daughter.”

“Gohan, just give her the money.”

“Yeah, Dad, I promise I’ll pay you back, please,” I almost begin to beg.

“Besides her birthday is next month.” Mother mentioned

“For my birthday, oh that would be the ultimate.” I say excitedly

Father sighed and conceded, knowing he could not win against two females, he
pulled out his wallet and handed me the money.

I kiss him on the cheek. “Thank you daddy. Thanks so much.” I jump around the

Mother laughs at me, as Dad sits down holding his head.

I go upstairs to bed as I dream of what tomorrow will be like.

A/n: Ending it there. “Will Pan buy her surf board?”