Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery DBZ Theater 3000 ❯ The Madness Continues! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or DBGT. I also do not own "Mystery Science Theater 3000". So don't sue.

A/N: My second MST! Um, that's all I have to say. Enjoy!

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Theme Song:

In the not to distant future, next Tuesday A.D.,

The evil Garlic Jr., was hatching an evil scheme.

Gohan was a normal teen, saving the city from malice,

But Garlic didn't like him so he shot him into space!

Gohan: LET ME OUT!

Garlic Jr.: I'll send him DB episodes the worst (or best) I can find! (La, la, la!)

He'll have to sit and watch them while I monitor his mind!

Now keep in mind Gohan can't control where the eps begin or end. (La, la, la!)

He gave up that privilege for a few of his good friends!

DBZ Role Call!:

GOHAN!: Masenko-Ha!

VIDEL!: When ki-blasts won't work, use new satellite acid!

GOTEN!: Only 5,000,000,000 zenie!

TRUUUUUUUUNKS!: Buy now and get a free issue of Play Boy or Play Girl!

Now if you're wonderin' how they eat and breath and other science facts, just remind yourself "It's just a fanfic, I should really just relax".

For "Mystery DBZ Theater 3000!


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The gang is hanging out in the Break Room. Gohan is on the floor in a fetal position. Trunks is talking with Goten. "Why the Hell is your brother afraid of this guy. He's a freakin' midget!" Goten answered. "Gohan says that Garlic Jr. is immortal and can turn into a tall guy!"

"Yeah, right!"

"But he can!"

Videl is trying to comfort Gohan. "Gohan, you've got to face your fears! You can't hide from your past!" Gohan stands up. "You're right!" He gets a confident look on his face. "It's time to fight back…" He gets up to confront Garlic Jr. He then does an Xavier on them. "…right after I hide!" Videl sweat drops. "I've got to get him to stop watching so much "Buffy"…"

Suddenly, chaos breaks out.

ALL: We've got movie sign!

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Door Sequence:

Door 1: A giant micro-wave that spins around to the other side.

Door 2: A bush that splits in half, and moves toward the sides.

Door 3: A pyramid of dragonballs that falls down.

Door 4: Double doors that only open with a ki-blast.

Door 5: Voice Coded door: Today's code: Black Star

Door 6: A loooong tunnel that takes an hour to get through.

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GARLIC JR. (over P.A.): Today you are watching a show taking place 20 years into the future! It is called "Dragon Ball GT"!

GOHAN: Well, that doesn't sound so bad!

<Dragonball GT Episode 2- I'm the Star, Pan Leaps into Space.>

GOHAN: Who's Pan?

<Outside Capsule Corporation, Trunks has just arrived from a business trip>

TRUNKS: A business trip?
<employees- Welcome back, Sir.

Walking down halls of CC>

TRUNKS: Look at me! I'm wearing glasses! And a suit!

VIDEL: At least you become a hottie!!

GOHAN: *ahem*!

VIDEL: Oops! Um! I meant that in a friendly way!

<employee 1- So, Mr. President, how did the contract negotiations with Abre Corporation come along?
Trunks- Very well. Abre's president signed the contract under very favorable terms for us.
Employee 1- Is that so. Congratulations, Sir.
Trunks- It was just lucky
Young girl 1- [Trunks] What a hunk he is!
Young girl 2- [Trunks] Our company president, Trunks, is such a hunk!>

TRUNKS: Ha! At least I've got chicks all over me!

<Employee 1- [employee 2] I knew he was going to make this deal.
Employee 2- [employee 1] We can leave everything to him, and everything comes out right.>

TRUNKS: And I'm a perfect president too!

GOTEN: (mumbles) No one likes a show-off.

<Employee 1- [Trunks] The president at Colate Corporation is calling to invite you to its annual gala party.
Employee 3- [Trunks] Ohh, him too? The president of Kochira is also calling to invite you for golf this weekend.
Employee 4- Well, our president is very popular these days.>

TRUNKS: Ha! Everyone loves me!

OTHERS: Shut-up!

<Employee 1- Yes he is, Good for you, Sir.
Trunks- Leave me alone for awhile.>

TRUNKS: With this lovely lady…

GOHAN: Back to the sex jokes, huh?

VIDEL: I think I liked it better when he was showing off…

<Employee 1- Uh, Mr. President....?

