Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Suru Lover ❯ A fight of life and death ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

HI! Fixed the virus that was terrorising me. I have found out two names that I got via e-mail from my friend in Japan. The translation will be in the end of the chapter.

Thanks a million for those who has reviewed this story so far! Dragonheart287, thanks for being so supporting! I wanted to e-mail you, but found no e-mail to you =(…


Chapter nine: A fight of life and death

Goku felt how his body suddenly started raise its ki. He couldn't control the rage that was aimed forwards Freeza. Krilin, Yamchu and Tiden. He was furious of their deaths. He suddenly threw his head back and roared, his ki hitting max.


Vegeta stared in shock as his mate bathed in a golden light. He pushed his cubs under him and stared at his mate. He didn't know if this was normal for Goku to do, so he sat back and awaited the result of this strange behaviour.

Goku's body shook and muscles grew under his skin. Then it all stopped. Without a word he faced Freeza.

Freeza was staring in a sort of shock and fright. When the weakling suddenly started to glow, he had frozen on the spot. Now seeing those cold eyes staring at him, Freeza couldn't place a finger on it, but he knew that something was different. It hit him with a bang. The warrior in front of him was not the same captain he met before. This one had glowing golden hair and ice green eyes that priced his soul. He snapped out of his trance and formed a ki ball in his hand. Whatever had happened, he had to kill this warrior before he could do anything to attack.

Goku just narrowed his eyes at the ki ball that came at him. Calmly he raised a hand and swatted the ball away. He didn't care about the attacks that Freeza wanted to ditch at him. All he wanted was to relive the anger in his mind. When he saw Freeza charging, he dashed forwards.

The collision between the two shook the ship. The two different kis licked at each other and crackled in the air. Freeza threw a punch that Goku easily caught but he wasn't ready for the tail that rammed in his side. Letting go if Freeza's hand, he kneed Freeza in the stomach and slammed his elbows into the back of the ice lord's neck, sending him crashing into the ground. Freeza was down for a few seconds before he attacked again. His mission? Kill the bastard before he got killed himself!

"Master Freeza!" Zarbon yelled and dashed to help the iceling. Before he or Dodoria even got close two the fighting warriors, they were met by an angry Suru. Vegeta was ready to protect his mate and seeing these two attacking Goku, made him angry. He hissed and growled at the duo before he flung himself at Zarbon, always keeping his back to his cubs so that he knew that no one got to them. He bit at Zarbon's neck; the green beauty was trying to throw him of. Dodoria threw a punch at Vegeta, intending to hit the Suru and free his companion. Vegeta saw the attack in the corner of his eye and used Zarbon's shoulders to do a handstand and made Dodoria's punch pass under him. Zarbon took the attack right in the face, shattering his nose with a cracking sound. Zarbon fell backwards and his hands went up and nursed at his nose.

"GHA! DODORIA!! Watch it! You moron!" Zarbon cursed out between clenched teeth. He glared at the pink idiot before aiming a death glare at the Suru that was standing over the cubs. "You are sooooooo death, Mr monkey! I m going to rip your throat out and smash you kids!" Zarbon rose and pointed his index finger at the Suru. He was furious that the damn monkey hadn't taken the punch that was meant for him.

Vegeta growled loudly and barred his fangs. His cubs' lives were threatened and he was ready to kill Zarbon for saying those things. He launched at the green warrior, leaving his cubs for the moment.

The two cubs were in the meanwhile piping and mewling for their `mom'. In one second they were warmed by the Suru, the next they were left in the cold. Piping louder, they started to wiggle around for warmth. Where the heck had their `mom' gone to? They were freezing over there! And their food had their `mom' also taken with him! Didn't he know that they were starving!

Goku heard the cubs whining from where he stood. He didn't look their way, but he knew that Vegeta had left them. He was waiting for Freeza to attack. Knowing the strength in the ice lord, he didn't take chances. Before his mind had registered the move, Freeza had warped behind him and with full force slammed his elbow in the back of Goku's head. Goku fell forwards, but flipped himself before he hit the ground. He threw a charges blast at Freeza and followed that one with four more. Freeza side stepped the first one, smashed away the second but the three others hit home. A bit dizzy, Freeza roared and charged his ki. How dared this bastard to challenge him? He raised his ki until the whole ship were shaking and then flew at the startled warrior.

Vegeta had gotten a good grip on Zarbon's neck with his hands. He chocked the warrior and avoided the punches that Dodoria was aiming his way. His anger had grown to a furious level and he was prepared to rip Zarbon's head of his shoulders, when he heard the cubs whining in pain. Twisting to the direction of his cubs, he froze.

