Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My only Friend ❯ A celebration of Life: Pan and Trunks ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thanks to all of my Reviewers who have been supportive of this fic, You Guys Kick Ass. I love you All.

I do not own Dragon Ball Z/GT I do however own the sucky Poem in it.

Trunks had awoken as the sun beat down on him. "Where am I?" He asked, as he soon remembered whom he was with, "Pan." He said as she looked at her. "Pan? Wake up?" He tried to wake her, but she would not awake.

"Pan?" He yelled at her wake up. He pulled her into his lap, as he lied lifeless in his arms. "Panny, No, Oh god no." He buried his face into her hair as he continued to sob.

Pan had passed away during the night.

Meanwhile back at the hospital.

Bra had finally come to her senses and gave up on Goten; she was busy talking to a young resident doctor with black hair and blue eyes. She smiled as they flirted with one another.

Goten looked at his Ex Girlfriend, flirt with the young handsome doctor. He could not help but feel a slight bit jealous, after all, they had dated for so long, and however he was happy she was finally moving on with her life.

"Looks like she finally moved on, huh?" Marron said as she kissed her boyfriend. Goten was about to succumbed the list, but suddenly felt a sudden drop in Trunks' Ki.

"What the?"

Marron looked at Goten. "Goten what is it?

"Trunks, I can't feel him, I can't feel him or Pan."

"What? " Marron was shocked. Did Pan pass away last night? Was Trunks bond with Pan so strong that he also had died?" No, it must be some sort of mistake, they can't be gone, and they just got married." She sobbed as she threw herself into Goten's arms.

"At least there together." Goten tried to make his girlfriend feel better.

Gohan, Vegeta and the others, came rushing to where Goten and Marron were. "Goten?" Gohan called.

"I can't feel them anymore."

"Neither cans us."

"Lets see if we can find them." Gohan suggested as they all took into the air and looked for the bodies of Trunks and Pan.

"Over here!" Goten shouted to them, as he found the waterfall that Pan and Trunks were at.

Trunks and Pan lay hand in hand, as their spirits extended to the other world. The two had looked down below, as they watched, their fathers' lift them up to take them back to the hospital.

Gohan was a bit mad that Trunks disobeyed his wishes, but now that seemed trivial, his daughter, his baby girl was gone.

As he flew her back to the hospital, he whispered in her ear. "I'll always love you Pan, I hope you have a happy life in the other world with Trunks."

The group landed and entered the hospital where the women were waiting, when they saw the two lay limp in the arms of Gohan and Vegeta, the crying had begun.

Videl and Bulma walked over to their husbands, they layer a hand on their respective child. "Oh, God No." They both screamed as they went down to the ground. The continued to grieve,

Bra who was coming in laughing and talking with the cute doctor saw her brother and Pan lying dead, in their fathers' arms. The doctor motioned for some interns to take care of the bodies as Bra finally broke down; he went down with her, Trying to comfort her.

"No, I'm sorry Pan, I did like you, I'm so sorry, and this is my entire fault." Bra sobbed into the doctor's chest.

The others began crying as they watched the interns pull the zipper up around Pan and Trunks, covering up their face forever. All the women were crying as their husbands and other loved ones tried to comfort them.


According to the wishes of both Pan and Trunks, there was no funeral, they however did have a reception in their honor where friends and Family came to honor and celebrate their lives

Bra went over and looked at a picture of all five of them, Trunks, Pan, Goten, Bra, and her."

"We had always had fun together, even though I thought I hated her."

"Hated who?" Bra turned around to see Jake Morrissey. The doctor she had met at the hospital. They had started dating about a week after the passing, Jake was there for Bra.

Bra smiled, "Pan, I loathed her, but now I know how stupid that was." She said hugging him. "I'm glad I have you in my life, I don't know what I would do with out you."

"I'm here for you, I always will be." Jake said, he knew it was sudden, but he was falling in love with her, he would not admit so soon, but he hoped he would be able to tell her soon.

/Meanwhile with Goten and Marron/

"I can't believe she's gone, I never got to tell her how much I cared for her, as both an Uncle and as a Brother."

"I'm sure she already knows, I'm positive of it."

Goten brought her into a hug, I wouldn't know what to do with out you Marron." He told her.

He looked around the room, he saw his `brother' grieving. Along with Videl. "I don't' know what to say to Gohan or Videl."

" Just be there for them, as a Son and as a Brother." Marron told him wrapping a loving arm around his shoulder.

"It's hard to see him as my father, I'll probably be better as a brother then a son," Then be that, be there for him the best you know how."

Goten smiled pulling her into a kiss, "That's M Chan I love you."

"Everyone I would like you attention." Bulma had spoken up at the podium, "I had the privilege of inviting a minister here to overlook this beautiful celebration of life, and the life of two wonderful people who showed love to everyone they knew. My son Trunks and His beautiful Wife Pan.

"Reverend." Bulma gave the podium to the reverend.

"Hello, for those who are here knew both Pan and Trunks, some of you knew just Trunks and some knew only Pan. Both were wonderful spirits, First we will talk about Pan and how she was loved by her family and friends.

"Pan was born on the 3rd Day in February, 775 To Gohan Son and Videl Satan. She is the Granddaughter of two well-known fighters Son Goku and a better-known one, Hercule Satan; she had grown up under the watchful eyes of her Grandmother Chi Chi, who had spoiled her to death. Pan was also a fighter, and loved to spar, she always wanted a challenge, and would take it when offered." The minister read from some notes, Bulma had written out.

She fell in love with Trunks Briefs, when Pan had contracted Leukemia; Trunks fulfilled her wish to get married. They had lived a wonderful night together, but sadly Pan had passed away on their wedding night, Trunks who had shared such a great Bond with her, had passed away as well from a broken heart." The minister took a deep breath.

"Trunks were born the 4th day of September, 771 to Capsule Corp president Bulma Briefs and Her husband Vegeta. Trunks had wonderful friends who were always there for him and loved him. He had married Pan at a young age, but like Pan had died on their wedding night." He pulled out a poem.

"In my hand I hold a Poem, which was written by a mother who had lost her child.

My Angel My Child


Don't cry, My Child

Don't be scared, my darling

Do not worry; I will be there with you

Guiding you and always loving you.

You are my love

My treasure

My world

And My life

Please don't be scared,

You are among the angels, as you are an angel

My Angel.

The minister finished reading, he looked up to see not one dry eye. "I'm going to give the Mike to some of the other people so they can praise the life of Pan or Trunks, or both of them, anyone who feels like they must say something please come forward.

Everyone was nervous about going up, However Bra had got up. To talk.

/leaving it there. Both Pan and Trunks had died, Sorry for those who wanted me to keep her alive, I have away to bring them back, but I will not use the Dragon Balls. Read and Find out. Moreover, what does Bra have to say about him Brother and Pan?