Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Of Vegetables and Space Goons ❯ Eve Of War ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Vegetables and Space Goons

Chapter 5


The battle was set up as Frieza walked in, and announced his presence to the Royal Court, again. (Quite bold of the loud mouth...) Sayain guards escorted Frieza into the stadium as the crowd poured into the stands. Frieza waited, becoming testy, Sakura was 3 minutes late.

"Vegeta! Where is the sayain? She ran?" Frieza questioned with a murderous chuckle.

"No, she overslept, again. She will be right out." King Vegeta said as he left Frieza's side to go to his throne in the stands of the large tournament area.

A servant brought a rather limp Sakura out in a pajama set; it was spaghetti strapped with little stars & moons on it. The crowd was stunned that King Vegeta would let a sleeping saiyan fight. Let alone in her nightly attire. -But the temptress (which is what Lena means) liked it that way. Frieza looked at the sleeping saiyan. He longed for her touch, but the fight for worlds' dominancy came first.

"What is this? Vegeta! What trick is this? She is asleep, and nothing can be done."

King Vegeta sat back in his chair. With his hands shaky, but his voice steady as he replied, "Don't worry, Frieza. She'll wake-up soon." All confidence in her plan.

Finally, Frieza walked over to the sleeping saiyan, and leaned over her. The crowd muttered furiously. They were worried about their heroine, but as Frieza bent over her. (Shall I dare say for his own purposes. The Pecker!) He got four claws through the stomach. Frieza sputtered in pain. Sakura gave the piercing claws another thrust harder into his abdomen. Frieza shoot a precise shot. He chuckled as it hit flesh, and blood began pouring. Sakura smirked, her type of evil beauty glistening in the early sun. The blast did not go through her heart as Frieza expected. It went straight through her other arm. Lena stood up. Letting Frieza hang from her blades. He was caught on her prototype claw that she had been working on for some time, for the military use. Lena lowered her blades and let the stunned Frieza just slowly skid off the cold steel blades. Frieza was holding his stomach, and screaming on the floor as Sakura began to glide out of the arena. Her blades still drawn, blood stained, and she seemed ready. Bardock looked on at the fight while next to General Gamma. He thought suspiciously, She knows something... Her blades are still drawn. General Gamma stupidly kept cheering as if she had won, like the rest of the crowd also, and suddenly out of nowhere a kai blast went right threw the left side of Sakura's stomach. She hissed, and turned to Frieza. She hadn't expected his reaction so fast.

Frieza didn't need a smoking gun to tell everyone who had fired at Lena because there he was, on the ground, bleeding heavily. He was poised, and ready to fire another kai blast at her. Suddenly he again fired at her, she dodged with great grace, and little or no effort. By the time she had stopped and the smoke had clear around them, there Sakura crouched over Frieza. Her hand on his neck, her claws barely cutting the top of his neck above her hand. Frieza surrendered quickly, now realizing he was in over his head.

The crowd exploded in applause and cheer. This would keep them talking for quite some time, a battle won in pajamas, none-the-less.

Frieza quickly retreated. He had lost to his first sayain. He could not believe it. Soon after their match had ended, and the applause died from the stands, Lena left the ring to find that Frieza had left for his ship. A report came about six months later that Frieza was healed. In the next annual inspection, Vegeta-sye was passed over. Frieza didn't care to show his face again so soon. Lena and King Vegeta were extremely happy at this because all that ever happened was Frieza extorted sayain money. Lena was even more of a heroine now to the people she loves so dearly. She had temporally freed them from the tyrant Frieza. King Vegeta was especially proud of his sons' protectoress. Her reward for her great deed was that she became protectoress of the whole royal family. One of the highest honors in Vegeta-sye history. :) And now she could watch over every Frieza relation. So all will have to go to her satisfaction.


Connections with Frieza heated up again. Lena was, again, called to escort Prince Vegeta back into the Hell of Frieza's creation- to his ship- for further negotiations. She was resting in the cherry groves among the blossoms that she loved, and that the king had nick-named her for. She had on her off-the-shoulder design dress on, and was drop dead gorgeous in it! King Vegeta approached her looking melancholy.

Lena looked up with the naivety of only a true child, "My king? Sir? What is the matter? What is troubling you?" she said politely looking up from the blossom in her hand.

King Vegeta knelt in front of her, and took one of her hands. "My Dear, you know your father went on ahead of us to begin negotiations. Well, *sigh, pause* in response to the peace mission, Frieza blew our craft apart to show us that no peace can be made." He paused a second to let it sink in. "He, Frieza, just sent us the file clip of the destruction with his warning for 'no peace'." Lena's eyes swelled with water. King Vegeta pulled her close to him, and she cried on his shoulder. King Vegeta hugged her as she profusely cried on and on. Both had lost something dear. Then Prince Vegeta walked in on them.

