Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ New Surprises ❯ The breakup ( Chapter 2 )
Bulma, Pan, Saradina, Piccilo
Outside Goten heard everything. So Bulma was pregnant again. Vegeta must be having a cow and Bulma…he could only imagine what she must be feeling. She may be physically 30 but she wasn't. She was a 70's year old woman. She must think she's to old for kids again. Yet despite all that he felt nothing but happiness for them.
Leaning against the side of the garage Goten lit a cigarette. In silence he puffed on it a while.
Man his mom would kill him if she knew he had taken up smoking. She would be disappointed so would dad and Gohan.
Goten stared down at his hand that held the offending object. In disgust he flung the finished stub to the ground and rubbed it extra hard into the ground with the heel of his shoe. Paris smoked…she smoked all the time. In fact she was the very definition of a chain smoker. It was because of her that he started. She just keeps saying how they relaxed her and that was why she didn't quite. Well one day when she wasn't home he found a pack and without thinking lit one up. He had been really stressed that day. Paris had once again thrown it in his face about his son. A long long time ago when they were in love he had told her about the boy who was at the time no more than a newborn. She had made him promise, swear by his father that if he decided to go see the boy that he would tell her first. Now every time he decided to finally call Bra up Paris would scream and cry about how he was surely still in love with Bra and going to cheat on her. It was so violent and horrible that he would give in afraid that she might actually hurt herself.
It was a never-ending cycle…and before he knew it the boy was almost a teenager and he had yet to see him. Goten felt horrible…he felt the guilt every minute of everyday. He was a deadbeat dad. Little Goku didn't even know what he looked like. He son was a stranger to him. He should had just lied to Paris and see the boy. But he couldn't make himself do that. He had made a promise…a promise. And what's more that promise was made with love. He couldn't break it.
He loved Paris. The problem was he just couldn't stand her.
Goten slowly let himself slide down to the ground. He drew his knees up and rested his arms on them.
He just couldn't stand her. They fought almost everyday. He tried he really did to get along with her but her demands were unreasonable.
He didn't want him to have anything to do with his family or friends. And Kami forbid if it was a woman friend such as Bulma and 18. She was a jealous shrew.
She thought he was having an affair with every woman he spoke to. The thing was he had never looked at another woman since he married her.
He should just get a divorce. The thing was he didn't want to be the only person in his family to have had one. He would be considered a failure. He would be dysfunctional.
Goten didn't want that.
That led him to today. They had the fight of a century earlier today. Bulma had called up and asked him if he could come. She said she would understand if he didn't since Bra would be there but she would really like it if he did.
Goten said he wouldn't miss it for the world.
He had been so excited that he didn't even bother worrying about Bra. He father was home. Home for good this time.
Of course then he had to spoil it and tell Paris.
She had started by turning almost a beat red. She started screaming asking how in the world that slut Bulma had their phone number and once again accusing him of having an affair with the older woman. It didn't take her long to realize that he meant to see Bra and `little' Goku at this party as well. She had then forbid him to go. Saying if he truly loved her he wouldn't waste any time on that `bastard' child and his tramp mother.
That was when he lost his temper. He had without thought ki blasted the wall apart. Paris how had never seen any violence from him had blinked at him in stunned silence.
He had said in that dead cold voice reserved for only the most hated and deadly enemies told her that `bastard' was his son and that he was going with or without her.
Goku: …Goten…??
Goten looked up from his place of misery at a face of Goku and Vegeta so perfectly blended it looked like a little fusion.
Goten's breath caught in his throat. This was Goku…this was his son!
Goten: Goku?
The boy was tall. Goku had obviously gotten his height from his side of the family. He was also very well muscled and lean. He looked like a fighter. Goten wondered briefly if anyone was training the boy.
The boy not waiting for an invitation sat down beside him. Goten wasn't sure where this was going. However he made no move to discourage his son. He had a feeling that all would be clear soon enough.
Goku: Do you love me?
Goten choked in surprise. He hadn't been expecting that. What could he say.
Say the truth.
Goten: Yes…I do.
He left it at that and waited for what Goku would say. Did Goku hate him? Would he ever accept his biological father? Goten didn't think `real' father, because he wasn't his `real' father. Goku turned his head toward him and said with the boldness only children have.
Goku: why don't I ever see you though?
Words stuck in his throat. Goten wondered bitterly if his real reason for not visiting was good enough for the boy. That was a fear of his…that his reason was a lame one. That people would think he was just a deadbeat dad that made excuses not to visit his son. He feared that deep down they were right.
Yet every time Paris started he became so tense and upset that he gave in. Afterward he just forgot how intense the fight had been.
Goten: Paris doesn't think I should. She gets mad whenever I suggest it.
Goku: Do you ask often?
Goten nodded feeling like the lowest worm alive.