Trunks is sitting in his office

Trunks- Yes?
Employee 5- Excuse me, Sir. Mr. President, could you go through this and check these files as soon as possible?
Trunks- All of these!?>

VIDEL (Employee 1): Yes, and then you can check these other 1 billion files.

<Employee 5- Yes. Thank you, Sir.

Employee leaves office and Trunks secretary has walked in>

TRUNKS: (opens his mouth to say something, but Videl tapes his mouth shut)

VIDEL: Not another word.

<Secretary- Mr. President, the following is today's schedule: 2:00--Meeting on marketing planning, 3:00--Attending the share holders meeting, Between 4:00 and 8:00, you have appointments every 15 minutes. Then you will attend a reception at the Satan Club. Then…>

GOTEN: You can get the high score and get to the 3,000th level in Final Fantasy M.

<Trunks has opened up the window causing the wind to blow papers everywhere. Trunks then flies off.

Secretary- Damn, he got away again.>

TRUNKS: (rips tape off) Okay… so in the future, I become the president of Capsule Corp., but I'm bored of it so I fly out of windows on a daily basis?

<Trunks is flying over the city.>

VIDEL: So now you think you are Superman?

<Trunks- There is nothing more relaxing than flying!

Back at the Son house. Goten, Pan, Gokuh, Gohan, Chi Chi, and Videl are present.>

GOTEN: Hey, what's up with my hair?

VIDEL: Wow, I still look young at near middle age!

GOHAN: Gah! I look like a nerd!

TRUNKS: So that's Pan? She's cute! J

<Goten-[on phone] So, tomorrow at 5:00. Okay! I will pick you up.
Pan- You've got a new girlfriend Uncle Goten? I wonder how long it will take this one to dump him…>

ALL but GOTEN: Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

GOHAN: …ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Hey wait! Pan is my daughter? My future daughter becomes a smart-ass?

ALL but GOHAN: Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

VIDEL: Hey wait! That means that she's probably my daughter too!

ALL but GOHAN and VIDEL: Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

GOHAN and VIDEL: Shut-up!

<Goten-[to Pan] Hey! You kids don't know anything!>

GOHAN: It's kind of weird seeing what you'll be like when you are older.

GOTEN: Why would I be dating? Girls are icky!

<Pan- I'm not a kid!
Girl on Phone- Hello?
Goten-[to Girlfriend] Sorry, Sorry! No, it was nothing. That's my niece. I wasn't yelling at you.>

TRUNKS: (GT Goten) Yes I was! Now shut-up before I biotch slap you!

<Pan- I am not a kid.>

ALL: We heard you the first time!

<Pan leaves the room Goten in is and now walks into the room with Gokuh, Chi Chi, Gohan, and Videl.>

TRUNKS: And walks in on them in a foursome. (Gohan and Videl wack Trunks in the head.)

<Chi Chi- So he can go into space in Bulma's space ship as early as tomorrow?
Gohan- Yes.
Chi Chi- And all Gokuh has to do to save the Earth is to collect the Dragonballs, right?
Gokuh- Do I really have to go?>

ALL: Yes you do!

<Chi Chi- Of course you do!!!!>

GOHAN: Whoa, that was freaky…

<Don't you understand how serious the situation is, Gokuh?
Gokuh- Well, if worse comes to worse, we can always move everyone to another planer by using the regular Dragonballs
Videl- But that should be left as a last resort.
Chi Chi- That's right. No one wants to move from where they are accustomed to living.
Gohan- Dad…I do not want to lose this planet either. So… I will go with you.
Chi Chi- This is great! I am so realived if Gohan's gonna be with you!
Pan- You are going to, Papa?
Gohan- Yeah!
Pan- Then, Pan's going too. Pan's gonna go with Papa.>

GOTEN: Goten want to eat. Goten hungry.

<Chi Chi- No way.>

VIDEL: (Surfer Dude) No way man!

<Grandpa and your dad are not going to have fun or anything!
Gohan- That's right Pan.
Pan- But I know I can help too.
Chi Chi- You have no idea what kind of monsters are out there in space!
Pan- Who's scared of something like that?
Videl- Pan, your grandma is right.
Pan- But…
Gokuh- Well, sorry kid. You'r too little, after all.
Pan- Grandpa, I am bigger than you!>

GOHAN: Uh, how is she bigger than my dad?

