Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Story ❯ Food Fight! ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
TGSS5: ...

Disclaimer: TGSS5 does not own DB/Z/GT. Don't sue.

"Geta": You don't look like you're feeling too great.

TGSS5: ...


"___": Speech (duh) and quotes
*___*: Thoughts
CAPS: Signs and Geta's shirts
'___': Other writing and quotes in speech
italics : Flashbacks

Chapter 13
Food Fight!

Videl, Shin, and Kibito watched the others training with the Z Sword. Goku had shown up and demonstrated his ability to use it, and shocked their new allies in the process. Geta was training, too, with a Z Sword copy with a reddish blade to differentiate it. He was swinging it so fast that no one could even see his arm, let alone the sword. Occasionally he would fire ki blasts and fly in front of them to slice them in half.

Then Goku said, "Hey Gohan, waddaya say we try out how powerful this sword is?" which was an innocent-seeming question, but one that would change the way things would go. When Gohan nodded, Goku got up off of the rock he was sitting on and patted it, saying, "Yeah... this'll do." Then he uprooted it, saying, "We'll start with this small one."

"That's a small one?" Shin said, staring. The rock Goku held could more properly be called a boulder by his standards.

"What's the matter- scared?" Geta asked. He had stopped training with his sword to watch and find out its capabilities. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you."

Goku lobbed the rock at Gohan, who quickly cut it neatly into halves. "Now we'll try a big one!" he said.

"Wait, Goku," Shin said. Geta didn't really listen to what he said, but he saw a giant block of metal appear over his head and fly toward Goku, who in turn caught it.

"Here it comes! Are you ready?" Goku called to Gohan.

"Yeah!" Gohan said, preparing to slash again. Goku threw the block of metal at him and he swung at it, but the impact broke the sword.

Geta's eyebrows raised. This metal could break the Z Sword! He had to get a hold of its atomic structure! As the others were mourning the loss of the real Z Sword, Geta ran to the block and touched it, "getting a feel for it" as he called it. A while later, Geta was training when he saw Kaerlos threatening an old man. The geezer seemed to not care, though, until Kaerlos apparently pointed out what would happen if there were two deaths and no revival for the same person.

Shortly afterwards, everyone gathered in a clearing. The old man- *Old Kai,* Geta told himself, noticing he looked like Shin only older- looked at each of them. "Hmmm... both of the Saiyan women and two of the men have the same potential. It's incredibly high, too," Old Kai announced. "The human girl has more hidden potential than any of you- if it were unlocked she would be even with you guys in power, even after you've all been unlocked." Then he turned to Goku and Geta. "You two, I'm afraid, have already realized much of your potential. You can only improve by training."

Geta nodded. "We don't have to watch whatever he's going to do. C'mon, let's train." Goku looked in Gohan's direction, then nodded, and the two Saiyans flew off a ways. "Before we begin, I'd like to bring weights into our sparring." He snapped his fingers, and his and Goku's clothes flashed.

"What did you do? And why do I feel so much heavier?" Goku asked.

Geta tilted his head. "Did Videl tell you what strength-weighted clothes are?" When Goku nodded he continued, "I changed our clothes into strength-weighted versions of their former selves. Oh, and mine're indestructible, too." He smirked, thinking, *I kinda like this outfit.*

Goku smiled. "Hey, that's a great way of training! But could you replace mine when they wear out?" he said.

Geta smirked some more. "No problem. Oh, and you might wanna go all out if you even want to get me warmed up."

Goku lost his smile. "You're not THAT strong, are you?" Geta's answer was simple: he powered up to full again. When he was finished Goku said, "Okay, so maybe you are. All right, you wanted me to go all out, so..." He then powered up to Super Saiyan 3.

A while later, both Goku and Geta were breathing heavily. "You're tougher than I expected," Geta commented.

Goku was about to say something when Kibito flew up, obviously in a state of terror. "Goku, Geta, come back, quickly! Gohan's losing!" Goku and Geta looked at each other, nodded, and flew after Kibito, who had left almost immediately.

