Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My only Friend ❯ Wedding and Aquariums ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
» Butterfly Monkey Babe of Doom: I meant to say consumate the marriage. Consumate basically means sealing the deal by having sex with eachother, once the marriage is consumated, a divorce is usually saught after instead of an annulment.
» ShadowObscurity : Well here is the next chatper for you to read.
» AnimeFreak-TrunksPan-luver4evr: never thought of that, thanks for the suggestion.
» Matt.J1: Don't you like my cliffhangers? I promise I will try to be easy on them.
» MELM: Honest mistake, thanks for reviewing
» SSJ5Tigger: Ah, don't worry about it, as long as you like the story.
»v son sayian: Why don't you read to find out?
» Amy85: Well, I was trying to get into Gohan's POV, I mean put yourself in his shoes, would you want your thirteen going on fourteen year old daughter to be married to a boy who is Seventeen going on eighteen, I guess when I put it, I was doing more of Gohan being to over protective, and having it all come out wrong, but don't worry, I'll let them stay married. K
» PanBraSaiyin: I got the hint, you want me to stop writing the story...*Runs from reviewers demanding I finish* You want me to continue: Reviewers: Yes. ME: Alright, I'll finish.
» Chibi Tsuki Yume Tenshi: Thanks for your review.
» THE DARK ONE18: Thanks
» ssjlavenderkid: That isn't fare, I've always wanted to go to Japan, ask anyone I know, and they will vouch for me, I just want to go to Japan, I really have no Idea why, I just do. Oh, and Thanks for the review.
» Danichan667: Bra and Master Roshi? I'm not that crazy, Oh, you were kidding, still I'm not that insane, I have someone for her, just wait and see who it is. And thanks for the review.
» Majin Trunks: Did I sound upset, I didn't mean to sorry, hehe, anyways, Uhm.. thanks for both reviews. I really like rambling on and on about nothing, so don't pay attention to anything I say, I do it all the time, my family looks at me, and often ask eachother, "What the hell is she talking about, because I'm just rambling, Just like I'm doing now. And about adding the enemy, Uhm, I don't really see the point, but if I was going to, Hmm, I guess I could have say Cooler blow up the hospital, but I really don't see the reason for him to do that. *Somebody whispers in her ear.* Oh, I just got word, Cooler would blow it up, because all of the Z senshi are in there and that would be the reason, I uhm, gonna go now, I think..but not before I finish type the next chapter, I don't think I'll add a villain, but my story "Lost" has one, and if you read it, never mind the name, I had two pop cans sitting next to me, A Orange Slice and a Pepsi Vanilla, I couldn't imagine a Villain named Pepsi or Vanilla, but then again, it's Dragon Ball Z./GT. , Never mind the last part, I'm gonna go for real this time, bye...

/Dress Shop./

Marron entered a dress shop. "Can I help you." A women came up to her.

"Yes, I'm looking for a size 0 dress."
"Honey, I hate to say this, but you aren't a size zero." The woman said snobbily.
Marron scoffed, "Yah, I know that, it isn't for me, it is for a friend who is in the hospital all layed up in a bed."
"What color."
"It's for a wedding, so white would be nice."
The lady went back to a rack, and pulled out their only size 0 white dress. "This is all we have."
"it'll work." Marron said as she gave the clerk her Capsule Corp Credit Card. (Bulma had given everyone in the Z fighters Credit Cards to use.) "Thankyou."
"Have a nice day, Miss Chestnut." The clerk said as she handed back the card, Marron thanked her and left.
/Mall /
."Bitch." She said under her breath.
"Excuse me." She heard a voice behind her, she turned around.
"Who's a bitch?"
"The clerk who sold me Pan's dress." She exclaimed.
"It's not important, but I did get a really cool dress."
"You did?"
"Wait till you see it, It's a basic style white dress, with a straight skirt, it has a really pretty neck line, with pearls embroidered into the fabric, I do think Pan will like it."
"I hope so, Pan never been one for dresses."
"Yeah, but everygirl wants to look pretty on her wedding day, and she will take anything over that dreaded hospital gown."
Goten laughed, he knew she was right. "You are the best you know that," He said leaning in for a kiss, Marron however pulled away, did you get the rings and tuxes like Trunks asked.
"Yeah, they are in the car." He said as he quickly caught her lips in a kiss.
Marron smiled, "Good, now what?"
"Now, we go back to the hospital." Goten said as he and Marron headed back.