"What is the meaning of this?!" He spatted confused. "I demand you stop this nonsense." Prince Vegeta watched Lena release the king from her clutches. She was harshly knocked back to her senses. King Vegeta released her from his grasp as well, and Lena ran to her room still crying.

(Still in the gardens of sakura.)

"My son, I will try to make some kind of negotiation with Frieza, we have little time, and I want you by my side." (A/N: *wipes tear away* 'How very touching.' *stifles sniffle*)

"Of course, father." Prince Vegeta said with a bow, but no attitude.

(In the chambers of Lena, A.K.A. Lena's bedroom)

Mrs. Potts walked in on the sobbing Lena. (The sneaky, little, concerned Peter sicked Mrs. Potts on her.) "My child what could be the matter with you to make you cry so compulsively?" She sat on the bed next to the crouched Lena. Lena rolled over, and lifted herself to face her.

Mrs. Potts moved closer to her. Lena stopped crying for a moment. In weakened breath, she uttered. "My father is DEAD! Killed by Lord Frieza! *wipes half her face dry* And there was nothing that I could have done to control anything." Mrs. Potts held the poor girl close until she fell asleep with exhaustion.

Lena awoke to Prince Vegeta near her bed.

"My prince? What is wrong? Am I needed yet? When do we leave?" Lena said with tears still in her eyes. Prince Vegeta tossed his head up sleepily.

Prince Vegeta rose, and walked to the door. "My father requests that you accompany us to Plant 'Kimble' (Don't ask the reference....), where Lord Frieza is waiting for us."

"I will be ready within the hour, my prince." She said as he walked out.

Mrs. Potts brought her some fresh garments for her trip and some confidence in a message. As Lena left she thought about what Mrs. Potts had said.

"Hit or miss you are still in the game, and you must play till the end." Lena had thought about the message then agreed with her first assumption: 'a very wise lady indeed' No wonder why they keep her around..

Lena boarded the craft, and awaited the next downfall of life; fearing the worst for Bardock's recovery. Suddenly, our saiyan got news telling her that Bardock had died shortly before the transmission. Lena was only thankful that Turles, Radditz, and her dear, best friend, Kakkarot did not know of their father's passing. Prince Vegeta came into her down turned sight. She was crying again. She stared at his boots blinded by tears. With one finger he lifted her face close to his.

Lena's hair was matted, and patched to her face from the tears on her cheeks. Her heart on the verge of breaking both her 'fathers' gone. Prince brought her face close to his, and did something so unexpected. He lowered his lips to hers, giving her a soft, sweet, little, innocent kiss, and Lena could only whisper in amazement, "What was that for, my prince?" (A/N: Remember that Lena is almost 16 , and Prince Vegeta is 11. Both underage, but that doesn't mean they can't share a kiss. No tongue though that's Ager stuff *wink, wink*)

He opened his eyes at the question. His onyx pools turned upon her. She had never noticed them this well before. Prince Vegeta only whispered back, "I'll be here for you." He paused. Lena knew she would be a damned fool if she actually believed that. Like Hell will freeze, and the heavens will part... She thought cynically. His mouth still agape from the shock of what he had just done. A sense of shock and excitement mixed in his emotions. The kiss still so fresh on his lips. Then they moved to form some words that brought ironic, but somehow comforted tears to her eyes. "Happy birthday..."

King Vegeta looked on, but decided against intrusion. He backed away and out of site as Prince Vegeta removed himself from the room.

(A/N: Ut-oh! Daddy witnessed... I wonder how Lena feels being kissed by a kid 5! years younger than her... I'm sorry, but I'd feel like something scandalous.)


Lena stood ready for the word to attack. She had two deaths on her mind and the taste of revenge on her lips. The taste was so sweet that it could only get sweeter with the actual downfall of Lord Frieza. Lena hungered for the pain-staking moment he would screw up, so that she would be allowed to attack. Frieza will be mine. She thought wickedly with her sorceress ways she cursed the death of Frieza in several universal years. She only prayed that she would be the one to free her race and her heir, Prince Vegeta. (She is the next in line for the throne considering her status, and her favor from the king then when Prince Vegeta will be old enough to become king -after he gets married- he can be. She doesn't willingly wish to take the title yet.)

