Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My only Friend ❯ Coma? ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I don't own Dragon Ball Z/GT

"Deny your feelings for who?" Marron heard a voice behind her. She turned around and saw Goten standing there.

"Goten, What..what are you doing here, aren't you suppose to be in surgery?" Marron asked.

"I'm done with it, we just wait on Pan now, Trunks is with her, but enough about her, what was you talking about. Denying your feelings for someone?"

Marron looked at Bra who was giving a look that said tell him and die. Marron closed her eyes, and silently whispered, "I'm sorry Bra, I have to tell him." Marron turned to Goten. "Uhm, Goten, can I uh.. talk to you alone for a minute?"

"Sure M Chan, anything." Goten and Marron walked over to a water fountain.

"Goten, I uh.." She began to say, but felt Bra burrowing holes into her.

"What is it, M Chan?"

Marron pulled him to her. "Goten, I love you." She stated.

Goten was shocked. "Nani, you love me?"

"You don't love me, you probably love Bra."

Goten lifted her chin up with his finger, "You right, and wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"I do love Bra, but not the way I love you, I'm in love with you Marron." He kissed her gently on the lips. "I want to be with you."

This made Marron smile. "You really mean that Goten."

Goten smiled. "Yes, I do, I honestly do love you." He pulled her into a hug. "I think I always loved you, just never realized it."

Marron was happy, even though she may have lost her best friend, she was happy to have told Goten her feelings. "So does this mean we're going out?"

Goten smiled, "If you'll have me."

"Yes, I'll have you." Marron said kissing him.

Bra was on the other side of the room staring daggers into them. "She dares steal him away from me. If she thinks she can just still Goten, she has another thing coming." She said under her breath.

Goten and Marron sat and talked about what was going on with Pan. "It's so terrible, I feel guilty about not being nice to her before." Marron said.

"I feel worse, I mean she was my own sister, grant it I was scared when she was only my niece, but now that she's my sister, I feel, helpless, you know?" Goten tried to explain.

Marron nodded, but she knew she would never feel what Goten was feeling. "It must be hard on you."

"It is." Goten said as Marron took ahold of her hand. "Thanks to you though, I can get through this, thankyou."

As Goten and Marron were talking a woman approached Gohan and Videl. "Mr. and Mrs. Son?"

"Yes." Gohan answered.

"Gohan Son?" She asked again.

"Yes, what can I do for you."

"My name is Marian Bolder I'm from the make a wish foundation."

"Make a wish foundation?" Gohan asked confused.

"Ah, yes, We are a non profit organization that helps terminally ill children get a chance at doing something they always wanted. We had make wishes from meeting their favorite star, to a nice dinner with all of their families, one boy such a gentle heart, godbless his soul, didn't want a wish, he said he had all that he ever wanted the love and support from his family and Friend. He was such a good boy, but unfortunately we lost him not to long ago."

"Oh how sad." Videl started crying.

"Well I'm here, because I hear your daughter, Pan is sick with leukemia, is there anything she wants?"

"I don't know, maybe we should ask her, but I don't think now is appropriate, she had just gotten out of major surgery."

"Ah yes, well when she is feeling better, I will like to know."

/a few days later in Pan's room/

"How is she?" The doctor asked Trunks, who was sitting by Pan's side. Pan had slipped into a coma after surgery and she hasn't woken up yet.

"No, there hasn't been any change." Trunks said silently as he watched Pan.

"You care for her don't you?" She asked.

"I love her, more then I thought possible." He admitted.

"That's good, she needs all the love and support needed." The doctor put her hand on his shoulder. l "She's one lucky gal to have a friend like you."

Trunks smiled. "Thanks." The doctor left. "Pan, hey look you're gonna have to get better and wake up, because we all want you too." He pleaded with her.

As Trunks was talking to Pan, Gohan walked in. "Any change?"

"No." Trunks simply replied.

Gohan walked over to his daughter, "Hey baby, look I know you don't like it when I tell you what to do, but you gonna listen to me, you're gonna wake up and you're gonna wake up now." Gohan demanded as tears fell from his eyes, "That is an order Pan." He yelled, but even he knew that it was hopeless, not even the doctors knew when or if, Pan was ever gonna wake up.

"Please wake up." He pleaded with her. He grabbed ahold of her hand, he squeezed her fingers. "Please wake up."

A/n: Wait a minute. That's it? No more to this chapter, the evil author has left off with yet another cliffhanger, there must be something mentally wrong with her. Oh wait that's me, I'm the evil mentally stranged one. Hehe!. Will Pan wake up, will she? I don't know, keep reading.