Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer- I do not own Dragonballz or any of the characters. I wish I owned Trunks. ;.;

~ = Journal entry and end.

March 9

~ Hi… My name is Son Goten… I'm in love with my best friend. His name is Trunks Briefs. I'm slowly loosing my sanity… I do drugs, I smoke, I drink, I cut myself… I try and take my mind off of things. I dropped out of school… my brother, I wish it was like old times again, where I could talk to him and tell him my problems, like, when I was 7 and my brother did everything with ME not Videl, but with me, I could tell him anything! But not anymore, he doesn't even notice me anymore... We never talk, I never see him, he is always at work, spending time with Videl and Pan! He doesn't even call to say hello!! This all started about 3 years ago, I'm now 17. All the drugs, and the cutting all started about a year and a half ago… When I started to realize my feelings for Trunks. I hate it when all those girls swarm over him and put there grubby little hands on him and talk in there stupid high squealed voices, ` OH TRUNKS!! I LOVE YOU! Maybe we can go out sometime?! OH TRUNKS! YOU'RE THE CUTEST! OH TRUNKS YOU'RE THE SMARTEST' God… Makes me want to puke… I wish I could tell him… ~

I am sitting on my bed writing in this journal that I just got at a small bookshop. I set the pen down and sit up hunching over grabbing the small cigarette on the nightstand, lighting it with the match right next to where the cigarette sat. I take a puff of the cigarette as I light it, and then shake the match for it to go out and grab my pen to continue writing.

~ I bought this journal today… The man at the shop suggested I tried writing down my thoughts and things such as that, he told me I looked like I had many things on my mind and said I shouldn't keep them locked up inside my mind and express them in some way. I told him I didn't need to waste my money on such useless things… He went over to one of the stands and grabbed a black one with red lining, said he thought it suits me… then he wrapped it up inside of a bag " When's your birthday by the way" he said to me " It was just about a week and a half ago." I told him while looking through some of his comics. He placed it in the bag. "Well, consider this a birthday present, for you, you look like you could use it, hey it might help. Try it out ok, son?" I walked over to him and he handed me the bag and stuck out his hand. I shook his hand and smiled slightly. "Thanks… I'll try it out sometime." I told him, I was just going to throw it somewhere in my room, but when I came home, I set it on my bed and I had picked up a razor blade, my mind thinking of Trunks… but then, I guess I just decided to write some things down… and that's how I got this. I'm going to relax some now, I might write some more later. ~

I took another puff of my cigarette, and blew out the smoke.

"Trunks…" I roll over still smoking on the cigarette. "Mmm" I scratch the itch on my very skinny stomach. I've lost a lot of weight. I'm starting to get really weak, its hard to get out of bed sometimes. Someone knocks on my door. I shot up in bed and put the cigarette out and tried fanning out the room by turning on the fan.

"Goten. Dinner is ready. Are you going to come down and eat with me and Daddy?" My mother spoke softly through the door.

"No, mom, ill get something later, I just had lunch a little while ago" I lie; I just want her to go away. I don't want her to find out that I smoke and stuff.

"Oh, alright Goten," She finally leaves for what seems like ages. If she found out she would probably have sent me to a therapist. Why am I hiding? I need to get my own home… I know… ill fly out in a couple of minutes and go find a spot where I can build my own little house. I wont need to hide, and I wont have to deal with interruptions.

    I walk over to my closet and grab out my coat, and the pack of cigarettes with the match and fly out my window.

< br> Meanwhile Downstairs- Goku and Chichi

"Goku do you think there is something wrong with Goten? I'm worried"

   "Chi… I don't know, maybe he is just going through one of those teenager stages?" Goku said through a mouthful of food.

         "But…" Chichi trailed off.

    "He'll be fine Chi." He finished off his rice bowl walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "You worry to much." He kissed the side of her cheek.

   She smiled at Goku "If you say so…"

    Riiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggggggggggggggggggggggggg

 94; Â Â Goku let go of the hold he had around Chichi's waist so she could go and get the phone. She walked over to the phone and picked it up off of the small stand in the living room against the wall.

  "Hello. Chichi speaking"

  "Chichi, Hi, this is Trunks, is Goten around?"

