Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My only Friend ❯ Intentions. ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
» Stunner 1: I did go to a therapist, he said I was a loss cause.
» Amy85: Thanks for the review.
» v son sayian: Thanks, I thought if Pan would want anything it would be to live the rest of her days as Trunks' wife., not saying she's gonna die or anything, I really don't know yet.
» Kawaii warrior: Thankyou and Thankyour friend, I have about six folders filled with T/P stories, whether they'te mine or anothers.
» Pan-Chan42 : Am I gonna kill Panny, I actually haven't decided. I have two alternate endings thought up, which one I'll use well just keep reading.
» THE DARK ONE18:Yeah.
» Matt.J1: Thanks, and here's the next one, Enjoy.
» ShadowObscurity: Well what possesed me was I was hungry and couldn't think of any more to write, yeah that's it.
» AnimeFreak-TrunksPan-luver4evr: You actually thought, she's only thirteen for goodness sake. Jeez.
» Butterfly Monkey Babe of Doom: I really have no Idea what possesed me to write all that fluff, nope no clue, well anyways enough about what's possesing me, you really should learn to control whatever is possesing you. Yeah.
» Chibi Tsuki Yume Tenshi: alright, alright, I'll update, don't need to get so upset about it.
» Majin Trunks : I'm aware of that thanks for telling me, but did you not notice this was a fanfiction, A fanfiction means I can do whatever the damn I want with the characters, hell, if I wanted I can have Bulma leave Vegeta for Hercule (Mr. Satan) while Vegeta seeks comfort in the arms of Mrs Briefs. Dr. Briefs who is now upset that his wife has left him for his Son In Law, goes crazy and tries to take over the world, Saying "If Dr Gero, and Dr. Myu can try to take over the world then so can I". He teams up with Juuhachigou, who is tired of family life, Krillin who was in siberia had no Idea his wife had left him for Dr. Briefs, and that the two of them were planning on taking over the world. Krillin is really upset after he finds out and seeks comfort in the his bestfriends Goku's Widow Chi Chi, Goku somehow wished back to life and finds his wife with his bestfriend, seeing that the two are really happy with eachother, Goku leaves and bumps into Paris they end up having a tumultuous affair. Goten finds his out his girlfriend and father are sleeping together behind his back, and goes to seek comfort in Bra, Bra however is seeing Uub, who becomes really upset and meets up with Videl who is upset that her husband Gohan is having an affair with Marron Chestnut, who was dating Trunks' Briefs, Trunks was really mad that his girlfriend would betray him with his bestfriends brother and soon began seeing Pan, Pan unfortunately was dating Juunanagou, and when he found out well....lets just say no one lived to see the end of the story. (anyone who wants to write a story using these elements of ideas, be my guest.) And also she is 3/4 human, 1/4 saiyan. and would more likely me succeptible to diseases. Then a full blooded saiyan. , Oh, and this is a AU so that would change things 'round a bit.
» PanBraSaiyin; I updated, I updated, yeah, yeah, yeah I updated.
» MELM: It's called the Hyperbolic Time chamber, but I prefer to call it what the Japanese call it. The room of spirit and time. Actually, I did think of that, but you must remember Pan has leukemia, and two years in there, is still two years of her life, so it really wouldn't work out. In Japan, for anyone that is under the consenting age of marriage, (16 for girls 18 for boys) must recieve parental or guardian permission.
A/N: Sorry it took so long again for the update, I've been busy getting ready for The Thanksgiving Holiday, you know cleaning, and what not, everyone is coming here to our house since we have the biggest one, nineteen people are suppose to be here. So yeah, it's gonna be fun. Ha, fun, yeah right, Nineteen people and only ten chairs, Nineteen people and only twelve forks.(alot of forks, have been accidentally thrown away.) So yeah, real fun.-_-

"Let her sleep, she deserves the rest, they both do." Gohan whispered. as he and Videl, went to sit down to the cafeteria.

/later that night./

Pan woke up to find herself wrapped in Trunks,arms. 'Has he been here all night?' She wondered.
"Trunks?" Pan tried to wake him, but he didn't wake, he just slept soundly. 'He looks so cute.' She blushed as she thought that. 'I wonder what Mama, and Papa, decided.' She thought, 'I hope, they agree to let me marry him, after all, I could.. I could.. ' She couldn't bring herselft to say it.
Trunks started to stir. "Pan? You're awake."
"Yeah, I was just thinking, do you know what they decided."
"No, I don't." Trunks said smiling.
"Trunks, do you really think we can get married."
"Well in Japan, A girl can register to get married at the age of sixteen, and a boy eighteen."
"Trunks, hate to burst you're bubble, but I'm only thirteen and your seventeen." Said Pan, Stating the obvious.
"So quick to state the obvious Pan." Trunks shook his head.
"Sorry, you were saying."
"I do however believe, if we got permission from our parents, then we will be able to." Trunks said leaning over and kissing her. "I love you." He got up.
"Where you going?"
"Down stairs to get something to eat, want anything?" He asked. Pan shook her head.
"No, I'm not hungry."
"Alright, I be back." Pan nodded.

