Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Story ❯ King Kai ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Great Super Saiyan 5: *is too busy eating to notice*

Geta: I'll say it. This chapter, Goku and I go to King Kai's, and I even manage to trick HIM! Oh, yeah... disclaimer.

Disclaimer: I do not claim the rights to the Dragonball series. *backflips* KAMEHAMEHAAAAA! *shoots Kamehameha at random lawyer*

Geta: Oh, great, now the disclaimer's using a Kamehameha.

TGSS5: I feel better after that truckload of hamburgers!

Geta: Glutton.

TGSS5: I'd kill you for that, only you're me, so... Forget it.


"___": Speech (duh) and quotes
*___*: Thoughts
CAPS: Signs and Geta's shirts
'___': Other writing and quotes in speech
italics : Flashbacks

Chapter 3
King Kai

Geta was walking in a rather long line of anonymous spirits, waiting rather impatiently for his turn to be judged. He looked around to occupy himself and saw Goku right behind him. "Hey Goku. How'd you die?" he asked. "A Saiyan woman called Princess Tolone killed me."

Goku blinked, then said, "I died holding some guy named Raditz in place for Piccolo's attack." Then he smiled. "Maybe we'll both go to the same place! If we do, then maybe we can train together."

The two chatted until they realized that it was Geta's turn. Geta walked into the huge building in front of him and saw an emormous desk big enough to fit three of himself in one of the drawers. Sitting in a similarly upsized chair was the biggest man he had ever seen. The man was red-skinned and black-bearded and was wearing a blue helmet and a blue verti-striped suit. Geta walked forward until all he could see of the man was his face.

The giant looked at him and blinked. Then he got out a folder. "Let's see here, Geta, Geta, Geta... Ah, here we go. Says here that you suddenly appeared nine years ago. Let's see... Saved Earth from Saiyan warrior... saved three other planets twice each... six years' service against Frieza's army..." he read. "You've got a pretty good record. Kami put in a request for you to be trained by King Kai. I think you're good enough to have earned it. Snake Way is that way." He pointed out a door. "King Kai's planet is at the end. Off you go!" At that, Geta was shown to the beginning of Snake Way.

When Geta saw Snake Way, he had two thoughts: *No wonder it's called Snake Way,* and *Looks long.* He shrugged and jumped onto the snake head that was the beginning of the road. Then he ran along the path on the "snake's" back. *Just think of it as a really big training exercise.* He ran for what felt like days before stopping for a rest. Shortly after he stopped Goku ran up. "Hello again, Goku. Looks like we're headed for the same place after all. I have an idea: Both of us rest first, then we take turns carrying each other down Snake Way. Waddya say?"

Goku thought and saw a lot of merit in the idea. "Okay! I'm a little tired anyway." The two rested for a few seeming hours before Goku said, "Okay, ready!" and stood up.

Geta smiled at Goku's enthusiasm as he stood. "I'm not quite ready for my turn, so I'll take first ride." He climbed onto Goku's back and Goku carried him for quite a while. Eventually Goku's stamina ran out, so Geta climbed off Goku's back and let him climb onto his.

Eventually the flaw in the plan became apparent: When Geta's second turn was about to begin he commented, "Be nice if we had some food."

Goku nodded. "Yeah, that would really help." Then their stomachs growled loudly in unison, signalling their hunger. They looked at each other, then sighed in resignation. Goku climbed onto Geta's back, and they continued on until Geta tripped over his own feet and they fell through the clouds below them.

Geta and Goku splashed down in a lake the color of blood. When they finally climbed out, two big (but not as big as the giant judge) men, one blue man with a mustache and one red man wearing glasses, walked up to the duo. "Where are we?" Geta demanded. Then he noticed what their shirts said. "So we're in Hell... Okay, I'll just cut straight to the point: How do we get back up to Snake Way?"

The blue one said, "I've got a flying machine, and I'll let you use it if you beat me in a wrestling match! Oh, I'm Gauz, and this is Mez."

Geta nodded, then turned to Goku and said, "Do you want to, or shall I?"

Goku grinned and said, "He's mine." He stepped into the circle the Gauz had drawn.

"Okay, I'll explain the rules: Whoever steps outside this line first is the loser." Gauz got in a sumo wrestling stance, and Goku followed suit. "Ready... Setgo!" and Gauz ran forward, trying to push Goku out of the ring. Goku managed to stay in despite his hunger, though.

"Is it my turn now?" Goku asked.

"Uh... yeah..." was the answer. Goku then threw Gauz across the ring. "How did you do that?" he asked in shock after recovering his balance.

"It's simple! Watch this!" Goku said before starting to throw tiny, invisible bursts of ki at his opponent, gradually making them bigger. Gauz first noticed them when his hair started blowing back.

*Goku's got this in the bag,* Geta thought just before Goku threw one final burst, big enough to knock Gauz stumbling backwards out of the circle he had drawn.

"So where's the flying machine?" Goku asked brightly.

"C'mon, I'll show ya!" Gauz said, running off. Goku and Geta glanced at each other and followed, Goku optimistically and Geta skeptically. Gauz led them to a giant board laid over a large boulder and said, "This is it!"

"This is it? How does it work?" Goku asked naively.

"You stand on that end and I jump on this one and you go flying!" Gauz explained.

"I coulda told ya that- it's obvious," Geta muttered under his breath. Fortunately, nobody heard him.

"So who goes first?" Gauz asked.

"I will," Geta said as Goku was opening his mouth. He jumped onto the lowered end and waited. Gauz ran onto a cliff a short ways above the raised end and jumped onto the board, kicking down as he landed. Geta nearly reached the clouds, but began to fall. Desperate, he cupped his hands, saying, "KamehameHAAA!" and firing straight down, sending him flying upward again. He continued upward until he hit his head on what seemed to be a one-way barrier. Hard. When he landed again, he was holding his head in pain. "Owww! What're those clouds made of, anyway?" he complained when he landed.

