Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Of Vegetables and Space Goons ❯ Death Is Upon Us ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Lena knew that tensions with Frieza were so tight and ready to snap. The only way that the race (of sayains) would have a chance is that if they were not there when "the shit hits the fan".

(By the side of King Vegeta.)

"Sir? I don't think it is wise to enter the spaceship of Frieza right before an invasion." Lena proposed wearily to her king. King Vegeta only walked away with Prince Vegeta at his side muttering.

"My son and I will be safer how I'm planning this mission." King Vegeta retorted somewhat angryly.

"I'm sorry to question you, sir, but what if Lord Frieza knows of our plans." Lena again tried wearily to sway his determination.

"Sakura?! Just head the army and leave the technicalities to me." King Vegeta sounded most annoyed at her distrust.

"I'm sorry, my king." Lena muttered as King and Prince Vegeta left to get ready to leave for Frieza's ship. She would have to too, but they had other things to do before they needed her. She touched her diamond choker and cringed. Her submissive servitude was her life and she never would do anything against them.

Lena leaned over her console to make final calculations before her departure. Everything is going as planned. She uttered to herself inside her head. My small sacrifice will buy enough time. The plan will work. It's got to! She scrolled over the list of departures. Kakkarot, Turles,- She paused as she read the next name, -Radditz- She sighed to herself. My love, we will meet again, but it will not be on Planet Vegeta. It hope you will say "Hi," to Kakkarot for me the next time you see him. Another sigh. She read over the last of the list. So many are willing to die for Vegeta. Bardock, I wish that you would flee as well. So many have stayed to fight. Please,… may the gods have mercy on us. She sighed again as the clock cut into her thoughts. Tick, tick, tock…Coo Coo! She had three hours to get dressed before she would give herself as a sacrifice to an unappeased god. She looked at the clock as its unrelenting rings resounded through the still and silent chamber. "I am in no rush to end my life, bird!" She said to the coo-coo clock as she left the room for her own.

The list of departed that lay on the panel keyboard would soon grow much larger.

Lena had once again dressed in the off-the-shoulder design dress. She again looked irresistibly gorgeous in it. She sat in the sakura groves. She was reminded of her last trip to these beautiful fields of blossoms. My father is dead. She reminded/thought to herself. Her smile faded, and she approached near tears before she got a hold of herself again. Mrs. Potts had made her look so lovely that she could not cry. How will I attempt to avenge all those killed by Frieza if I constantly cry because they're dead?! I must get a hold of myself! She did right before King Vegeta stepped through the doors to the garden's room. He had found her.

"Are you ready? Shall we go on with the plan." King Vegeta questioned as he held out his arm for the young lady to take.

"Everything must go as plan. After I go, you must prepare the troops. I will find my own way back. Everything must go as planned." She stressed.

King Vegeta chuckled as they were about to find Prince Vegeta. "My dear! I know what the plan is. Leave this to me. This is fool-proof!"

"Yes,…" She said under her breath. -And you maybe the fool to goof it... She finished in her head and gave an apologetic smile to the king as Prince Vegeta joined them on their way to see Frieza. Lena's thoughts trailed to her belt where she had put her precious diamond choker. Her symbol of her service to Vegeta. Frieza would not be pleased if he found her wearing it. But I was her most prized possession. Her light tan mark symboled both a change in her life and a badge of honor won. It was the one thing that she would take if Planet Vegeta was about to blow.

Lena questioned the solidity of her king. He might just do something hasty... She pondered to herself. Oh dear,- She was interrupted as she was lead into Frieza's Great Hall. There she found him sitting on his thrown awaiting the three. They arrested the court's attention.

"A good afternoon to the three of you." Frieza smiled courtly as Lena and the others bowed and murmured their greetings. He watched Lena then noticed that her collar, that she had worn since he had met her, was gone. He was interested to find out why such a drastic change.

King Vegeta stood before Frieza with a brief case. He opened it to show Frieza its contents. "Lord Frieza, we have an offer I think that you may like. We are prepared to offer half the treasury of Planet Vegeta to improve relations between sayains and Lord Frieza." He sounded unemotional and detached.