Outside of Capsule Corporation Bulma is showing everyone the space ship.

<Gokuh- The space ship looks like at octopus. Huge!
Bulma- It's not that huge. Just a small 3-man ship. You look just like the way your son used to.>

ALL: (sweat drop) Okay… what was the point of that scene?

<Outside of Capsule Corp. there is a man across the street watching the entrance to CC. Vegeta walks out of the entrance.>

TRUNKS: What did Tousan do to his hair?!

<Kidnapper1- Boss! Someone just came out.
Man on Phone- What does she look like?
Kidnapper1- Amm…He's got spiky hair, a large forehead, and a moustache.>

ALL: (laughing at Vegeta's moustache) Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha -ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha -ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

<Man of Phone- Idiot!! Why on Earth are you describing a man with a moustache? Our target is the grand daughter of Bulma, the Chairwoman of Capsule Corporation!>

GOTEN: Uh, Bulma-san doesn't have a grand daughter…

TRUNKS: We haven't seen anyone like that this whole episode…

<Kidnapper1- Right, I understand now!

Back at the Space ship.

Pan- Hey, Papa? Do you need any help?
Gohan- Thanks. But Bulma-san and I are doing alright here.
Pan- Ohh, this is no fun.
Gohan- If you want to help, go help you mom.
Pan- Alright…

Inside Spaceship

Pan- Momma, Pan's gonna help you.>

GOTEN: Goten is going to help. Goten is going to fight Buu.

VIDEL: That joke is getting old.

<Videl- Thank you. But, I am alright-I'm just testing this.
Pan- Don't be so modest momma.
Videl- Stop!!! That is the ignition button. You can not play with that.
Pan- I wasn't going to play with it.
Videl- Hey, maybe you dad needs some help.

Pan is in a different room of the ship. She kicks the wall and causes a large dent which knocks loose the engine. >

ALL: This isn't going to end well…

<Pan- Everything in here is boring…

Pan is walks out of Capsule Corp and Gokuh follows her.

Kidnapper1- Boss! A girl!
Man on Phone- That must be the girl we wanted. Okay, Now go get her!
Kidnapper1- Yes, Boss.

Pan is walking down the street when Gokuh catches up to her.

Gokuh- Hey, Pan!
Pan- What!
Gokuh- Where are you going?
Pan- None of your business.
Gokuh- I'm not doing anything now. Can I come too?
Pan- Leave me alone.
Gokuh- Your mean.
Pan- I like to be mean. Didn't I tell you not to follow me? Listen to me! Stop following me!
Kidnapper- Now!

Kidnapper jumps out to grab Pan, but she flies away and he grabs Gokuh.>

TRUNKS (Gokuh) Hey! Don't touch me there!

<Kidnapper1- I did it! I got her!
Gokuh- Who are you?>

GOHAN (Kidnapper1): I am… your father!


<::Commercial: : >

GOHAN: Is typing ::Commercial:: really necessary?

<Inside of Satan's Training school Pan is fighting all of Satan's students.

Pan- Well, Who is next? What is this! No one else?
Satan- Umm, Pan-chan, You seem even more intense today. Is something bothering you?>

TRUNKS (Pan) It sure is! I've been getting cramps all weekend!

<Pan- [to Satan] How about you?
Satan- ::cough::cough:: I have a slight cold…>

TRUNKS: Same old Mr. Satan…

VIDEL: (angrily): What is that supposed to mean?

GOHAN (nervously): Uh, nothing!

<The Kidnapper is talking to the man on the phone in person while Gokuh eats.

Kidnapper2 [man on phone]- You idiot! It is the girl that we wanted!
Kidnapper1- Well, that girl…she flew away-poof!
Kidnapper2- What the hell are you talking about, Poof?>

GOTEN: So, his name is Poof?

<What kind of idiot are you?>

GOHAN: A really good one!

<Kidnapper1- But it looks like this kid also has something to do with the Capsule Corporation.
Kidnapper2- What?
Kidnapper1- Perhaps, he's somehow related to Chairwomen Bulma.
Kidnapper2- But I do not know of any other kid in their family. Could he be an illegitimate child of that young president…?
Kidnapper1- An illegitamate child! That must be it! That kid is..>

TRUNKS: Ok, it's official. They are idiot's.

