Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Never Lose ❯ Chapter 2: Celeste and JP ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Never lose"

A story by Pixie

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ nor any of the characters. I just use them in my fanfics.

Chapter 2: Celeste and JP

Pan's POV

The flight was long and boring. I could hardly sit still, thought thankfully I didn't get airsick. I wish I could have flown, but even with me flying at a steady pace, I'd probably get way worn out. So I took a plane. Though I didn't mind the plane, I was still thankful when we'd landed. The food on the plane was worse than Gohan's cooking. Heck, it was worse than Bulma's cooking. I looked around the airport. So many American faces. I wondered if they had even heard of our heroes of Japan. Goku, Gohan, Trunks…I wonder if they knew Mr. Satan. Probably. "Hey, kid!" I turned to see the shouter. A thin, short girl was coming towards me. "Hey kid, are you…" she glanced at a sheet of paper, "…Pan Son?" I nodded.

"How'd you know?" I asked her.

"Your shirt," she replied. I blushed slightly embarrassed. My shirt was one Bulma gave me. Printed on the front was "Pan-chan."

"I am Celeste Ama, your roommate. I got sent here to pick you up." I nodded. I would have felt stupid introducing myself, because my name was on my shirt, and it was obvious she knew me. I looked over Celeste. Were all Americans like this? Or was Celeste just odd? She had long hair, black as mine, but she had added the colors of the sun and moon to it. Long golden streaks, and long silver streaks spilled out over the back of her hair. I wondered how I would look if I did that. Probably like a punk kid with silver and gold in their hair. Celeste had violet eyes, dark like a midnight sky and she was short and thin. She dressed in dark clothing and looked like a goddess of the heavens. Her body was decorated with silver jewelry, cheap bangles up and down her arms. She turned to me, and gave me a smile. Not a Son grin, or a Briefs smirk, but something soft and genuine. I liked her already. Soon Celeste would teach me a lot. From her I would learn love, pain and beauty. And from her, I would lose everything I ever had, but gain my one true love.

Trunks' POV

After Pan left, I started hanging out with Gohan and Videl a lot. They were hurting over losing their kid, more than my wallet was hurting over feeding so many hungry Saiyans. Goten hung out with us a lot too. Together we formed a makeshift family. Goten, portraying Goku, Me, being the child they'd lost, together we sought solace in each other. We we're all hurting, badly too. Goten was trying so badly to be someone everyone wanted him to be, but deep down I think everyone knows Goten can never be Goku. But all the same, they can't quite accept this, the way Goten can't accept he'll never be Goku. Videl and Gohan are hurting because they've lost their only child. She's far away, hidden from their eyes. They had each raised her, each on secretly hoping Pan would turn out they way they wanted. But in the end, they were satisfied I think, because Pan turned out her own way. I too, am hurting. Pan was my friend, aside from Goten maybe my best friend. But Pan, she was something more. She made my heart whole, in a way no one had ever done, and it hurt, it hurt so bad to be away from her. Did I love her I ask? I don't know. Was I just lonely? Did I just want someone to love, and Pan was there? I don't know. I know that I care about here, but I also know loneliness is the number one cause of love.

End Chapter too.

Pixie: So Goten, what do you think?

Goten: Less Trunks, more me.

Pixie: You'll get your chance, trust me. But…only if you clean my room and make me popcorn.

Goten: WHAT? I'm not here to be your personal slave.

Pixie: Fine…what if I just…erase you out of the fic all together?

Goten: What do you want on your popcorn?