Frieza (first form with the whiney, high-pitched voice) scuffed at the offer. "So far you don't interest me."

King Vegeta *sweat drop*, "Then maybe this will interest you. Consider this a good-will gesture to smooth over any mishaps." King Vegeta looked back at Lena. She slightly nodded. Lena lowered herself properly in the dress then saluted to Frieza in his solute and not in the sayain way. "A gift of Sakura as your servant." Frieza beckoned the young woman forward. She came obediently to his call. She stood at his right hand side as he instructed. Her gracious form was unmistakably presented and prompted to the court. Frieza stood up and levitated to the young sayain's eyesight line. A hand of his flew to her chin. He aimed to kissed her lips, but she threw her head to the side at the last second. He stopped, and smiled at the surprise. Her unbreakable pleased him greatly. "Keep your treasury! I only want this!" He said with a flick of his hand at King Vegeta. He didn't remove his eyes from hers. She brought her face in line with his again. She stared straight into him. Her eyes were slits with a scowl on her lips. They stared each other down as he talked to King Vegeta. "The ransom of your entire planet can be held by holding this one, beautiful creature." He must have flattered himself by flirting with the young, gorgeous, and hostile sayain. Lena couldn't say that she didn't enjoy that last comment, but it did come from Frieza's fouled mouth. Frieza finished this last line with a squeeze to her waist. He was holding her close. Lena gripped her dress as Frieza descended on her lips. For an excruciating minute, Lena dug her nails into her dress while Frieza smiled with the satisfaction of kissing her. "You have a deal, King Vegeta. No hard feelings." The prince and king left. Lena was escorted to get dressed in an "outfit fit for a queen" which would please Frieza and show his dominance over her.

Frieza enjoyed his tyranny over her. He even made seamless plan to make King Vegeta suffer and get a little pleasure from her. He delighted in a new art, making her scream.

Back on Planet Vegeta, King Vegeta pursued her plan. He began to rally the troops, by building more escape pods. He had sent his own son off with the confidence in her plan. With Sakura, however, she didn't see the harm in going along with pleasing Frieza. It was in everybody's best interest. The beatings were nothing for the false facade gained. She, also, didn't know what happened to the tapes that she found out about.

In A Conference

King Vegeta walks into the conference room of Frieza's ship. Frieza smiles as he listens to the tapes of Lena screaming.

She makes me so horny when she screams in pain, he thought to himself then he grinned wider at the wishful thought of, and one day it will be in pleasure… King Vegeta stares at the mobile tape player as he sits down in a plush chair opposite Frieza. His face had turned a bit green in disgust. Frieza continues to sip his tea nonchalantly. As the tape plays on, "Get away from me!" came Lena's cry from what sounded like a dark, dank, dreary dungeon. "You're brutish and gross!"

"I love it when your coy." Came Frieza's husky 3rd form's voice.

"Don't you touch me!" Came Lena's panicked voice then a firm slap could be heard landing on sayain's cheek then a loud thud as she fell.

"Oops, I touched you." He replied sarcastically. Erotic huffs could be heard from Frieza, and a body could be heard slamming into the side wall (Lena's) of the dungeon. Lena's screaming was the next thing that that could be heard on the tape. The erotic huffs began to become in rhythm with a barely heard sliding, pumping noise. The bastard he's rubbing up on her…Gross…! Came King Vegeta's thoughts as the tape ran out. Frieza merrily switched to another tape.

His fist clenched and unclenched as the first words of the second tape played on. "What have you done with her?!" King Vegeta finally blurted out…

Frieza, "She's fine." He replied as he set down his tea. "Here, I'll show you." He signaled a servant to bring her in. In a minute or two, the doors opened dramatically, and she appeared in a silk flowing dress.

"Sakura?!" Was his only reaction as she smiled, she was happy to see him. She grinned contently as she stepped forward and stopped to put her hand on top of King Vegeta's. The doors closed eerily behind her. He placed his other hand on top of hers. Lena felt great admiration to this man. She loved him like another father. She bowed to Frieza to fuel his airy ego since they were in public. As she stood up, that's when King Vegeta noticed her bruised cheek that seemed to be healing nicely.