<Gokuh- I'm stuffed!

At chasier desk

Cashier- That is 700,000 Zenie in total.
Kidnapper1- Could you please arrange it as a 70- payment instalment plan?
Cashier- Yes, no problem.>

ALL: Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha -ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

<Kidnapper2 is on the phone with Bulma.

Kidnapper2- Listen, carefully. We have your illegitimate son….,I mean, illegitimate grandson in our hands.
Bulma- Illegitimate grandson? What grandson?
Kidnapper2- Don't toy with us. Does a little kid named Gokuh mean anything to you?
Bulma- Gokuh, You have him? Did he get lost or somehting?
Kidnapper2- NO!!! Listen carefully.

Phone disconects

Kidnapper2- If you want Gokuh back safely….Uf..hello? Hello!?>


<Bulma- He is gone.
Gohan- Who was it?
Bulma- I don't know. Someone trying to tell me that Gokuh is lost.
Gohan- What is dad doing outside?
Bulma- I am sure he will find his way back. He is old enough to get back home alone.

Pan and Satan are at a restaurant.>

TRUNKS: (Mr. Satan) Pan, even if you are my grand daughter, I love you! (Videl punches Trunks in the face).

VIDEL: Don't talk about my father and future daughter like that!

<Satan- What? Everyone treats you like a little child, Pan-chan?
Pan-That's right.
Waitress- Here you go.
Pan- It is even wrose than that. Sometimes I'm treated as if I'm a baby. It is unfair Grandpa Satan!
Satan- You are right it is unfair.
Pan- I'm really disgusted.
Satan- Oh, Pan-chan, don't you want sugar?
Pan- I like it black.
Satan- They can not treat Pan-chan like a child anymore!
Pan- That's right! That's right!
Satan- Pan-chan is not a baby anymore!
Pan- That's right! That's right!
Satan- Pan-chan is… Pan-chan is… Pan-chan is…Cute! Cute! Your Grandpa Satan's darling little angel!>

ALL: (sweat drop)

<Pan- Grandpa Satan! Baby…Angel… What is the difference?
Satan- Yes you are right.
Pan- Alright. I'm gonna have to surprise everyone.>

TRUNKS: By becoming a stripper! (Videl glares at him)

<Gokuh and Kidnapper1 are riding on a roller coaster at the amusment park while Kidnapper2 talks on the phone. In the distance Kidnapper1 and Gokuh can be heard.>

TRUNKS: Moaning in ecstasy. (Gohan glares at Trunks)

<Kidnapper1- Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Alright! Alright! Let me off now! Please! Let me get off! I've has enough Gokuh!
Kidnapper2- Now, listen very carefully. I have got your boy Gokuh. If you want him back safely, prepare 5 billon Zenie.
Vegeta- What? Gokuh?
Kidnapper2- You have got all that money, 5 billion Zenie should not hurt you too much. If you call the police, we will kill the boy without hesitation.
Vegeta- Do whatever you want with him. So long.>

GOTEN: That sounds just like Vegeta!

<Kidnapper- Um…Hello?
Kidnapper1- No more! I want to get off! I want to get off!

It is dusk and the two kidnappers and Gokuh are in a car driving down the street.

Gokuh- You guys have been really nice to me.
Kidnapper1- Well, ya.
Gokuh- Why is that? You guys have nothing else to do?
Kidnapper1- Well, it wasn't that we had nothing to do. We had a plan to get a lot of money…
Kidnapper2- Darn in! I will not give up until I get some ransom money!
Gokuh- Hey is is about time for me to go home.
Kidnapper2- Umm, how about spending a bit more time with us, huh? Wanna go to the zoo? Would you like that?
Kidnapper1- Boss, I can't baby sit him anymore!
Kidnapper2- Just do as I say!
Gokuh- But I have to leave tomorrow.
Kidnapper2- Where…where is a payphone?
Gokuh- You need a telephone?
Kidnapper2- Yeah.
Gokuh- Then I will get you one.
Kidnapper2- Really?

okuh flies out of the car. >

GOHAN: Okuh?

VIDEL: I think it's supposed to be Gokuh.

<Kidnapper2- He flew away!
Kidnapper1- See what I said? Just like that little girl. It must run in the family,

Gokuh brings back a payphone.

