Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Suru Lover ❯ The truth about Vegeta’s cubs ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello everyone! I m sorry for the late update… first an idiot for a friend then a virus… But here I m with the next chapter! Though I haven't gotten any name suggestions, I'll put that part up later. Is there anyone with an idea about the cubs' names? Is the story dying here? =(


Chapter eight: The truth about Vegeta's cubs

Goku's heart almost stopped as a guard passed by. Krilin and Tiden were with him, looking around for more guards. Yamchu had snuck into the computer room. Goku was sweating bullets.

"What if he gets busted?" he asked Krilin and leaned against the wall. They had hidden in a small room, probably a storage that wasn't in use.

Krilin ducked as another guard passed the door. He was as calm as ever. "That is never going to happen. If we say it like this: Yamchu is like a spider when he is sneaking. He can pass over the guards with his skills. You don't have to worry so much, Goku. Yamchu is fine".

Goku looked at Tiden who gave him a nod. Sure, Goku knew how good Yamchu was in mission, but he was still scared of getting caught. He sighed and sat down, legs wobbly. "I m sorry. I didn't mean to drag you into this mess…"

Tiden lay an hand on Goku's shoulder. He smiled and sat down beside him. "Hey, Goku. We came along on free will. I don't regret that I followed you. Do you Krilin?"

"Nope. I want you to be happy, Goku. Even if that means that we are going to meet a pissed Freeza and get our buts sent to hell for free!" Krilin grinned and watched the corridor. "Hey, Yamchu is back!"

Goku shot up as the scarred warrior slipped into the room. He was panting a little and he was clutching a paper in his hand. "Man! I just poked around in their computer! They don't need to throw me in the dungeon!" he growled. "Sorry, busting out of prision is harder then back at our place".

Goku's eyes bugged out of their sockets. "You got caught?! How did it happen? How did you get loose? How did…"

"Hey! Let's finish that later! I got what we want" he handed Tiden the paper. "This is the map over the place. The red areas are the soldiers' rooms. The big blue one is Freeza's and the green and pink… you can guess who!" Yamchu explained as he pointed out the different areas.

Goku was amazed. How the heck had Yamchu gotten that and gotten away… well, away and away considering that he was caught and thrown in jail. He studied the map. He was starting to feel the stress. He hadn't seen Vegeta in four months! He wanted to find him as soon as possible. "So, where are we going?"

Krilin studied the map. He thought, then said: "If we pass the main chamber and then turn left at the fat pink marshmallow's room, we would get to Freeza's Sayajiin breeding centre. If I m not mistaken, Vegeta will be there".

"Then let's go! I don't want to spend more time here than necessary".


Goku slipped around the corner as the guard had gone away. He was amazed that Freeza had so many guards around the living areas. Yamchu was leaning over his shoulder, ready to distract any attention that my risk their mission. Krilin and Tiden was a bit in front of them. Hey ha snuck past before the guard had shown up. Goku swallowed. `Just past Dodoria's room, then I'll be there Vegeta!' Goku though and rushed forwards the last corner.

A hand grabbed at his throat as he passed the big guard's room. Goku chocked as he was lifted of his feet to dangle in the air. He looked at his attacker in the corner of his eye. What met his eyes was Dodoria's grinning face.

"What do we have here, hmm? A captain that Freeza hasn't called for! What do we do with intruders?" he asked and squeezed harder. He grinned in satisfaction when he heard Goku's gasp.

Tiden was the first one to react. He pounced on Dodoria and kicked him in the face. Dodoria didn't even flinch. Yamchu roared in anger and shot forward, his shoulder digging in Dodoria's side. The guard snorted at them and swatted them away with his free hand. Yamchu and Tiden growled.

"He is to strong for us!" Tiden said.

"Yeah, but we must save Goku no matter what!" Yamchu growled through clenched teeth. "We own him for all the times he saved our lives, Tiden!"

Krilin stood back. He knew that he wasn't as near as strong as Tiden and Yamchu. But when he heard the conversation between the two, he froze. "You guys… you aren't…?"

Yamchu looked at Krilin. His eyes spoke for him. Tiden nodded, never leaving Dodoria with his gaze. "We must".

"Krilin! When Goku is free, take him to Vegeta! Don't wait for us! We aren't coming any way!" Yamchu said. He switched his gaze from Krilin to Tiden. Their eyes met. Now was the time.

Dodoria grabbed Goku's throat harder by the second. He loved the cracking sounds that was making it's way though his captive's neck. "I'll crush you, traitor!"