  "Yes, I believe so, last time I saw him was in his room, let me check his-"

  "He isn't up there Chichi, he is out somewhere." Goku told Chichi, just when she was gonna go check his room.

  "Oh. Sorry Trunks, he isn't home, maybe u can go find him for us?"

     & #194; Â Â 

"Sure Chichi, I need to talk to him anyways, ill bring him home later or is it alright if he just stays over at my house if he wants?" Trunks asked hoping she would say yes, he hadn't been able to hang out with Goten as much since he had all those girls hanging all over him and school work, and helping his mother out in the lab.

  "Sure. Trunks… I think there is something wrong with Goten. He hasn't been eating much, and he is not like himself, bags under his eyes, his room smells a lot, kind of like smoke? I don't know… please find out ok Trunks?"

   "Of course Chichi, ill be right on, good bye."

   "Good bye Trunks" Chichi hung up the phone and walked over to Goku placing her head into his chest and wrapping her arms around him as his were to her.

  "It'll be alright Chichi. If I know anyone, Trunks will be the one to help Goten if there is something up, just don't worry, we don't know if anything seriously is wrong or not. Goten would tell us if something was wrong. At least… I think so…

   "I sure hope so Goku"


Trunks' P.O.V

`Some things wrong with Goten? Why wouldn't he tell me if some thing was wrong… I have to find him… for some reason, I feel really worried for Goten. Maybe something bad is happening to Goten and I can't see it. Well… I haven't seen him in a couple weeks. I have called though… and asked him to go on a double date, but he says he is always busy.

  I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. "Mom, I'm going out for a while, is it alright if Goten spends the night? That is if he wants to." He stopped by the door waiting for an answer as his mom and dad sat on the couch, watching TV.

  "Sure sweetie." She waved off to him.

 He walked out the door, sensing for Goten's ki before shooting off into the direction he was in.


 Goten sat on the patch of grass, the new location where he was going to build his home, it was a bit far away from his home and Capsule Corp. He took out one of the cigarettes and lit it.

 "This is a good spot, I am away from everyone, not near home or Capsule Corp." he sighed `Capsule Corp… where Trunks lives… I don't think I will ever be able to tell him.' He leaned back, lying on the bright green grass still smoking his cigarette. ` I need to go fond some more drugs, these cigarettes aren't doing it… ill go out and get some more tomorrow.' He sensed some ones ki coming in his direction; at first he couldn't tell who it was. Then it got closer and he could sense it was Trunks. He once again bolted up and threw out the cigarette. He slowly stood up and could see Trunks waving at him.

  "Goteeeeeeeen!!" Trunks yelled as he was almost there. He landed a few seconds later in front of Goten. He walked over to him a bit and stopped just in front of him.

 "Goten, hey buddy what's up? What are you doing out here, your mum is worried." Trunks could smell the cigarette and slightly winced. `So Chichi was right… Goten… What's wrong with you? I'm gonna find out no matter what.'

 "I, uh, just wanted some fresh air, that's all." He said looking at the ground, not being able to stare at his friend.

 "That's all?" Trunks raised a brow. "Why way out here then?"

 "Well, I also wanted to pick a new location for my home, I think its time for me to move out, give my parents some space." He looked off to the side.

 "Goten, is there something wrong? Why wont you look at me?" Trunks put a hand on his shoulder.

 Goten just shrugged it off and took a step back, then turning around to face his back to Trunks. "Nothing is wrong Trunks, I just…. Its nothing ok? Don't worry about me. Just go off with your little girlfriends." ` oops. That last comment slipped.' Goten mental scolded himself for accidentally saying that `you idiot Goten, your gonna make Trunks hate you! Stupid stupid stupid.'

 Trunks frowned at his friend's words. "Goten… I'm sorry. I know I haven't been around lately… I know. How about you and me hang out this weekend? Just me and you no interruptions, we can go to the movies, dinner, anything you want to do and its all on me. How's that sound? I promise to try and find some more time, but as well as school and my mum's work, it's also also always getting in the way." Trunks rubbed the back of his head ashamed he had not made any time for his best friend.

