Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Story ❯ Saiyans ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
TGSS5: Okay, I'm gonna skip the training, so I'll pick up when we go back. Okay, now that that's outta the way...

Disclaimer: I do not own. You do not sue. Deal?

TGSS5: Anyway, I'm alone right now, so I'll just start. Okay? Right, good, here I go...


"___": Speech (duh) and quotes
*___*: Thoughts
CAPS: Signs and Geta's shirts
'___': Other writing and quotes in speech
italics : Flashbacks

Chapter 4

Goku and Geta had just finished their final tests and were ready to go back. Geta was wearing black pants again, but this time he was wearing a shirt that said NO REALLY... WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR FACE? Goku looked at Geta and said, "You tell them. You can word it better."

Geta nodded and put his hand on King Kai's back. When King Kai said, "Whenever you're ready. I've set you up to talk to Bulma," Geta started talking.

"Hey Bulma. This is Geta, via King Kai. How ya doin'?"

He shortly heard the reply. "Geta? Is that you? Where are you?"

Geta smirked. "Yes, it's me. I'm still on King Kai's planet. You got the Dragonballs?"

"Yes. Why?" she asked.

"I've got a wish. Get ready," Geta answered.

After a few minutes Bulma said, "Okay, what's the wish?"

"Wish for all good people who were killed by rivals to be revived. That should bring both me and Goku back." After a few seconds of relaying the wish, Geta and Goku's halos, indicating their status as dead people, disappeared. "All right! We'll be there as fast as we can. See ya when we see ya!" And with that, King Kai broke the connection. Geta removed his hand from his back and said, "Well, Goku, if we wanna be there in time to save anyone we'd better get going."

"Wait. First..." King Kai said. A second later Goku and Geta's clothes flashed. "I've altered all your clothes so they're tougher and the shirts have my symbol on the back. Now, get going! If you go all out, you won't be too late." Goku and Geta nodded, thanked King Kai, and jumped back to Snake Way, where they ran back up the snake-road. Two days later, they arrived at King Yemma's house, where they found Kami waiting to take them back.

"All right, let's get to the battleground," Geta said once they were back on Earth. Goku nodded, and the duo jumped off of Kami's Lookout. On their way down, Goku picked up some Senzu beans from Korin and called his Nimbus cloud, and then they flew off toward where they sensed the Saiyans' ki. "Feels like there're only two or three of our allies left. We're gonna have a rough time," Geta said while they were on the way.

When they arrived, they saw a big, burly Saiyan and a smaller Saiyan, and strangely, the smaller one felt stronger. Goku gave a Senzu to Gohan and Krillen, and then turned to cast an angry gaze at the Saiyans. "You're not going up against that big guy, are you? He's a monster! He took care of all of us by himself!"

"Goku, you take the small one somewhere to fight. I'm gonna mess around with the big guy for a while," Geta said, ignoring Krillen's recommendation of fighting together.

Goku nodded and said, "Hey, you, follow me."

Then Vegeta, the smaller one, noticed Geta's shirt. "IS THAT GARMENT SUPPOSED TO BE SOME KIND OF JOKE?" Vegeta demanded loudly.

"I admit, I enjoy pissing people off. Nothing personal. Oh, yeah, my name is Geta," Geta said. Then he noticed someone. "Hey Tolone. What're you doing here?"

Tolone shrugged. "I helped hold them off. I hope you didn't mind me killing you too much."

Geta smiled. "No hard feelings. Right now I'm more concerned with these two," he said. "You 'n me, big, bald, and ugly!"

Nappa, a.k.a. "big, bald, and ugly," bridled at that. "Whaaat?! I'll kill you!" And with that, he charged Geta, punching at him repeatedly, but never hitting.

"Is that all you've got? I'm not even warmed up!" Geta commented with his most infuriating smirk. Then he disappeared after a punch, reappearing on Nappa's head, still smirking. When Nappa tried to punch him from below, Geta jumped down and punched him in the gut as hard as he could without raising his power. "That was for everyone you've killed," he said grimly as Nappa fell to his knees, clutching his stomach. "You like killing helpless people? LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE BEING HELPLESS!" he shouted, grabbing Nappa below the shoulders and throwing him straight up.

"What the-" Nappa started before Geta started pounding on him again. Eventually Nappa got away from the seemingly endless blows. He used the opportunity to fly toward Gohan and Krillen and start a mouth blast.

*Can't reach him before he fires without more power... one choice I'm willing to use...* Before Nappa could finish charging his attack, Geta shouted, "KAIOKEN!" and sped up, hitting Nappa in the gut again, this time harder. As Nappa fell toward the ground, crippled by pain, Geta flew down to the ground and caught him. Vegeta, still present, glared at the idea of Nappa being held up, somehow faceup, by an unknown Saiyan using one hand. Then Geta tossed Nappa to him, saying, "Here ya go. Do with him as you like."

