Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Of Vegetables and Space Goons ❯ Inspection of Devotion ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I warn you now that this chapter and maybe the next will have PG13 and R references and scenes. Be advised. Be very advised!


Sakura spent her next three days off with her adopted father, Bardock, and family. She didn't breath a word of the last meeting with Frieza. She didn't want him nor Prince Vegeta knowing what Frieza had said to her. The little sexual offer/insult would only be known to King Vegeta and herself.

(Ties with Frieza really heated up now, and Lena gets a little less protection now that she is of Age, and now sexually mature. Bare in mind, how far would you go to save your king and country? Some would be willing to die, others to support it financially, but what would you do in Lena's situation. Inspection Of Devotion will test her heart and obedience. Think yourself into her situation, and decide for yourself. If you want to, review, and tell me what you would do, plz feel free to do so... ~.^ )

(~I give you now the inquiry~...)

Lena woke up with another dream of her and Radditz together. It was a peaceful dream, but it seemed that it wasn't right. She began to dress.

As she began to pull on her armor, Peter rushed in. "You're gonna be late! The inspection is in 5 minutes!" He stammered.

"THE INSPECTION!" She howled in shock. "I completely forgot with this Frieza business, and all!" She rushed over to her boots, and sat down.

Peter caught her immediately, "Frieza?!" He gasped.

"No, you misunderstood me. I said freezer... it's been acting up lately." She lied quickly as she gave her other boot a quick tug to make sure that it was snug.

Peter knew she had said "Frieza", and that there seemed to something that no one else knew between them. Not friendly, either. "WAIT A MINUTE! LENA!" He called, but she was halfway out the door by then.

"Thank you. G'bye." She called over her shoulder as she shut the door on him. She flew down three flights of stairs right into the relaxed, awaiting line of the military. That was dangerously close! She purred to herself.

Bardock called, "Right, face!" Lena breathed a sigh of relief. She had gotten there only 5 seconds early. Great. She prattled on to herself as the inspection by King Vegeta commenced.


When she got back to the palace, King Vegeta warned her to be on her guard. She knew Frieza was planning something too. He was too quite lately.

Around dinnertime, she ate quietly with Bardock in the Mess Hall, they shared casual conversation, and then she leisurely swayed up to her room. I wonder where Peter is? She thought for a second as she began to climb another flight of stairs to her bedroom. She figured that Frieza might becoming at midnight again, and to get her sleep in now. He's such a pain. I wish that I could kill him! She smiled to herself at the thought of killing him as she opened the door to her bedroom.

"Oh, Hello, Peter, why is everyone gone on this floor?" She said, still wearing the smile, as she entered the dimmed room, and shut the door behind her. Peter glanced quickly to something behind him. Lena wondered for a second then dismissed the idea.

Her heart fell. The idea wasn't dismissed for long because it was soon confirmed. "I don't know?" Came Frieza's voice from behind Peter. "Maybe they wanted to give us a little privacy."

Lena frowned broadly while she glared at Frieza (second form). "-Hi-" She forced herself to utter. Then she spoke more forcefully. "Why are you in my room?" She demanded.

"I thought we could spend some time together." Frieza spoke as he patted the bed besides him. Lena winced as if the thought had just stung her. (A/N: It kinda did...)

Lena turned to look at Peter. "You may go now." She spoke quickly. He darted out the door, happy to oblige. He seemed scared beyond all belief. She hmphed at Frieza then turned to leave herself.

"I'll blow up the palace!" Came Frieza's bellowed which made Lena shiver.

She stopped dead, and turned back to face him. "I would be the only thing left standing." She said calmly as she forced herself to stand straight from uncurling to open the door. Frieza shook his tail in disbelief. She turned back around to again face him. "What do you want Frieza?" She hissed from the other side of the room. She irritably leaned back against the door, one foot on it.

Frieza shook off the unpleasantness that was quickly filling the room. "My dear, Sakura, I want you!" He uttered syrupy sweet. Lena gasped, and looked as if she was going to be sick. "I can't be defeated, therefore I live like a god! I want you as my goddess. With me forever! Think of it! All the power you could want! You could even rule the universe. I would give you anything you want..."

Lena stopped looking as if she was going to throw-up, and began to chuckle as if she knew something that he didn't. She straightened, and looked at Frieza as if he had just told the greatest joke on all of Planet Vegeta. Frieza was coy to her reaction. "You want to give me everything? Then give me this, the gift of your absence!"

Frieza chuckled, "That won't happen! But! I will give you me..."

"You? *chuckle* Don't make me laugh! I can defeat you with one hand, and you know it! I have what most women would kill for. I have respect, honor, power, a mass of men at my feet, and still you think that you are better than me?! *derisive laugh* I say again, don't make me laugh! I'll never want to be with you!" She said holding her gut. It had begun to hurt her because she was laughing so hard.

Frieza was still disillusioning himself. "I'm the most powerful being in the universe. Doesn't that do something for you?"

