Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Unwanted Destiny ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bulma cried a lot that night, she cried until her body could not take it anymore and she was forced to fall into an uncomfortable sleep. The few hours of sleep she got however were extremely unpleasant. She kept having nightmares about herself dying, her friends abandoning her and creepy aliens who tried to grope her.
The next morning came early, to early just as Bulma's mother.
“ Bulma dearest!” Bunny chirped happily in the entrance of her daughters room. “ Bulma honey.. you will have to get up you know. Your school starts in..” she looked at her watch “ Oh my… your school starts in 45 minutes dearest!” slowly Bunny walked over to the bed of her daughter and pulled the covers open. “ When you finally decide to stand up Bulma you will have to look outside, it is such a lovely day today!” Not getting any response out of her daughter Bunny decided to leave the room while humming some awfully nice tune.
Bulma slowly opened her eyes not believing how her mother could have said that last sentence. ` How can any day be nice when you just have found out that you will have to die for the sake of the universe?' she thought to herself.
Normally Bulma wouldn't have bothered that much about the things her mother said. Her mother was always happy, always commenting about how lovely the weather was and how the birds were sounding so happy. It really wasn't anything different that the other school days, but somehow she just couldn't stand it today. Today she had a mood from hell and it only became worse when she saw her own reflection in the mirror.
The person who was staring her in the face had swollen eyes, the natural result of crying the entire night, and her eyes itself had the color of tomato's. Her hair however was the worst thing about her whole appearance. It looked all tangled and she wouldn't have been surprised if scientists would discover a whole new form of life living in it. Although she really did not feel like doing anything about her appearance today she tried to fix it. Seeing that most of the tangles in her hair did not want to leave her hair she just decided to put all of her hair into a messy bun, at least then it looked like she did her hair like this on purpose. After that she started to work on her make - up. She used her cover-up stick trying to make the dark circles under her eyes disappear after seeing that it just wasn't working she put some skin colored power on top of the cover - up, she finished her eyes with some mascara and a light brown shade of eyeshade. Deciding that her eyes would not be the feature she wanted to stand out today she applied a bright shade of red on her lips. When she was finished she looked into the mirror. It wasn't perfect, but it would do, at least she didn't look that much as the scarecrow she had looked like when she had gotten up. Looking at her clock she realized she was going to be late for school, she grabbed her bag, ran downstairs and grabbed the lunch her mother had made her from the table.
Her school day went by in some kind of a daze, after she got home she could vaguely remember fragments of Chichi making a scene during lunch, which resulted in her dumping him. After that she started to ask Bulma questions about her visit to the woman, cause Chichi had the idea she had gotten a bit depressed by the visit.
“ B You just simply have to tell me what happened in that room” Chichi said in a happy tone. “ and saying that nothing happened will not solve your problem B, I know something happened in that room because when you got out you looked like you were going to faint or something.” Chichi stopped her talking while she took a sip of her diet coke.
Bulma looked her best friend in the face realizing that she never would be able to tell her what have happened, she would have to lie to her and she hated lying to her. She forced a smile on her face and replied while trying to sound as happy as possible “ Nothing happened in that room Chichi, she… she just told me the obvious!”
Her friend shook her head showing that she didn't believe anything about what Bulma was saying to her after a moment she asked her “ And what is the obvious B?”
Bulma's mind was racing trying to find a decent answer to this question, she wished she would have stayed home, she wished she would have done something more useful than crying last night, she should have thought up excused for lying to her best friend. “ You know… that I… had… a lying cheating no good boyfriend that just didn't deserve me!”
An understanding look appeared in Chichi's eyes, “ she told you about Yamcha! Of course that would make you all depressed, stupid bitch for reminding you about that again.”
Bulma sighed happy that her friend didn't caught on to her so obvious lie.
"yeah, she said that he was cheating on me, so I told her that she was a bit behind on her date and that we already had found out that what she was saying."

"that's true.” Her friend said with a hesitating sound “ and you worked it out with him and now you are just friends aren't you? Or is there something you aren't telling me B?"

