Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Of Vegetables and Space Goons ❯ in the time between & that night ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


After the display in the conference room, King Vegeta's body was thrown into the atmosphere and burned. Lena doubted that she'd find anything left to bury when she would come back home, to the palace. If she did find the littlest remain, it wouldn't matter, the rest would probably be burnt to a crisp anyway. Not worth looking for…

Emotionally dispirited and physically exhausted, Lena smiled weakly as she tucked Prince Vegeta in. She sat with him and held his hand as he cried himself to sleep. So Lena left the room and started the down the hall for her own. Frieza watched the whole thing from a crack in Vegeta's door then hid behind it as she passed, and he followed her as she left.

Lena had changed into a "granny" (A long dress that goes down to the ankles with long sleeves, somewhat frilly cuffs, and a usually frilly collar and trim.) of a nightgown, which was her favorite because it was her mother's.

"Go AWAY!, Frieza." Lena spat testily as Frieza approached her room; following her. She had heard him coming while packing her duffle bag. She did not diverge from her labor. Frieza entered the moment after she spoke.

As he shut the door suggestively behind him, "Sakura, you tempt me." He leaned against the door to show he wasn't letting her escape the room or conversation.

Lena just told herself that she'd have to beat him up then throw him out on his sorry ass. "Suck It Up. Frieza." Lena replied warningly. "I am queen now, and I say you are no good!" She gave him the evil eye then looked back to the bed to mind her packing.

"The more hostile you are the more you turn me on!" Frieza said twitching his tail by the door.

Not like acting weak and girlly turned you off (the tapes), she thought.

"You're disgusting Frieza!"

"Thank you." He replied congenially. "Will you quench my desire?"

"Not on my life!" She flipped her tail angrily warning him.

Frieza watched it, but willing himself calm. He so wanted to grab it, and make her purr like all the sayains do. "What about on the prince's life?"

"Kill him! I don't care! He doesn't matter much anymore." She had made sure to disguise her lie carefully and very well for it was the exact opposite of her feelings. He really was like a brother; a little annoying and pathetic one, but a brother.

"You boost big," Frieza said warningly from his laid-back position at the door, "but can you stand up against me with that?"

"I'm queen, and so Prince Vegeta is of little concern at the moment." Lena said and flipped her tail again. Her ears twitched with a subtle sound, and she scraped her foot along the floor as she turned to face Frieza. She had to see if he had heard it. Her extra noise didn't help, Frieza still had hear the sound behind the door too.

{Flashback} Prince Vegeta had woken from a nightmare and then began to wander the halls to ease his head. *Wonder what he had a nightmare about.* After hearing a raging disagreement, he stopped at Lena's door to listen in. That's when he heard his name mentioned and shifted in surprise *anime style*.

Frieza smiled slyly, slightly sharpening his eyes in suspicion. Lena could not hid her shock. The frightened blank look engulf her features until her eyes were too consumed in the franticness.

She blinked, and the expression was gone. Frieza had heard him. He had not seen her face flex. He faced her again, from his sentinel at the door, too close after she had blinked. He stopped leaning against the door. He gave a slight chuckle, and opened it. He stepped aside to let Vegeta fall in a heap to the floor.

Lena looked nonchalantly at him now, and said coolly to Vegeta, "You never did know how to listen in without being caught." She turned around and continued packing. Frieza's smile yielded to a grim grin.

"Do you hold your boast now?" Frieza stated as he cupped his hand around the back of Vegeta's neck making him stand.

"Oh course," packing some underwear, "This changes nothing." Frieza tightened his fist and Vegeta began to squirm in discomfort. Lena continued packing, completely ignoring them. She could feel Vegeta's eyes on her back. He closed in a little tighter and the squirming became more frantic, it began to cause pain as Vegeta was lifted from the ground. Lena winced where Frieza could not see. Frieza held on a little tighter, and Vegeta screamed "Sakura!" In a tone not unlike that of a scared hamster. The pain had to be immense because Vegeta had begun to cry. At first he acted like he didn't know that he was crying then he heeded to his tears and let them flow as his eyes bulged. Lena turned around at his sputters and saw his face go purple. "Leave him alone!" She screamed as she ran at Frieza. If she grabbed the hand with Vegeta, Frieza might kill him, but if she grabbed his free hand she could make a plea bargain. "He's like a brother!" She said seizing Frieza's free hand. "I'll do what you want!" She sunk to the floor, first to her knees then readily flat on her butt, looking utterly helpless.

"Good." Frieza looking down into her eyes to confirm her surrender and dropped Vegeta, who gasped for breath. "Run along." He said to Vegeta rather ignorantly because he did not take his sly eyes off Lena's panicked ones.

Vegeta raced out of the room, happy to be away, and did not think of Lena until he had buried himself defensively in his bed. He gave a little pity to her.

Once Vegeta was out of the room, Lena drew her hands away from his arm as if it burned her. Her face was screwed up in self-disgust as she looked away. She relaxed the muscles around her mouth to hide the clenched teeth behind them. Frieza walked over to her bed. He shot a triumphant look at the covers and began to power up. He continued until he came to only form in which Lena did not cringe at his appearance, his 4th form. The small creature them hopped up (toon like) on the bed and faced Lena after the covers settled on and around him.


"Come, Sakura." He commanded to her like a dog, and Lena looked back indignantly from her seated and semi-sprawled position on the floor. "I want you to enjoy what you know I want."

"I knew this day would come." She sighed painfully to herself. She stared at Frieza the way she would as if a mixture, a fusion- if you will, of Radditz and Kakkarot walked into the room; seductively. "I've been wondering what you'd be like…" She had wondered at times when he had been sweet, but she always stopped abruptly because the thought of him had made her sick. Her hips swung from side to side smoothly and dangerously. "I might enjoy this," Her ears twitched, and she licked her lips. She paused after a step toward her bed. "I may not," She flicked her tail as if the words had trickled off them, "but I can tell one thing; you are not a god."