When they got there, Goku and Geta found everyone crowded around a crystal ball. They squeezed their way in and looked to see what the others were so scared of. There, they saw Buu, a big pink humanoid with an antenna wearing Arabian-style pants and some form of jacket, beating Gohan senseless. "He got Gotenks..." Videl said, stunned.

"Gotenks?" Geta asked. Then he remembered. "Oh, yeah, Trunks and Goten fused. How're we gonna save Gohan?"

"Simple! Fusion!" Goku said, lighting up with a smile that made Geta's entire skull ache.

"Wait! It will take too long to teach him that fusion pose," Old Kai said.

"Yeah, and I'm not compatible, either," Geta added.

"Here. Use these," Old Kai continued, taking his earrings off and handing them to Goku. "When two people wear them on opposite ears their bodies are joined- MY kind of fusion." He smiled an ugly little smile.

Goku nodded and took the earrings. Geta asked, "Before we start, could you use someone to demonstrate?"

Old Kai nodded and turned to Shin and Kibito. "You two take one earring off." They nodded and did as they were told, Kibito taking his left earring off and Shin his right, and shortly they were pulled together until their chests collided. A blinding flash went off for a second, and when it cleared there was a new being standing there. He had Shin's purple skin and facial features, Kibito's clothes and hair, and height somewhere in between the two. "Now mind you, this fusion is permanent, so choose wisely. Also, Super Saiyan fusion would make the state permanent and shorten your life."

Geta nodded. "Right. Now how's Goku gonna get back?"

"That's simple," Old Kai said with a self-sacrificing look on his face. "I'll give him my life."

After a short discussion, Old Kai sat down, concentrated for an instant, and collapsed. Goku looked up and saw his halo disappear. "I won't let your sacrifice go to waste..." he said.

"Well then what are you waiting for!" Old Kai shouted, sitting up with a new halo.

"What's the significance of those halos, anyway?" Videl asked as Goku put two fingers to his forehead.

"They mark dead people," Geta answered quietly. "The Old Kai was speaking literally when he said he'd give Goku his life." Then Goku disappeared, and everyone who remained watched via crystal ball. They watched as Goku threw one of the earrings to Gohan, but miss. They watched as Goku powered up to Super Saiyan 3 and fought Buu to give Gohan time. They watched as Buu's jacket turned into a replica of Piccolo's cape; here Geta said, "So he got Piccolo, too, huh?" They watched as Buu absorbed Gohan, Geta and Seraphita gritting their teeth.

"Gohan..." Seraph grated out.

"Keep watching," Old Kai said. They continued watching as Goku disappeared from the fight scene with a smile on his face. When the view changed, they watched as Goku argued with Vegeta while holding out the earring he tried to give Gohan. All but Geta watched as Goku and Vegeta fought Buu futilely for a short time.

"We gotta go," Geta said. "Tolone, take Seraph and Videl. I've got Kaerlos." The named parties nodded and touched those who would take them. "Let's go."

The five warriors disappeared, reappearing back on Earth within sight of Goku and Vegeta just as Vegeta held a hand out toward Goku, saying, "Give it to me, quick!" After a second he said, "What are you waiting for? Give it to me!"

"Hey, yeah!" Goku said, digging out the earring from wherever he had put it and tossing it to Vegeta.

Vegeta started trying to put the earring on his right ear, saying, "You said right ear, right?"

Goku smiled as he said, "Yeah, and one more thing: as soon as our bodies are joined, we'll be stuck that way."

Vegeta paused in trying to put his earring on as he shouted, "WHAT! Don't you think that's important information?!"

Buu's voice drifted faintly down. "To the end of Earth!"

Vegeta took his hands away from the now-glowing earring as he reported, "There... it's on!"

Goku smiled a Saiyan combat smile. "Thanks, Vegeta," he said as his earring started glowing, too.