Frieza's enraged voice exploded through his thoughts. "Servants! Don't make her stand! Bring her a chair!" Three servants ran around and after a few seconds the three produced a very plushy chair that matched Vegeta's own. Lena sat to the right of Frieza, and King Vegeta noticed her seemingly contentment. She held her head as high as a returning war hero. She showed her mark proudly as if it had been a bruise from a victory. Impossible… King Vegeta said to himself. He began to questioned his own loyalty.

"I despise this!" Lena said referring to the tapes. She turned off the tape player showing her true dominance over Frieza then for spite she added. "Can't you listen to those things in your own room where you can jack-off at will?…!" After a moment's pause, Frieza's blush faded. He attempted to re-control the situation.

Frieza's voice rang as clear as a bell as he said "Oh, King Vegeta, I found your son." Prince Vegeta entered a bit coyly as the doors opened less dramatically for him. He caught sight of his father and he ran to him then squeezed the hell of his leg.

"OK, son." King Vegeta said kindly onto the boy. His smile faded a little as he thought. He has my son. I must be very careful. As his hands picked up his son and set him on his lap, then a monologue bloomed in his head. He is here with Frieza and the he uses Lena as pleasure with his torture devices. He stopped thinking so deeply, and then he stopped playing with his son's hair on his lap. He noticed Lena watching them happily. Frieza struck up the conversation that he had meant to when she had entered.

The discussions lead to heavier conversation. Lena felt that Prince Vegeta, sitting on King Vegeta's lap, was too close into the war between them. She didn't want him being hit by stray hand thrusts or actual punches.

"Prince Vegeta!," Lena said cutting into the conversation, but the break didn't last long. "come with me." She held out her hand for him to take. He hopped off his father's lap and grabbed her hand obediently. She lead him down the hall to his room, and then she threw him in. She slammed the door, and it sounded like it closed. It jarred.

Lena closed the door between the conference room and Prince Vegeta's door. Prince Vegeta watched her slip from his door threw the other then he left his door to listen at the crack of the conference room's door.

King Vegeta had apparently threw the first punch, and Frieza was letting himself wear himself down. As she came through the door, King Vegeta was apparently end the end of his rope, and Frieza summoned up a great fist glowing with power. He threw the his fist into the king's stomach. The fist impinged through the stomach to his back to show a bump waxing then waning. Ribs cracked and blood spurted from the wounded king. The profusely bleeding hulk fell to its knees. Death soon became apparent as Lena approached the carnage running. Blood flowed with tears as the king raised his head up to look at Lena.

Tears swelled in her eyes too. "King Vegeta, your majesty?!!" Prince Vegeta walked forth in disbelief from his hiding place, a crack in the door. Tears streamed from his eyes, and he came to rest on his knees then fell on his back nearly dead. He had no final words to say (his lungs could have been ruptured as well). He smiled at Lena, held her cheek to give her strength, and extended a hand other his son's which were crossed in his lap as he cried. A minute seemed like eternity then his eyes glazed over, and then he became limp… His eyes still staring at his son with a smile still plastered to his placid face. Lena cried solemnly with a blood print of his palm on her cheek. She held Prince Vegeta, and they cried until he feel asleep five minutes later with exhaustion. Lena sent him to bed with water, slapped Frieza so hard he had to go to the chiropractor, and left to her room to get some sleep. She would announce her secret after they got back to the plan.

A/N: Okay. As of today May 9th, 2004, I promise to devote my time to typing chapter 8 and 9, as well as finished some books I started…


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Prior Author's Note: I hope that you like it because it was about half a year since I had actually had to type anything, not just revise, a chapter from writings. :-/ That's why it took so long. If you enjoyed it, I would be delighted if you would tell me in a review. Thanks to all my readers. Do remember that a mild lemon is coming up incase you think you wish to discontinue reading this. (SUSPENDED A/N:) Don't hold your breath for this to come out soon. My co-editor will need to help me with extra punches to the next chapter. ;-) ;-)