Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Pet Saiyan ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Pet Saiyan
A/n- Thank you so much for the reviews. ^_^
(I really need a beta, if anyone can help please let me know ^-^)

Disclaimer- I don't own.


After a few minutes the sulphuric smell had gotten so overpowering Vegeta could see it clouding around them, his eyes and throat burned immensely as he tried to gasp for what little oxygen was left in the area; he fell to his knees and would have fallen flat on his front if it weren't for the tyrant holding onto his hand, he looked up at the tyrant hopelessly to see the lizard smiling down at him knowingly.


"Just take a deep breath little Prince; Breath it all in." Vegeta hung limply in the tyrants grasp; he knew he would have to breath eventually, it was like drowning, you couldn't hold your breath forever.

Blood run from his eyes, he could taste it; the hazy dark red clouded his vision. His lungs took a great gasp of the poisoned air despite his minds protests, he regretted it immediately when his throat locked, refusing him to breath either in or out. His small body thrashed wildly as he desperately willed his lungs to do something, anything; was he dieing? Is this what it felt like?

The coldness holding his hand was suddenly released and his face collided with the surprisingly even colder floor, he could have sworn the blood on his face froze from contact; but he was given no time to contemplate that suspicion when his was roughly turned onto his back. The ground was so cold his back felt numbed from impact.

"So the monkey Prince wants to see how long he can hold his breath! Didn't that good for nothing father of yours teach you to listen to your elders?" The tyrant's eyes were cold and scornful as he stared down at the writhing Prince, he remained staring at the boy a while longer before he abruptly clamped his foot down on the Childs neck.

Vegeta squirmed; the foot on his neck wasn't so much painful as it was uncomfortable, the claws of the foot gripped his chin causing his mouth to open. "Well… If you won't listen to me…"
The pressure on his neck was gone instantly and so was Frieza, absorbed into the dim thick atmosphere. He felt like screaming for the tyrant not to leave him but his voice refused to work and his lungs remained constricted.
He was going to die here all alone because his body refused to breath in the toxic substance, because he believed he knew what was best for himself.

His eye lids began to get heavy and sealed shut, he found himself wanting to give into the darkness.

Death was underrated.

He was unaware of how long a Saiyan could hold his breath for, but he was sure he was well past his limit; he was not dieing as he should be.
The first thing that caught Vegeta's attention was heavy dragging footsteps echoing around the area, a faint ray of hope washed over him. The footsteps were slow and laggard, sounding almost painful. It was difficult for Vegeta to pinpoint exactly were the sound was coming from as the noise echoed around the area.

The footsteps came to a halt, he could sense the being standing over him, in fact the being seemed so close suddenly that he could feel its breath on his face… Cold and damp.
He felt something wet hit his cheek, at first he thought it may have been water until he felt more moisture drop onto his face… The wetness seemed to be moving.

"Well, aren't you gonna say hi to your dear old daddy?"

The little Prince's eyes shot open on their own accord, it took a few moments for them to adjust to the dim lighting, but when they did he almost wished he was blind.

The figure kneeling over him should have been, or was dead. It's neck was twisted at such an angle, that the creature had to bend its body to face the boy; he could now clearly see the source of the wetness.
Through holes and cracks in the creature's skin, worm like invertebrate glided freely through it, some dropping onto his face with a wet slap. Thick white worms, almost translucent, seeped from cracks in the figures skin, even the flame shaped hair seemed to be harbouring tiny black insects he could not identify.

Its mouth which was open in a surreal wide grin was infested with a multitude of insects and creatures the young Prince dared not identify, many teeth were missing and only blackened ones remained, more on one side then the other.
Its clothes, although tattered, blooded, and soiled, were the same royal garments his father always wore, telling the boy exactly what his slowly dieing mind was denying.

"I don't see you for months, and when I finally return you're staring at me like some kind of rotting corpse. Where's your respect boy? At least give your father a kiss"

The young boy's mouth was covered with tattered torn lips, he immediately tried to scream, not noticing until too late that he had began to breathe again. His mouth and lungs were filled with a strong acid taste, it was the same odour that filled the area but far more concentrated.
Thick sleekness glided around his mouth and down his throat causing him to gag, his first reaction was to remove the obstacle with his tongue, but the action was foreseen and without warning his tongue was bitten with sharp teeth he didn't know the corpse possessed.

The crusty lips were removed from his with incredible force, ripping his For a few seconds numbness was the only thing Vegeta could feel, and then the pain came… he was all of a sudden aware of the worm like creatures sliding into his nostrils, his throat.
Completely aware of the stub of what used to be his tongue twitching uselessly in his mouth, and the corpse of his father sitting atop of him with blood dripping from its goatee.



Raditz strode down the ships halls swiftly, shoving away all those who got in his way, normally he tended to be civil when on Frieza's vessel, it was a life saving attribute; but desperate times called for desperate measures, his young Prince may very well be dieing.
He knew no one would dare stop them for it was Frieza who requested for him and Nappa to finish there purge and return immediately.

