Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery DBZ Theater 3000 ❯ The Madness Begins... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ. So don't sue.

A/N: My first MST! Tell me what you think!

~Super Sonikku

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Theme Song:

In the not too distant future, next Tuesday A.D.,

The evil Garlic Jr., was hatching an evil scheme.

Gohan was a normal teen, saving the city from malice,

But Garlic didn't like him, so he shot him into space!

Gohan: LET ME OUT!

Garlic Jr.: I'll send him DB episodes, the worst (or best) I can find! (La, la, la, la).

He'll have to sit and watch them and I'll monitor his mind!

Now keep in mind he can't control, where the eps begin or end!

He gave up that privilege, for a few of his good friends!

DBZ Role Call:

GOHAN!: I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay!

VIDEL!: I don't want to grow up! I'm a Toy's R Us kid!

GOTEN!: I'm hungry!


If you're wondering how they eat and breath and other science facts,

Just remind yourself: It's just a fic, I should really just relax!

For Mystery DBZ Theater 3000!


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Goten and Trunks are in a staring contest. Videl and Gohan are doing the commentary.

GOHAN: Well, it--- aw, never mind, this is boring!

VIDEL: We have to keep ourselves busy, Gohan!

GOHAN: I know, but---. (The fanfic sign goes off.)

TRUNKS: We've got movie sign!

GOTEN: AW! I wanted to say that!

Door Sequence:

Door 1: A giant micro-wave that spins around to the other side.

Door 2: A bush that splits in half, and moves toward the sides.

Door 3: A pyramid of dragonballs that falls down.

Door 4: Double doors that only open with a ki-blast.

Door 5: Voice Coded door: You must use a daily code. Today's code: Fusion Ha

Door 6: A loooong tunnel that takes an hour to get through.

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Garlic Jr's voice is heard through P.A. system.

GARLIC JR.: Today you are watching: "Bye Everyone!! Goku Goes Back to The Afterlife"!

TRUNKS: I don't like that one. We had to do a weird dance!

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<Episode 248 - Bye Everyone!! Goku Goes Back To The Afterlife

Fat Majin Buu: I learned a lot from you! But I don't need you any more! I can't stand you!! >

GOHAN: (Fat Majin Buu) So now, it's time to die! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

(Everyone looks at him) What!

<(Buu punches off Babi-Dee's head) >

ALL: Ewwwwwwwww!

<Narrator: Majin Buu's become much more destructive after he killed the wizard Babi-Dee

Uranai Baba: You only have thirty minutes left! Prepare to return, Goku.

Goku: Only thirty more minutes, is that all I have left!?

Narrator: Goku only has a short time left on the Earth. Goku has started training Goten and Trunks with the Fusion Technique in the hope that they'll be able to destroy Majin Buu >

TRUNKS: Fusion… (snicker)

<Goku: Watch the angle of your legs! HA!! You have to put your fingers together! Be careful to get it right!

Trunks: What'll we do !!? That looks terrible!!>

GOTEN: I'll say! That was ugly!

<"Bye Everyone!! Goku Goes Back To The Afterlife" >

ALL: Okay!!!! We've seen the title enough!!!!!

(God's Palace)

Goku: Understood!? The only way you can beat Majin Buu if you use this Fusion Technique (Goku breathing hard) You're going to have to learn it perfectly in the next two days.

Goten/Trunks: Yes sir!

Piccolo: (Looking sharply at Goku) Goku's out of breath.>

TRUNKS: He should be after what he did with Chi-Chi…

< He must have used up all his energy when he transformed into a Super Saiya-jin 3 to fight Majin Buu.

Goku: (Everyone watches on) You two have to form a mirror image of each other when you do this pose. Okay, do it. (The boys look confuse) What's wrong!? >

VIDEL: (Fic Trunks and Goten) What's wrong?! You're making us do an ugly and embarrassing dance!

<Trunks: What do you mean by do a mirror image?

Goku: Um, how can I explain it. Ummm. Piccolo and I will show you. Watch closely.

Piccolo: (shocked) You want me to do that!? >

GOHAN: (Piccolo) Hell, no!

<Goku: Watch closely! You start like this. You move in reverse, like an image in a mirror. Fu...Sion...HA!!!!

Kuririn: What!? Are they practicing a dance!? >

GOHAN: Yeah! They are doing the Macarena! (Macarena music starts up. They all start doing the Macarena. After a few minutes, it stops and they all stop and sit down.)

GOHAN: That was weird.


<Buruma: Do you really think that can defeat Majin Buu!?

Goku: Okay, Trunks and Goten you do it!!! >

TRUNKS: EWWWW! He wants us to do it?

VIDEL: Chibi-Hentai!

GOTEN: Uh, what's "doing it mean?"

<Goten/Trunks: Yes sir!

Piccolo: Goku, you said you wanted to try to do this with Vegita. I don't think he would have let you, even if he was still alive.

Goku: Really? Why?

Piccolo: Uh, well you see... >

GOHAN: (Piccolo) Vegeta is actually in love with you, and wants to "do it".
(Trunks hits him in the shoulder.)