Goku smiled sadly.
Goku: That's what mom said.
Goten: You mean she doesn't speak badly about me??
Goku shook his head.
Goku: No…she always talks nicely about you. I can tell though she's sad that you haven't shown any interest in me.
Goten: I'm sad about that as well.
Goku nodded as if he understood completely. Maybe he did, the boy seemed rather smart for his age. Any other child he was sure would have hated him and shown it for what he had done.
Goku stood up and looked down at his father. His black eyes, which looked just like Vegeta's at his worst stared straight though Goten's soul.
He could feel the turmoil in the boy. His son felt as unsure as he did.
Goku: I'm sorry to have to say this…but if you want a son you better hurry. I won't wait forever…Goten.
With that Goku left and went into the house, leaving behind a confused Goten.
Hurry…hurry what? What did he want him to do?
but if you want a son you better hurry
Goten took a deep breath. He suddenly realized that Goku was giving him a second chance. He wasn't holding anything against him, and if Goten choose to, he could still be father.
He could still be the boy's father.
But what of Paris? Goten knew her well enough that she would never let him do this. She would do all in her power and more to tear him away from the boy. Even before they had been married she found ways to keep him away.
How could he choose between his wife and his son.
Goten groaned and wondered how in the world things came to this.
The answer came almost to easily.
He wanted to be happy. He had searched all life for that one woman. He wanted to be just like his father and find love. He craved it furiously. So furiously that he made bad decisions. He wanted so much to be in love that he often thought he was when he wasn't…like with Bra…like with Paris.
Suddenly he realized what he had just thought…like with Paris.
It all become so clear.
He didn't love Paris.
He never did.
Goten looked up as footstep came toward him. Thinking that Goku might have come back he smiled as he looked up. That smile didn't last long.
In front of him looking down in disgust was Paris. She looked mad enough to kill.
Paris: I'm bored with these strange people! I want to go home NOW!
Paris had said her little speech in the way that she knew he wouldn't object.
She didn't wait for a response and turned to head toward the car.
Goten: No…
Goten spoke so softly he wondered for a second if she heard. His mouth suddenly became dry as he realized what he said.
Paris slowly turned around with a horrid look of contempt and slight surprise that he dare say no to her. It reminded him of the look that spoil brat in Willy wonka's chocolate factory gave her father whenever she didn't get what she wanted right away.
Paris: What…
She gave the sentence a pause of disbelieve.
Paris: Did you say!
He took a deep breath.
Goten: I'm not leaving Paris.
Paris: How dare you Goten! Always thinking of you and never me! We came here didn't we even though I didn't feel well. The least you could do you selfish pig is leave when I ask. Is that too much to ask Goten!
Goten stared in shock. Why didn't he see it before? How could he be so blind?
He now saw what was happening, what had been happening all along.
Paris like a twisted and sick artist twisted and colored his words and hers, to always make him seem in the bad. She painted images that suggested everything she did was right and he was being selfish.
Well no more. Never again!
Goten: I'm also going to be part of my son's life.
He watched as Paris's mouth tightened angrily.
Paris: So here it is. I knew it! You're having an affair with that slut! I knew it! I knew it! After all I've done for you Goten you go and screw around again with that whore! I can't believe you…you…pig!
Goten: no.
The word was calm, not shouting or screaming…not angry and hateful at being accused. That made Paris stop. For years now she had been working him the same way, to get her way. He varied little in his attitudes. Something was different this time.
Goten: Bra is not a slut, she is not a whore. And how dare YOU to even hint at such things about my friends! You are a fool! Such a silly fool Paris. I've given you everything. My love, my life, even my son. But no more. I will not be manipulated anymore!
This time is was Goten who paused for effect.
Goten: I want a divorce Paris…now!
Goten turned and started toward the house. He only turned around partly when Paris made a small and strange squeak.
Paris: You don't meant that Goten.
She tried to use her puppy dog eyes to win him back. It had worked before. Goten sneered in disgust.
Goten: GET OUT! Before I tell Vegeta what you said about his daughter!
Paris's eyes grew wide with fear. That was one man she didn't mess with. Vegeta was the ultimate monster in her eyes.
Goten watched in triumph as Paris ran to the air car and took off.
Damn that had felt good!
Briefly Goten a pang of panic. He was getting a divorce. What would the others think…he was a failure.
He pulled out a cigarette nervously and started to light one.
Suddenly he saw the connection.
Paris was like a cigarette. She was bad for him, he knew it, and so did everyone else. The only reason they had stayed together was his excuse that he loved her. And that was all it was an excuse. Nobody would blame him for getting a divorce because everyone knew the truth about her. It was just an excuse…
Well she was one habit that he didn't need anymore!
Goten: You know what…I think I'll be all right.
He held up the pack of cigarettes and with a flare of ki they were gone.