Over the cubs stood Raddiz. During the four months that Vegeta had spent with him, Raddiz had gotten tougher and scars had marred his body. He had been one of Freeza's favourites in the hunting parties and he had followed on many missions. Now Raddiz were pressing the cub that looked like Goku into the ground. He was growling and stared at the cub that were whining in pain. He had walked into the room during the fight. When he had seen the cubs, he had strolled over to have a look. Then he saw the dead cub, his mind froze. The cub was his, no doubt. The remaining cubs were none of his. The cub that looked like the human that owned him before, awoke his anger. His thoughts were now focused on killing that cub.

Vegeta sprung into action. He avoided the punch that Dodoria aimed at him, letting it hit Zarbon before he dashed to his cub's rescue. He slammed head first into Raddiz, throwing him of the helpless cub. He fell to the floor on top of the big Sayajiin. His fears for the Sayajiin were gone. His heart burned with anger. This time he wouldn't back down. He would kill the big baka for sure this time. Clenching a fist, he smashed it over Raddiz's face. Raddiz backhanded the Suru and pinned him to the floor. The Suru would learn to respect him!

Goku shook his head and focused on Freeza. The lord was grinning at him, sure of his victory over the captain. Goku didn't know how long he could hold out. His body wouldn't rise from the ground and he felt that his power was sipped out of him. He felt like giving up.


Goku snapped his head to the scream. His eyes blurred over before he saw that it was Vegeta who had screamed. His vision went red when he saw Raddiz. The big haired Sayajiin were holding Vegeta of the ground by his mane. Vegeta was squirming and trashing in anger and pain. Goku felt his power once more rising when he saw his lover being hurt by the Sayajiin. He stood and powered up until he felt like he exploded.


Goku blinked. `What happened?' he wondered and tried to sit up. His whole body were aching and he felt exhausted. He felt a weight on his stomach and looked down. Vegeta slept peacefully on his folded arms that were resting on the warrior's stomach. Goku smiled. What ever had happened, they were safe.

"How are you, Goku?"

"Who?!" Goku gasped at the sudden voice.

Krilin's smiling face blocked his sight. The bald guard smiled when he saw Goku's confused face. "I asked `how are you, Goku'. So, how are you? You took a lot of damage you know!"

Goku felt his eyes fill with tears. "I thought that you were dead, Krilin! How…?"

"Bulma came after us. When you had blasted Freeza and his goons out of the ship, I took you and Vegeta here. Bulma took care of the cubs" the guard said and smiled. "Yamchu and Tiden is in the next room. They were almost dead when Bulma and her crew found them in the hall we left them. Don't worry, they'll live".

"Yamchu and Tiden lives?!? I m so happy! I thought that you all were dead!" Goku exclaimed. "Weren't you killed by that blast Freeza sent at you?"

The guard grinned and rubbed the back of his head. "Na. Freeza wasn't intending to kill you. The blast wasn't so strong. I have taken much harder blasts in my life!"

Goku nodded. He was overjoyed. His friends lived and Bulma was there somewhere. But… "What happed to Freeza and the rest?"

Krilin's face turned sad. "They got away. I think that Dodoria got killed, with that body he must have absorbed most of the blast that you made. It's a miracle that Vegeta and the cubs survived".

Goku looked down again. Just under his chin lay the mini Vegeta, his copy lay in the curve of Vegeta's bent legs. They were so tiny…


Bulma walked over and had a look. She picked up the mini Goku and looked him over. "So?" she asked again.

Goku was confused. "What?"

Bulma smiled down on the little being. "What will you name them?"

`Name? I think I know…'

Goku petted the tail of the little being on his chest. The cub lifted its head and yawned.


"Ehh? What does that mean?" Krilin asked.

Vegeta awoke when Bulma took the cub of his legs. He didn't attack her since he knew that she didn't mean any harm. He looked at Goku when he said the name. He knew what his mate had named the cub. It was perfect in his hart.

"Bibou. That is what I'll call him. The one you hold, Bulma, I think should be named Shindou. I like that".

Bulma nodded. "You're right. Hi little Bibou and Shindou. Welcome to our world. Oh they are so perfect!"

Goku didn't hear the rest of the sentence. He had blacked out.


Okey. I got the tip to name the cubs to Bibou and Shindou. Bibou means `Beautiful face' and Shindou means `Wonder child'. Kenshi (my friend in Japan) meant that the mini Goku should be named Shindou because Goku didn't know that aliens could mate and have kids with Sayajiins. So the cub they got is a Wonder Child!

Next chapter: Goku realise that they must seek a shelter from Freeza when he learns that Freeza is after them. To add more problems, Shindou gets sick with something that no one knows the cure to.