"Your skull's too soft to get through," Gauz said smugly.

"One more try," Geta demanded. "I wanna try something." He jumped back on the board.

"Okay," Gauz said. He climbed back up and jumped onto the board again.

This time Geta hid his ki and raised his power to the max, then flew at top speed toward the barrier, trying to break it through sheer velocity. When he hit, though, he rebounded, heading toward the ground at half his top speed. When he landed, after a brief struggle for control, he resumed his charade power and stopped hiding it, then, while he was rubbing his head, said, "I don't think there's any way to break through."

Mez said, "I know a way to get out. There's a secret passage."

Gauz said, "Mez, don't tell them..."

Mez interrupted him by saying, "But you'll have to catch me before I tell you!"

Geta smirked. "I'll take this one, Goku. It sounds like my kind of game."

Goku grinned. "Okay, good luck!" he told Geta.

Geta and Mez were shortly standing on a cliff above a smoking who-knows-what and waiting for Gauz to ring a gong. Goku was waiting nearby, hoping Geta would win. "Ready... setgo!" Gauz said, ringing the gong.

Mez jumped off the cliff and, shortly afterwards, ran out of the cloud of smoke at a rapid pace. Geta stared after him, assessing what he was up against. When he was sure he knew his opponent's speed he said, "Pretty good. But speed is my specialty too! HERE I COME!" and jumped over the smoke. When he landed he ran at an even faster pace than his opponent.

Gauz, staring after him, said, "The only one who ever caught Mez was King Yemma... but considering this guy's start he just might do it."

After Geta caught up to Mez he said, "Hey, how long are you gonna play around?"

Mez jumped, looked behind him, saw Geta catching up to him, and started running as fast as he could.

Geta, staring at the dust trail Mez had left behind, smirked and said, "Now that's more like it!" Then he accelerated to just under Mez's speed, which was his current best. Their race took them everywhere. Running across the lake. Into a fair. To the shooting gallery. On the roller coaster (Geta hated that one). On the ferris wheel. Eventually Geta and Mez stopped near a tree. Both were out of breath. "Y'know, we both need to work on our stamina," Geta commented. Then, when he got his breath back, he looked at the tree, saw the fruit, and said one word typical to a Saiyan: "SNACK!!!"

Mez shook his head rapidly. "NOOOO! King Yemma has us guard those fruits because they double a man's strength and keep him full for three months!" He had closed his eyes during his declaration, and when he opened them he saw that Geta was headed for the tree. "NOOO! I could lose my jooob!" he exclaimed, and the roles were reversed as Mez chased Geta around the tree.

"This is pathetic," Gauz, who had followed the two as well as he could, said.

Goku, who had also followed, burst into laughter at the sight of Mez chasing his hunter.

Geta hid his ki, raised his power to 50%, and ransacked the tree for its fruit. When he had all but two safely encapsulated and the other two stowed away in his vest he lowered his power, restored his ki signal, turned, and grabbed Mez. "Hi! Where's that passage?" he asked.

"Uh... what passage?" Mez asked, playing dumb.

Geta let go with one arm and pulled it back, ready to punch. "You'd BETTER tell me, or else."

"Uhh... right, it's right over there," Mez said, looking in the direction he was trying to indicate. Geta looked, too, and saw a crack in the wall that looked like a canyon.

After everyone had entered the crack, they saw a door with stairs on the other side. Goku and Geta were standing near the door, and Gauz and Mez were standing at the entrance to the room. "Well, guys, it's been fun!" Goku commented.

"Yeah, and thanks for the fruit!" Geta added, pulling both fruits out and handing one to Goku. Gauz and Mez looked surprised and scared as Goku and Geta both ate their fruit in two bites each. Then the Saiyans turned and ran up the stairs.

When they got to the end they pushed open a crack only to find themselves in King Yemma's desk. "Umm... hi... and... bye!" Goku said as both jumped out of the drawer and ran to Snake Way. After a few months, they came to a palace that turned into a snake and sucked them in. They ate a free meal in its palace form, then escaped when it switched to snake mode. Goku and Geta escaped the snake (which somehow breathed fire) by tricking it into tying itself in a knot.

After a while of running on Snake Way, they finally came to the end. After almost falling off again, Goku and Geta found King Kai's planet directly above them. They jumped up to it, only to fall face first on the ground hard enough to leave a depression. They struggled to push themselves to their feet, but they felt ten times as heavy.

Then a monkey walked up, seemingly having no problem with the gravity. Goku saw it and asked, "Are you King Kai?"

"I doubt it, Goku," Geta answered. "Let's check the planet for any other inhabitants first." After a brief search of the tiny planetoid, Goku and Geta found a blue insectoid man. Geta asked him, "Are you King Kai?"

"Yup, that's me! Who're you guys? Why are you here?" the creature answered.

"I'm Goku!"

"Name's Geta. We're here for martial arts training... if that's not too much trouble, that is."

"Hmmm... let's see... you both have about as much current ability... but you can both improve massively in a short time. All right, I'll teach you. But first, let's eat!" Goku and Geta looked at each other and shrugged. Then they followed King Kai to a nearby house to eat.


TGSS5: Geta, you think with your stomach, too.

Geta: Hey!

TGSS5: Anyway, that was a kinda long chapter.

Goku: Sure was! But you really compressed things near the end.

TGSS5: I didn't know you knew the word "compressed."

Goku: I'm a lot smarter than people give me credit for.

TGSS5: Anyway, next chapter: Saiyans!