"How can you think of that!! I will never and I mean never go back to that lying bastard I deserve something better don't you think?"

"that's true I believe you, so what are we going to do next?"

"I don't know Chi, you tell me"
Bulma really felt terrible about lying to Chichi, but somehow she thought that her friend wouldn't have understood how she felt if she would have told her the truth. Hell she herself didn't even understand the truth.
The rest of the day went by in a blur, Chichi and Bulma went to the mall where they shopped till both of them couldn't shop anymore. Usually shopping would have cheered Bulma up, it didn't this time however. Chichi thought that it was all about the Yamcha story, still knowing how bad it had hurt her friend when she had found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her and had confronted him with her discovery.
When Bulma entered the kitchen and yelled that she was home, there wasn't a reply instead she found a short note on the kitchen table.

Dear Bulma

Your dad and I are gone for a day. Your dad has a meeting with some other scientist It's a silly thing really they say that aliens are going to invade earth Can you believe that? Anyway we will be back tomorrow evening You can put you dinner in the microwave. Hope you have fun!

Great was the only word that seemed to form itself in her mind. ` Great it is already starting!' She walked to the microwave and put her dinner into it hoping that her food would at least not taste like mud again, like all the last times her mother had left her food.
She didn't wanted to go to bed remembering what had happened the last night, the nightmares and all. So she decided to try and stay awake for the entire night. But between 2 and 3 o' clock she finally dozed off and started to dream.
“ Bulma? Savior, one that's been destined you have to listen!” the strange voice of yesterday said in her head.
“ who are you? “ Bulma asked in a dreamy tone
“ The one who has been appointed to tell you.” The voice said in a monotone tone.”

"tell me what?"

"to tell what lies ahead if you don't fore fill your destiny" the voice drilled on.

"Me not dying? Or something else?" she asked sounding even more tired.

"both, but first let me show you something"
The dream image shifted first it went all black like a TV that was put out than she started to feel like she wasn't able to breath, like there wasn't any oxygen.

"There is nothing here.” She tried to say “ What…. Do you have to show?”

"you're right there is nothing here, and that's the whole problem” the voice said “ now let me take you back to the same place a few days earlier"
Again the image changed, she was back on earth, but at the same time she wasn't. Around her she saw all kinds of people running and trying to find a place where they could find shelter. Everything was burning and all that did not burn was black. Nothing would be able to live here. Something inside her told her to turn around behind her stood a man, his hair had a flaming shape like it defied the rules of gravity. He looked pissed off, heartless.
Again her eyes were pulled to his hair, the shape of flames and it was black, black flames, the same blackness that was in his eyes and possible the same blackness that was in his heart.

"He is going to be the one who will destroy everything isn't he?" she asked the strange voice. She didn't got an answer.
Than the image changed at again. It was still dark and she could feel rain falling down on her skin. Then she saw herself together with two men standing on a high cliff a mountain like thingy. Around the mountain was nothing except for sea. Bulma could hear the waves breaking against the rocks. She noticed that the two men were arguing and than one started to hit the other, the other she noticed was the same flame haired man she saw earlier. After the flame man got hit he started to glow with power, a sinister kind of power. Then she looked at her own appearance. The Bulma who was standing there looked older, like she aged a lot in a short time. She looked scared, but at the same time utterly relaxed, at a sudden moment her own image turned around and took a few steps fore ward for a moment she stopped and shouted something to the two man after that she turned around again and started running one of the two guys tried to stop the other bulma but it was already to late. To late for everything. She was gone and would never return. She was dead. The images cleared and then she saw a planet in peace, people were happy, everything was quiet again and there was peace every where.

"Death trough death you will bring peace. Savior.. you can't deny your destiny" the voice said again.
Bulma shook awake, terrified but at the same time having some kind of peaceful feeling. That night she made a decision and that decision was that she would see what was coming. And off course look for another solution than her own death. 4 weeks
At least she would have 4 weeks.