Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Unwanted Destiny ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter one

I believe that my story takes off when I was about 15 and a half years old. I remember it clearly because that year there were all kind of rumors going on about some kind of fortuneteller who predicted the future for real. Not the crap they usually tell you. Almost everybody wanted to go to this female, my best friend Chi chi not being really that different. She possible was even worse because she believed that the stuff this woman told to other would actually come true!
I on the other hand didn't believe anything about this female.
Simply because I was scientific. I had a theory about everything, and about the stuff I didn't have a theory about I just figured that that theory would come later. Everything in this world must have a reasonable explanation. So than try to explain this to me. How do you explain a person who predict your future without even knowing your?

You CAN'T!!

But boy was I wrong.....

" Bulma you'll have to come with me!" Chichi screamed in the ear of the blue haired female sitting beside her.

"NO Chi! I wont be spending my money on a complete impostor!" The Blue haired female replied with a significant irritatable sigh.

Her friend however did not want to give up, and started another tirade of questions. "Why not B, you have enough money as it is, with you being the richest girl on this entire school, and by the way you are my best friend." She sighed " You have to come with me. I need you to come with me."

The blue haired female raised her eyebrows and sighed again. " You know Chi, its really unfair to use the best friend logic against me when you know that, that in the end I will always give in to that." she stood up and pulled a big and comfertable sweat shirt on. " come one, what are we waiting for? Let's go and see her then!" she replied letting out a last sigh of visible annoyance.

The blue haired female, also known as Bulma, knew that the only reason her best friend had for visting this female, was her new boyfriend mark. Chichi wanted to know if Mark was the one for her. But even Bulma could easily tell her that Mark was a creep who looked at everything that walked around with breasts. Bulma knew this very well, cause she had been one of his lust objects, she just never had had the heart to tell Chichi this, because she knew that it would break her best friends heart... again.

Chichi had created this obsession with guys. She had decided that her only purpose in this life was finding the ONE... This quest however, had created a long list of boys who just were not the.. ONE.. And every time the girl dumped a boy or got dumped by a boy she got in a huge depression. The last time she had spotted her boyfriend ( Frank) having sex with another girl, and after that she had tried to kill herself by slitting her wrists. If Bulma had not found her in time she would not even be here anymore. Bulma was affraid about what would happen after this night, what if this woman wasn't a complete imposter anyway, if she was not an imposter she would tell Chi the truth and what then?

Lost in her thoughts she did not notice that they already had arrived at the place they were suposed to be. that was untill she heared Chichi's scream in her left ear.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH.... B! We're here! Come on! Let's go in!" the black haired girl said while she dragged her best friend out of the car.

"Huh?" Was the only reply Bulma gave her while she still was trying to get out of her thinking fase.

" Come on B!" Chichi said sounding a bit irritated.

Bulma tried to answer but it had no used, her best friend wasn't in a state where she was able to listen to anything she had to say to her. Still a bit dazed of the ride she noticed the cold air surounding her. It was freezing! Bulma looked up at the small house in front of her and for some reason was frightened by the sight of it.

"That's the house that already knows your faith saviour!" a strange voice whispered in her ear.

"Did you say something Chi?" She asked her friend

her friend shot a puzzled look at her. " I didn't say a thing B, why did you hear something?"

"I thought I did, must have been the wind" she replied, not totally at easy by her own answer.

"Death.... ..through death..... will come the beloved peace!" the strange voice whispered again.

Bulma pretended not to have heard the strange voice and instead started to follow her best friend who had already started to walk to the house. She couldn't however help hearing the last words the mystery voice whispered into her ear. The last words that were uttered before the voice disappeared completely.

"your destiny awaits!"