Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Twin ❯ Bow before me ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bow before me

As they walked throw the large blood red double doors. They all couldn't shake the
nervous tension they all had. All of them jumped when the doors shut behind them.
Standing before then sat the most anomalous pink and purple looking lizard that must be
the one that's called Frieza. He seemed to have two bodyguards beside him. One of them
was more ugly then Frieze, He had the biggest black lips that seemed pick as well. The
other guarded was quite handsome compared to the other too. With his azure body and
indigo hair.

" Welcome, I see that you earthlings finally awoke, I was growing rather impatient. Now
lets get down to business. You are the strongest of you're your plant, are you not?" Frieza
asked use them

" Yes we are!" Goku spoke for the group.

" Pathetic" The blue man said. Bulma eyes started to twitch. How dare he call them pathetic?
Bulma pathetic please! I'll show him pathetic-

"Zarbon quite" Frieza snapped

"Sorry lord Frieza" The one named Zarbon spoke

"Now I see you earthling are weak and must be trained immediately. As soon as you had been
trained, you will be sent to your first mission to see if your training paid off or to test
your power. If I see that your being lazy I will not hesitate to sent some one to
exterminate you and if you do not improve I will personally kill you. If any of you don't
flow my ever command I will make sure that your death will painful and slow. You will now
in forever bow to me and call me Lord Frieza. If you don't you will break and then
destroyed you. Do I make myself clear?

" Yes" they said together

"Yes what?"

"Yes lord Frieza" The three of them said.

Bulma on the other hand didn't say anything. She repudiates to call this 'lizard' lord
anything. Bulma just kept her mouth shut before her pride said something for her.

Frieza eyed the blue haired woman body up and down and smirked lustfully.

'This one will be mine to break.' Frieza thought licking his lips.

Bulma could see lizard lord look at her. She knew that he was eyeing her body so he stuck
her middle finger up and tucks a blue curl behind her ear with it. This got Frieze's attention.
He throw his head back and laughed everybody in the room raised an eyebrow.

"Zarbon, Zarbon we have anther 'Vegeta' hahah" He pointed at Bulma laughed harder.

Zarbon looked at the Bulma and looked away then did a double take.

'How can someone be that beautiful' Zarbon wondered

Bulma tried to keep her eyes off of Zarbon. She was confused of how fast she became
fascinated in him.

Goku scratched his head he was confused. 'Who's Vegeta and Bulma doesn't look like an man'

Soon Friezes laugher came to an end "Dodoria get the trainers! Lets not waste any more time"
he said to Dodoria.

"Yes my lord." He said walking throw the group pushing them out his way, Bulma instead
stud her ground. He lifted his had to push her out the way. But she wouldn't budge.

" Move Bitch"

" Go around" Bulma said

Everyone turned to look at her

Chichi slapped her palm into her for head. "Not again."

"Let me repeat myself I said move bitch" Dodoria said

" And I said go around 'bitch'" Bulma said with venom. She refused to move for this over
grown planet eating fat pink pig. She has never been or ever will be pushed around by this
fat pink thing. Soon Bulma could see a vein start to form on his forehead. The vein seemed
to enlarge as she starred at it, waiting for it to pop.

" Ohm is the ugly fat thing going to cry oh poor baby-" the hand of Trunks that covered her
mouth interrupted Bulma.

" Bulma please!"

Glaring bullets at her, He said turning to Frieza "Sorry sir, my sister is tired from the
trip and doesn't know of who she speaks" Trunks said pulling Bulma's muffling body out of
Dodoria's way.

"You Better" Dodoria said pushing the door open.

"Its rare to get that kind of fire here… For now on I will train you," Frieza said
preferring to Bulma sipping on his cup of red wine. Watching Bulma every movement.
Zarbon jerked his head to Frieza making sure him heard correctly.

"L-lord Frieza did you say you would train her." Zarbon asked in disbelief. Forever since
he lived here Frieza never ever trained any one. Was lord Frieza trying to replace him?
Or was he going to force himself on her to make it seem as it was training? What type of
training was he going to do with her?

" That's exactly what I said. You boy!" Frieza said pointing to Goku " I be leave your
name is goat...Goku yes you."

As Goku pointed at himself them looking behind himself to make sure he wasn't talking
to anyone else. You will be trained by Vegeta, and you" Frieza said pointing Trunks
" you will train with...Zarbon."

A gasp was heard from this Zarbon that was so post to train her brother. With his weak Ki
it seemed Trunks would be training him. Bulma laughed silently to her self not trying to
add any more attention to her self. She could tell by the way this lizard looked at her
that her 'training would be a living hell. All she needed was anther master Roshy.
"I'm tired of your interruptions Zarbon you will train this boy before I 'train' you"
Frieza snapped seductively? What ever it was it sure made Zarbon quiver violently.

Were Zarbon and this lizard curvy (gay)? Well she hoped so, the less pressure they gave her.
But what about Trunks would they...nawh Trunks would smash Zarbon's member if he would
pass at him. But what about the lizard what will stop that all so strong lizard from
ever trying to?

· That's all for right now r/r me and email me if you must at ReneeReleford@msn.com
· Thanks for reading.
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