/The hospital cafeteria, /

Trunks entered the Cafeteria, he saw Gohan and Videl eating some food. "Gohan, Videl?" Trunks said going up to him.
"Trunks?" Videl asked with a raised eyebrow, "Is it Pan, she isn't... Oh my god."
Trunks chuckled. "Calm down, Videl, Pan is fine." He said waving his arms to tell her to sit down.
"Then why are you here?"
"I was hungry, I am a saiyan." Trunks was actyally embarrased of what he said, which made Videl and Gohan laugh, which in turn caused him to laugh.
Trunks got some food, and sat down with Gohan and Videl, "Did you decide, what to do about the whole marriage thing?" He asked. Gohan picked up his coffee cup, and took a sip of the hot beverage, he sat it down.
"Trunks, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, Gohan, anything."
"Do you love Pan?"
"You know I do." Trunks said wondering where Gohan was going, with this, "What's this all about, anyways?"
"Hypothetically speaking Trunks, answer this truthfully, please?"
Trunks nodded.
"You and Pan, are fighting an ememy one of the strongest, you ever faced, stronger the Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu, Bebi, and Super seventeen, and all the Z fighters combined."
"Pretty powerful." Trunks said trying to imagine a monster with such power.
"Anyways, Trunks you and Pan are the last hope, but you know you can't win, in fact you are losing. Losing big time, you can't go on, you give up, saying he's too strong it's no use."
"Gohan, where are you going with this?"
"Let me finish." Trunks nodded and listen.
"You can't fight, you can't go on, you need rest, You call over to Pan, who at the moment was in a good hiding place. The enemy notices Pan, and sees how well you care for her. The enemy decides then to up the ante' by trying to destroy Pan, he sets her in his target, and sets off a Ki blast, one that would kill even my Father on Impact, what do you do? Gohan asked.
Without any thought, or hestitation, Trunks replied. "That's simple, I shield her with my body, and take the blast my self."
Gohan liked Trunks answer, "Thankyou Trunks, That's all I needed to know, Videl and I are going to the court house, tommorow to sign the papers." Gohan said getting up to go to Pan's room.
"Thankyou Gohan." Trunks smiled as he went back to his food.

/Pan's room/
"Panny?" Gohan opened the door.
"Papa? What are you doing here?" Asked Pan. "Did you come up with an answer, can I marry Trunks?"
Gohan smiled and nodded. "Yes, you're mother and I, as well as Bulma and Vegeta have agreed to let you and Trunks marry, but on one condition."
"What?" Pan said looking at him suspiciuosly.
"You will not constemate the marriage." Gohan told her.
Pan nodded, "Alright."
"If you do live, you and Trunks will get the marriage annulled, then marry when you are old enough." He continued.
"Alright, I understand.. Thankyou daddy." Pan had tears in her eyes. Gohan leaned down and kissed her gently on her forehead.
"Your mother, Bulma, Vegeta and I have to go down to the court house and get the legal stuff done, we'll be back as soon as possible." Pan nodded.

Pan sat by herself, as she thought of marrying Trunks. 'I have always dreamed of marrying someone, so handsome, and strong.. I'm kidding myself, I have always dreamed of marrying Trunks, Trunks Briefs... Grant it, I was like ten years older and I was getting married in a garden, in a beautiful wedding gown, along with all my friends and family..but due to circumstances that can't be changed, I'm getting married in a damn hospital gown, in a hospital room., along with nurses, doctors and orderlies, yeah my dream wedding.' Pan thought. "My dream wedding," She said tiredly as she drifted off to sleep.

/Waiting Room/
Trunks was trying his best to get the wedding to be little more desirable for Pan, he knew she couldn't leave the hospital, so he was trying his best to fix up a beautiful wedding at the hospital. "I need a dress, Pan needs a dress and I need a tuxedo, I wonder if Bra or Marron will help me?" He thought as she went to find his sister and his ex girlfriend.
He got to the room, he saw Goten and Marron making out heavily as Bra shot daggers into both of them, 'I see you followed your heart Goten, way to go.' He smiled and then smirked at his sister. He went over to the couple.
"Ahem." He cleared his throat. Goten stopped and looked up.
"Trunks, What can we can do for you." He said with a stupid grin on his face.
"I need your guys help with mine and Pan's wedding."
"What wedding?" Goten said completely dumbfounded. Trunks forgot that Bra, Marron and Goten didn't know that he and Pan were getting married.
"Pan wants to get married, and we're going to give her the wedding she wants, with what we have."
"You and Pan are getting married?" Trunks heard his sisters snotty voice. He turned to her.
"Yes, Bra do you have a problem with that, looks like your little fantasy of you and Goten and Marron and I has been washed out, hasn't it, Imouto Chan." Trunks smiled.
"I will have Goten, and Marron will have you, as for Pan, for what she wants she can die for all I care."
The last remark made Trunks furious. "Take that back, take it back now." Trunks growled as she moved toward his sister.
"You and Marron were happy, Me and Goten were happy until you're little hussy came in and ruined it all."
"No, Bra the only one who was happy was you , Marron was miserable because she couldn't have Goten and Vice Versa, and I was miserable because I couldn't have Pan, see Bra you can't choose who you love, I love Pan, and not you or anyone is gonna tell me different got it?"
Bra didn't say anything, she just scoffed and walked off. Trunks watched his sister leave. He turned to Goten and Marron. "Will you guys help."
Marron smiled. "Of course Trunks, what can we do?"
"Well, Marron do you know Pan's dress size."
Marron nodded. "yeah."
"Can you get a dress for her."
"Of course." Marron smiled.
"You're the best Marron." he said as she kissed her on the cheek. Marron blushed as her ex boyfriend thanked her.
"I'll go get started now." Marron said as she left to go find Pan a dress.
"What can I do Trunks." Trunks whispered something in Goten's ear, about a place to hold the wedding.
"You think the hospital will let you?"
"I'm President of Capsule, they'll let me, Trust me they'll let me."
"Alright, I hope you're right." Goten wasn't so sure, that Trunks could pull it off."

a/n: Where does Trunks plan on Marrying Pan? There are three places. The hospital is equipped with other features, there is Rose Garden filled with roses, A jungle like atrium, and an Aquarium. So where does Trunks want to Marry Pan. To find out where the wedding will take Place, read the next chapter of My only Friend.