Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Suru Lover: Never Ending ❯ Chap 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I always seem to be late with this fic…. annoying but the show must go on!

Beta: Dragonheart287


Chapter ten: Back home

Vegeta growled softly as he dragged Kabu back to the warm bundle of torn sheets. He was getting annoyed with the cub that seemed to like to crawl from him. Laying the mewling cub under him, Vegeta laid on top of him, careful to not put all of his weight on the frail cub. Feeling that he had the cub trapped, he turned his growl to his mate. "Why do I have to go back to Saya? When we finally are together you don't hesitate to break us apart again" he said and turned his glace away from the warrior. "Don't tell me it is for my own good because it isn't…"

Goku hated it when his mate was angry with him. He was grateful that Vegeta held his voice low so that he didn't awake Nashi and Kosho that slumbered peacefully in the Suru's arms. "You aren't going back alone, Vegeta. Bardock and the rest of the Surus are going with you. I know that you can fight and that would be of great help if it wasn't for the cubs. They won't survive without you since they still need milk. That reminds me! Have they gotten the blood they need? I mean, so they don't get as ill as Shindou got…"

Vegeta didn't look at the leader. "They bit Nashi and Nashi bit Kosho. They'll be fine…" he said and finally turned to look at Goku. "You are right. the cubs still need me and I don't want to be selfish, and I want to see Bibou and Shindou… But I'll only go if you promise me one thing, Kakarott" he said and sat up, freeing the struggling Kabu. Crawling over to his mate that sat on the bed, he placed his hands on Goku's that rested in his lap. "Promise me that you'll return to me, alive and well"

Goku swallowed hard and hugged the small Suru. "I must be honest and tell you that I can't promise anything like that. But is I survive the battle, I'll return to you. I love you, Vegeta…"

Vegeta buried his face into Goku's chest. "I hope that that won't be the last time you tell me that… When does the ship leave?" he said to change the subject.

"In an hour. They have picked up the Surus on the other bases and are arriving here to pick up you and Bardock. I'll be there when you leave so don't worry" Goku said and smiled at the Suru. "I'll protect your father the best that I can. For you and Bardock"

"Thank you, Kakarott"


Freeza stared out through the large window that took up a whole wall in his room. His tail waved angrily behind him as his red eyes glared at the black space. He heard the door hiss open behind him. "Who is it?" he asked sharply, not in the mood to have company.

Broli and Raddiz watched the newcomer with their dark eyes. They were lurking around in the shadowed parts of the room, avoiding annoying their master. When they saw who had entered the room, they relaxed. They went back to nurse their bruises that they had gotten when they had been attacked by King Vegeta.

Cooler smiled at his angry brother. "It is just me, little brother. I heard of the escape of the leader. I lost the two I had taken myself. Sayajiins must be real escape artist since I locked them up in a old weaponry room" he said. Walking up next to the muttering iceling, he looked out through the window. "You know that they are planning a war, the Sayajiins I mean?"

"I m aware of that. The annoying part is that they have joined up with a great army. The battle that will come might be hard but I'll slaughter each and every one of them" he said and looked at the Sayajiins in the corner. "This time I won't let any Sayajiins escape"

Cooler looked at the Sayajiins and then at his brother. "Are you going to kill them too?" he asked. Broli and Raddiz had been loyal to Freeza after all…

"They will fight with me but is they show any sign of disobeying me, they'll join the rest of their race"


Vegeta and Bardock were hugged by every Suru on the ship as soon as they had set a foot on it. The Surus were glad to see their leader and his mate as well as the ex leader. They gathered around the six cubs and sniffed them and looked them over.

Vegeta looked back at Goku that had started to go down the ramp. "Kakarott!" he shouted after the leader. He ran down the ramp and hugged his mate one last time. "Be safe"

Goku hugged Vegeta as hard as he could without crushing the small man. "The same goes for you. Take care of the cubs and say hello to Shindou and Bibou for me, ok?"

Vegeta pushed himself back and smiled. "I will" he said and walked back up the ramp. Looking one last time at his lover, the door shut and Vegeta walked back to where he had left his cubs.

Goku watched as the ship lifted and soon it blasted of. He smiled as he noted that his mate was now safe. He stood there until he couldn't see the ship any longer and then headed to the control room. He thought about the upcoming battle. He wasn't sure about the outcome but knew that he would fight to stay alive. `I won't let Freeza kill anyone' I'll make sure that he is only fighting me. That way I can be sure that he won't kill anyone'

King Vegeta saw that his leader was leaving. Turning on his heel he followed the thinking Sayajiin. "What is on your mind, Kakarott? Is it Vegeta?" he asked as he came alongside of Goku.

Goku snapped out of his thought when he was spoken to. "King Vegeta! Sorry, I was deep in thought!" he apologized.

"No worries. What are you thinking about?" he asked again.

Goku sighed. "Mostly the battle and Freeza, but now I start to worry about the speech I must have with my people… I mean, what will I say to them? How can I convince them to fight?" he asked the ex leader. If anyone knew how, King Vegeta was the one.

King Vegeta looked before them. "The Sayajiins will do as you tell tem, but I believe that they will fight if they know that it will mean that Freeza will be destroyed. Don't worry about it any more" he said as they reached the control room. "I'll see you later, Kakarott" he said and turned to leave.

Goku frowned at the Sayajiin. "Why don't you join me at the meeting?" he asked.