TRUNKS: Don't talk about my dad like that!

<Trunks: Like this...

Goku: Yep.... Uh Goten your arms a little low, raise it. All right walk together

Goten/Trunks: Fu...Sion.....(Goten misses up with his knee) HA!!! (They both can't connect on their fingers) Move a little closer....! >

TRUNKS: Harder! Harder! (Videl hits him in the head).

VIDEL: Stop that!

<Goku: Okay, one more, but a little slower!

(Another room in the palace Chi-Chi sleeps) >

TRUNKS: With Yamcha. (Videl gives Trunks a death glare).

<Chi-Chi: Gohan! Gohan!>

GOHAN: (Nervously) Uh, why is my mom calling out my name in her sleep?

<Ox King: Snap out of it, Chi-Chi.

Uranai Baba: She's been out ever since she heard Gohan was dead. How pitiful...

Ox King: Granny! How long does Goku have left on the Earth!?

Uranai Baba: Goku's almost out of energy, I'd say he only has about 15 minutes left.

Ox King: Fifteen Minutes!? Chi-Chi!! You've got to wake up before then!! Otherwise you'll miss you last chance to see Goku!!>

GOHAN: Miss you chance to see him?

VIDEL: Please don't correct grammer errors.

<Goten/Trunks: Fu......Sion.....HA!!!

Goku: That's starting to feel good>

TRUNKS: Reeaal good. (Videl tries to hit Trunks again, but he ducks and flips her off. Videl sighs and sits back down.)

<(Breathing harder) Keep practicing!!

Buruma: This is terrible!! While we're doing this Majin Buu is running wild on the Earth destroying everything.

Kuririn: Even as powerful as the DragonBalls are, will they really be able to put everything back to normal!!!? >

GOHAN: Of course they will! How dare you defy the dragon! (Every inches away from Gohan)

<Fat Majin Buu: (A nearby town gets destroyed) I did it!! This is great!! Babi-Dee's gone!! There's no one to give me commands!! What city should I destroy next!? I'm sleepy (Buu lands in a nearby town and a truck almost hits him)

Driver: What do you think you're doing, you idiot!! Can't you hear me!! I told you to get out of my way!!

Fat Majin Buu: Do you think I look good?>

VIDEL: (as a Fashion Model) Don't hate me because I'm beautiful…

<Driver: There's no way you could look good! Haven't you ever looked in a mirror!? (Buu looks angry) It's the Majin....(Buu hits the truck)

Guy#1: It's Majin Buu!! >

ALL: Well, duh!

<Fat Majin Buu: (Everyone in town screams and tries to run away) This is a nice place. I'll make a house here and take a nap. They're noisy. I'll make them quiet down. Living things gather!! Now, I'll make them all into clay! Now, I clean. Now then..(He starts to build his house)

(God's palace)

Goten/Trunks: Fu.....Sion.....HA!!!

Goku: That's no good! Try again!!

Goten/Trunks: Fu.....Sion.....HA!!!!

Goku: It's still no good. You're not moving together.

Trunks: (Whispering) Is this training fun?

Goten: (Whispering) Not at all.

Goku: Hurry and do it!!

Goten/Trunks: Yes sir!

Fat Majin Buu: I'm done!! It looks great!! (Goes inside) This is where I eat.>

ALL: Uh, there is nothing there…

<This is the bathtub I'm in heaven.>


GOHAN: Majin Buu… Fat Majin Buu… in the bathtub… naked!

VIDEL: (is in shock)

TRUNKS: (is vomiting)

GOTEN: Uh, I don't get it…

<Pajm..Pajama.....Pajama...Pajama.....This is the toilet (He strains)>

ALL: GAH, Again!

<And this is where I brush my teeth and wash my face. Brush your teeth carefully. And this is the bed (Goes to sleep) That was a good nap. I must have slept for 5 seconds,>

VIDEL: (sarcastically) Oh yeah, 5 seconds is a great time to nap.

< Well now. He said that a strong guy would show up in two days, didn't he. It'll be boring until then. I'll destroy more cities until then!! Go!! ( He fly's off) >

GOTEN: (Fat Buu) Yeah! I'm bored so I'm going to destroy cities!

<Goku: Okay one more time from the top. Stretch out your arm. Go!! 1,2,1,2,1,2,1 What is it Trunks?

Trunks: Mister this technique is ugly

Goku: Ugly!? Maybe.>

TRUNKS: Maybe?!

<But this is an incredible technique? The Namekseijin that taught me this technique was an incredible fighters!

Trunks: But... Show us the Super Saiya-jin 3 than to learn this ugly technique?

Goten: Yeah, I know we can beat Majin Buu (They both laugh)

Goku: It's impossible. You can't possibly beat Majin Buu without learning the Fusion Technique. Don't underestimate Buu.

Trunks: Really.

Goku: Lets continue the training (They both moan)>

ALL: (laughing suggestively)

<Okay. I'll show you Super Saiya-jin 3 one more time

Goten: Really.