They were a nasty habit, and everyone including him would be better off without them.
Inside Gohan looked around counting heads and going over everyone that was here.
Gohan: Hey dad? Where's Piccolo. He said he was coming wasn't he?
Goku barely looked up from his plate.
Goku: Ya he did.
Gohan sighed. He had been really looking forward to seeing his old trainer.
Oh well it was possible that he was just going to show up fashionably late.
Out of the corner of his eye Gohan spotted something that warmed his heart. Excusing himself from the table Gohan made his way toward his daughter and her adorable child.
Gohan: Hey Pan.
Pan: Hey…Grandpa!
Gohan rolled his eyes. Pan always made fun of the fact he was a grandfather.
Gohan: Little do you know that I happen to like it?
Pan: What? Like being old and having gray hair.
Gohan snorted.
Gohan: Can I have the brat?
Pan: You can keep her if you want. You would have to fight Ubuu though.
Gohan: I'm not going to try.
Gohan hefted his large granddaughter onto his lap. At a tender (9) months she could already walk and talk a great deal. Gohan wondered how Pan handled her in town…surely she had to lie to people about how old she was.
Chi-kou: Geepa
Gohan: Grand…pa. Grand…pa.
Chi-kou: Gee…pa
Chi-kou broke into delightful giggles. And like all children her age she lost interest in the boring adult. She wiggled off his lap and headed straight toward some toys in the corner. Toys were funnier than Geepa any day.
Pan: You know what?
Gohan leaned back in his chair. He was very full now and very comfortable.
Gohan: What?
Pan: Paris left a moment ago…and Goten's still here.
Gohan raised an eyebrow at that. Hell would freeze over before Paris would let Goten in the same house as his `female' friends without her.
Pan: I…don't want to spread rumors but I think they broke up.
Gohan: Good
Pan startled at his firm tone, but slowly nodded in agreement.
Pan: Ya probably is for the best.
Feeling slightly uncomfortable talking about his brother this way Gohan changed the subject.
Gohan: What do you think about Bulma being pregnant?
Pan smiled brightly.
Pan: Its wonderful…Chi-kou will have a little playmate. Of course she may have more than one if you know what I mean.
He must have looked as confused as he felt because Pan explained.
Pan: A certain new Saiy-jin couple. I don't expect we'll have to wait long.
Gohan chuckled. No doubt they would. His father was obviously head over heels for the female warrior.
Gohan: the only thing is I'll feel weird if I get a new sibling with me being a grandfather.
Pan: What about me? My Uncle or Aunt will be almost 30 years younger than me. That has to be a record or something!
Gohan: Well who said that anything in this family was normal?
Pan: it would be nice though…if we could all have our babies together.
Gohan tilted his head at his daughter.
Gohan: You mean Chi-kou right?
Pan smile sweetly.
Before Gohan could ask whether that was a yes or no a buzz started. The kind of buzz this is made when everyone starts talking at once.
Pan and Gohan stood up to see what the problem was.
Gohan suddenly smiled wide and ran toward the door.
There a Piccolo…he had come after all!
Gohan: Mr. Piccolo!
Gohan stopped in front of his mentor his face became quickly worried.
Piccolo didn't look very good. In fact he looked like he could barely stand. His normally very green skin had an almost shallow and pasty look. His eyes were somewhat glazed and his wide powerful shoulders were stooped.
Gohan: Are you all right?
To answer Gohan's question Piccolo collapsed. Gohan lunged forward and grabbed him before he hit the floor.
Gohan: What's wrong with him!?
Gathering the larger Namek in his arms Gohan shouldered past Tien and Del and started toward the couch. As he laid Piccolo down someone handed him a blanket. Gohan gently laid it over him, taking care to cover his feet.
Gohan noticed that both Bra and Bulma had kneeled beside the couch and were looking him over. They whispered softly to each other. It still sounded loud though in the now silent room. Everyone was watching the two women.
Presently Bra stood up and faced the crowd.
Gohan: Bra…what's wrong with him?
Bra sadly shook her head.
Bra: We don't know.
The words rang loud to all present. Bulma stood and backed up her daughter.
Bulma: We don't know anything about Nameks. Hell I can't even tell if he's running a fever.
Suddenly Goku pushed his way though.
Goku: I could take him to Dende's. If something's wrong Dende can heal him.
Bulma smiled brightly.
Bulma: That's a good idea Goku!
Bra: Can I come? In case its something Dende can't fix.
Goku nodded grimly as he placed a hand on Piccolo and Bra.
He disappeared.
Everyone started talking at once. In all of their lives no one had seen the green man be anything but healthy (not counting when he got his butt kicked) This sudden illness had everyone upset.
Gohan breathed deeply. This was the hard part, the waiting. He had nothing to worry about right? Dende was a healer her could fix anything!
He hoped.