Moments later Goku and Vegeta were pulled together. As their bodies touched, there was another blinding flash. When it cleared there was a new man standing there. He was slightly shorter than Goku had been, and his hair resembled a Super Saiyan 2's except it was black. He wore Vegeta's gloves and boots, Goku's other clothes with the color scheme inverted, and the earrings that brought about his existence. "All RIGHT!" he exclaimed, laughing evilly.

"What happened? Who is that?" Videl asked.

"Vejito..." Geta whispered, smiling. *Finally, someone who's actually a match for me!* he thought. "You guys hide somewhere. Vejito and I can handle this." The others nodded and flew off a ways while hiding their ki's. Geta jumped over to the new warrior. "What do you say we humiliate this guy, Vejito?" he asked his first true equal in years.

"Sounds fun, but later on you'll have to tell me how you knew my name," Vejito answered.

"It's a deal, then." Geta and Vejito nodded to each other and turned to Buu.

Geta and Vejito then proceeded to beat on Buu like a punching bag. At one point Buu started to tear reality apart, but they prevented it. Shortly afterwards the pink monster pointed his antenna at the duo and fired a beam from it, shouting, "Buu turn you into candy!" In the aftermath of the attack he held both hands out and a jawbreaker and a gumdrop fell into his outstretched hands. Then he started dancing and laughing maniacally. After a while, he opened his hands to look at his prizes. "Coffee-flavored candy... and a cherry-flavored gumdrop... that's my reward!" he shouted before bursting into more maniacal laughter.

Eventually he got all the celebrating out of his system and tried to bring the candy to his mouth. He never figured out that something was resisting until he got punched in the face by both arms at the same time. As he held his face from the pain the candy floated in front of him. "Well, looks like we kept our abilities, right, Vejito?" the gumdrop, obviously Geta, asked the jawbreaker in a high-pitched voice.

"Yeah! Let's humiliate Buu some more!" Vejito the Jawbreaker said, trying to grin.

"But... how? You're just candy!" Buu exclaimed.

"Not just any candy! I'm a jawbreaker- the most powerful candy around!" Vejito exclaimed.

"Though I suppose I understand your sentiments concerning me- after all, I'm a gumdrop," Geta said wryly. "Vejito, leave him to me for a while, okay?"

"Aww, why do you get to have all the fun?" Vejito complained. "All right, you get first turn but leave some for me!" Geta bobbed up and down in what must have been a nod, then flew at Buu, proceeding to beat him all over his body, even making a hole in the back of his head and knocking most of his antenna off in the process. Buu quickly regenerated both the hole in his head and his antenna.

Eventually Geta stopped. "Hey, Buu, can you imagine the looks on people's faces when you tell them you got beaten by a gumdrop?" Buu snarled a few seconds at that before using his antenna to fire another beam at the gumdrop. When it ended, Geta was a Saiyan again. "All right!" he said. "Hey Vejito, your turn!" Vejito bobbed up and down before proceeding to beat Buu in much the same way Geta had.

When Buu changed him back, Vejito gloated for a minute or so, then said, "All right, Buu, take ten. Say a prayer, have a bite to eat- whatever you want. On the count of ten, we'll destroy you."

Geta nodded and started counting with Vejito as Buu looked around desperately for a way to win the fight. He quickly saw something on the ground that made him smirk. "Six!" Geta and Vejito yelled out. "Seven! Eight! Nine! ...TEN!" As they shouted out the last number, a gooey pink mass descended on each of them. "Shit!" they swore as they set up barriers. The masses of Buu gunk contracted after a short time, then splattered onto Buu's chest. Buu quickly started laughing insanely.


TGSS5: ...

"Geta": He's been like this ever since the other shadows disappeared. All he does is show his past to whoever comes by.

TGSS5: ...Tolone... Seraphita... Kaerlos... Gohan... Videl... *repeats over and over*

"Geta": He's really starting to develop an obsession. Anyway, TGSS5 doesn't seem capable of saying the "next chapter" thing, so I'll say it for him. Next chapter: I Hate Buu's Guts!