"If you mean in the way to make me laugh, yes, but I personally care for men with more of a heart-felt soul. Not heartless like you, Frieza." Her smile faded to a stripped fragment of its original size. "But a sayain, now, that will do something for me."

"Do I not scare you, Sakura? You don't get a certain rush from the adrenaline, then?" He smirked which repulsed Lena, and she winced in response.

"No, Frieza. You do not. I feared you once, like other sayains, but I don't anymore. Even without my strength, I would still do not fear you." She looked fully serious now, and began to walk out the door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have work I need to do."

"I've cleared you're schedule. I'm the only thing on it." Frieza said desperately.

Lena closed the door while chuckling to herself. Spitefully she added with an evil glance back at him. "We probably don't even have the same reproductive system." She laughed that Frieza could have a SAYAIN reproductive system. He was completely fooling himself, she thought.

Frieza stood up.

He dropped his underwear!

"We do." She replied simply while turning a bit white with shock and disgust.

"Now, will you come to bed, Sakura?... You want to keep me happy, right? So don't keep me waiting..." Frieza added with a devious smirk appearing which was quite appalling to her because she happened to be enthralled at smirks, but not with his.

Lena snapped out of it. She scowled at him. She uttered, "Frieza, I detest you!"

"Does that mean you won't come willingly to bed?"

"I'd never give myself to you."

"Oh dear, that made me unhappy. You know what will happen if I'm unhappy."

"What do you want of me?"

"I want you, Sakura! Hop in this bed!" Lena laughed, hmphed at him, started to head out the door again. Frieza gathered energy. "Alright! Frieza!" she cried panicking, "You may have me. If it will make you happy."

"Very Happy! Just enjoy what's about to happen." Frieza's face again smile gleefully like a kid at Christmas. Lena slowly walked over to her bed, and sat on the edge. He beckoned her to, and she put her legs up on the bed. He leaned over, and kissed her. Lena plainly showed disgust on her face, and he kissed her again, but the expression didn't change. Frieza felt at liberty with her now. He continued to kiss her then moved on top of her. As Frieza straddled her, Lena found a opportunity. She heaved her knee up as hard as possible. He crumpled, and fell off the bed. Lena looked over the bed to the floor, and smiled at his excruciating pain. She turned to jump off the other side of the bed, but found her wrist in a death-lock. She flopped hard on her semi-waterbed. Frieza shakily brought himself up to the bed by the arm whose hand held Lena's wrist. "As a hint," he started rather squeakily, "-hitting guys in the balls makes them hornier."

"Damn!" Lena uttered under her breath. Frieza pulled the rest of himself up by the same arm, whipped her back on the bed by the wrist which he held prisoner, and crawled on top of her again. He let go of her wrist, and began to grope at her armor with two hands. He gently removed it, and chucked it towards the door (*THUNK!*) then began to pulled off her dark blue spandex. Lena switched from staring at him as she could pierce him with her hateful thoughts to looking fondly off in the distance at the wall imaging pleasant places that she could be right now. One was that she was in Radditz's arms. She kept imaging different happy thoughts. Frieza traced her body while taking her spandex off. She growled angrily as he rubbed his hands again and again over the curve off her hips. Finally he had remove all the tight cloth. Lena noticed a rather large tapestry hanging by the hall, very close to the door. More pleasant thoughts flooded her mind. Thoughts of escape! Frieza chucked the spandex over to the side of the room then stood up. Lena gave him a hard kick to the temple, and made a break for it. She sprang out of bed, rushed the door, grabbed the tapestry, and raced out. She was free! Frieza was stunned, but not out cold. He gave chase.

Lena raced down a flight of stairs, clutching the tapestry close to her. She feared to fly because of her loose grip. Halfway down the lower hall's long length, she found King Vegeta. She fell at his feet. Head bowed, exposing her nude back. "Sir! Frieza is chasing me! What should I do?!" King Vegeta made a choice to be neutral, and pointed Lena down a narrow side hall without saying a word as Frieza appeared at the foot of the stairs from which she had just left. Lena flew on the balls of her feet, getting farther and farther away from Frieza. She headed down a servants hallway. The door closed safely behind her. She could hear Frieza seize King Vegeta, and began to harass him. She questioned why she was running from and not to her king's aide. Lena could hear him struggle with Frieza, and a choking sound reached her ears. Panic struck her. She took a breath as she crouched against the wall further down the descending stairs, breathing hard. The tapestry loosely around her. She kept listening to Frieza's insults, threats, and rudeness from the safety of her hiding place. She had caught her breath slowly. She listened to more threats. She seriously questioned what kind of a woman she was to not stop the senseless act that was happening because of her selfishness. There was only one choice, once she made up her mind. She marched shamelessly back up the stairs. With her head held high she marched with only one thought. The one thought that could satisfy, and a proud warrior's last wish. She had decided: King and Country before my selfish ass.