Nappa held his hand up, but Geta didn't pay attention to what he said- no doubt begging for help or some idiocy like that. Geta watched disinterestedly as Vegeta grabbed one of Nappa's fingers, then more interestedly as the short man threw the giant into the air, then blasted him, shouting, "Die, weakling!" Then Vegeta turned to Geta and said, "We're going to have a duel. You choose the place."

Geta nodded and took off for a place he knew was uninhabited, thinking, *Why not? I've already messed things up enough, what's one fight going to change besides the subject of Vegeta's rivalry?* When he arrived he turned to Vegeta, who had been following him, and simply said, "Here."

They landed, but Goku had followed them and now said, "Hey Vegeta, I'm just as strong as he is, so why not fight me?"

Vegeta glared at Goku, then turned to Geta and said, "Is this true?"

"Yeah, it's true," Geta lied. *Actually I'm hiding my true power so my power seems the same as Goku's, but who's counting?*

"All right, the winner between Kakarot and myself determines the most powerful warrior on this planet right now."

"I'll just get out of your way then." Privately, Geta thought, *Looks like Goku's gonna be his rival after all.* When Geta was oun of sight, Goku and Vegeta started fighting, Goku shortly using the Kaioken tripled.

Then Vegeta jumped into the air and pressed the palm of one hand to the back of the other. "Gallic gun, FIRE!" he shouted.

At the same time Goku shouted, "KamehameHA!" (Bet you saw that one coming) After a while Goku shouted in a strained voice, "Kaioken TIMES FOUR!" Geta somehow knew this fight wasn't over, and he was shortly proven right as, while he was looking around a corner, he saw Vegeta fly to the ground, armor nearly ruined but still alive and fighting.

"You know, your father wasn't very impressive as a fighter, but he was a brilliant scientist. He invented this move," Vegeta said as he created a glowing ball. "It's ironic that I'm going to use a move invented by your father to crush you!" Then he threw the ball into the sky and detonated it, shouting, "Let there be light!"

Geta didn't watch, since he knew what would happen. Instead he shouted, "Goku! Destroy that light!"

"Huh? Oh, okay." Goku turned toward the light and cupped his hands. "KamehameHAA!" and he fired at the light. After a short time the light exploded, and Goku turned back to Vegeta, who was now a giant ape. Geta hid behind the rock again and waited.

Eventually Vegeta shouted, "NOOOOOOOO!" and Goku fell in front of Geta.

"Hey, you okay, Goku?" Geta asked.

"Not really. Hey, I've got energy for a Spirit Bomb, but I'm in no condition to throw it." Goku held up a hand. "Here, take it. Use it on Vegeta."

Geta nodded and took Goku's hand. Shortly his hand started to glow, and he said, "It's not enough to kill him, but it's definitely enough to hurt him pretty bad." He shaped it into a glowing blue ball, then jumped onto the pillar of rock behind him. As soon as he was there, Geta saw Vegeta walking toward a boy he had never seen before. As soon as Vegeta started running Geta felt the time was right and threw the Spirit Bomb, saying, "Here we go!" Vegeta never saw it coming, and it hit him in the center of his back. The ensuing burst of energy carried Vegeta upward, screaming the whole way.

When Vegeta finally landed he pulled a remote control pad from his armor and pushed a few buttons. After a few minutes a Saiyan space pod landed near him, and he started dragging himself toward it. While he was on his way Krillen walked up, holding a sword (Geta had no clue where he got it). When he reached Vegeta he held up the sword, saying, "You're not going anywhere..."

Suddenly Goku's voice rang in Krillen's mind (Geta knew because he somehow heard it too), saying, "Let him go, Krillen. I want to fight him again someday... on even terms, I hope." Krillen lowered the sword he held as Vegeta climbed into his pod.

"You'll regret this someday..." Vegeta managed as he activated his pod's return sequence, then passed out. The pod rose into the air, then took off to parts unknown.

Several days later, Goku was in a hospital, the boy, Krillen, and Bulma were flying away in a Namekian ship, heading for Namek, and Geta was just wasting his time as he waited for Goku to recover. Eventually, Tolone managed to corner him. She blushed (imagine a Saiyan blushing! Yeah, right) as she said, "Y'know, I kinda like you... Maybe we should..." the rest she whispered in his ear. Geta blushed a little and nodded. He followed her to a house and entered.


TGSS5: I know, I did something along the lines of a cliffie, but it gets kinda graphic in there. I don't wanna spoil this story's low rating, so we're not following those two. If you want to see what happens, imagine it yourself. Anyway, next chapter: Off to Namek! (exclamation mark included)