Piccolo: Don't do it Goku!! You'll use up the little time you have left on the Earth!!

Goku: I don't have any time left any way. Watch closely, Trunks and Goten (He powers up) First Super Saiya-jin (Powers up more) This is the Super Saiya-jin 2 that surpassed the Super Saiya-jin (He yells out loud and almost blows the kids and piccolo away) >

GOHAN: And this is the little piggy that went to market…

<Kuririn: What's that (Piccolo, Goten, Trunks look shocked)

Goku: This is Super Saiya-jin 3

Goten/Trunks: Incredible!!

Goten: Father!!

(Goku goes out of Super Saiya-jin mode)

Trunks: Mister!

Goten: Father!

Piccolo: Goku! >

VIDEL: Brad!

TRUNKS: Janet!

GOHAN: Rocky!

<Goku: I'm okay Piccolo. Okay you promise let's continue with your fusion technique

Uranai Baba: You can't Goku. You have to go back to the afterlife. You used up all the time you had left in this world just now.

Goku: Really? Piccolo, I'm sorry but your going to have to do the rest. These two should have the Fusion down by tomorrow afternoon.

Piccolo: Goku....

Goku: Goten and Trunks! You're the only one's that can save the Earth from Majin Buu. Train hard.

Goten/Trunks: Yes sir! >

GOTEN: (as a military officer) Sir, yes sir!

Ox King: Chi-Chi!! Wake-up, Chi-Chi!!

Chi-Chi: Where am I? >

VIDEL: I don't think we're in Kansas anymore…

Ox King: I'll tell you later, Goku's about to return to the afterlife

<Chi-Chi: Goku's here (She steps on her father)

Master Roshi: (They all surround Goku to say goodbye)This was your last time here, too bad you couldn't have had more fun.

Buruma: Farewell, Son-Kun

Kuririn: This sounds funny, but have a nice life, Goku

Chi-Chi: (Running towards Goku) Goku!!! Goku what's going to happen to me !? Gohan's gone... >

GOHAN: No I'm not, damnit!

<Goku: Don't look so depressed Chi-Chi. You still have Goten.

Chi-Chi: But what if, he gets killed by Majin Buu

Goku: If he perfects the technique he's working on now there's no way they can lose. If I see Gohan in the afterlife, I'll say hello for you.

Videl: I think Gohan's still alive.

Goku: Why?

Videl: I just have a feeling

Kuririn: I understand how you feel, but I don't think that's possible. We'd know. We could feel his ki.

Goku: We can still hope that he's alive

Videl: Yes.

Uranai Baba: That's all the time you have. Let's go Goku

Goku: (Goten steps to his father with his arms stretched out) What's the matter Goten.

Chi-Chi: I know! You want your dad to hug you, don't you? >

TRUNKS: (as a Teletubbie) Big Hug!!!

GOHAN: Stop that, it's scary.

<Goku: What? Why don't you just ask? (whispering) Goten, take good care of your mother!

Uranai Baba: You're really out of time Goku

Goku: Okay (He floats into the air) See ya! (Everyone else say bye and see ya) We'll meet again after you die! (He disappears)

Kuririn: I hope that wasn't a bad omen. >

GOHAN: (sarcastically) Yeah, like dad would try to kill all of his friends by using omens… (maniacally) HE WOULD BLOW THEM ALL AWAY WITH A KAMEHAMEHA WAVE!


GOHA N: UM! I mean… uh, he would try to save them all from his terrible, terrible mistake!

OTHERS: Okaaaay…

<Fat Majin Buu: (Another City is destroyed) I want to destroy more!! I want to kill more!! >


OTHERS: ……….

VIDEL: What?! (the others inch away from her) What!?

<Narrator: Majin Buu's destruction continues. And on Kai-Oo-Shin's planet far out in the universe Gohan is working hard on training with the Z Sword! >

ALL: Yay! It's over!

<---------PREVIEW---------- >

ALL: Damn!

<Goku: Hiya! I'm Goku!>

TRUNKS & GOTEN: Hiya, Goku!

<What's going on Gohan, when I asked Lord Emna about you he said you weren't dead? What are you doing here? >

Piccolo: Goten, Trunks!! The only way you can defeat Majin Buu is by perfecting the Fusion!!! Work hard at it!!

Goku: Next time on DragonBall Z "Where's Gohan? The Hard Training on Kai-Oo-Shin's Planet" >

GARLIC JR: (over P.A. system) That's for later!


Gohan: How perfectly do I have to master the Z Sword before I can defeat Majin Buu?

GOHAN: Well, glad that's over.

VIDEL: Yeah, I was starting to go crazy.

TRUNKS & GOTEN: (are asleep)

GOHAN & VIDEL: Awwwww! (Gohan walks up to the two)

GOHAN: Wake up!


THE END! (For now!)

Stinger Clip: Fat Majin Buu: This is the bathtub I'm in Heaven!

That's it for now! It was my first MST, so go easy on me!

~ Super Sonikku