Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Saiyajin Slave ❯ Birthday Gift ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author Note: I nu, I nu, I make too many fics at one time. BUT, why just throw away ideas into my 'keep-safe' box? lol.
So, I know there's alot of fics like this, but this one will be alot different.
Not much fluff, at least I plan.
So here's the thing: Vegeta-sei has not been destroyed, Frieza is dead, so instead of him being the tyrant, brother Cooler is.
I think that's good enough, so right now, it's your job to read and review. xD

- XxPurpleInkxX (Alice)


A group of guards huddle together in a circle protectively, making sure noone got near them. They were armed with their fists, and a weapon or two other than that. They wore unique, and almost indestructable armor, devices over their eyes, and had tails around their waist.

They were all a part of an alien group called Saiyans. Saiyans were ruthless, cold-blooded animals that conquered planets, wiped them clean of their inhabitants, and sold them in exchange for a great amount of money, or technology from other intelligent beings that would make such missions easier.

As the guards walked, many people, children, men, and very few females, walked from the sidelines, hoping to get to see a glance of who they were protecting, for they loved the Saiyan very much.

In the middle of the circle walked a short teenager. His hair was a dark brown flame, his bangs rested across his forehead, his eyes were black and seemed angered, though at the moment he was amused by the sudden rise in attention, from the guards, and from his people.

He was the famous, arrogant, and handsome prince of the planet. He wore a red cape around his shoulder, that fluttered lazily in the wind a he walked to their destination. He had no crown on, he usually didn't, for he thought it was too 'feminine'.

His name was Vegeta, and the guards were taking him somewhere for a special occasion. They were taking him to get a late birhtday present, from their tyrant, Cooler.

Cooler was the brother of another evil tyrant, Frieza. But unfortunaly for him, but fortunaly for the Saiyans, he was killed by his own brother, when he became sick and tired of the alien's ego and pride.

So everyone was scared of Cooler, because if he was stronger than Frieza, he was definately a threat. But Vegeta was more amused than frightened. So he stood tall and straight, his face set straight forward, though all he could see was the guards in front of him.

As they walked further and futher, the number of people decreased, and soon they found themselves marchiing forward alone. The temperature decreased suddenly, signaling that they were almost there.

Vegeta took in a deep breath, then exhaled deeply.

"Anything wrong, Ouji?" one of the guards asked. The prince shook his head, then asked impatiently,"Are we almost there? I haven't all the time in the world."

The guard sighed, annoyed by the prince's impatience, but answered as softly and calmly as he could. "Yes, look, it's just over there."

Vegeta nodded, then stood up as high as he could on his tip-toe. He could see the semi-wrecked building, the red sky, the crowd of people waiting for him to pick his gift.

He inhaled deeply, and looked at his favourite guard, whom was right beside him, named Kyuuri.

"Kyuuri, you suppose that maybe this is some sort of sick joke?" he mumbled to the older Saiyan.

The Saiyan looked at him, dark blue hair reached down his shoulders and brown eyes stared at the younger. "What do you mean?"

Vegeta took in a deep breath again, then continued," I mean, a servant to myself? Isn't father on some sort of budget?"

Kyuuri looked at him for a while, then said," Well, the servants are rebelious, lower class Saiyans. They're honestly worth nothing."

That angered the prince. So Cooler was leaving the worst for the heir to the throne? How fucking obvious. He always, always did that.

The prince could have thrown a big fit about it, but he was seventeen now, he no longer needed to be treated as a child would be.

As they started to enter the building, there was a loud erruption of clapping, for they all longed to see the prince. Vegeta said nothing, his face set into a scowl, tail puffed in annoyance. Kyuuri noticed this, and hissed at all the spectators, warning them to stay silent or to face his wrath.

That made them all quiet, for Kyuuri was a dangerous man, previously nothing more than a murder who was locked up in a cell, but given permission to start over again.

Ever since then, he had worked for Vegeta and started a strong bond with him.

Once in the building, the guards separated, to allow Vegeta to be able to see what was going on.

The usually crowded building was empty, with only the hovering seat in which Cooler always sat in. It turned, so that the alien's smug face and figure was then visible. "Hello, Vegeta, glad to see you. Are you ready to choose a slave?" he asked.

Vegeta didn't answer, but Cooler took it as a yes. Suddenly, from behind them, there were men being dragged by Cooler's henchmen. They all appeared Saiyan, and all but one were reluculantely following behind.

The prince stared at the one who was struggling against the chains. His eyes were black and flashing in anger, and the young prince could notice that he had been crying. His tail; the end of it bloody and scabby, showing that they had cut it off, due to his struggles. That made Vegeta die a little in the inside, he seemed so desperate.

His hair was widly spiked on both side of his head, with a slight blue tint to it, like Kyuuri's.

Vegeta didn't even care to observe the others, he was more focused on that one man.

"You pick one, whoever you want," Cooler said, tail resting on the side of the chair's arm.

Vegeta looked definant, then said in a loud voice," I would like some information on the one with the cut tail."

The man looked at him, eyes wide, tears still going down his face, seeming to never stop.

He didn't care what Cooler said, what Cooler promised, he did NOT want to be the prince's slave! He didn't want to be a toy of amusement! He may have lost half his tail, but he still had pride, like everyone else!