"I'm sure I will please you greatly." Frieza attempted to cover his bruised ego.

"Ha!" She sounded again to puncture his still over inflated egotistic balloon with a pinprick. "That will be a great laugh." She began to take another step, this time somewhat threateningly. This is what happened, vaguely, to Escabotua (a sayain Cleopatra VII), damn history it's repeated! She bothered to herself. She began toward the bed slowly and determined to take her time then stopped abruptly.

"Come, Sakura… Or if you prefer we can have Vegeta in here to persuade you further." Frieza cooed.

"Don't bother." Lena spat absentmindedly. She sauntered to the bedside, and stopped again. She stared angrily at the small, pathetic creature. He stared up at her face, eagerly expecting something. Here she was, queen of the Sayian race! forced into submission. "How indignant!" She thought. Her body felt like she was run over with a pod and all of her sense came online right about then. He grabbed her wrist with his snake-like tail. With a fierce jerk, he had flung her into the bed. Her graceful form came to a mechanical halt as he pinned her underneath him. His toned body was near sayain-like. Too close to have her mind not wonder. If it had been anyone but Frieza, she would have been looking forward to being under such a hot bodied guy. She turned her head to the wall. For the dead king, delusional prince, and damned country! She thought cynically. She closed her eyes.

Frieza began to rock back and forth on her inner thighs. Lena started forcing her body to react to Frieza's assault with violence. He wanted her warmed up first.

Frieza's head snapped back, with such force than any sane person would recognize the whiplash immediately. " Muwahahaha…so my queen you have finally awaken. No sense rushing into anything too soon when you're "a god" claiming your queen."

The rush happened instantly. It flew on Hermes's winged feet up her spine then down again. She became hot, too hot, suffocatingly so. His abs so alluring and begging to be touched. Frieza groped her breasts and the pain and the pleasure mixed in a fury of anger and dillusion (half-pleasure). The motion and emotion set her ablaze. Each pump brought her closer to something that seemed so far away. She willed her weakening arms to resist touching him. She summoned her strength to resist her instinctively rising legs. They so wished to curl, but she did not want to seem like she enjoyed this. After a minute of excruciating pleasure, Lena, despite herself, let out a squeak of a moan. Her hormones were raging. Being 18 she would have been an old maid to her race and social status, and her body now craved this beast that never showed before. She realized that this is the same feeling that she had got, the same chill, when Radditz had hugged her for the last time. The same when she had played with his tail. She craved his body now.

Lena slipped into torn unconsciousness, but Frieza persevered. He remove her sayain underwear. He marveled at her chiseled body. Her abs slightly invisible amongst her thin layer of fat, but still her waist was as skinny as any princess. Her breasts, a voluptuous size D, were topped with cute little aireoli and perfect nipples. He played with them as she passed out. Her body went to semi autopilot-mode. In her dreams, Radditz was still alive and he was the one on top of her. His hair was cut handsomely in his face with a kissable chiseled neck. She rapped her arms around his neck as he leaned in to kiss her lips and nip her neck. The fair skin was softly squished and sucked between his teeth. The sensation made Lena becom wet. Frieza's arm slipped underneath Lena and he pressed her against himself. His other hand quickly slipped off his underwear and repositioned itself on her nipple. Lena moaned as the slightly cold fingers messaged the sensitive skin. A second gush came to her and she moaned out right for Radditz. Frieza's hand then left its perch. It traveled down to the abs where she found she was ticklish a bit. She curled into his touch. He laid her back out. His hand then found a more appropriate spot. The fingers curled. They first swept the sides. The warm, wet cum was spread thick over his fingers.

Minutes passed with a medium brutish messaging had made her feel herself slipping away in blissful pleasure. Frieza positioned himself happily. A painful pop made Lena wake for three seconds before she fell blissfully into Radditz's arms again. She knew that at her age she should already be mated with, and she wished that more than anything (to Radditz) now. But giving into Frieza's demands and wishing to be with him sexually was not something she dreamed of at night.

Lena's broken train of thought brought her out of her dreamy reverie. The pain was intense, but subsided. Frieza was shocked out of his. The intercom sounded loudly in the room. Everything around her was foggy and disorienting. Frieza was staring angrily at the speaker on top of her still. Lena glanced over to her clock, a foggy looking 4AM came into view. Surprise and shock at this brought her back to her senses slowly. "Lord Frieza!" Rang the box.

"What?" He growled with utmost loathing?

"Three worlds' leaders are on the monitor. They are clamoring to speak with you, sir." The voice said with fear for its life.

"Fine! Send two strong guards to my ladies chamber to watch her." He yelled. He left in a huff, not like he was ready to go-off anyway.

Two large guards came to stop on either side of her door. She looked out. One was a six and a half foot Saiyan (Oooo-La-La) with short spiky black hair and brown fur. The other was a Troglodyte. With very stupid expressions and masses of muscle, these creatures led her to believe he was more animal then contriving race.

"Hey, boys?" Lena said in a flirty disheartened tone. "I need some help in here. Could two strong gentlemen like yourselves give me a little… assistance?" The Troglodyte turned around and marched in. Lena opened the door wide. The Saiyan looked agregisly at her. "Come in here this instant!" Lena spat then on second thought as the two were inside and she was shutting the door. "You both like getting ordered around?"

"Yes!" said the two happily with the door click.

Author's Note: Ok, if you guys want me to revise the last half of this chapter I need 3, count them 3, reviews that tell me so. Out of 200+ readers only two good friends reviewed. So, this is the plan if I do get the 3 reviewers that I'm looking for then I will try my best to elaborate more on what's above.