Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Wild Saiyan ❯ First encounters ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: My Wild Saiyan

Disclaimer: I don't own it, plain and simple

Summery: This is my first Yaoi fic so be kind. It's an AU. Goku is a 19yr old rich popular football player, Vegeta is a 17yr old who lives in the wild, in another demention. Goku gets sucked into Vegge's world and there the fun begins!! R&R please!! OOC's will accrue

Author's Note: Well... I know the first chapter was short and boring.... BUT I know if Vegeta comes into the story it might boot up reviews, not like I'm going to stop if I don't get the right amount of reviews, that's just STUPID!! so if you don't like this story, give me an idea for another yaoi story kay and I'll write that one!?!

Now on to business.

Well first of all, I forgot to tell you about my little spelling problem... My spell check doesn't work and I'm (as you guys have noticed) not a good speller and I'm not that good at grammar either... My spell check dose work, but only when it wants to... -_- so please if anyone can help me with the spelling problem, let me know KAY!!!!!!!!!

Second, Yes Goku is stuck-up isn't he, I thought it would be fun to switch personalities around, now be fore warned, Goku is a little pit of a pig, but not that much, he's just a little spoiled and Vegeta is innocent and quite girly in this fic, and yes he will be uke, I for one LOVE it when Vegeta is Uke... suit's him!! and it's cute ^_^ well enough of my blah blah blahing ON WITH THE STORY!!

Chapter 2: First encounters

He didn't know how long he'd been out, but he felt like he'd been run over by a train. Lucky for him, nothing seemed to be broken. But, judging by the sound's around him, he didn't think he was in the football field anymore.

Slowly he cracked open one eye. And then closed it again. He was currently in a very dense jungle or forest of some sort. Yep. He definitely was NOT in west city collage football field anymore.

*Man where am I!?* He thought to himself. Groaning.

"Hmm, what's that?" Said a husky yet curios voice from somewhere above him. Goku froze as that someone gave him a slight nudge with their foot.

"You alive?" It said again, although a bit louder then before. Goku opened his eyes and gasped.

There leaning over him was the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. I mean sure, he liked girls and all, but, he did prefer guys. And this boy was something else.

Large ebony eyes gazed at him with a mix of curiosity and concern. Milky white skin with a tinge of bronze covered the pretty creature. Shiny midnight black hair whipped up into a flame and fell in bang's to make a fringe that went down to his eyes. The boy had a pert nose and strong jaw line. And seemed to be waring a necklace made of large pointy teeth and a few more made of colorful bead's.

Goku stared at him for a few more minute's before the boy smiled and stood up.

"Are you OK?" He asked. Goku nodded, still drinking in the sight of him. The pretty boy out stretched his small elegant hand.

"Hear let me help you up," He chirped. Goku took his hand and was amazed at how soft it was. Not paying too much attention to what was happening, Goku soon found himself hauled to his feet. This little guy was strong, really strong. In fact the little tug as the boy put it, nearly sent him flying into a near-by tree.

"Careful," He said. Goku straightened up and looked at him.

"I'm fine!" He snapped. The stranger raised his eyebrow's.

Goku dusted himself off and looked back at this strange creature.

The boys body was just as beautiful as his face, he was short and slim, the smooth line's of his body where barely covered up, by his... cough... cloths.

A small butt flap (AN: Sorry, couldn't think of anything else to name it...) covered what mattered. While the rest of him was all skin. A few beaded anklet's and bracelet's hear and there and a silver ring on his left middle finger and an arm band carved from wood on his right arm.

There was a large nasty looking hunting knife strapped to his right thigh and a spear resting against a tree.

"What's wrong?" Asked the stranger. Raising an eyebrow.

Goku shook his head, coming back to reality.

"Um nothing, what's you're name?"

"Vegeta, you?"

"Oh, my name's Goku," Vegeta flashed a smile again,

"Well hello Goku," Goku smiled,

"Um Vegeta, where the fuck am I!?" Vegeta stared at him for a moment then said,

"The forest's of darkness, why, you should know that!"

Goku shook his head.

"I'm not from hear, wait... Forest's of Darkness...," Vegeta nodded

"Yep, if you're not from hear then where do you come from?"

"West city," Vegeta again stared at him.

"Hmm, never heard of it, must be over to the west or something,"

Goku sighed. He was lost in some strange forest, he didn't know how he got hear in the first place AND he was going to be late for his date with ChiChi. He growled.

*Although,* he thought, glancing over at Vegeta, who was staring at the sky. *At least I'm stuck with him,*. Goku smiled, walking over to where Vegeta was standing.

The boy looked at him. Goku put on his 'sexy smile'.

"So Vegeta, do you have a boyfriend?" He asked calmly, Vegeta scratched his head.

"Um, A boy... friend, what's that?"

"It's someone you like, and kiss and stuff," He said moving closer.

Vegeta thought about it for a while then shook his head.

"Nope, Don't have one of those," Goku smiled.

"You want one?" He purred, reaching over to put his hand on Vegeta's back. But as soon as he even had a chance to touch the other boy, Vegeta jumped out of his way and started to swing back and forth on a tree branch.

"No, I don't want one, kissing is stupid, more fun to explore and fight thing's," He said giggling. Goku growled, was there something wrong with him. No one could resist his good looks and charms. He crossed his arms and glared at Vegeta, who was now sitting on the tree branch.

"What's wrong?" He asked, jumping down.

Goku humphed, turning away from him.

"Nothing, it's none of you're business anyway!" Vegeta frowned, had he done something wrong?. Goku kicked a stone, grumbling to himself.

The smaller boy watched, raising an eyebrow.

"You know what, you're a very angry person,"


Well there you go, the second chapter. Not very long, yes, but I just wanted this chapter to be about OOC Goku's first meeting with the OOC Vegeta. ^_^. And the first thing he dose is put the moves on him... -_-... Oh well,

Now review if you like and tell me what you think.Flames will be laughed at and then ignored.

Until next time, Cya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!