He growled savagely at Cooler, then Vegeta, his milky white fangs beared, threatening that he would go cannibal on them if he needed to.

"Oh, I can tell already that this one is rebelious," Vegeta said, a smile creeping up his face.

"Very much so. He is the youngest son of Bardock, one who fought against my brother, and almost died. He started a resistance group against me, and was then locked up in prison for a few months when my soldiers discovered him," Cooler explained.

"What is his name?" the prince asked.

"Kakarot," Cooler replied.

Vegeta nodded, then looked into the Saiyan's eyes. He placed his hand on the younger's cheek, but Kakarot did not relax. Instead, he struggled even more, and started to scream.

"He's quite feisty, eh?" Vegeta asked, smirking.

Kakarot continued to growl, trying to break the chains that separated him from freedom.

Cooler nodded, then pointed to the one beside Kakarot. "Here's Broly. There isn't really much behind him, he's just a bit physcotic."

Broly had jewlery on his head, like a crown, and around his neck, wrists. He seemed to be one of higher class, but looks were decieving.

Vegeta nodded, then flinched when Broly gave him a smirk. "Interesting..." the prince mused.

"And this one is named Radditz," the tyrant ended, pointing at the man with the wild mane of hair that reached to his knees. "He's Kakarot's brother."

"Hullo Vegeta," Radditz said, smirking.

"Who gave you permission to speak?!" Cooler yelled, slashing Radditz across the face with his tail. Radditz yelled in pain, but could not fall to his knees, for the chains were prohibiting him to do so.

The prince nodded, then thought about it for a few minutes.

"Whom do you choose?" the tyrant asked.

Vegeta stayed silent, trying to decide who was better.

He looked at Radditz, and decided that the man was probably too.. colourful? He didn't know which word exactly.

Broly seemed too.. well frightening. Vegeta wasn't usually scared easily, but this man made his insides squirm...

Kakarot... he was far too rebelious... but.. something like that could be changed easily, with some comforting actions..

"I choose... Kakarot," Vegeta announced. He could feel the disappointment coming from Radditz and Broly.

"Alright, he's yours to keep," Cooler said, then his guards practically tossed Kakarot to Vegeta.

"NO! Don't do that or I'll kill you!" he yelled, straining against the chains again.

"Stay calm," Vegeta said, but Kakarot continued to scream and resist.

"Let me go! Let me go! I don't want to be your slave!" he hollered in despair.

Vegeta sighed, then dragged him by the chains to the guards.

"Please! Let me go! I don't WANT to be your slave! I want to be free!" he screamed as tears ran down his face.

"You'll live a good life with me, I can promise that," Vegeta scowled, as the guards took the chains, and dragged him over back to the palace.

Cooler smirked, then disappeared into the shadows, along with Raddtz, Broly, and his henchmen.


Kakarot sat on a blue, velvet bed, tears streaming down his face.

This was his room... his room in his work place.

He didn't want to be the prince's slave. He didn't want it at all. He wanted to be free, like his father once was.

He unpacked his things, putting them down on his bed. When he came across a family picture-- his mother, father, brother, and him as a baby, in front of a wrecked builiding, he choked on his tears once more.

"I will.. get revenge..." he whispered, clutching the picture until the glass broke, and dug into his hands, drawing a steady steam of blood.


Meanwhile, Vegeta, his father, and young brother Tarble were in the throne room. Tarble was jumping around whilst King Vegeta and Prince Vegeta discussed his decision.

"Son, you do understand that Kakarot is a very dangerous man? He started a resistance and almost--"

"I don't care father! I chose him!" Vegeta yelled.

"Kakarot, his name is?" Tarble asked, eyes wide.

"Yes, exactly," the king told his son in a condescending manner.

"I heard about him! He almost killed off Cooler, I think! When I grow up, I want to be a part of his group! Maybe then Cooler will be gone for good!" he chanted, tail movng from side to side.

"Don't you say such nonsense! Kakarot almost threw me off my throne, because he though his father was stronger and deserved the throne! And anyway, his group was destroyed! What a idiotic bastard! Don't you dare speak like that, Taburu, or next time I will surely punish you!" King Vegeta yelled, outraged by his youngest son.

"Sowwy Daddy..." Tarble said.

King Vegeta sighed, then turned around to scold Vegeta again. But the prince was long gone.


Vegeta peered into the half-open door to Kakarot's room and saw him mumbling to himself.

"Kakarot, you enjoying your room?" he asked, and braced himself, incase the younger would just leapt into attack and try to kill him.

"Yes," Kakarot replied dully, not even facing the prince.

"Look, I know you're upset, but you see--"

"Just leave me be!! I never wanted to be your slave!" Kakarot hollered, tossing a piece of broken glass to the prince.

Vegeta gasped, then dodged it.

"You fucking idiot! I should have NEVER chosen you! You are not worth it! You're not even worthy to be a Saiyan!" he yelled, and with that, he left the room.

Kakarot stayed still, to see if he was coming bacK. He didn't. He sighed, then let his body fall on his bed lazily.

He would never, ever forgive Vegeta for this...


I will update Dark World as soon as I can, WB isn't helping much.

So, yesh, my mind is very messed up, now is it? No fluff, kinda OOC Vegeta I suppose, VERY OOC Goku.

Don't worry, it only gets better as the story proceeds.

So, review, tell me what you think, thank you!