" I didn't mean to say that Trunks, its just… I miss you I guess… I don't know, sure sounds great. It's a date" Goten turned around and grinned at Trunks. `I wish'

Trunks chuckled. He went over to Goten and hugged him tightly.

 Goten started blushing deeply. `Oh god, if he doesn't let go soon… oh… this feels so good, I wish I could just freeze time right now.' Goten wrapped his arms around Trunks and hugged him back with a smile on his face. Then Trunks let go followed by Goten after a couple of seconds.

 "So Goten, you want to stay over at my house tonight? And then tomorrow we can go out for breakfast and stuff."

  "Sure things Trunks. Let me tell my mom.-

   "Already did, she said it would be ok, so did mine." Trunks smiled at Goten.

  "Hey Goten" They both floated in the air taking off to Capsule Corporation. "How about you stay at Capsule Corporation while I have someone start building your new home?" Trunks looked over to Goten who looked a bit uneasy and looked as if he were blushing slightly.

  " You don't have to do that Trunks, I can build it."

  "It's ok Chibi, it would give us sometime to hang out more as well. And if you are not fully satisfied with that spot I can show you a couple of places I know of that are just beautiful. I can show you tomorrow, or this weekend, or whenever you want."

 Goten nodded to him. They arrived at Capsule Corporation a little bit later, and walked up to Trunks' room. Trunks started to change out of outfit, he went into the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower ok chibi? Make yourself at home." He said before shutting the door.

  Goten sat on the very large bed that could sleep about 4 people. Trunks liked his bed large. So he could stretch out as far as he wanted. Goten blushed at the thought of Trunks spreading his legs open as Goten slid inside of Trunks- he stopped his thought as he began to grow hard. "Shit…" `He would never do that….Stop thinking like that Goten! Trunks would never want you, he would think of you as a fag, and would never come near you again. And leave you all alone…" Goten kept thinking of these kinds of thoughts when he reached into his pocket and grabbed out the small razor blade. He shook off his jacket and rolled up his sleeve. He had many small scars all over his arms from cuts in the past. He placed the small blade at his wrist. `How it would be so easy to just end it now…' he dragged it up to his palm and sliced it open, he winced but then forgot everything as he stared at the crimson sticky liquid seeping out of his palm and down his hand and onto his black pants. He didn't know how long he had been staring at it, but he heard the water shut off and Trunks flare up his ki to dry himself off, and he could hear footsteps. He panicked! What would Trunks do when he saw?! He would think of him as a freak! He grabbed the blade and shoved it into his pocket. Goten grabbed his coat and put it back on, Trunks was opening the door, so Goten shoved his bleeding hand into his pocket and stared at Trunks.

  Trunks could sense something was wrong, Goten's face looked like he had been caught doing something bad like when they use to pull pranks on the parents when they were little. Trunks had the towel wrapped around his waist loosely and could see Goten start to blush as he stared at his chest and looked him up and down, the panic in his eyes were fading when it looked like Goten's eyes were filled with…lust? No… Goten isn't gay! Goten wouldn't think of him in that kind of way!

 "Goten are you…feeling ok there buddy?" Goten snapped out of his thoughts when Trunks spoke to him, he was imagining that he was running his hands up and down Trunks' body and licking every curve. He blushed furiously. "Y-yes Trunks-kun just uh… need to use the restroom!" he practically ran to the bathroom and shut the door swiftly. Goten washed his hand off and placed a Band-Aid around the cut. He sighed, he walked out of the bathroom to find Trunks lying on his bed in his dark blue boxers. He sat up and stared at Goten, he patted the side of the bed where he sat signaling him to sit next to him. Goten complied.

 "We need to talk Goten." Trunks stared at him seriously.

Goten gulped. And nodded slowly. "What about Tru-chan?" That was his little nickname for Trunks as his was Chibi from Trunks.

"Goten. Are you…smoking? Or using drugs?" Trunks asked as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

Goten stared down at the bed. "Course not Trunks." He whispered hoping Trunks would buy it. Although…he didn't.

 Trunks stood up and grabbed Goten's chin and made him stare him straight in the eyes. He searched Goten's eyes and could see they were partly clouded. He knew Goten was lying.