Yamchu and Tiden burst forwards. They roared and warped their arms around Dodoria's neck. Dodoria swung around to bat them away, when Tiden's food caught his wrist, shattering it. Dodoria lost his grip on Goku, who fell to the floor. Krilin caught him and dashed away.

Goku focused on the battle in front of him. He saw that Yamchu and Tiden were clinging to Dodoria like a second skin. When he saw that the duo was staring to glow, he freaked. "YAMCHU! TIDEN! NO!" he shouted, to out of breath to scream.

Tiden's and Yamchu's eyes met his. They smiled and said in union: "Don't you worry! We know that you would do the same thing for us! Go, Goku!!"

A bright explosion erupted in the hall. Goku felt like everything went in slow-motion. Before the last door closed, he heard the duo's strongest attack ever.



Goku felt so bad. He and Krilin were walking down the deserted hallway to the breeding station. Goku's thoughts were on his comrades. Yamchu and Tiden had been so close to him in any sort of situation. Now they ere gone, for him.

Krilin sighed. He was thinking on the good times in the past. He had grown up with the suo and known them as long as he could remember. When the door stood in front of him, he nudged Goku in the side. "We're here".

Goku looked up. The sign on the door was confirming that they had gone the right way. A bit of hope rose in him. He knew that Vegeta was in there.

Pushing a few buttons, they were let through. Goku and Krilin were met by a sight that they had never seen before. Freeza's breeding centre wasn't big, but the Sayajiins that were there were so unlike those Goku raised.

The Sayajiins were scarred all over their bodies and their hair was a big tangle then a soft mane. Their eyes were shining with madness and anger, hurt and agony. Whatever had happened to them had been Freeza's work. They Sayajiins were slamming into the bars, growling and clawing after the two. They wanted their blood.

Goku walked in silence. He was feeling even sicker then a minute ago. `Poor things! If there was anything I could do for them…'

"Goku! Look! Vegeta!" Krilin piped up.

Goku turned to where he was pointing. What he saw wasn't pleasing.

Vegeta was lying on the floor. His spandex was ripped and torn with dried blood on it. His mane was in a big tangle and his skin was pale. His mid had grown over the months, and to Goku's horror, he saw that Vegeta was fighting pain. Labour pain.

Goku rushed to the bars. He lifted the door of its hinges with newly found strength. Vegeta lifted his head at the newcomer. His eyes lit up and he tried to stand, only getting into a sitting position before the pain brought him down. When he felt Goku's arms around him, he relaxed a bit. His mate would make the pain go away, like last time.

Goku stared at the Suru. Yepp, Vegeta was in labour alright. Sitting down and bracing Vegeta's upper body on his lap, he started to guide Vegeta through the delivery.


After only ten minutes, lay three little Sayajiins in Vegeta's arms. He was working on getting the manes clean and was nipping at the tail that was brushing his cheek.

Goku observed the new family. Vegeta was tired and sleepy. The two cubs that he was working on were mewling and piping in their language. The third one lay at the side. That cub was dead. Vegeta's doing. When that cub had been presented to him, he had killed it in a instant, strangling it with his teeth. The cub reminded so much of Raddiz so Goku understood his reason. But the other cubs…

Goku took one and held it up. The cub curled around itself as the air suddenly got colder. The cub looked like him. A big mop of hair and round eyes. The only thing that made a difference was the tail. Goku knew that this cub was his doing. `So it is possible for a Suru to carry aliens' cubs?' he mused and lay the cub down beside its `mother'. Vegeta lashed on that cub, cleaning it further. The other cub looked like Vegeta had done in his cub stage. Small but demanding as he searched for the food he knew his `mother' had for him. The thing was, where was `mom' hiding it?

Goku was almost in tears when he heard a crackle behind him. Shit! He had totally forgotten where he was.

Freeza was grinning at them. "Well, what do you know? Captain! What a surprise for you to show up. Attacking Dodoria and successfully make your way here… I m impressed".

Goku saw behind Freeza. Zarbon stood there with Dodoria, who was dusting his armour of. "Man! They surely know how to mess up! Look at me!" he whined.

`Yamchu and Tiden died in vain? No…'

"Now you'll join them in hell!!" Freeza yelled and shot a beam at him.

Goku covered his face. When he didn't feel the blast consume him, he peaked. Krilin stood in front of him. His armour was smoking and he fell to the ground. Goku yelled in denial!

"Three gone, one left to go…" Freeza chuckled.

The something snapped inside of Goku's mind.


Well, have any names yet?

First time I have killed someone! HA!

Next chapter: Goku reaches a power that he didn't know he had. Vegeta is defending his cubs and attacks Freeza with Goku… until Raddiz shows up.