Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Suru Lover ❯ My Suru Lover ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

HI! Okey, this is my first fic so don't flame me ok? I know that I have spelling errors but it's because that I m from Sweden. This story will continue if I get feedback on it. I don't want to make a story no ones reads!

Well here is the first part!

Hoppas att ni gillar det! (Hope you like it in Swedish)

Silver Yaoi

E-Mail: silver_yaoi@yahoo.se

Homepage: http://geocities.com/silver_yaoi/index.html

My Suru Lover

Goku scratched his head as he slowly woke up. He rubbed his eyes and flung his legs out of bed. He could only sight as he over looked his day.

Being a hard working solider, or rather a commander on one of Freeza's ships wasn't a lazy job. Goku grinned to himself.

"Not only work..." he mumbled to himself. Free days had their glory in his eyes.

For many years a planet had been destroyed at Freeza's command. Goku could recall that the planet was called Vegetsaii and that there was no life on that planet.

So they thought.

Goku had gone to the planet on Vegetsaii's former spot on the endless blackness on a purging mission. What he and his men had found were something that they haven't expected.

They had found a life form that raided of beauty and strength. Black manes, big muscles, endless black eyes made them look exotic. A long brown tail swayed behind them. Their way of living were pure animal, hunting with bare hand and eating their preys raw, showing no mercy.

Goku fell directly for them. He had them captured and brought on his ship. Once there he tamed one after one and made the race a new sort of pet among Freeza's men. A perfect pet for those who wanted a hunter to hunt down food for them on missions, and beautiful to boot.

Sayajiin. That what Goku called them. He was the one who the most of that new race among them. He also was the one that breed and tamed them for the new owners on his ship. There was one breeding station on each ship. Yes, Sayajiins became popular among them. There were showing contests where the best Sayajiin were prised and later to be put among the breeders stations around the ships to produce more of the perfect Sayajiins. One had to pay lots of money to have their Suru-Sayajiins mated with the best Sayajiin.

There were two sorts of Sayajiins. Sayajiin and Suru-Sayajiin. Sayajiin were the "males" among the Sayajiins and Surus were the males, or rely, females that carried the cubs of the race. Their purpose were to breed with the perfect Sayajiins, give birth, and then to mate again.

Goku smiled. Today he was to watch over his most prised Suru. He knew that it was almost time for her to bring his next generation of Sayajiin to the worlds. He hoped she would have about three cubs so he could keep one. Sayajiins usually got three cubs/litter.

Goku reached the door to her cage and peered in.

On the floor of the cage lay a small Suru. She was round around the stomach and she was panting hard. She was dressed in a light green spandex and white gloves that reached her to the elbows. The lower part of the suit was open so the delivery wouldn't be hindered. Sayajiins were dressed at birth and they grew into the spandex. The suits were only replaced if the Sayajiins were to mate, give birth and to be bathed. Goku had changed her suit a week ago. He was excited. He was already finished with the preparations. He had choose the suits for the cubs, their pedigrees and that a crew of the med were ready to find out if the cubs were Surus or Sayajiin.

His Suru had a cage that gave her what she would need to feel safe. The room was big with white walls. In the end wall there were a borrow for her to have her cubs in. The borrow were decorated in pillows and a heater was placed under them so that the cubs were held warm when their "mom" was gone to eat or drink. In the room there was a big tree, to bring a nature feeling for the Surus.

Goku noted that she had left her food as she had gotten it. She was lying on the floor in an outstretched position and only panted.

"Poor baby. Haven't got the strength to get into the borrow, hu?" he asked as he entered the cage.

She lifted her head at her master's voice. She knew that she could trust him. She rubbed her cheek into his hand as he petted her head. She sighed, and then curled up in pain. Goku knew that she was in labour and lifted her into the borrow. Then he left the room to get changed for the delivery.

"I think I can stop for a snack to…" he thought and went to his room.

After breakfast, he returned to her cage.

What met his eyes saddened him greatly. In her borrow, she and three cubs lay.


"She couldn't handle it. To bad…" he whispered as he ran a hand over her lifeless form. "And so beautiful cubs. This is a waste…"

As he ran a hand over the first cub, he realised that they all looked like each other. He didn't let the tears fall. He had been around stillborns and dead Sayajiins before. As he ran his hand through the black mane of the smallest cub, he stopped. Was that a movement he felt? Taking the cub in his hands, he rubbed the furry tail a little. The little form cooed and purred as it opened it's eyes. Goku couldn't believe how much knowledge there were in those eyes. The cub looked at him, as he already knew that his "mother" was dead and that it had to look after itself. The cub cooed more and wiggled in the chilled air. Goku cradled the cub to his chest as he walked to the med. He knew that this cub was special.

If only he knew how much….