Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Pet Saiyan ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Pet Saiyan
A/n- thanks for the reviews
Lone Warrior2

Disclaimer- I don't own.


The young Prince walked towards the exit without giving his father a second glance, when he got to the door he heard the King speak,
"I will bring you back to us!"
The Prince paused and without turning back he answered his father uttering the last words he knew he will ever say to the King.

"No you won't"


Vegeta slowly made his way towards Frieza's throne room; he could see that his indolent way of walking was making the servant very nervous, it was not him who would get in trouble for being late after all.
He had not even been on the ship a day and Frieza already wanted to see him, he postulated for some bad news.

Upon approaching the throne room doors Vegeta yawned deliberately enjoying the discomfort he was obviously causing the servant to feel, he quickly pushed past the servant and swung open the doors causing the rooms inhabitants to focus their attention on him and the trembling vassal who looked like he was about to urinate himself.
"Ah, nice to see you've finally joined us little Prince." The small pale skinned reptile purred in a feminine voice that almost betrayed a seductive tone.

The young Prince turned and smirked wickedly at the perturbed servant looking at the man like he was a toy, "well I got here as fast as possible considering…" The Prince turned back to Frieza his eyes holding a feign innocence accompanied with a devilish smirk upon his lips.
"Considering what my dear boy?"
"Considering this fumbling piece of trash you sent to escort me." The boy's voice was calm but it held a hint of amusement.

A silence fell over the room, most were surprised by the boy's boldness while Zarbon snarled, he believed the boy was too cocky for his own good. All thoughts were interrupted as a effeminate laughter was heard from the tyrant, he gazed down at the child his laughter fading and looked at him with an amused gleam in his eyes; "Only the best for a Prince, I'll try not to disappoint next time this 'fumbling piece of trash' as you call him will be dealt with. Perhaps you will like to do the honour as condolence from me; I have some rather tragic news to tell you."

Vegeta looked at the tyrant with disdain, he did not like to be laughed at, he waited patiently for dictator to continue, "a few hours ago your planet was destroy by a 'large' meteorite." Vegeta fought the urge to shout 'liar' at the lord but instead eyed him distrustfully, he knew it was the tyrant who destroyed his planet.
After forming a number of reasons for this he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, he wanted to get started on tormenting the frightened slave the poor cretin was now in a heap on the floor quavering.
"So I am now inclined to take you under my wing and raise you…" Frieza gestured for the boy to come closer smiling down at him as he approached his throne, "you can call me 'daddy' if you like!" the statement was said with clear amusement and some sniggering was heard by Dodoria earning a glare from the Prince, "I'd rather not." The statement was said with slight anger; the boy did not miss the mockery in Frieza's voice. "That's my boy!" Zarbon glared at the child with jealousy, he did not like that the boy was receiving so much of his master's attention.


"Prince Vegeta, don't you think you should get rid of it? It's starting to smell!" Vegeta looked up at the third class Saiyan menacingly, "why would I? He's not dead yet, he still twitches now and then; what else am I supposed to play with when I get bored?" The Prince pouted childishly then looked up at Raditz with an evil grin causing the long haired mans eyes to widen; the pair were interrupted as Raditz' scouter went off.

Raditz was silent for a few moments, listening to the message carefully then he looked to the Prince again appearing a little relieved, "Prince Vegeta, we have to report to Lord Frieza so he can give us a briefing for our next assignment." The young Prince frowned; "You go ahead Raditz, I'll meet you and Nappa their." There was nothing left to be said and Raditz immediately followed through with his Prince's orders.

The young Prince sighed and turned to the figure lying on the floor, the creature that lay at his feet could hardly be distinguished as male or female because of its beaten disfigured state, it was given to the Prince as a gift from Frieza for doing particularly well on an assignment, the tyrant at times liked to spoil the boy, giving his excuses that 'the brat needed toys to play with'. But Frieza's favouritism towards the Prince was well known throughout his empire making Vegeta untouchable.

