Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Twin ❯ A nightmare that's reality ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Twin

By: Renee'

Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating or replying to any of your emails so soon because
I was sorta grounded from the internet and still am but shhhhh.
I also made this deal with Makoto-and-MooCat and . Our deal was I wouldn't update until they do
and Ill also throw in a story. So it's really their fault I swear.
So if you want me to update again you have to r/r them saying update soon.
Because I just had a dream and of what my next chapters are going to be about and most
of them are sad dealing with death from somebody close or a new problem god I'm so exited
but I need more r/r I don't even care if it just says 'Hi'.
Hey and if any body out there has any interrogate of what I write or ideas please email me
I'm a open minded person. So in the record I'm still alive for those who don't know.
But please enjoy, and r/r. It's short I know but it will all work out.
me no money you no sue me dont own dbz or anything me poor

Chapter 4 : A nightmare that's reality

Bulma awake with a start and looked around her surroundings frantically. She stared at
the purple roof; she hastily sat up and soon realized that she was in a bed.

'What the fuck, were in kami's name am I...'

She felt a body next to her move. And could tell it was Goku by his loud snoring.

" Goku... Goku... GOKU." Bulma whispered loudly shaking him awake.

"Uh ...w-where are we" Goku asked

" I don't know," she answered. They both heard two moans coming from the other side of
Bulma. Knowing it was Trunks and Chichi they soon were at their sides helping them awake.

"Where are we?" they both asked at the same time

" That what we like to know isn't that right Bulma ...Bulma. H.E.L.L.O " Goku said
waving a hand in Bulma's face.

" C-cant y-you guys feel it?" Bulma questioned. She didn't know why she didn't sense it
before. Those three huge ki's that was greater then thousand times all of their powers
combined. But the thing that scared her the most was the middle ki that was greater than
the other two. But she knew that there was something wrong, she could feel it.

"Feel what, I don't fee-" Chichi interrupted herself when she felt a gigantic ki's. That
soon all of them felt it by the look of their faces.

" T-that's impossible" Trunks said in disbelief.

"One of them are Frieza" Goku said

" B-but how do-" Chichi begin

"I hate to tell you but Goku's right before we left my dad said Frieza is the most feared,
powerful and most dangers person in the universe. With one flick of his finger he could
destroy this planet. I don't think he was over exaggerating." Bulma said calmly

" So now what?" Trunks asked


"We go find this Frieza" Chichi spoke, everyone turned to her. " We must not forget why
where here lets meet the so called monster and get it over with."

They all agreed and turned toward the door with Goku and Trunks in the lead. (Authors
note: Trunks and Goku are in front of the girls so no one will get confused.)


The halls seemed grow longer and longer and longer. I could tell that Trunks was getting
annoyed by Chichi's whining, I was as well. All I wanted to do was turn around and tell
Chichi to shut up. But I could never bring my self to do it. I love Chichi with all my
heart and maybe more than food. If this Frieza guy is as strong as we think he is than
all our lives are in danger. I know that I couldn't live with myself if something
happened to my friends, especially Chichi.

" Goku were here!" Trunks said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I quickly looked up to see two ugly yellowish looking guards questioning us.

" What is your business here?" One guarded asked

"Lord Frieza is not expecting any visitor, " The other snapped harshly

"We were sent from earth, now we don't need this bullshit I determining you let us
throw NOW." Bulma yelled at them

Sometime I wish that Bulma would keep her mouth shut for once, before one of these
days she's going to get us all killed.

" Oh so you're the earthlings Lord Frieza told use so much about. Wait one moment
while I'll tell him his 'guest' are here." One guard said sarcastically. When he
went into the large pink double doors.

Minute's flow by as though seconds.

That's when it all happened; we all froze when a perceive sound of a painful scream
come from the other side of the door. As well as bright flashing lights from under
it came the scream fading away as well as that guards ki.

I could sense a small ounce of fear from the whole group. The other guard seemed to
shake his head and stare strait head like nothing just happened. How can anybody be
so cold?

A mysterious silence overtook the dark purple hall.


Did he just kill that guarded for telling him were here?

And if Frieza is his powerful than why does he need guards? Is it for show?
Or to intimidate use because it's working!

I could feel the nervousness in the area and the waiting and the silence wasn't
helping us any. We all jumped when we heard a beeping sound. All our attention
turn from the door were the last guarded was standing. It seemed that on his eye that
thingamajig was beeping. I then turned to Bulma who everything when it came to math
and science.

"Bulma? What is that thing?" I asked her

" I think it's an communicator of so sort. Or maybe it's an one lend glasses object yap
an ugly fashion statement." Bulma chuckled when we say the guarded glare at use.

"Yes lord Frieza?" " Right away sir" the guard said to the thingamajig

" Chi why is he talking to him self" Bulma asked me

Before I had a chance to talk the guard spoke,

" Lord Frieza will see you now." He harshly said.

We slowly walked through the opened door. I was so scared, and very surprised to realize
I haven't passed out yet, that was a good sign, I think.



· That's all for right now r/r me and email me if you must at ReneeReleford@msn.com

· Thanks for reading.

SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO. Please email (r/r) me back.
