Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Pet Saiyan ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Pet Saiyan
A/n- an AU 'but not' (I've just altered things 'slightly')
I'll move the story up to the present timeline soon (which is when they are training for the androids)

Warnings- R/NY17 in later chaps there will be Lemon, rape (of a minor), yaoi, bondage, and anything else you can think of. ^_^

Disclaimer- I don't own.


Baby's immediately stopped there wailing and the room was thrown into complete silence as a dark presence slowly hovered into the room, its small petit figure was not overly threatening and it almost had a child like appearance but the eyes gave it away, promising pain to all those that dared defy him.

The tyrant was followed closely by his two 'ever loyal' minions, Zarbon had heavy build but he held an almost feminine beauty that balance things out making him look like a Greek god, Dodoria unlike Zarbon held no attractive quality's whatsoever but his strength although lower then Zarbon's gave him reason to be feared.

King Vegeta made his way towards Frieza making sure not to meet the tyrants eyes, he bent on one knee before him to show respect; "Lord Frieza it is an honour that you grace us with your presence today, there where a few minor complications during the birth but the boy is healthy with a high power level."
A horrid smile spread across the tyrants face making many occupants of the room suddenly uneasy, "I wish to see the young prince." Those who heard would know it was certainly not a question and the king immediately stood and sent one of the medical staff to retrieve the child who came back with a bundle in his arms a few moments later.

Frieza gracefully climbed out of his hover vehicle and he hovered leisurely over to the doctor holding the tiny bundle, he then held out his pale purple tinted hands to be given the newborn Saiyan Prince.
The Doctor looked worriedly at King Vegeta who nodded sternly, giving him permission to hand over the Prince and the doctor let out a quick sigh of relief and hurriedly placed the bundle into Frieza's waiting arms.

The tension filled the room as Frieza's eyes locked with the child's, the King himself had not had a chance to hold his son due to all the problems that had occurred, the boy had been too strong for the Queen and had literally ripped himself from her, even in all his years of massacring planets it had not prepared him for the site of the shredded corpse that was once his Queen.
Gasps around the room brought his attention back to the present and the site before him was almost too much for him to handle, Frieza was looking down at his son with an evil grin upon his black lips and his son was looking back at him with his own malicious grin that tainted the innocence his young face once held, Frieza's eyes gleamed with the joy a new father may feel while turning to the King.

"Isn't he just adorable?"

*~5 years later~*

King Vegeta watched his as son licked blood from his fingers, he was forced to stop the sparring match when the fight turned to a free for all, he had already lost 4 of his men today to the young Prince and he did not with to lose anymore.
The boy had surpassed him in strength a while ago and had now become uncontrollable, if it wasn't for the Princes appearance he would have sworn the boy was Frieza's spawn, many others in the kingdom thought so too.

In a ways he was glad that Frieza was taking him, they boy was evil through and through, but he thought of his Queen and knew she would have disagreed; he was with no doubt proud of his son, the boy outclassed him in smarts and strength but he believed that when the time came for the Prince to rule he would bring forth a tyranny the universe has never seen.

"Brat!" The King had been dreading this and was now silently berating himself for waiting until the last minute to tell the child.
"What!" He ignored the rude reply wanting to get this over and done with a quickly as possible.
"Come and walk with me a while." He strode quickly towards the exit of t he sparring arena, he knew the boys curiosity would cause him to follow and he smirked as he heard small feet behind him.

He reached the throne room doors and entered swiftly with his son in tow, he had to tell his son before the Lizard arrived.
He sat on his throne and made a hand gesture for his son to do the same, but the boy stubbornly refused to comply, he sighed and begun with his admission.
"Bra…son you know that you are prophesised to become the first Super Saiyan in over 1000 years, and that you are now the strongest Saiyan on the planet." He paused and stood walking over to the windows, his son followed a few seconds after.

He held his arm out and motioned to the planet below, "All this will soon be yours, as well as the universe but you will have to train hard to accomplish this.
Frieza has offered to take you and train you, but when you return you will take your throne, you will get the best training facilities on Frieza's ship and his men are better skilled for you to train with…"

"Liar!" The child's voice was low and calm but held a severe harshness to it, and his eyes held nothing but hate, the King shuddered involuntarily 'all that hate for me' .
"The Lizard asked for me giving you the alternative to either hand me over or he destroys the planet, you 'reluctantly' agreed, handing my over like some bargaining tool."

The king stared at his son for a while, he was a fool to think he could outsmart this child he was not so easily deceived, "Son there was no other way, you will return to us soon, Frieza has sworn to that!" He laughed, a cold cruel laugh that the King once thought unfeasible of a child of 5 producing.
"Stupid old man, are you so gullible? You have sold your only heir as a bargaining chip to a murderous tyrant and you believe I will be returning!"

The pair were interrupted as a knock sounded on the door, the king called for whoever it was too enter, "Sire, Lord Frieza is here to collect the Prince."
The servant looked at the King unsure of what to do, fearing for his life, "Make sure all of the Prince's belongings are packed and on the ship and notify Lord Frieza to come here." The servant bow slightly and rushed out the room.

The young Prince walked towards the exit without giving his father a second glance, when he got to the door he heard the King speak,
"I will bring you back to us!"
The Prince paused and without turning back he answered his father uttering the last words he knew he will ever say to the King.

"No you won't"


Please review and tell me what you think ^_^

Happy new year to everyone!