Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Second Time Around ❯ part two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I hate Trunks.

No, wait. I don't mean that.

Trunks is a great kid. Really, he is. He's certainly a lot tougher than I ever was as at his age, that's for sure. I hate to say it, but even being only eight years old, I'm pretty sure the kid could easily take me in a fight!

But everytime I look at him and stare into that little pissed-off face of his, he does nothing but remind me of what I lost - what she did to me - and no matter how much I try to see things differently, it hurts everytime I look at him.

It's been that way ever since I first laid eyes on the little purple-haired kid. I didn't want to believe it. I mean, I suspected that Bulma had slept with... that maniac, but I tried to tell myself that we could work these things out. That, hey, everyone makes mistakes... right? I would forgive her and in time, everything would go back to the way things were for the previous sixteen years. It was just how things were supposed to be.

I loved her.

But then Trunks came along.

He became the indeniable force that would bind them together for life, whether they were willing to it or not. They shared a child together now, and no matter what I felt for her, I couldn't compete with that. Soon, I became that 'pathetic, human ex-boyfriend of hers', tossed aside for the arrogant Prince who stole her away from me. In the end, he got everything and I got nothing. The part that hurts the most is that I don't even think he wants it.

As I pull up to the front of Capsule Corporation, I can hear all kinds of commotion coming out of the Gravity Simulator on the front lawn. No doubt, father and son are training for the up-coming World Martial Arts Tournament, now only weeks away. Just another reason for me to add to the list of why I'm not even thinking about entering *this* one. I mean, I could feel their power levels from back at my place!

I get out of the car and head into the house, trying not to think about it. But, the second I step a foot into the door, I'm immediately greeted with an all too familiar smile. "Yamucha! I was waiting you to get here already!" It's almost like I never left. "Did you bring the Dragon Radar back?"

"I've got it right here, babe!" Amazing - we've known each other for so long, yet our conversations have barely changed. She's still *my* Bulma, even if I'm only the friend now. I should be more grateful for that, though. She didn't have to remain so close to me all these years. God knows Vegeta never approved of his wife hanging around a weakling like me. But I don't know what I would do if I couldn't randomly stop by anymore, or ask her to lunch every now and again without a reason. I look forward to those things.

It's all I got.

Before we get into any other conversation, that arrogant husband of hers comes marching through the door. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was slightly intimidated. Do you *know* who I'm talking about here?

He doesn't give us the least bit of acknowledgement besides a sarcastic snort directed towards me, I'm sure.

"Vegeta, can you call Trunks in? Lunch is ready," she cheerfully asks, despite the fact he completely ignored her.

"Humph! I don't think the brat wants to eat right now." I can't stand that smirk he gives her.

She knows better. "What? Why? Wasn't he just training with you in the Gravity Simulator?" I can already sense that she's worried.

Vegeta is near halfway across the house before he even answers her question. "He's lying on the floor in there. You might want to clean him up first."

"Clean him up!? Wha-..." she cut off, dropping everything in her hands to run out the side door to the front lawn. I don't hesitate to follow her.

She threw open the door of the Gravity Simulator, and there, lying facedown on the floor was her eight-year-old son, just about unconscious and whimpering on the floor.

"TRUNKS!!" We rushed over and turned him on his back. He had blood dripping down his face from one hell of a broken nose, but other that that, it appeared that he would be okay. "Sweetheart? Wake up! Please, Trunks..." she pleaded, smoothing the strands of lavender hair away from his face. His eyes fluttered for a second before half-lidding them to look at her. It took him a second to say something.

"M-Mom...? Where, where's Dad?"

"Don't worry about that now, honey. We're taking you inside to get you cleaned up." She turns to me, amazingly calm about the situation. I take it this isn't the first time this has happened. "Yamucha, can you carry him in for me?" Without hesitation, I bend over to scoop him up in my arms, ignoring the fact that his blood is getting all over my new suit. It doesn't really matter now.

"Uncle Yamucha... g-guess what? My Dad is going to take me to the park!" His eyes sparkled with excitement. "He promised! Did he l-leave without me?"

Now, the boy's obviously pretty out of it, but *these* are the words he chooses to force out? From the corner of my eye, I can see Bulma ready to cry as I answer him.

"Uh... no, sport. He's inside. Why don't we get you fixed up first, though, okay?" I tell him softly as I carry him into the house.

After Bulma washes off his face and determines that the bones don't need to be reset, she leaves to get an ice pack, leaving Trunks and me alone in the room for a moment. He's pretty resilient, I'll give him that. Not one tear throughout the whole ordeal.