Prince Vegeta and Lena waited behind the irritated king. He struggled with Frieza on a new agreement, but Frieza would not listen to any new argument.

(King Vegeta returned to Vegeta-sye with a new plan...)

"Father? What shall we do?" Prince Vegeta said rather irritated.

"I am mobilizing against Frieza! We will not suffer anymore." King Vegeta slamming one hand on the palm of the other.

Lena walked in on the process. "Your Majesty! I don't think that will work. What if Frieza discovers our operation before we are prepared? We still have at least five years before we can operate properly."

King Vegeta turned to her. "Then more negotiations will commence to distract him."

After much deliberation, Lena stepped out the military hall. She was meet by Kakkarot, but he was not crying nor had been.

"You do not know your father's dead?!" Lena said with little hesitation and great shock.

Kakkarot lifted one eye brow. "What are you talking about? My father is not dead. He recovered, and is waiting for you to join us for dinner before you leave."

"Leave? Where am I going? ...Wait?!... He's ALIVE???" Lena screeched.

"I thought you and my dad were..." He spat. "Oh, never mind." Lena choose not to question him further. "I wanted you to join us for dinner." Kakkarot said somewhat confused.

"Oh. I guess I'll join you. Master Bardock (her teacher / peer) is alive?!" Lena said excitedly. :)

"I don't know why they would say my father is dead, but will you join us for dinner anyway?" Kakkarot sounded really annoyed now.

"Sure I will. Thanks for inviting me. Just let me finish up here then I'll be over." she said as she laid a peck on his cheek. Kakkarot blushed, he had never been kissed before. ;P

[side step]

-for reference: Lena: 16, Prince Vegeta: 12, Kakkarot: 10, Radditz: 17.


Lena walked in on a surprise birthday party which put two blast holes through the back of Bardock's house because she almost hit Turles and Kakkarot. She stammered her apologies, and everyone got down to dinner quickly. Dinner: being the most important meal for these two families.

Lena enjoyed a hearty meal. Feasting with Kakkarot and Radditz, Bardock commented on her father's eating ability.

"Oh, really?" Lena being challenged by Kakkarot to a eating contest.

"You game?" Kakkarot said raising an eyebrow at her interest in a very male dominated "sport". The most full-filling dishes were set in front of them. Kakkarot, of course, won by a "country mile" as the saying goes.

Lena leaned back in her chair, and rubbed her firm and slightly bulging belly. "I think I'm ready to burst." She was not a heavy eater, except for now, and she went all out with 5 filling plates. Plus, she doesn't show weight gain easily.

Kakkarot finished off what little was left in the bowl he was eating out of. "I want more, but I guess I should leave a little room to fight."

Lena stretched really for the challenge of her birthday battles with close friends. "Kakkarot... You're nuts!" She said as she almost fell on her back with shock because she had been balancing chair's back legs. "You are still not full?! You're a bottomless pit!"

Kakkarot laughed as he began to stretch too. "Lena? I think I love you, or just your eating habits." Lena scoffed.

"Nice to know I'm loved." She said sarcastically against his comment.

Now, she was ready for a fight. Full and confident are two things that make sayains deadly. With a mercurial look in her eye, she headed out of the eating hall to a corridor which lead to the outside where she could see Turles and Radditz standing and talking.

Suddenly, a scream pierced the quite air. Kakkarot ran to where he had last heard the feminine noise. Now the silence was replaced by the alarm going off on a watch. He dashed down the corridor that lead outside. He heard the watch alarm sound grow louder so he knew he was going down the correct hall. His eyes fell upon the watch on Lena's wrist which the alarm had gone off now. (The time told: 16:55, the hour of her birth.) That's where he found her. She was crouched against the wall when he had entered. She looked as if in great pain because she was clutching her cheekbone so hard that it looked like she had drawn blood on her cheek. Bardock appeared quickly behind him. He looked extremely worried, then chuckled at the sight. Kakkarot looked at him as if he could not believe that this was a laughing matter. Bardock came over, and soothed Lena's hand. After the pinkness returned to the white knuckles, Lena let Bardock take her hand away from her left cheek. That's where Kakkarot saw a mark on her cheek, right below her cheekbone. It was a blood red (tiger) strip. The elongated triangle seemed to end right under her jawbone. Lena's breathing slowed considerably to show that the pain had gone. Both Kakkarot and Bardock let out a breath that they both didn't seem to have known that they were holding. Bardock (forcefully) excused Kakkarot out of the hall, and into the kitchen, where Turles and Radditz were waiting. When he returned, he told Lena all about her mark, and how she was now of Age. He explained about the mate thing, but she didn't seem to care- she had no urge to mate. Her will was instead to fight. (Amazingly enough...) After thirty minutes, Bardock helped Lena up by the arm, and went back to the kitchen to get Kakkarot. Lena proceed out the door to which she had originally intended to exit.