They halted as soon as they reached the medical bay, from looking at their scouters, they knew Frieza was not in there, and from what they could see neither were his two goons; Zarbon and Dodoria.

They attentively stepped into room afraid of what they may see; a few doctors walked about, checking on patients, while some maids hurried about cleaning up the floors and used equipment.
Two maids stood in the far corner of the room, pretending to be cleaning while whispering to each other. Raditz quickly shrugged Nappa gaining the big guys attention, they began to approach the two gossiping maids; most on Frieza's ship knew that the best way to gain information was from the servants, they saw everything that happened in this ship.

The maids carried on gossiping in they're language, to engrossed to notice the two warriors standing in front of them; a low guttural growl immediately caught their attention, as well as everybody else in the room.
Others left the room in a hurry, knowing the reputation of the unruly Saiyans; the two gossiping maids were unfortunate enough to be grabbed before they could make their exit.

"You two aren't going nowhere!" The throaty voice of the bald Saiyan caused the maids to squeak in fear, the grip on their arms was not painful, but the thought of what might happen to them was.
"Where is Prince Vegeta?" Raditz' voice was less animalistic then Nappa's, but his eyes told them that he was far from gentle. They pointed towards an open door without hesitation and a little relief, thinking that there presence was now no longer needed; the grips on there arms only tightened as they were dragged along with the Saiyans towards the door.

Upon setting eyes on they're Prince, the 6 year old boy floating naked in the murky green water of the regeneration tank, they kneeled on they're one knee; pulling the two maids with them. They stood up after they're bow of respect and turned to the maids.

"What happened to him?"

The maids began talking hurriedly at the same time, both trying to save there own skin. With both their accented voices speaking at the same time they were not making much sense at all. Before Raditz could repeat the question, Nappa grabbed one of the maids and pulled her closer to him, and without any warning he grabbed her head with his huge hands and twisted it sharply to the side, successfully breaking her neck.

The remaining maid screamed loudly, almost collapsing in fear; she did not even need for them to ask her the question again as she began explaining what she knew in her thick accented voice. "I waz not there, so I do not know what h'ppned exactly…" she paused for a moment, still hiccupping from frightened tears, gauging their reaction, when she received an impatient growl she continued quickly.

"I waz in here cleaning the floors with…one of the odther maids, we h'erd a scream, it sounded like it waz coming from all over the ship!" she paused calming herself.
"The screaming jus' kept on going, I thought it would nev'r end." She looked around, checking nobody was there, then she moved closer to the two Saiyans and decreased the volume of her voice.
"Lord Frieza carried him in here, the young Prince waz the one screaming… he waz clawing at hiz own face, even hiz eyes were bleeding; there waz blood ev'rywhere!" She closer talking so quietly she was whispering, "hiz clothes were ripped to shreds, so much blood on hiz body there waz… and he waz saying over and over 'g…"

"What's all the whispering about; surely you two are not gathering information from this petty creature?"

At the open door stood Frieza, Zarbon and Dodoria, although Frieza's face was stern, his voice held a mocking amused tone. The three in the room without delay bowed in respect to their Lord. "I trust that the purge was successful."
Nappa, who was ranked higher then Raditz answered the tyrant, "The purge was successful my lord, they had no time to prepare they're weapon systems, and the planet is relatively unspoilt."
The tyrant smiled falsely, he could tell the two Saiyans were becoming quite impatient but that was not what was bothering him; he shifted his eyes to look at the maid, who looked like she was about to urinate, she made the mistake of meeting his eyes.

"Dodoria, would you be so kind as to take this female to my throne room, we will need to have a little chat about why I don't allow gossiping on my ship!"

She shrieked looking for any escape, right now she envied the female on the floor. Dodoria wrapped his thick pink arm around her waist and elevated her under his arm, and headed towards the door with her kicking and screaming.

"Oh and could you take her… friend with you."

The large pink alien hefted the dead body under his other armed and headed out of the room with his cargo, Nappa and Raditz watched with guarded expressions as they're only truth was carried away.
"Now, as you probably know, Vegeta was injured quite severely whilst you two were away. But not to worry, he's almost completely healed."

"Nappa glanced briefly at Raditz, and then looked to Frieza again, being sure to look the tyrant in the eye, it was something he'd been taught to do at a very young age.
"What happened to him my Lord?"

Frieza was silent for a moment, contemplating the question with an amused smile, "impatient aren't we, perhaps I shouldn't tell you to teach you a lesson, next time if you want information you should come to me first."
Nappa looked to the floor, trying to look apologetic. "We are sorry my lord, it will never happen again."

There was a loud beeping from the regeneration tank that held the Prince, immediately out of nowhere panicked doctors appeared, they hurriedly checked the status of the young Prince and without warning the tank was drained.
They were all familiar with regeneration tanks and they were sure it was not suppose to make that noise when the healing process was finished.


This chap was a bit unclear, but it's meant to be. Gradually it will all unravel (I hope ^-^). Please review and tell me what you think. ^_^