 "Don't you lie to me Goten." He warned him.

Goten pushed him off. "OK! I smoke! Ok? That's it! Now leave me alone."

 Trunks looked over Goten carefully; when he was hugging Goten earlier he could feel how skinny Goten had gotten. He was worried for his friend. " Why Goten?"

  "It helps…" Trunks looked down and noticed the bandage on Goten's hand, it wasn't there before. He looked at Goten suspiciously. ` Does he cut himself too? No… don't make assumptions Trunks…' Trunks thought curiously. "You don't do anything else… do you Goten?"

  Goten hesitated for a moment. And Trunks could feel him tense up. " No, I don't… I'm getting tired… Is it all right if we go to sleep right now Trunks?" he asked changing the subject.

 Trunks looked at him strangely. Goten's face was pale, and looked depressed, and really uneasy. He thought maybe he should just lay off for a while and do some investigating on his own. "Alright Goten." Goten took off his coat and climbed into bed. "Your gonna sleep in your clothes Chibi? Why don't you take your shirt and pants off? You never had a problem with it before."

 "I cold that's all" he said wrapping the blanket around him. Truth was he didn't want Trunks to see all the scars on his arms and his boney flesh.

 "Oh, alright Goten." Now Trunks knew something was up, tonight while Goten was sleeping he would look around. Trunks got up and headed towards the door. " Goten I'm going to go get a drink, do you want anything?" Trunks asked. He was hoping Goten would say yes. So he could slip a sleeping pill into his drink to make sure Goten didn't wake up while he was `investigating'.

  "Sure, a glass of water if that's ok?" Goten said just above a whisper.

Trunks headed down the stairs and opened the cupboard and grabbed the bottle of pills, he put a couple in Goten's water and waited for it to dissolve. He mixed the drink and grabbed himself a soda can.

He went up the stairs and opened his room, he tripped over the jacket Goten had laid on the floor, his carpet was white, and there was a small layer of blood on the carpet from the coat he figured. Now he knew something serious was going on. He acted like he didn't notice and tapped Goten's shoulder who was just about to fall asleep, and handed him his water as he sat up and yawned. Goten gulped down the water, and Trunks opened his soda and took a couple sips from it. After a couple minutes Goten was out of it. Trunks shook Goten for a minute, when he got no response he ran over to the coat and reached into the pocket with the blood that had stained his coat. He winced and pulled his finger out, his finger started to bleed. " Ow…" he reached in again for the sharp object and pulled out the razor blade. Trunks stared, shocked. He pulled out the cigarettes that had blood all over the box, and a little pipe, and a lighter. "Oh my god… Goten…What are you doing to yourself?!" He whispered under his breath.

Trunks stalked over to Goten who lay asleep on Trunks' bed snoring softly. He grabbed Goten's shirt and took it off, first he noticed how thin Goten was, and then he scanned his eyes over Goten's arms and found a bunch of small cuts. He grabbed Goten's hand, the one he had cut, and the band-Aid was already showing the blood through the band-Aid. Goten had cut a bit to deep. Trunks removed the band-Aid. It was still bleeding slightly. He went over to his bathroom and took out some medicine, he poured it over Goten's cut and felt Goten flinch, bit he didn't wake up. He wrapped it back up. And put Goten's shirt back on him. "Goten…" He whispered sadly. `Is this all my fault? I wasn't there for him… this is my fault… I should have paid more attention to Goten. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry Chibi.' Trunks grabbed his best friend and hugged him while Goten slept. He laid like that sobbing slightly into the crook of Goten's neck and fell asleep along with Goten after a half an hour of crying.


En d of Chapter one. Oo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funkeh. Poor Trunks x.X ITS NOT UR FAULT TRUNKS! >huggles her Trunks plushie

i am teaming up wit my good friend um Kendy =D she will do the next Chapter -nods- ^.^

Goten: scary...

ˤ†Â®Âµ& #194;©†Ã¯v€mÃ¥jïñ ;ßµlmÃ¥: O.O Scareh?! O.o ya i guess so, oo; ruuuuun children ruuun Kendy is coming to devour your souuuuuuuuuuls!!