Gokuh- Hey! I got one for you. Here.
Kidnapper 1+2- He is a monster!!>

ALL: It's alive!!! It's alive I tell you!

<Gokuh- What..? You do not like this one?

The kidnappers drive away leaving Gokuh.>

TRUNKS: Now that's just mean!

<It is the next day and Trunks is in his office.>

TRUNKS: Yay! It's me again!

<He then sneaks out the window and flies away where he runs into Vegeta.

Trunks- D..dad.
Vegeta- Just as I though. Out fooling around….

Vegeta is pushing Goten and Trunks down a hall and they are going to the spaceship.

Goten- Why do we have to go?
Trunks- I do not want to go!
Goten- Wasn't Gohan supposed to….
Vegeta- I asked him to switch with you. You two have been neglecting you training lately. This is a great opportunity for you. You should atleasy be able to learn something from Kakarot.
Goten- But I've got a date tonight.>

GOTEN: Like I said before, girls are icky!

<Vegeta- Forget about it.
Trunks- What about me? Without me Capsule Corporation will be….
Vegeta- Bulma is perfectly capable of handling the company.
Goten- My mom…I don't think my mom really wants her favorite son to go into space…
Vegeta- She was actually very enthusiastic about about the idea.
Goten- No Way!!

Right outside of the spaceship Bulma and Gohan are powering up the spaceship>

GOHAN: How can a spaceship power up?

<and Trunks, Goten, and Gokuh are about to board.

Bulma- Main Power: On.
Gohan- Right!
Chi Chi- Gokuh-san, take care of yourself!
Trunks- Why do I have to go..?
Goten- [on phone] Hi, Honey…I know, I am sorry I could not make it.
Videl- Gohan do you know where Pan is?
Gohan- She must be with Bra.
Videl- But, Bra is over there.>

TRUNKS: Whoa! Who's the babe?

GARLIC JR: (over P.A.) She is your sister.


<Goten- [to girl on phone] What is that? I can not hear you. There is a huge engine behind me…Uh, no a space ship. I am telling the truth.>

GOHAN: Ha! She doesn't believe him!

<Trunks and Gokuh have gotten onto the space ship where they are met by Pan.

Pan- Hi!
Gokuh- Pan?
Trunks- Pan-chan?
Pan- what took you so long? I have been waiting for you for so long.>

TRUNKS: (Pan): And I am so horny… (Gohan hits Trunks)

<Trunks- What do you mean you have been waiting for us..!?
Pan- Let's get going!
Goten- No no I said…..

Pan hits the ignition switch which causes the ship to take off. Goten is not of the ship and is thrown across the room. >


<Goten- [to girlfriend] Uh,…Hello. It looks like we are on for tonight after all….
Announcer- What a mess. The space ship departed leaving Goten behind. Gokuh, Trunks, and Pan. With this odd combination on board, the space ship begins it's journey towards the many unknown galaxies.

Gokuh announces next show

Gokuh- Hi! I'm Gokuh!>

TRUNKS and GOTEN: Hi, Gokuh!

<While trying to fix>

TRUNKS: Pan's dildo.

<our engine trouble, we landed on a nearby planet. However….
Trunks- Next time on Dragonball GT. "How stingy!" "Imegga, the Planet of Merchants" Don't miss it.>

TRUNKS: Ha! I got to do the announcements!

<End of Episode Two.>

ALL: Yeah! It's over!

They all exit the theater. "Yeah, it's finally over!", Gohan said. Garlic Jr. appears on the screen. "That didn't work out like I wanted it to. I'm replacing you four".

"Yay! They all cheered.

"But I am stranding you on New Namek."


Garlic Jr. presses a red button. Gohan, Videl, Goten, and Trunks are sent to the new planet Namek. He presses another button and another six appear. "I can't believe this!", Trunks replies. "It's your fault, you baka!", says Pan. "Hey, my cell phone doesn't work!", says Goten. "I'm hungry", Goku growls. "I wonder if there is a shopping center here?", asks Bra. "I don't think so", replies Uub, calmly.

Garlic Jr. addressed the group. "Shut-up! I gathered you from the future to watch episodes of your past accomplishments. They all looked at each other. "Nooooooo!"

To Be Continued…

Will the original group be rescued? Will the GT group survive the torture? Find out next time on Mystery DBZ Theater 3000!