"Uncle Yamucha! I showed my Dad that I can transform today! Just like him! I think he was really suprised!" he eagerly tells me. I act like this is new news, even though I've known about Trunks being able to turn into a Super Saiyan since the day it happened over a year ago. When Bulma tried talk to her husband about it and couldn't, she instinctively called me. But as much as I was happy about her coming to me, I honestly had no idea why she did. Like I have any clue what do about something like that! Sure I've seen Goku and Gohan, even Vegeta, go Super Saiyan before, but I'm probably the last person she should have called for advice on it.

"He said he would take me to the park if I could hit him in the face and I DID! Did he tell you? Did he say when we're going to go?"

I was at a complete loss for words. How do you respond to something like that when you know the truth will just crush him? Before I was able to conjure up some ridiculous lie, Bulma saved me in just the nick of time.

"Here you go, Trunks," she said, handing him an ice pack from the freezer downstairs. "Put this on your face for the swelling. Do you want anything I can get for you?" She such a mother. I smile at the thought.

"Where's Dad? We're going to the park! He said so himself!" he announced so proudly, smiling from ear to ear. Bulma's expression softened at her son's words. She already knows what his reaction will be in a minute.

"Um, sweetheart. Maybe you'll go to the park with your father another day, okay? You should rest," she tried to say, gently pushing him back to lie down on the bed. It was no shocker when he resisted, sounding more persistent than he had before.

"No Mom, Dad promised me! He did! He said he would take me to the park for an hour, just me and him!" Trunks attempted to get out of the bed, but before he could get up, Bulma knelt down in front of him, placing her hands on his small shoulders.

"Trunks, your father... is busy right now, but maybe Goten would like to come over and play. What about a sleepover? How's that sound?" She cracked the weakest smile I've ever seen. Almost instantly, fat tears began welling up in his eyes, face about to break apart.

I hated this. Not only did that jackass husband of hers knock out his own kid, but now he was breaking his heart, too. For as hard as it is for me to look at Trunks and not be reminded of the act that brought him into this world, my heart was breaking right along with him.

If Trunks were my son, things would be different. I know I would be ten times the father Vegeta is, bonding with him the way dad's are supposed to bond with their sons, giving him a male role model that he could look up to instead of fearfully respect all of the time.

I think of how things would have been had Trunks been my son... if Bulma was my wife... if we were the family that should have happened instead of this.

But instead, I'm the odd man out. I screwed up my chance. Bulma's chance. Trunks' chance. My chance to have a family that I would have done anything for and loved unconditionally. For Bulma to have a son that would have looked more like me, instead of the spitting image of that arrogant asshole that now sits in front of us on the verge of crying.

I want so badly to get a second chance for all of this - to win her over again - to hold on to her tighter when I should have. Instead, I got the consolation prize - the constant reminder that I lost everything I ever wanted because I was too stupid to fight for it.

After making up some story to Trunks about why Vegeta couldn't take him to the park, Bulma finally got her son to feel better. God knows how many times she's had to do this before? She called Chi Chi to drop off Goten, and within an hour, Trunks was back to his old self, save the dark black and blues under his eyes and across the bridge of his nose.

As I'm walking out to my car after having coffee with Bulma, I see the two boys sparring on the lawn. Man, they sure are stronger than me, Krillin, and Goku were as kids! They both stop and straighten up once I get close. It's almost embarrassing how I just know they can tell that they're stronger than even two of me combined! Talk about a blow to the ego!

"Hey guys! What's happing? I heard that you two are entering the Tournament? Are you ready yet?"

"You bet!" they both boast in unison. I smile at their young energy. Wow... I suddenly feel like how Master Roshi must have felt all those years!

"Well, I'm not doing anything now... and since you guys have been training so hard lately,..." Their eyes widen at my lead. "... How would you boys like it if I took you to the amusement park tonight?"

"YEAAAA!" they shriek and bubble over with excitement at my offer. Immediately, the two demi-Saiyans simultaneously run into the house to tell Bulma about where they're going, screaming and carrying on like young boys do.

But, somehow, I can't help but feel sorry for Trunks. *I* shouldn't be the one who makes his face light up like this. *I* shouldn't be the one who is making him so happy right now, as much as I wish it we're. No, his father should be doing these things with him, even as uncaring and indifferent as the bastard usually is about his son. I would be proud to be a father to Trunks, but that chance is gone.

Vegeta doesn't deserve a great kid like Trunks for a son. It kills me that he doesn't know how to treat him, or to be thankful that he even has a son at all! Instead, I watch as he neglects his boy, and forgets that there is someone out there who would fill his 'royal shoes' in a heartbeat... if I only could. The hardest realization is that *I* was the stupid one who let it all slip away.

I *won't* make that mistake next time, even though I know I might never get the chance.

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