King Vegeta looked at him and shook his head. "No thanks. That big green guy freaks me out when he just stands there like a large security camera, looking at you with those pricing eyes… brrrr… no thanks" he said and dashed of.

Goku chuckled at the thought and smiled when he realized that King Vegeta was right about Piccolo. For the short time he had known the namekian, he had been standing at the far end of the room with his arms crossed. He never spoke one word in his presence. Shaking his head he entered the control room.

Bulma looked up from the mass of paper she had her nose buried in. "Goku-kun! Glad you are here, has Vegeta left?" she asked.

Calico and Takara looked up at Goku before continuing to poke Piccolo in the chest. They were amazed that the man could stand so still that he didn't seem to breathe…

"Yes, a few minutes ago. What are you doing Bulma?" he asked and looked over the papers. All he saw was diagrams and maps and such, nothing of interest.

"I m preparing the battle plan. The Sayajiins are waiting in the assembling room. I'll meet you there in a few minutes" she said. She pointed in a direction without looking. "Take them with you"

Yamchu saw his girlfriend point at air and sighed. "'They' are over here, Bulma…"

Tiden rubbed his eyes. "We'll come with you, Goku is that is ok"

Goku smiled. "I would like that. I feel a bit nervous so I would really like to have you by my side"

Krilin walked to the door and placed his hands behind his head. "Let's get moving. I don't want to miss `Baby galaxy' again" he said as he vanished through the doors.

Goku looked at the bald guard with a questioning look. "'Baby galaxy'?" he asked the others as they followed Krilin.

Yamchu shook his head. "Believe me, you don't want to know what the show is about…"


Vegeta gazed out through the window. He was holding Nashi and Kosho in his arms while he held Kabu with his tail as the cub tried to crawl away from him. The Suru sighed as he looked down at his cubs. "Your father is a brave leader. I hope you get some of that bravery" he said.

Nashi gurgled as her `mother' spoke to her and her brother. Her small tail flicked back and forth as he waved her arms. Kosho was trying to gurgle but instead a burp came out. The cub sighed and sank back in his `mother's' arms.

Bardock made sure that his cubs were asleep before he made his way over to Vegeta. Seeing that the Suru had his attention without looking at him, he sat down. "We land in a few minutes. It is amazing how fast we travel. Last time we had to travel for months before we got to Saya…"

Vegeta placed his two cubs in the small borrow he had made of some old cloths. He picked up Kabu and stared to undo some knots in the black mane. "It is new times. Everyone tries to make the fastest ship in the galaxy. I m glad that we are getting there so soon. I can't wait to see my other cubs" he said as he struggled to hold the small cub still. "Kabu! What is the matter with you?" he asked annoyed.

Kabu gurgled and struggled harder.

"Hey, Bardock! Your cubs are on the run!" one blue eyed Suru called from behind them.

Bardock looked behind him and saw his cubs going in different directions. "Oh, crap! Got to go, Vegeta, but I'll see you when we land!" he said and dashed of to collect his small ones.

Vegeta laughed and nuzzled his cub. "You are jealous that they can run freely are you, Kabu? Well, when we get to Saya, you are going to be watched by your older siblings" he said as he saw the red lamp flash in the ceiling. He knew that the light meant that they were about to land. He lifted his cubs in his arms and stared to walk to the exit.

The Surus had to cling onto each other as the ship rocked. The cubs mewled in protest as they were rudely awoken by all the commotion. The ship soon stilled and with a hissing sound, the door slid open. Vegeta was the first one to exist and he blinked at the familiar light. He looked around the area and saw a few Sayajiins standing before the ship. He noted that they looked scared, but as he stepped out, they relaxed.

"Papa! Papa!"

Vegeta looked over as he heard the familiar voices. "Shindou! Bibou!" he called. Soon he could spot his two older cubs as they made their way over to him. Vegeta dropped down on his knees as they reached him. placing the three cubs on the ground, placing a tail over Kabu, he embraced his beloved cubs. "I have missed you! Are you ok?" he asked and looked them over.

Bibou smiled. "We are fine, papa. We have trained our hunting skill to make you and dad proud over us" he said and looked down. "Are they our siblings?" he asked and picked up Nashi. "This one is odd…"

Vegeta smiled. "Her name is Nashi and she is a `girl'"

Shindou tilted his head. "'G-girl'? What is that?"

"A girl is the same as a Suru only that they look a bit different. They can give birth easier then a ordinary Suru can"

"Oh, ok. What is their names?"

"Kabu and Kosho"


Freeza sipped his vine as he stroked Broli's mane with his free hand. After discussing with his brother for a while he had calmed down and now just sat there and stared at the galaxy. "I won't let Sayajiins be my down fall. Goku was just lucky the last time…"

Raddiz was stretched out on the carped like a large house cat. He purred as he rolled over. "Freeza is right. Kakarott was lucky. This time will be his downfall"

Broli was enjoying the soft stroked he got. "I would like to get my hand on him one last time. He was a good, how do you say, lay. I have had many Surus in my life, but I have never felt so powerful as when I mounted their leader…" he said and closed his eyes.

Freeza listened to the grunts and purrs as he listened to their `conversation'. He suddenly frowned and clenched his hand. He felt Broli tense under his fingers and he relaxed once more. `It seems like the Sayajiins have gotten on my nerves. I can't even stand to hear them. If it weren't for the fact that I can use these morons in the battle, I would have killed them' he thought. He raised the glass and looked at the contents. "Soon my little super Sayajiin. Soon we will battle to the end"


I made the chapter shorter because I have tons of things to do!