Trunks had asked permission to use the aquarium, since Pan has a intersest in Marine Biology, she had wanted to become a Marine Bioligist, when she grew up, however it didn't look like she was going to get that oppurtunity.
"Everything, is set up sir."
"Thankyou, Ma'am." Trunk smiled at the nurse who was setting everything up."
Trunks walked into the aquarium, "Wow, they did a great job." Trunks smiled as he left the room, shutting the doors behind him. He then saw, Goten and Marron rushing up to him.
"Trunks." Goten called.
"Hey, get everything?" Trunks asked.
"Yeah," Goten smiled.
"you have Pan's dress."
"Yep, it's beautiful, I'll go and help Pan get ready." Marron said going to Pan's room.

/Pan's room/
Pan looked up and saw Marron standing with a garment bag in her hand.
"Marron." She acknowledged her.
"I have a dress for you."
"Oh, you didn't have to do that."
"Trunks asked me too."
"He loves you."
"No, why are you being so nice to me, is it because I'm sick, 'cause if it is, I don't need your pity." Pan said.
Marron smiled, "I'm not pitying you Pan, I realize now, that I shouldn't take my friends for Granted, I realize that real friends, true friends only come once in a lifetime, I realize you are one of those friends, and I also figure if I'm going to be dating Goten, I might as well be nice to his little niece."
"You're dating Goten."
"Yeah, you have a problem with that?"
"No, so he's not getting back with Bra."
"Nope, and is she pissed."
Pan laughed, "I can imagine."
"Yeah, but enough about me, lets get you married."
Marron pulled the dress out of the bag.
"It's so pretty." Pan said admiring it.
Marron helped pan up, as she was still week from the cancer. She helped her clean up and change her undergarments, "Thanks Marron, I still feel so week."
Marron then helped Pan, into the dress. Pan admired herself in a mirror. "I look funny, I never wore a dress before."
"Well, I think you look pretty."
"Yeah." Marron said as she pulled out a make up bag,
"I don't want to wear any makeup." Pan exclaimed.
"Pan, you are really Pale, just some eyeliner, some blush and lipstick."
Pan nodded.
Marron went to work, and made her face up. She used a smoke eyeliner, black mascara, three eyeshadows; A beige, a brown, and a plum, which she blended together to give a subtle look, she then took a light wine colored rouge and applied it to Pan's cheek. She lined Pan's lips with a Creamy coffee lip liner, and finished it off with a Coffee colored Lipgloss. She handed Pan a Mirror to see if it looked alright.

"Wow, but Marron what about my head."
Marron looked at that, Due to the harsh treatment from the chemo and the medications, Pan had lost all of her hair, and was wearing an orange Bandana, that her grandfather had gotten her.
"Yeah, the orange, one won't work, that is why I got you this" Marron showed her a white hat, with tiny white roses on it.
Pan put it on, "There all set."
"Thankyou, Marron." Pan said as the door opened to reveal, Chi Chi, Bulma, Videl, and Juuhachigou."
"Hey, Pan wow, you look stunning." Videl smiled at her daughter."
"Thankyou." Pan smiled.
"Alright, lets get you married, she said as they set her in a wheel chair and wheeled her to her wedding.

/outside the Aquarium./

"There she is Gohan." Goku said as she saw his Granddaughter.
"Panny, you look beautiful." Gohan, couldn't believe this was his daughter."
"Thankyou daddy."
"Are you ready?" Pan nodded.
"Alright." He motioned for the music to start, Marron and Goten who was the bestman and Matron of honor walked down the aisle. Since there was no bridesmaids or flower girls, the wedding march began to play.
Trunks stood there a nervous wreck, his palms clammy, he was sweating from head to toe. He had thoughts going through his head, such as 'what if she doesn't show up, what if she changes her mind.' That however all changed when Pan and Goten came throught the door.
Trunks looked to his bride. 'Kami, she is so beautiful.' He thought as she smiled at her.
After Gohan had wheeled her down the aisle, he placed her next to Trunks, and locked her breaks. "Take care of her Trunks."
"I will, Gohan san." Trunks assured him.

The priest started the ceremony, Trunks had kneeled so he was eye level with Pan.
(not gonna go through the entire ceremony, you all should basically knows what happens at a wedding,)
After the I do's the preist took a deep breath and said, "By the powers vested in me by the gods, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss you're bride."

Trunks gently kissed her. He pulled away, and whispered. "I love you."

/A few hours later/

"Gohan, I was wondering if I could take Pan to a special place I know, The doctor had already said it would be alright."
Gohan looked over at Pan, who had a pleading look her eyes.
"Yeah, you can take her."
"Thanks Gohan."

A/N: Where is Trunks taking Pan? I have one question, should I have Pan and Trunks consumate the marriage or have them respect her fathers wishes? Let me know.