Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Twin ❯ The Nightmare Begins ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Twin

me no money you no sue me dont ownA Bad Day at School

Chapter 3 : The Nightmare Begins

"To Frieza"

"W-what?" Bulma stuttered

"I overheard mom and dad talking when I came back from school.
At first I didn't know what they were talking about.
In till I concentrated on what they were saying,
they were planning to tell us at dinner." Trunks voice cracked

~Flash back~
"Man I kind of feel sorry for Ashley...not! like more the wall" Trunks laughed to himself.

"Hopefully Bulma Is back fro-" Trunks cut himself off when he heard voices from in the kitchen.

"Honey today's the day" Dr. Brief said

"No! Their only 17! What would he need with four 17 year olds?" Jade asked

He, who's he?

"I don't know, but what we can do is just hand them over.
We wouldn't want to make Lord Frieza mad." Dr. Brief said rubbing his temple.

Lord Frieza! Who the hell is lord Frieza?

"How do you know if we hand them over that he won't destroy this plant?" Jade shouted

"I DON'T KNOW! I don't know. But the best thing to do is give him what he wants."
Dr. Brief almost whispered

They're giving up with out a fight. What happened to the parents I grew up with?

"You better call the OX King and Gohan they are going to be in one hell of a shocker?" He said

They're giving away Chichi and Goku to that Frieza person? Wait I wonder whom the other two are.

"Do you think we raised them well?" Jade asked

"I hope so. We better tell them at dinner."

I guess I find out who the other two are soon

"Good luck Bulma, Chichi, Goku and Trunks you're the earth's last hope'" They mumbled together


~End of flash backs~
Bulma was shocked on what she heard. No she couldn't believe it!
Why would her parents hand over them? Bulma thought
Her father was stronger then her so why can't he be the 'earths last hope'? Bulma thought
Fine! Fuck both of them; if they don't want us then that's there loss.
I can't wait to get of this miserable mud ball anyways. Bulma thought furiously.
Looking down she face soften gazing at Trunks who cried him self to sleep on her lap
She gently place him on her bed and got up and left the room quickly heading down stairs.


"Hello Bulma dear, dinner will be ready in one hour" Jade called in a sick twisted happy vioce
after her.

Bulma just kept on walking,
ignoring her 'mom' heading strait to the backyard were her gravity room.
Once Bulma reached her destination she slammed the door behind her and locking it.
Walking up to the control she set it to 150 times earth gravity and immediately started her

*1 hour latter*

Punch. (Pant). Block (Pant). Punch. (Pant). Kick. Block(Pant). ki blast.(pant).
Four back flips. (Pant). Block

'Those stupid cows I bet their going to throw a party once they figure out that I'm going away."
Bulma growled.
She soon increased the gravity making her warm up cycle be somewhat more challenging.
And then the 'real workout' began


'Damn it once I was this close from reaching a new level.' Bulma complained


"WHAT' Bulma snapped


That brainless bitch interrupted her for dinner.
Then she remembered the 'big disclosure' that will happen tonight.
She quickly throws a towel around her neck mumbling cruses
while she approach to the dinner table.
When Bulma got there, she could see her 'father' and Trunks already there.
She could tell that Trunks was eager to get this thing over with just as well as she was.
As soon as Bulma sat down her mother came rushing in carrying in all the food.
A tense silence overtook the whole table.
Bulma quick shoved her food in her mouth. Within a half a minute she was done.
Turning to leave she was stopped in her tracks by a voice.

"Bulma stop! We need to talk about something important please sit down."
She heard her father plead patting the seat next to him.

"Hurry up I have training to finish." Bulma said sitting next to Trunks away from her father.

She could see hurt flash across his face and soon replaced with annoyance.

"We just received a message from someone very important today.
Informing us that we will have to transfer you up there." F. Trunks started (Father Trunks)

" But this person is not your ordinary person.
Frieza is the most feared, powerful and most dangers person in the universe.
With one flick of his finger he could destroy this planet.
He has no patience for weakling.
He want the four strongest people on this planet to join his army.
That why were sending you your brother, Chichi and Goku,
and to convince him that this planet is not weak." He finished

Bulma screamed at them standing up and glaring daggers at them.


"ME PATHETIC? Well why don't you go oh great one." Bulma said mockingly


"What nothing to say?" Bulma asked

"You leave in an hour.' F. Trunks said angrily

"Well I better start packing then" Bulma said walking away

"All ready done," Jade said
"Inpatient aren't we?" Bulma asked storming back to her gravity room with Trunks.

As soon as they were in the gravity room Bulma swung around and punched Trunks in his stomach.
Trunks doubled over in pain. At least now she was free to show her hurt.

"What was that for?" Trunks asked from the ground

Bulma ignored his question and walked to the control panel turning it up to 200.
That was their max that their body could stand for now.

"Why didn't you say something?" Bulma yelled at him getting in a fighting stand.
Trunks soon recover and got in a fighting stand as well.
"What was there to say you said it all." Trunks said.
And at the same time lunged at each other in lighting speed.
Bulma could feel that Trunks was still mad at her for punching him in the stomach.
He soon got his revenge by disappearing before she had a chance to hit him.
Bulma looked around the room and try to sense his ki but could not find it anywhere.
She was taken off guard when he reappeared behind her.
Before she could react she felt a stinging sensation on her back and was sent flying to the wall.
She recovered quickly and used the wall to bounce back.
She was punching furiously at him, while he blocked every hit and the battle raged on.


Their parents were loading are stuff in a family size pod.
While we stud there staring at them work.
Bulma look to her left and could she Chichi's red puffy angry eyes.
She could tell that she was crying.
Bulma's graced passed her and graced at her brother she would tell that he was trying to hide
his emotions but she could she pass that mask.
Bulma was still trying to she her brother fight in an army he was a 'mama's boy'
but if he can do it so can she. She turned right and watched Goku's face.
He had no problem on showing his emotions she could see hurt, Confusion and regret.

'Regret what does he regret...Probably not eating enough' Bulma wondered

"Alright Kids its all ready." She heard their parents say

As soon as we have gotten in the pod each parent hugged each of them.
But F. Trunks didn't hug Bulma. He just mumbled 'that's my baby girl' and closed the door.
They all felt the pod shack and then sleep overtook each them.

· That's all for right now r/r me and email me if you must at ReneeReleford@msn.com
· Thanks for reading.
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