The boy poked the creature not so gently in the ribs making it twitch and gurgle, the creature's body was deformed and grotesque from the extremity of the child's torture techniques, "I guess Raditz is right, you are a bit stinky, I didn't know a body can decay before it dies!" the child heard the creature gurgle some more, blood seeped from what Vegeta figured was it's mouth, it was trying to say something to him; The little Prince didn't bother hearing out the creature and he quickly brought his little booted heal down on the mangled face crushing it's skull thus ending it's miserable life instantly.

The young Prince decided it was best if he went to see Frieza now, he walked swiftly down the halls, from the countless times he'd walked this way he could find his way blindfolded. On his way he came across one of the maids that worked on the ship, "you! Woman…" he paused to take in the expression of pure fear that came across her features, his silence was adding to that fear.
"Clean up my room, pets are so messy to look after." He smirked and sauntered off leaving the maid stumped.

"Prince Vegeta, once again you come into my presence late, it seems to be the beginning of a very nasty habit." Frieza with poise climbed out of his hover vehicle and walked towards the young Prince, Vegeta looked at him and grinned childishly, "Well what can I say; it's better late then never." The tyrant looked pleasantly taken aback by the blunt reply and he got an undignified scowl from Zarbon who strangely enough was the only other person in the room.
"Well my young Saiyan perhaps I should show you why it's not better to be late in my company. Besides your… subjects have already left for the assignment."
Vegeta frowned, he enjoyed purging assignments immensely, Frieza chuckled at his frown, "better late?"

"Zarbon! Leave us." The green haired beauty left immediately, he could actually feel Vegeta's triumphant smirk and this filled him with rage.
When they were left alone Frieza smiled at the boy, not a genuine smile, it was a smile that held secrets and lies; Vegeta knew he couldn't trust this man, but then again he couldn't trust anybody.
Frieza sat back on his throne and looked intently at the boy for a while before speaking; his face betrayed nothing of his thoughts. "So have you been enjoying my present? He's quite strong you know." Vegeta snorted at the comment, "yeah! And he's quite dead." Frieza shot the boy a false surprised look, "it appears to me, little one that you have a lot to learn about keeping a pet." The Prince looked at the tyrant his expression blasé, "and I suppose your going to teach me!"
The lizards face darkened slightly, getting lost in his thoughts once again before answering soberly;
"I suppose so."

The tyrant stood up once again and held his hand out to the Prince who looked at him bewildered in return, "come child, there is something I want to show you."
Vegeta looked at the clawed hand unsure of what to do with it; his confusion was quickly solve for him as the pale skinned reptile took hold of his small hand and lead him out of the room. The hold felt odd but not unpleasantly so, the cold hand to the Prince felt like velvet ice.
Frieza watched the boy as he studied his hand intently, he guessed that the child had never had such physical contact before, he smirked slightly before speaking; "I won't bite." He chuckled when the only response he got was a childish glare.


As they travelled towards the base of the ship the lighting became dimmer, Vegeta could see from the amount of dust around the area that no one came to this area, but the boy knew must of the tyrants crew were highly superstitious and there were rumours about the ship beginning haunted; Vegeta suppressed a chuckle at the thought.
The young Prince subconsciously griped the tyrants hand tighter when he felt the temperature drop, but also a pungent smell was polluting the area, so strong that he was finding it difficult to breath; he looked to Frieza to see if there was any reaction to the drastic change in atmosphere, but the tyrant seemed centred on where he was going.
After a few minutes the sulphuric smell had gotten so overpowering Vegeta could see it clouding around them, his eyes and throat burned immensely as he tried to gasp for what little oxygen was left in the area; he fell to his knees and would have fallen flat on his front if it weren't for the tyrant holding onto his hand, he looked up at the tyrant hopelessly to see the lizard smiling down at him knowingly.