Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Suru Lover: Never Ending ❯ Chap 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Late update, again! Finally I have taken my exams! I'm FREE!!!!

Beta reader: Dragonheart287


Chapter eight: The arts of fighting

Piccolo looked at the Suru that knelt in front of him. Had Vegeta really spoken to him? "What did you say, Sayajiin?" he asked.

Vegeta sighed and looked at the green man. "I asked, will you teach me how to fight? What are you, deaf or just stupid?" the Suru asked, annoyed. He stood up in front of Piccolo and crossed his arms over his chest. "It's a simple question, yes or no?"

The Namekian snorted and stood as well. He was much bigger then the Suru, but Vegeta still looked like he was greater. "I heard you, but I didn't know that you could talk. Why have you lied to us?"

"Hey, Piccolo! What's going on here?"

Vegeta and Piccolo looked over to the door that they hadn't heard open. In the doorway stood Tiden. He looked at the pair that seemed surprised to see him. "What's going on here? I thought that you were mediating, Piccolo," he said and walked into the room, the door sliding shut behind him.

Piccolo snorted and pushed the Suru forwards the guard. "Did you know that this animal could talk?" he asked, ignoring the glare that Vegeta threw him.

Tiden looked confused. His eyes landed on the angry Suru in front of him and then moved up to meet the Namekian's. "He can?"

"Show him, Sayajiin" Piccolo ordered and looked at Vegeta.

Vegeta glared at the green skinned alien and snorted, turning his head and crossing his arms over his chest. "It's Suru, not Sayajiin. I doubt that he'll understand me," he snorted. Inside he grinned at the stunned look he received from the Namekian.

Tiden looked like a living question mark. His eyes travelled from the Suru to the Namekian and he shook his head. "I didn't understand any of that. All I hear are grunts and such, as always," he said and turned back to the door. He opened the door and was about to step out but turned back to the Namekian. "Oh yeah, almost forgot. Bulma wants all of us to attend to a meeting within two hours. Be sure that you are finished with what ever you are doing until then, ok?"

Piccolo eyes never left the muttering Suru as he nodded. "Understood." He heard the door slide shut and he turned fully to the Suru. "How the heck can't he understand you? I do!" he demanded and lifted the small Suru by the collar of the black clothing the smaller being wore. He made sure that he was nose to nose with the Suru as he growled "Well?"

Vegeta didn't look angry or surprised. He looked at Piccolo with a blank look before he grinned. Faster then Piccolo could see, Vegeta slammed his knee into the green man's stomach. When Piccolo bent over by the force and the pain from the sudden attack, Vegeta followed the first hit with a hammer blow to the nape of the green alien's neck. When Piccolo lay stunned on the ground, Vegeta sat down on his back. "So, you'll teach me how to fight or not?"


`It hurts. Why does it hurt so much?' Goku wondered as he tried to sit up from his crumbled position on the ground. He felt pain erupt from his backside and he fell down again. `Now I remember. It was Broli and Raddiz… damn them! I need help…' he thought and struggled to move without hurting himself too much.

After minutes of struggling, he managed to drag himself to the door. Resting his back against it he panted hard. He had never been in such pain since the last battle with Freeza, but at that time he hadn't been ki restrained. Looking up he spotted the intercom that was set in the wall beside the sliding door. Gathering the last bit of strength he had, he lifted himself to his feet. Pushing a random button, he hoped to reach the med. The intercom sparked and buzzed and the seconds that passed felt like hours for the Sayajiin leader.

"This is the med, what seems to be the problem?"

"Bulma!" Goku gasped and lost his hold on his consciousness. Just as the darkness overtook him, he heard Bulma's voice scream his name over and over again as his world went down a spiral.


"Teach you how to fight? You knocked me flat on my ass! You can fight so why should I teach you?" Piccolo asked as he had collected himself. He was a bit pissed by the fact that he had been beaten by a monkey. He stood now opposite of the Suru, cracking his knuckles and stretching his neck. His eyes were on the Suru.

Vegeta stood at the other end of the room. He had his arms crossed as he waited for Piccolo to finish his exercises. "I caught you by surprise. I need you to train me how to fight for real, like Kakarott does. I can't always catch my opponents by surprise in battle," he informed the green man. "I want to be strong enough to protect my cubs."