She ascended the stairs, the long tapestry flowing like an elegant dress being held by one hand. The other created a fist to show her determination and resolve. "Fitting." She thought spitefully. "I should wear a dress to my funeral." She had no more qualms about her duty. She faced the scene of Frieza choking her king. Frieza turned and looked at her, and his grip relented from the king's throat. "Leave the king alone, it's me you want." Frieza dropped the gasping king and came close to her. She clutched the two ends of the tapestry together with her one hand. The other squeezed itself so she would not lose courage in the face of the beast. Frieza came to stand before her, and she bowed subjectively (and seductively) to him. With this to his delight, he smiled.

"Come." He commander her like some dog. Lena passed King Vegeta's rising form without eye contact and without scorn. She feared any look may provoke him to stand up for her, and he needn't do that. King Vegeta stared at her back after she passed. He seriously questioned his own loyalty. His admiration for the child, a third his age, grew considerably then. "She'd make an excellent queen." He thought. She silently followed Frieza up to her room like a bitch on a short leash. Her head bowed, she knew she would have to pay a high ransom for the safety of her country. Small sparse tears came to her eyes every now and again during her march.

Frieza let her in first, then he locked the door behind him. Not a second had passed after the two heard the lock click then there was two taps at the door. Frieza unlocked it and opened it wide enough to show Lena who was at the door. Frieza said, "Yes, King Vegeta?"

He spoke kind of croakily; probably from the bruised pharynx or the sheer terror. He stole a glance back to Lena's form who got on the bed to sit down. "I will need you in two hours. If you want then you can come now."

Frieza cocked a grin at him. "I need only rest. I will be there when I wake." Then he shut the door, locked it and turned to Lena. "I'll make you a deal." She had poised herself seductively on the bed. Frieza stared at the protruding, milky white leg as his gaze flowed upward along the tapestry's outline to her hips, waist, bust, neck, and finally visage. She was giving him a penetrating, unpleasant stare. She wore no smile.

"More deals?...I hate your deals!" She said venomously.

"Now listen," He began as he started toward her. His hands came up and threw themselves down again. "-you might enjoy this..." She paused to listen with a look of disgust. Frieza tried hard to keep his eyes locked with hers, though they wanted to rape her god-appeasing figure. "We can lay down together; completely innocent."

"How do I know you won't do anything with me after I'm asleep?" She drilled this question into him. He took a dominating step toward her and stopped again.

"This game is rather appealing to me." He rubbed his chin. "You keeping yourself from me has actual pleasure to me, more than, I think, I would have actually raping you. So there is my dilemma. I feel this way would be more fun."

"Or? I know you, you make deals. What's the consequence of your proposal for my refusal?" She said with her eyes reducing to two slits.

"'Or.'" He began. "I'll blow up the palace, maybe even the whole Planet Vegeta. Simple, what I threaten every time." He said frankly.

"I've considered it." She answered after few seconds of deliberation with herself. "That your deal is fair. I accept it."

"Wise decision." He said smugly as he began to walk over to the bed. Lena moved up to the pillows and over to the middle of her queen-sized mattress. Frieza got on the bed next to her. He curled her into him, and threw the tapestry over the both of them. (Frieza had put his underwear back on before he had got into her bed.) His arm lay possessively around her waist over the tapestry. His thick manhood could be felt by Lena. She turned her head away in great disgust. She had to think strong, happy thoughts to get to sleep. Frieza seemed to had gone to sleep almost immediately.

(A/N: If these happy thoughts of hers were mixed with pixie dust, she could fly higher than Peter Pan himself before she got to sleep. This would be a lifetime membership thing. hee hee)


A hour and a half later, Frieza woke. He saw his goddess by his side. He gently kissed her cheek. He sat toward the back of the bed and just stared at her. He decided to turn her on her back. As he did so her legs fell apart. Her nude body begged to be ravaged. Frieza could not easily resist its call. He set himself between her legs as he gave into his temptation. At his hips' touch, Lena brought her long legs up to the sides of his hips with a low purr-moan. She was begging to be fucked. (More than likely, right now, she would be dreaming of Radditz in Frieza's position. He was the last thing on her mind before she went to sleep.) Without a second thought Frieza's hands began to descend on her hips. He remembered his underwear and his promise. His hands stopped their descent. He unwillingly forced himself from between her legs. She unconsciously curled herself back it her ball. Her tail wrapped the tapestry back around herself. She had gone back to sleep fully. Frieza left for the bathroom, for cleanup reasons. (I think we know why.)


Some hours later, Lena woke with a start. She had woken from a dream with Radditz nearly fucking her. "Weird!" She thought, and then she got up to get dressed. She went directly to Mrs. Potts for an examination to see if Frieza had kept his word. He had. Mrs. Potts has happily asked her who she was with and she said "Frieza" rather disgustedly, and they left it at that. Mrs. Potts looked shocked, but was proud of her. The woman wasn't dumb. She can figure out what is going on.

A/N: Ok, this is where I decided to leave this off. Sorry if it cuts some things in two, but I'm still rewriting the next chapter. It may be a little time before I can work a lot on it. Plz, forgive me. School can be such a pain! :/ Anyway, I hoped you enjoy this. It may be a while till the next. Thanks to all those who have read it. I hoped you like it even if you don't review.