She walked out the door to join Turles and Radditz. (They left out the back way of the kitchen...) "Hey, boyz. Whatcha talkin' about?" She said with a sparkle of genuine curiosity in her eye. She was battle hungry. Turles and Radditz looked shocked at her mark, and how she didn't seem the least bit changed. Her obsession is to fight not mate...

"Hey, guys!" Kakkarot called as he ran out, breaking the short, silent stand off. The three of them looked at him. That caused Turles to snap out of the trance of shock that he was in.

Turles snatched up Kakkarot by the arm, and began to leave the conversation. "Bro? You go!"

"Go? Go where?" Lena said turning to Radditz as Turles and Kakkarot walked off leaving her and Radditz alone. Kakkarot was pitching a huge fuss. He wanted to fight Lena.

Radditz knelt at Lena's feet. (Turles and Kakkarot were watching from a far.) "Lena? I don't want us to part without you knowing my love for you." He lost his confidence as she stared unbelievingly. "I love it when you are around," He stated as he pulled out a small, smooth platinum ring, "and I know I love you." He smiled.

Lena choked on her words, but somehow managed. "Listen? Radditz?... I know we both are a little old to be single, but I don't think I'm right for you.... No hard feelings, bro." She said as she laid a hand on his shoulder, and a peck on his outer cheek.

Radditz looked away as she walked off. "I hope you change your mind when we meet again." he hung his head, *That hurt!* he thought.

(The bouts started later that day, but Lena and Radditz acted estranged to one another. Lena let Kakkarot win in their match because he was so cute when he was so happy.)


Kakkarot was blasted as soon as Prince Vegeta found out about the kiss (in the palace), which really meant nothing to Kakkarot, but Prince Vegeta knew it meant something to Lena, so he got jealous. Turles was sprung to a distant star to destroy some "mighty tree" gang that destroyed one of the saiyan profit planets (he turns traitor in "Tree of Might": DBZ movie). We enter as Radditz was about to be blasted off.


(A/N: This is sorta a Casablanca scene, sayain style, so bare with me for I have never fully seen it. And. If you would, as you read this, set it to some "farewell" music for this is a good-bye scene.)

Lena stood at the doorway to the loading bay. Radditz had three minutes till blast-off. Lena shrugged against the wall with her arms folded. Radditz appeared from off to the side of the hall. As he approached, Lena looked up at him. He came in front of her, so they were face to face. She stood up, and Radditz gave her a huge hug, considering that she was some inches shorter. (In fact, he was 6 ft. 6, and Lena was only 5ft. 8in.) Lena hugged him back, and she rested her head in his neck. Radditz grunted in response. They had grown very close over the last year or so. It was terrible that the plan had to end like this. Lena would have to stay on Vegeta-sye because she was head of the military, and Radditz would be leaving with other sayains.

"Radditz, I sorry you have to leave. I'll take good care of your father." Lena said as he released her from his bear hug.

Radditz pulled out a ring from the inside 'heart' pocket of his armor. "Will you this time?" He said as he flashed her a smile.

"Radditz,..." She trailed off. "Next, my sweet, next time. I'm just not ready, yet."

Radditz shook his head. He couldn't argue he was nervous about it too. He agreed.

"Until next we meet, Aventó." She said before she gave him a farewell kiss. 30 seconds was called on time, and they parted. He lazily strolled back to his pod. Both wore a smile as Lena waved Radditz off. She hoped they'd meet again at a later time, a later date, and be a little more mature before settling down. Besides, he had only been her boyfriend for a year or two. She was only 17, and he only 18, both still very young.

Next chapter is 'Inspection of Devotion', it has some way PG13 thirteen scenes, and some may even consider them 'R', but I don't.

----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------

So If you dare,

go alone and read ahead,

beware for you maybe

trapped in my snare.

A little poetic side of me... Anyway, that was my little Happy Halloween to all my readers. (That's the last time I worked on this...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

That was my old Author's Note, I had published it near Halloween, but I thought I'd leave it in anyway.

Skip around the next chapter to find where 'Inspection of Devotion' ends to skip the sensual parts. It is not majorly related to the main plot, but it does have a little to do with Lena's personality toward Frieza. A little background info., if you will.

----------------- So if you dare, come read my scare in my lair. *evil chuckle* -----------------