Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ No way out ❯ Momentum ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4 --- Momentum
That night, Pan returned to her grandfathers house. Gohan and Videl decided that it would be better for Pan to be in a different environment, but Pan seriously doubted that it would be of any help. The problem was in her mind, and her mind was with her at all times.
As Pan anxiously turned the key of a front door the second time that evening, but she knew there was no one there to greet her. Pan was relieved that she found her Grandfathers ki at rest in the cinema room, where he would often fall asleep during movies like `Rocky's grandson 5' and `The Amazing Life Of Hercule Satan The Great'.
Just the Pan remembered she had left her motorcycle at school, and she slapped her hand over her forehead. “Great! Now they're gonna move it inside the school, scratching it up!”
She sighed, and walked inside the house, up the beautiful circular stairs, into her room.
She unceremoniously plopped on her bed.
Just closing my eyes for a few minutes, and then I'll go fix up for bed…
Pan woke up with a start, and immediately sensed something was not right. She was in her room, but it felt strange, it felt like she was in danger.
She tried to get up from the bed, but found she couldn't. Alarm bells went off in her head!
“What the hell?”, she said, and even her voice sounded strange, and the words came out with difficulty.
She struggled to get herself loose from the sheets, feeling panicked. All of a sudden, she moved her concentration from the sheets to the room, and she saw everything slowly blur out and disappear in a dark void. Fear gripped at her throat, she wanted to scream, she wanted to fight, but all she could do was struggle in the sheets, while the black void came closer, slowly sucking in her closet, her awards, her floor, her ceiling, everything, until it reached her bed, and she felt the pull.
“No no NOO!!”, she wanted to scream, but she couldn't even bring out a sound. All the effort in the world couldn't stop what was about to happen, and she tightly closed her eyes and prepared for pain…
But there was nothing. The weight that had stopped her from moving, was gone, and she felt a slight breeze grace her cheeks.
Pan carefully opened one eye, and saw green fields, and a blue sky.
“What the… where am I?”, she wondered out loud, as she opened her eyes.
Is this a dream?
She relaxed her hands, that had been tightly gripping the grass she was now sitting on. There was some dirt and grass on her hands, and she whipped them on her pants.
Everything in her environment looked real. She could feel the sun on her skin, she could smell the grass and the flowers, she could feel the soft slightly moving her hair…
“Where am I?”, she asked again.
Suddenly, she heard something. Someone was crying…she was not alone!
She turned towards the soft sound, and she saw a small form, hugging it's knees, it's long, almost white hair covering most of it's knees and it's face. The small form was shocking with every hiccup. It sounded like…
A kid?
Pan slowly walked over to the small form. “Hello? D… do you know where we are?”, she asked the being, but she got no answer. What she did get, was a reaction. The small being stopped crying, and slowly lifted it's head. It turned it's face to Pan.
It was a little girl, and Pan guessed she couldn't be much older than 4 human years. But she didn't look human at all. With almost white skin, big coal black eyes, and very long , straight light blonde, almost white hair, she was a sight to see. She looked vulnerable to Pan, sitting like that, with those eyes all cried out, tear streaks on her face, looking at her.
Pan walked over and squatted down close beside the girl, not feeling a threat coming from her at all.
“Hey little cutie! What's wrong?”, she asked her, putting her hand on the girls back. She was shocked to feel that the girl felt ice-cold. Pan began to wonder, as she suddenly realized she couldn't feel a life-force from the girl. She swallowed. This was getting creepy!
The girl didn't answer her, but a tear fell down from her left-eye, and Pan immediately felt for this little girl. Ignoring the fact the girl felt like she wasn't even alive, she softly stroked her back, trying to comfort you.
“Won't you tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help you?”, Pan asked softly. “What's making you cry like that?”
“It's you. It's you that's making things hard for me, you pathetic quarter breed!”, the little girl said with a smooth, adult female voice.
Completely shocked, Pan jumped away from the girl, landing in a fighting stance.
“You're not a little girl! You're the reason I am here!”
The girl slowly stood up, not looking at Pan's direction. Pan once again searched for some sort of life-force from her, to see how she would fare, if it came to fighting her, but once again, there was just nothing there.
“You want to help me? Oh, sure you can help me…”, the being's sinister voice softly but clearly said.
Pan felt a dangerous wave coming from the being, that just couldn't be a girl. She gritted her teeth.
The small being turned it's face to look at her, her eyes glowing red.
“You can just give up this pathetic fight, before I destroy you life!”, it snarled, again in that grown woman's voice.
“You twit. I'll….” Pan suddenly fell silent, as something dawned to her. Ger eyes grew wide, as she suddenly thought of something… was it this thing, that was causing her all this trouble in her life?
The being just sneered, as if in confirmation.
Pan was in shock. What was she to do?
“Just what the hell do you want!? WHY the hell are you doing this to me!?”, she called out angrily.
The being just stood there, with a eerie grin on it's face. Pan shifted her balance, and at that exact moment, the small form moved as fast as lightning, handling a huge axe, preparing to split Pan's head open like a melon!
Pan, frozen to the spot for the fraction of a second the axe came sailing down to her head, not even having time to think, could do nothing to stop it.
The axe came down. Hard.
Be sure to read the next chapter too! Greetz from Nouk.