"Kakarott? Who's that?" Piccolo asked as he stopped his stretching for a second. He had never heard the name before.

"Kakarott is my mate… hmmm… I think you know him by the name `Goku'…" he said after he had thought for a second. "Yeah, Goku. That name is so odd."

Piccolo used this distraction and attacked. He drew his arm back and punched the Suru across the face. He didn't stop his next attack even if the Suru was thrown back against the wall. "Don't sit down! If you want to know how to fight, you've got to tolerate the pain that follows! Get up and fight!"

Vegeta slammed into the wall and quickly rolled out of the way as Piccolo tried to smash his face in. Wiping the blood from his lips, he clenched his fists and attacked.


Krilin sighed as he strolled down the corridor. Yamchu had been nagging him about the lousy security in the halls of the ship. `What if we are attacked and we don't see it?! We got to put up guards in the halls!' he had been shouting.

"Guards here and guards there… is that all Yamchu is thinking about? We are going into war and all… huh? What was that?" he asked himself. He stopped and listened.

Soft mewling echoed through the halls. Knowing who the mewling belonged to, he rushed to the source of the sound. As he suspected he found the three cubs of his best friend crawling around in the halls, a few halls fom the room they were supposed to be in.

"Hello little fellows, want to go home to your warm bed with your `mom'?" he asked sweetly, bending over with a huge smile.

Kabu, the oldest cub, looked up and spotted the ugliest face that he had ever seen. Quickly he rolled over to his back and hissed, his tail puffing out three times its original size. Kosho reacted the same and together they made an ear piercing noise that made Krilin back off quickly. Nashi whined at the noise and soon wailed her unhappiness.

"AI! YOU ARE MAKING ME DEAF! YAMCHU, TIDEN! HELP!" Krilin shouted over the noise. He was glad that the rest heard him and soon the three men were trying to grab a cub each.

That didn't prove to be as easy as they had thought. The cubs had their small fangs in their flesh in no time and was growling and hissing at their `attackers'.


"Goku… Goku…" a soft voice called.

Goku groaned as he tried to open his eyes. He felt so groggy so he wondered if he had been drugged. Finally he managed to crack his eyelids open. He winced at the strong lights that hit him. "W-where am I?" he asked no one in particular. He felt the pain from earlier but it felt so faint that he knew that he had been drugged. Moaning loudly he sat up on the hard surface that he had been laid on.

Bulma sat back in her chair as the Sayajiin leader sat his feet to the ground. He blushed as the blanket she had draped over him slid down in his lap. "Goku-kun, please hold that blanket over your waist, not below it…" she blushed as she covered her eyes with her hand. She stood and turned her back against him. "I'll fetch you some clothes" she said and walked to the back room.

Goku rubbed his eyes to get rid of the grogginess. He blinked and looked around. He was back in the med and was sitting on the lab table. He held the blanket close as he spotted the two Surus in the corner. "Hi," he said and bowed his head.

"We are sorry, Kakarott. Sorry for everything," Calico said as she knelt in front of him. She was soon joined by the other Suru.

Takara bowed her head and whispered "We know that we can't do anything to change what happened, but we hope that you forgive us."

Goku looked puzzled at the two. "What are you sorry for? You haven't done anything! What happened back there has nothing to do with you," he said and smiled. "Just because they are your sires, doesn't make you bad as well. I have nothing against you."

The two Surus lit up as they heard these words. They were about to speak when the back door burst open and Bulma was flung to the floor. From behind her came three guards that carried firearms.

Goku stood quickly, but the dizziness hit him hard and he almost fell to the floor himself if it weren't for the Surus that helped him to remain standing. Goku was aware that the main door hissed open and he turned to see who else had joined them. He couldn't believe his eyes as they landed on one familiar figure.


"What is the meaning of this?!" Bulma snapped as she staggered to her feet. She angrily turned to face the ice Lord.

Freeza sniggered as he walked into the room. His tail waved back and forth as he looked at the scientist. He leaned close to her and whispered to her: "I know who you are, Bulma. I remember you from the time you and our little captain betrayed me…"


Gomen for a late update! I have been busy!

Next chapter: Goku and Vegeta meet again and they find out what happened to their other cubs: Shindou and Bibou.