Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My only Friend ❯ Pan wants to what? ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

» Matt.J1 Yeah, another cliffhanger, keep reading.

» ssjlavenderkid: I'm that obvious,huh?

» Kawaii warrior: Wow it's great when I people who don't even like a show, or praising fics about it. Tell them thanks. and thankyou too.

» SSJ5Tigger: Thanks.

» Butterfly Monkey Babe of Doom: Control the evil, control the evil.

» ShadowObscurity: Thankyou, so much for the review.

» v son sayian: Will she? Will She? WIll she? Will she? Will She?. I sound like a broken record huh, oh and thanks for the wonderful review.

» THE DARK ONE18 30 seconds,what are ya speed reader? HUH? TELL ME NOW!!! Just kidding, thanks for the review.

» Chibi Tsuki Yume Tenshi: I'll update when I feel like it, *huge pause* Alright, I feel like it.

» Pan-Chan42: Please read my other comments on the importance of a cliff hanger, yeah, and thankyou.

» PanBraSaiyin: Thank you so much.

» Stunner 1: I have been sent death threats, cause of the evil cliffhanger, I'm just addicted to them, and I can't stop. I need help. *gets on hands and knees.* Help me. Thanks for the review, and the wonderful death threats.

» Crystal: I always wanted to see a Dragon and Unicorn, in real life, when are they coming?

» DaniChan667: Well my second favorite couple is G/M, Yep, T/P and G/M are my favorites. Thanks for the review.

A/N: So So sorry, this took so long, I have this really killer head cold that I have been battling for the last week or so.

"Please wake up." He pleaded with her. He grabbed ahold of her hand, he squeezed her fingers. "Please wake up." Gohan tried desperately to get his daughter to wake up, but she layed in the bed like a rag doll.

"Please, Pan, wake up, I'll make you a deal, if you wake up, you can do anything you want, I don't care, anything, even be with Trunks." He said desperate for her to wake up. He started crying as he burried his head into his hands.

Trunks went up to him. "Gohan?"

"Trunks." Gohan said aknowledging the young boy next to him. "Thankyou for taking care of her."

"I'm never gonna leave her, I love her."

"I know you do, and I'm glad there is someone besides her family that cares about her so much."

"That's not true, everyone loves her, if they didn't they wouldn't be here." Trunks explained.

"Thankyou anyways, I just wish she would wake up now." Gohan said as he left the room. Trunks turned towards.

"He's right you know, you have to wake up now, Please." Trunks said as he sat down in the chair next to her bed. "I want you to wake up, there is so much I would like to do with and show you Pan, so please wake up, so I we can do all the wonderful things a couple is suppose to do."

Trunks wanted to do everything with Pan, he wanted to take her everywhere and show her everything. He wanted to show her the world. He held her hand as he pleaded with her to wake up, he even pleaded to god. "Dende, I know I haven't been the best person, but I want just one request and that is for Pan to wake up. Please let her wake up, so that that I can see her beautiful eyes again.

Trunks sat crying as he silently prayed for Pan's recovery, he heard a faint sound coming from Pan. "Trunks." Pan whispered her breathing labored.

Trunks looked up at her. "Pan?"

"What's going on, why are you crying?" She asked trying to reached his face with her hand. Trunks however grabbed it, before she could get it up.

"You're awake, I have to go tell everyone." Trunks said as he ran out of the room.

"She's awake." Trunks said breathlessly.

Gohan and Videl shot up and ran to the room. "Pan?" Gohan said as Videl and himself, entered the room.

"Hello Daddy, I'm sorry I worried you."

"No, don't be sorry, I"m just glad you're alright."

"I'm feeling much better." Pan smiled.

"I here we got a patient whose awake." Dr. Hagashi said

"Hello Julie." Pan greeted her doctor.

"How are you feeling Pan?"

"Suprisingly much better." Pan replied

"That's great, but to make sure we are gonna run some more tests, but first I want you to meet some one, this is Marian Bolder from the Make a wish Foundation, come in Mrs. Bolder."

"Make a wish whats that?" Pan asked confused.

Marian opted to answer. "We are a non profit organization, that grants wishes to terminally ill children, do you have wish?"

"Well, I already have everything, but if I can have one wish, that would be to Marry Trunks, but I'm to young, so I guess I have to decline."

Marian had never had a request like that, "Pan can you excuse me while I talk to the adults."

"She can't get married." Gohan said.

"Yeah, she is way to young."

"Yes, but that is the one thing she has dreamed of for so long, we don't know if she's gonna even live long enough to wait."

"So give her, her dream wedding?" Videl was a bit skittish on the idea.

"Yeah, if the groom is willing, and with both of the parents permissions we can pull it off."

"And what if we refuse?"

"You can refuse, but you'd be breaking a young girls heart."

Gohan looked at Videl, as they pondered with their decision, as did Bulma and Vegeta.

"So what do we do, do we let them marry?" Videl asked. "I mean Pan is only thirteen, to get married now could ruin her life."

"Yeah, but the doctor said she may not live to get this wish, lets let her marry Trunks, whatever happens is gods will." Gohan said, he didn't like the thought of his daughter marrying so young, but he also didn't like the thought of her dying with a broken heart.

"Alright, I guess you're right." Videl said turning towards Bulma and Vegeta. "What do you guys want to do?: Will you allow it."

Vegeta and Bulma stared the the other set of parents.

"Yeah Vegeta, will you allow your son, to marry a descendent of Kakarotto?" Gohan waited for an answer, but didn't get one.

Bulma spoke up. "Vegeta and I discussed it, and we think it is best to fulfill her wish, even if she does die, we know that we made her last days happy."

"Alright then lets go tell Mrs. Bolder." Gohan said as the four went off to tell Marian.

"We're gonna let them marry." Gohan told her.

"Wonderful, now here's what I need all of you to do." Marian leaned in to tell them all that needed to be done, meanwhile Pan and Trunks were just enjoying eachothers company.

"Trunks, tell me do you want to marry me?" Pan asked not knowing if Trunks wanted to marry her as much as she wanted to marry him.

"Yes, Pan, I would love to marry you." Trunks kissed her gently.

"It's just that I love you so much Trunks, and I want to be married to the one I love before I die, and there is this chance that I may die."

"Well I promise, that I will marry you before you die." He smiled as he got into the bed next to her, and held her. " I love you Pan, more then I thought possible, if anything were to happen to you, I wouldn't be able to stand it."

"What do you mean?" Pan asked confused.

"I found out that we're bonded."

"Bonded how?"

"I don't know, Father said it was always there we just never realized it, until now." Trunks explained.

"What will happen, if I die."

"Either I die with you, or lose my will to live."

"I'm sorry." Pan appologized, "I'm sorry for putting you through all this."

"No, don't appologize, I rather have you and your love for ten minutes then never to have it." Trunks kissed her eye gently, as he noticed her drifting off to sleep. He kissed her again, "I love you Pan, never forget that."

Meanwhile, Gohan and Videl stared into the room and watched her daughter sleeping soundly in Trunks' arms

"They do love eachother." Videl said as she smiled looking in on them, Gohan had his arms around her.

"Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it, they do." Gohan replied.

"Should we tell them now?" Videl asked.

"When she wakes up, let them sleep, they deserve the rest." Gohan said.

A/N: No, This can't be happening, What the hell has possessed the dumb author to stop writing? The wish is to marry Trunks, bet you never thought she'd ask for that. huh?